def create_connectivity(agents, p, type='undirected_random'): if type == 'directed_random': conn = gg.random_undirected_graph(agents, p) elif type == 'spatial_random': conn = gg.spatial_random_graph(agents, p) elif type == 'hierarchy': conn = gg.hierarchy_graph(agents) for agent in agents[1:]: agent.uses_knowledge = False if p==1: ##team leaders can do filtering for agent in agents[1:5]: agent.uses_knowledge = True elif type == 'collaborative': conn = gg.collaborative_graph(agents) for agent in agents[1:]: agent.uses_knowledge = False if p==1: ##team leaders can do filtering for agent in agents[1:5]: agent.uses_knowledge = True else: conn = gg.random_directed_graph(agents, p) for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) if type in ['hierarchy', 'collaborative']: return (1, len(agents)) else: cc_conn = nx.connected_components(conn) ## return the number of connected components and ## the size of the largest connected component return (len(cc_conn), len(cc_conn[0]))
def create_connectivity(agents, p, type='undirected_random'): if type == 'directed_random': conn = gg.random_undirected_graph(agents, p) elif type == 'spatial_random': conn = gg.spatial_random_graph(agents, p) elif type == 'hierarchy': conn = gg.hierarchy_graph(agents) for agent in agents[1:]: agent.uses_knowledge = False if p == 1: ##team leaders can do filtering for agent in agents[1:5]: agent.uses_knowledge = True elif type == 'collaborative': conn = gg.collaborative_graph(agents) for agent in agents[1:]: agent.uses_knowledge = False if p == 1: ##team leaders can do filtering for agent in agents[1:5]: agent.uses_knowledge = True else: conn = gg.random_directed_graph(agents, p) for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) if type in ['hierarchy', 'collaborative']: return (1, len(agents)) else: cc_conn = nx.connected_components(conn) ## return the number of connected components and ## the size of the largest connected component return (len(cc_conn), len(cc_conn[0]))
def main(nodes, numberOfTests): for k in range(0, numberOfTests): gen = GraphGen(nodes) g = gen.randomMaxDeg4Graph() partition = Alg.localCutAlg(g) result = Verifier.partitionCheck(g, partition) if len(result[1]) > 1: Verifier.graphDisplay(g, partition, result[1])
def create_connectivity(agents, p, type='undirected_random'): properties = {'graph_type' : type, 'connection_probability' : p} conn = gg.create_graph_type(agents, properties)[0] for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) if type in ['hierarchy', 'collaborative']: return (1, len(agents)) else: cc_conn = nx.connected_components(conn) ## return the number of connected components and ## the size of the largest connected component return (len(cc_conn), len(cc_conn[0]))
def main(): nodes = 5 gen = GraphGen.GraphGen(nodes) g = gen.random4RegularGraph() (m, b, mArr, bArr, x) = create_mbx(g) c = createC(g) checkIP(mArr, bArr, x) f = open('ip.m', 'w') #write mathematica script f.write("Print[LinearProgramming[" + c + ", " + m + ", " + b + ", " + "0" + ", " + "Integers]]") f.close() solution = executeMathematicaScript() gNewWeights = makeNewG(g, solution) print(checkNewG(gNewWeights, g))
if __name__ =="__main__": p = {} gtypes = [('erdos_renyi_graph', 20, 0.15, 3)] #gtypes = [('random', 20, 0.15, 3), \ #('random', 200, 0.03, 3), \ #('watts_strogatz_graph', 20, 0.1, 5), \ #('watts_strogatz_graph', 200, 0.01, 8), \ #('barabasi_albert_graph', 20, 0.1, 10), \ #('barabasi_albert_graph', 200, 0.01, 20), \ #] #gtypes = [('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 3), \ #('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 8), \ #('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 15), \ #] for (g,x,y,z) in gtypes: p['graph_type'] = g p['num_agents'] = x p['connection_probability'] = y p['num_nodes_to_attach'] = z ag = range(p['num_agents']) (conn, stats) = gg.create_graph_type(ag,p) print (p) print ("Connected components:", stats['num_cc']) histogram(stats, 20*(1+int(p['num_agents']/60)))
