def SurroundingRegion(self, Point, UTCTimestamp, MaxDistanceDifference=100, Above25000=True): Return = [] for Waypoint in self.Waypoints: DistanceToWaypointKilometers = Geography.DistanceBetweenPoints( Waypoint["Position"], Point) # if the time difference is < 1 hour, the distance is < 50, and the altitude is > 25000 if ( (Above25000 and Waypoint["Altitude"] > 25000) or (not Above25000 and Waypoint["Altitude"] < 25000) ) and DistanceToWaypointKilometers <= MaxDistanceDifference and abs( UTCTimestamp - Waypoint["Timestamp"]) < 3600: WindVector = Geometry.VectorFromSpeedBearing( Waypoint["WindSpeed"], Waypoint["WindDirection"]) Return.append(WindVector) return Return