def __init__(self): global debug, font_width, font_height, con, panel, ps, fov_noise, savefiles, baseitems, prefix, suffix, tiles, monsters IO.load_settings() debug = dbg.Debug() debug.enable = True for key, value in fonts.items(): if setting_font == key: libtcod.console_set_custom_font(value['file'], libtcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | libtcod.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW) font_width = value['width'] font_height = value['height'] self.init_root_console() #libtcod.console_init_root(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'Immortal ' + VERSION, False) con = libtcod.console_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) panel = libtcod.console_new(MESSAGE_WIDTH, MESSAGE_HEIGHT) ps = libtcod.console_new(PLAYER_STATS_WIDTH, PLAYER_STATS_HEIGHT) fov_noise = libtcod.noise_new(1, 1.0, 1.0) savefiles = [f for f in os.listdir('saves') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('saves', f))] IO.load_high_scores() baseitems = BaseItemList() baseitems.init_parser() prefix = PrefixList() prefix.init_parser() suffix = SuffixList() suffix.init_parser() tiles = mapgen.TileList() tiles.init_parser() monsters = MonsterList() monsters.init_parser() self.main_menu()
def testAll(date): path = '/Users/Esmidth/Documents/Github/TushareMod/DataBase' + date.__str__() + '/' files = os.listdir(path) dic = {} profits = [] idd = 1 # lenth = len(sh.DataBase20151106) length = len(files) ''' for x in sh.DataBase20151106: profit = MACDMethod(IO.load(path + x + '.xlsx')) * 100 dic[profit] = x vals.append(profit) print("%.2f%% %s Done\t Profit: %s%%" % (100 * i / lenth, x, profit)) i += 1 ''' for file in files: profit = MACDMethod(IO.load(path + file)) * 100 dic[profit] = file profits.append(profit) print("%.2f%% %s Done\t Profit: %s%%" % (100 * idd / length, file, profit)) idd += 1 profits = sorted(profits) profits.reverse() idd = 1 for profit in profits: print("#%s\t%s:\t%.2f%%" % (idd, dic[profit], profit)) idd += 1 IO.outputToExcel('2016_04_12', dic, profits)
def map_temp(): for i in range(start, len(redshifts)): filename = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "map_temper_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".dat" temp_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "Temper3D_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin" tfile = c2t.TemperFile(temp_filename) IO.writemap(tfile.temper, filename) print "Writen map to " + filename
def __init__(self,ballfn,stickfn): self.orientdict = {} # stick orientation dict self.typedict = {} # stick type dict balldat = IO.read_balls(ballfn) stickdat = IO.read_sticks(stickfn) ball1s = stickdat['BALL1'] ball2s = stickdat['BALL2'] types = stickdat['TYPE'] # loop over sticks for i in range(len(stickdat)): # make sure 1st endball id always less than or eq to 2nd endball id id1 = min(ball1s[i], ball2s[i]) id2 = max(ball1s[i], ball2s[i]) self.typedict[(id1,id2)] = types[i] coord1 = balldat[id1].coords # ball1 coord coord2 = balldat[id2].coords # ball2 coord stick = coord1 - coord2 # stick vector so = stick / np.linalg.norm(stick) # stick orientation so = so.reshape((1,3)) # calculate sblock # sblock(ijpair)=| ll lm ln | # | lm mm mn | # | ln mn nn | self.orientdict[id1, id2] =,so)
def run(self, *args): result = list(args) for (validate, function) in self._stream: if not validate(*result): return result result = [function(*result)] for res in result: IO.debug(res) return result
def ada_boost_dt(): """ Submission: ada_boost_dt_0707_03.csv E_val: 0.854350 E_in: 0.889561 E_out: 0.8832315976033993 """ from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) ab = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=300) scores = cross_val_score(ab, X_scaled, y, cv=5, n_jobs=-1) logger.debug('CV: %s', scores) logger.debug('E_val: %f', sum(scores) / len(scores)), y) logger.debug('E_in: %f', Util.auc_score(ab, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('ab', ab)]), 'ada_boost_dt_0707_03')
def bagging_lr(): """ Submission: bagging_lr_0707_02.csv E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) bag = BaggingClassifier(LogisticRegression(class_weight='auto'), n_estimators=3000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, verbose=2) logger.debug('E_val (oob): %f', bag.oob_score_) logger.debug('E_in: %f', Util.auc_score(bag, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('bag', bag)]), 'bagging_lr_0707_02')