#---------------------- Import Patrick-Generated Nodes ----------------------# # terrain = Terrain(800, 150) # p("terrain created") # nodes_all, dim = Utils.importNodes_PatrickSim("../inputs/", node_type="hon") # val_time_1 = 243 # val_pos_1 = (700,125) # val_rad = 40 #--------------------------------- Analysis ---------------------------------# p("input loaded") graph_gen = GraphGen(nodes_all, val_time_1, val_pos_1, val_rad) p("graph made") nodes_val = graph_gen.nodes_val comm_plan_original, key2idx, potential_conns = graph_gen.genCommPlan() p("comm plan made") comm_plan_modified = Adversary.impersonation(nodes_val, comm_plan_original) p("impersonation done") sim_conns_original = graph_gen.genSimuConns(comm_plan_modified) p("connections simulated") sim_conns_modified = Adversary.dissemination(nodes_val, comm_plan_original, sim_conns_original) p("dissemination done") id2edges = graph_gen.formEdges(sim_conns_modified, potential_conns, key2idx) p("edges formed") results = SybilDetection.runDetectionAlgorithms(nodes_val, id2edges)
def run_simulation_one_graph(properties, outfile): facts = range(properties["num_facts"] + properties["num_noise"]) agents = [] for i in xrange(properties["num_agents"]): agents.append( Agent.Agent( properties["willingness"], properties["competence"], properties["num_facts"], properties["num_noise"], properties["spamminess"], properties["selfishness"], properties["trust_used"], properties["inbox_trust_used"], properties["trust_filter_on"], ) ) ## Create agent graph conn, stats = gg.create_graph_type(agents, properties) for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) nodes_to_try = top_nodes(stats) # print "Nodes", nodes_to_try for current_agent in nodes_to_try: # print "New node", current_agent agents[current_agent].capacity = 50 ##set one agent to high capacity node_stats = current_agent_stats(current_agent, stats) ## Distribute facts to agents for i in facts: for j in xrange(properties["agent_per_fact"]): ## find a random agent, and distribute fact i k = random.randint(0, properties["num_agents"] - 1) agents[k].add_fact(i) ## Initialize agents to send everything that they think is valuable ## in their outbox for agent in agents: agent.init_outbox() action_list = [] all_stats = ss.SimulationStats( properties["num_facts"], properties["num_noise"], stats["num_cc"], stats["largest_cc"] ) ##actual simulation starts here for i in xrange(properties["num_steps"]): x = one_step_simulation(agents) action_list.append(x) if i % 100 == 0: all_stats.update_stats(agents, i) summary_results = all_stats.process_sa() results = {} results["setup"] = properties results["total_filtered"] = summary_results["total_filtered"] results["num_cc"] = summary_results["num_cc"] results["size_lcc"] = summary_results["size_lcc"] results["summary_results"] = summary_results results["all_sa"] = results["all_comm"] = all_stats.comm results["all_sa0"] = all_stats.sa0 results["all_comm0"] = all_stats.comm0 results["steps"] = all_stats.steps results["node_stats"] = node_stats add_to_output(results, outfile) for agent in agents: agent.clear() agent.capacity = 1
relevant_sentences = sorted(list(total)) dep_props = {'annotators': 'depparse', 'pipelineLanguage': 'en'} depparsed = {} for sentence_idx in tqdm(relevant_sentences): depparsed[sentence_idx] = [ sent[dep_type] for sent in json.loads( nlp.annotate(corpus[sentence_idx], properties=dep_props)) ['sentences'] ] annotator = lambda x: json.loads(nlp.annotate(x, properties=dep_props)) for qdata in tqdm(data): qdata['edges'] = graph.get_edge_list(qdata, depparse, annotator, depth=depth, n_neighbors=top_k_neighbors, dep_type=dep_type) for qdata in tqdm(data): graph.prune_graph(qdata, tags_to_remove, stop_words) for qdata in tqdm(data): sentential_nodes_to_idx, doc_neighbors, match_neighbors = graph.get_final_graph_representation( qdata, directed=False) qdata['sentential_nodes_to_idx'] = sentential_nodes_to_idx qdata['doc_neighbors'] = doc_neighbors qdata['match_neighbors'] = match_neighbors qdata['question_idx'] = set([ v for k, v in qdata['sentential_nodes_to_idx'].items() if k[0] == 'question'
