def initiateGraphics(self, graphics=Graphics.Basic(), id_frame=0): = graphics # Use this canvas for plotting etc if graphics != 0: self.id_frame = id_frame self.displace = np.array(graphics.get_canvas_displacement( id_frame)) # This is where the plotting starts self.wall_displace = np.append(self.displace, np.array([0, 0])) self.screen = graphics.screen self.frameside = graphics.frameside * graphics.canvas_prop
def __init__(self, graphics=Graphics.Basic(), id_frame=0): # STATE self.q = None self.x = None self.q_goal = None self.x_goal = None self.x_Glob = None self.walls = [] # GRAPHICS # To use graphics you need a module '', to not use graphics, use graphics = 0 self.initiateGraphics(graphics, id_frame)
def __init__(self, graphics=Graphics.Basic(), id_frame=0, ip_address=None, stiffHS=None, stiffReach=None): super(Nao, self).__init__(graphics, id_frame) if ip_address is None: ip_address = str(raw_input('Enter IP_ADDRESS: ')) IP_ADRESS = ip_address PORT = 9559 prox = qi.Session() prox.connect("tcp://" + IP_ADRESS + ":" + str(PORT)) self.body = BodyNao.Body(prox) self.body.relax() time.sleep(4) x = self.body.get_x() q = self.body.get_q() self.x = x self.q = q self.x_old = copy.deepcopy(x) self.q_old = copy.deepcopy(q) self.q_goal = copy.deepcopy(q) if stiffHS is None: stiffHS = body.STIFFNESS if stiffReach is None: stiffReach = body.STIFFNESS self.stiffReach = stiffReach self.stiffHS = stiffHS
def __init__(self, graphics=Graphics.Basic(), id_frame=0, random_start=False, armLength=1.0, dof=100, q_start=None, wall_setting=-1, nSteps=20, maxStep=1.): super(Arm, self).__init__(graphics, id_frame) # THE AGENT # General settings self.dof = dof # Degrees of freedom self.dim = [2, dof] # [dim(task), dim(posture)] self.segLen = armLength / dof # Length of an arm segment self.aMax = np.pi # Max angle on joint (<= pi) self.wall_setting = wall_setting self.armLength = armLength # Start conditions - this is overwritten if 'random_start' or 'm_start' is given. aStart = 1. * 4 * np.pi / dof self.angles = np.linspace(aStart, aStart / 4, dof) # Start in a spiral self.angle_old = self.angles self.angle_drawn = self.angles # For graphics self.root = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) # Position of arm's base self.angleStart = copy.deepcopy(self.angles) self.angleGoal = np.zeros(dof) # start by unfolding # THE UPDATES self.firstRound = True self.updateSteps = nSteps self.stepsLeft = nSteps # Number of steps of motion self.maxStep = maxStep # How far a joint can travel in one transition (speedlimit) # THE ENVIRONMENT cW = 0.2 # corridor width wW = 0.02 # wall thickness self.walls = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]]) choice = wall_setting # Add walls if choice == 0: self.walls = np.array([[.2, .2, .2, .2]]) elif choice == 1: self.walls = np.array([[1 - cW - wW, 2 * cW, wW, 2 * cW], [0., 4 * cW, 1 - cW, wW]]) elif choice == 2: cW = 1. / 6 self.walls = np.array([[cW, 1.5 * cW, wW, 1 - 3 * cW], [1 - wW - cW, 1.5 * cW, wW, 1 - 3 * cW]]) elif choice == 3: self.walls = np.array([[1.5 * cW, cW, 1 - 3 * cW, wW], [1.5 * cW, 1 - wW - cW, 1 - 3 * cW, wW], [cW, 1.5 * cW, wW, 1 - 3 * cW], [1 - wW - cW, 1.5 * cW, wW, 1 - 3 * cW]]) elif choice == 4: # One u-shaped wall above self.walls = np.array([[1 - cW - wW, cW, wW, cW], [cW, cW, 1 - 2 * cW, wW], [cW, cW, wW, cW]]) elif choice == 5: # One u-shaped wall bellow self.walls = np.array([[cW, 1 - cW - wW, 1 - 2 * cW, wW], [1 - cW - wW, 1 - 2 * cW, wW, cW], [cW, 1 - 2 * cW, wW, cW]]) elif choice == 6: # Simple wall bellow self.walls = np.array([[2 * cW, 1 - cW - wW, cW, wW]]) elif choice == 7: # Long wall above self.walls = np.array([[cW, 1 - cW, 1 - 2 * cW, wW]]) elif choice == 8: # cross self.walls = np.array([[.5 - .5 * wW, 0, wW, cW], [.5 - .5 * wW, 1 - cW, wW, cW], [0, .5 - .5 * wW, cW, wW], [1 - cW, .5 - .5 * wW, cW, wW]]) # INITIAL UPDATE if random_start: q_start = self.get_random_posture() self.angles = self.q2ang(q_start) elif q_start is not None: self.angles = self.q2ang(q_start) else: # Move arm until it is stopped self.step() self.firstRound = False