def rf2(): """ Submission: rf2_0704_04.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.871431 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 30000 trees E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto', max_features='log2'), y) logger.debug('Eval(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('rf.RandomForestClassifier.log2.pkl')) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('rf', rf)]), 'rf2_0704_04')
def solve(self): running = True while running: # Run techniques to remove any possible values from cells result1 = self.double() result2 = self.hidden_double() result3 = self.pointing_double() result4 = self.triple() result5 = self.hidden_triple() result6 = self.quad() result7 = self.hidden_quad() result8 = self.x_wing() result9 = self.swordfish() # Process finding singles last as previous steps will have removed more possible values result10 = self.single() result11 = self.hidden_single() # Hidden doubles/triples/quads will only return true if they have removed anything. # Single and Hidden single will also only return true if a single was found. running = result1 or result2 or result3 or result4 or result5 or result6 or result7 or result8 or result9 \ or result10 or result11 IO.print_board(self.board.raw_board) solved_board, result = BruteForce.smart_brute_force(self.board) IO.print_board(solved_board) return solved_board, result
def lr_with_scale2(): """ Submission: lr_with_scale2_0704_03.csv E_val: E_in: 0.878996 E_out: 0.8768131004917349 """ from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=50, cv=5, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto'), y) logger.debug('Best C: %f', clf.C_[0]) logger.debug('Cs: %s', clf.Cs_) logger.debug('Grid scores: %f', clf.scores_) logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(clf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('lr', clf)]), 'lr_with_scale2_0704_03')
def lr_with_scale3(): """ Check the performance of normalizing TEST SET. Submission: lr_with_scale3_0707_04.csv E_val: E_in: 0.879233 E_out: 0.8770121701777971 Submission: lr_with_scale3_0712_01.csv E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler()[X, dataset.load_test()]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) clf = LogisticRegression(C=0.03, class_weight='auto'), y) logger.debug('E_in: %f', Util.auc_score(clf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('lr', clf)]), 'lr_with_scale3_0712_01') scores = cross_val_score(clf, X_scaled, y, scoring='roc_auc', n_jobs=-1) logger.debug('E_val: %f <- %s', np.average(scores), scores)
def map_dbt_lightcone(): for i in range(0, len(redshifts)): # print 'filename: setup_dirs.resultsdir()+'map_dbt_lightcone_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i])+'.dat' filename = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "map_dbt_lightcone_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".dat" temp_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "Temper3D_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin" xfrac_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "xfrac3d_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin" if i % 2 == 0: density_filename = ( "/research/prace/244Mpc_RT/244Mpc_f2_8.2pS_250/coarser_densities/" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + "n_all.dat" ) else: density_filename = ( "/research/prace/244Mpc_RT/244Mpc_f2_8.2pS_250/coarser_densities/" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i - 1]) + "n_all.dat" ) tfile = c2t.TemperFile(temp_filename) xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename).xi if ss == " ": dfile = c2t.DensityFile(density_filename).cgs_density else: dfile = np.ones(ss ** 3).reshape(ss, ss, ss) * 1.981e-10 * (1 + redshifts[i]) ** 3 dT_box = c2t.calc_dt_full_lightcone(xfile, tfile, dfile, redshifts[i]) IO.writemap(dT_box, filename) print "Written map to " + filename