exit(0) if real_k >= n: print("K must be less than N\n") exit(0) k = None print("N = " + str(n) + "\n") print("K = " + str(real_k) + "\n") # generate blob clusters data, cluster_designation = DataGen.generate_data(n, d, real_k) # generate concentric circles # data, cluster_designation = DataGen.generate_circles(n, k, d) # generate weight matrix from observations weights = GraphGen.get_weight_matrix(n, data) # create diagonal matrix based on weight matrix diagonal = GraphGen.get_diagonal_degree_matrix(n, weights) # calculate the graph laplacian laplacian = GraphGen.get_laplacian_matrix(n, diagonal, weights) # use QR iteration to find eigen values/vectors # e_vectors, e_values_diag = qr_iter(laplacian, n) try: ret = qr_c.calc_eigen_values_vectors(laplacian.tolist(), n) except: exit(0) e_vectors = np.array(ret[1]) e_values_diag = np.array(ret[0]) # place eigen values in a diagonal matrix
def run_simulation_one_graph(properties, outfile): facts = range(properties['num_facts']+properties['num_noise']) agents = [] all_results = [] for i in xrange(properties['num_agents']): agents.append ( SimpleAgent.SimpleAgent(properties['willingness'],\ properties['competence'],\ properties['num_facts'],\ properties['num_noise'],\ properties['spamminess'],\ properties['selfishness'],\ properties['trust_used'],\ properties['inbox_trust_used'],\ properties['trust_filter_on'], twitter_model = properties['twitter_model'])) ## Create agent graph conn, stats = gg.create_graph_type(agents, properties) for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) nodes_to_try = top_nodes (stats) #print "Nodes", nodes_to_try for current_agent in nodes_to_try: #print "New node", current_agent if current_agent != -1: agents[current_agent].capacity = 10 ##set one agent to high capacity node_stats = current_agent_stats (current_agent, stats) agent_to_track = current_agent else: node_stats = {} agent_to_track = 0 ## Distribute facts to agents for i in facts: for j in xrange(properties['agent_per_fact']): ## find a random agent, and distribute fact i k = random.randint(0,properties['num_agents']-1) agents[k].knowledge.add(i) ## Initialize agents to send everything that they think is valuable ## in their outbox for agent in agents: agent.init_outbox() #action_list = [] all_stats = ss.SimpleSimulationStats(properties['num_facts'],\ properties['num_noise'],\ stats['num_cc'], stats['largest_cc'], \ properties['sa_increment'],\ agent_to_track) ##actual simulation starts here for i in xrange(properties['num_steps']): x = one_step_simulation(agents) #action_list.append(x) if i%properties['statistic_taking_frequency'] == 0: all_stats.update_stats(agents,i) summary_results = all_stats.process_sa() results = {} results['setup'] = properties results['graph_type'] = properties['graph_type'] results['total_filtered'] = summary_results['total_filtered'] results['num_cc'] = summary_results['num_cc'] results['size_lcc'] = summary_results['size_lcc'] results['summary_results'] = summary_results results['all_sa'] = results['all_comm'] = all_stats.comm results['all_sa0'] = all_stats.sa0 results['all_comm0'] = all_stats.comm0 results['steps'] = all_stats.steps results['node_stats'] = node_stats add_to_output(all_results, results, outfile) for agent in agents: agent.clear() agent.capacity = 1 flush_results(all_results, outfile)
