예제 #1
    print g.vertexWithMostAdj()
    print ""
    print "What else would you like to know?"
    print "0 = artists similar to a given artist"
    print "1 = if an artist is connected to another artist through similar artists"
    print "To exit, type 'exit' at any time"
    while True:
        cmnd = raw_input()

        if cmnd == "0":
            cmnd = raw_input("Please specify an artist: ")

            if cmnd in artists:
                print "Similar artists include: "
                sim = g.getAdj(cmnd)
                for s in sim: print s

                print ""
                print "What else would you like to know?"
                print "0 = artists similar to a given artist"
                print "1 = if an artist is connected to another artist through similar artists"
                print "To exit, type 'exit' at any time"               
                print "I'm sorry, we aren't that hip."
                print "We don't have any information on that artist."
                print "Try another one?"

        elif cmnd == "1":
            cmnd = raw_input("Please specify the first artist: ")
            foo = raw_input("Please specify the second artist: ")