collision_delta=delta) nodes_all = np.concatenate([nodes_syb, nodes_mal, nodes_hon]) val_time = 0 val_pos = (w, h) val_rad = 60 id_to_node = { node for node in nodes_all} gui = GUI(terrain, id_to_node) syb_node = nodes_syb[0] mal_node = nodes_mal[0] syb_pos = syb_node.getPos(0) mal_poss = [mal_node.getPos(0) for mal_node in nodes_mal] graph_gen = GraphGen(nodes_all, val_time, val_pos, val_rad) nodes_val = graph_gen.nodes_val #------ TEST 1: AVERAGE DIFFERENCE IN DISTANCES TO SYB VS MAL ------# for i in range(len(nodes_hon)): hon_pos = nodes_hon[i].getPos(0) syb_dist = ((syb_pos[0] - hon_pos[0])**2 + (syb_pos[1] - hon_pos[1])**2)**0.5 mal_pos = mal_poss[i % NUM_MAL] mal_dist = ((mal_pos[0] - hon_pos[0])**2 + (mal_pos[1] - hon_pos[1])**2)**0.5 GLOBAL_DIST_DIFF += [abs(syb_dist - mal_dist)] #-------------------------------------------------------------------# #------------ TEST 2: FLIPPING COINS BASED ON DISTANCES ------------# # id_to_edges = {[],[]}
def run_simulation_one_graph(properties, outfile): facts = range(properties['num_facts'] + properties['num_noise']) agents = [] all_results = [] for i in xrange(properties['num_agents']): agents.append ( SimpleAgent.SimpleAgent(properties['willingness'],\ properties['competence'],\ properties['num_facts'],\ properties['num_noise'],\ properties['spamminess'],\ properties['selfishness'],\ properties['trust_used'],\ properties['inbox_trust_used'],\ properties['trust_filter_on'], twitter_model = properties['twitter_model'])) ## Create agent graph conn, stats = gg.create_graph_type(agents, properties) for agent1 in conn.nodes(): agent1.connect_to(conn.neighbors(agent1)) nodes_to_try = top_nodes(stats) #print "Nodes", nodes_to_try for current_agent in nodes_to_try: #print "New node", current_agent if current_agent != -1: agents[ current_agent].capacity = 10 ##set one agent to high capacity node_stats = current_agent_stats(current_agent, stats) agent_to_track = current_agent else: node_stats = {} agent_to_track = 0 ## Distribute facts to agents for i in facts: for j in xrange(properties['agent_per_fact']): ## find a random agent, and distribute fact i k = random.randint(0, properties['num_agents'] - 1) agents[k].knowledge.add(i) ## Initialize agents to send everything that they think is valuable ## in their outbox for agent in agents: agent.init_outbox() #action_list = [] all_stats = ss.SimpleSimulationStats(properties['num_facts'],\ properties['num_noise'],\ stats['num_cc'], stats['largest_cc'], \ properties['sa_increment'],\ agent_to_track) ##actual simulation starts here for i in xrange(properties['num_steps']): x = one_step_simulation(agents) #action_list.append(x) if i % properties['statistic_taking_frequency'] == 0: all_stats.update_stats(agents, i) summary_results = all_stats.process_sa() results = {} results['setup'] = properties results['graph_type'] = properties['graph_type'] results['total_filtered'] = summary_results['total_filtered'] results['num_cc'] = summary_results['num_cc'] results['size_lcc'] = summary_results['size_lcc'] results['summary_results'] = summary_results results['all_sa'] = results['all_comm'] = all_stats.comm results['all_sa0'] = all_stats.sa0 results['all_comm0'] = all_stats.comm0 results['steps'] = all_stats.steps results['node_stats'] = node_stats add_to_output(all_results, results, outfile) for agent in agents: agent.clear() agent.capacity = 1 flush_results(all_results, outfile) if __name__ == "__main__": p = {} gtypes = [('random', 20, 0.15, 3), \ ('random', 200, 0.03, 3), \ ('watts_strogatz_graph', 20, 0.1, 5), \ ('watts_strogatz_graph', 200, 0.01, 8), \ ('barabasi_albert_graph', 20, 0.1, 10), \ ('barabasi_albert_graph', 200, 0.01, 20), \ ] gtypes = [('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 3), \ ('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 8), \ ('watts_strogatz_graph', 40, 0.1, 15), \ ] for (g, x, y, z) in gtypes: p['graph_type'] = g p['num_agents'] = x p['connection_probability'] = y p['num_nodes_to_attach'] = z ag = range(p['num_agents']) (conn, stats) = gg.create_graph_type(ag, p) print p print "Connected components:", stats['num_cc'] histogram(stats, 20 * (1 + int(p['num_agents'] / 60)))