def getnewsitem2(url): f = urllib2.urlopen(url) rawhtml = #rawhtml = rawhtml.encode('iso-8859-9') f.close() encoding = f.headers['content-type'].split('charset=')[-1] markerTitle1 = '<title>' markerTitle2 = '</title>' title = extractitem(markerTitle1, markerTitle2, rawhtml) title = IO.encodingToutf8(title, encoding) title = title.split("/")[0] title = IO.replaceSpecialChars(title) markerText1 = '<div id="metin2" class="fck_li">' markerText2 = '<div class="IndexKeywordsHeader"' # veya 'id="hiddenTitle"' text = extractitem(markerText1, markerText2, rawhtml) text = nltk.clean_html(text) text = IO.encodingToutf8(text, encoding) text = IO.replaceSpecialChars(text) return NewsItem(title, "", text, "")
def lightcone_stats(s='',ht=''): infile = setup_dirs.resultsdir()+'dbt_lightcone_smooth'+ht+'.bin' zfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+'dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin','rb') meanfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'mean'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w') skewnessfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'skewness'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w') kurtosisfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'kurtosis'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w') rmsfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'rms'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w') redshiftfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'zs'+'_'+ht+'.dat','w') lc = np.load(infile) zs = np.load(zfile) ratio=4. #smoothing ratio Lbox=244./0.7 #boxsize in cMpc SLbox=Lbox/ratio #size of smoothing box Nbox=250 #number of cells SNbox=int(Nbox/ratio)+1 #new number of cells print Lbox, SLbox, Nbox, SNbox for i in range(len(zs)-SNbox/2-2,SNbox/2,-1): mapfile=setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_map_'+ht+str('%.3f'%zs[i])+'.bin' print "Doing redshift: " + str(zs[i]) data,dims = c2t.get_lightcone_subvolume(lc,zs,zs[i],depth_mpc=SLbox,subtract_mean=False) IO.writebin(data,mapfile) redshiftfile.write(str(zs[i])+'\n') meanfile.write(str(np.mean(data))+'\n') rmsfile.write(str(np.sqrt(np.var(data)))+'\n') skewnessfile.write(str(c2t.statistics.skewness(data.flatten()))+'\n') kurtosisfile.write(str(c2t.statistics.kurtosis(data.flatten()))+'\n') print "Written statistics"
class Parser(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self,filename): ''' Constructor ''' = IO(filename); def parse_line(self,separator = " "): matrice = [] for line in : if separator != None : line = line.replace("\n","") tab = line.split(separator) i = 0 for elem in tab : tab[i] = float(elem) i+=1 matrice.append(tab) return matrice
def fileSave(self): if (self.fileName == ""): self.fileSaveAs() else: IO.saveSquadra(self.squadra, self.fileName) self.ui.actionSave.setEnabled(False) self.isModified = False
def smoothed_lightcone_dbt(id="", ht=""): infile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone" + ht + ".bin", "rb") outfile = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_smooth" + ht + ".bin" zfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin", "rb") dT_box = np.load(infile) log = open("stats.dat", "w") zs = np.load(zfile) dT_box3 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :]))) dT_box2 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :]))) for z in range(len(dT_box[1, 1, :]) - 1, -1, -1): wl = 0.21 * (1 + zs[z]) c = 299792.458 omm = 0.27 oml = 0.73 omr = 0.0 omk = 1.0 - omm - oml - omr H0 = 70.0 def integrand(x, omm, oml, omr, omk): return 1.0 / np.sqrt(omr * ((1 + x) ** 4) + omm * ((1 + x) ** 3) + oml + omk * ((1 + x) ** 2)) def dc(z, omm, oml, omr, omk): return quad(integrand, 0, z, args=(omm, oml, omr, omk))[0] # /(1.0+z) vec_dc = np.vectorize(dc) bw_r = wl / (2.0e3) # radians bw = bw_r * 3437.74677 # arcminutesi log.write("Wavelength of 21-cm from redshift " + str(zs[z]) + " is " + str(wl) + "m\n") log.write("At redshift: " + str(zs[z]) + " smoothing with a " + str(bw) + " arc minute beam.\n") rc = bw_r * c / H0 * vec_dc(zs[z], omm, oml, omr, omk) # comoving Mpc Hz = H0 * np.sqrt(omr * (1 + zs[z]) ** 4 + omm * (1 + zs[z]) ** 3 + oml + omk * (1 + zs[z]) ** 2) log.write("rc = " + str(rc) + "\n") # dnu=nu0*Hz*rc/(c*(1+zs[z])**2) dz = rc * Hz / c log.write("$\Delta$ z = " + str(dz) + "\n") ncs = rc * 250.0 * 0.7 / 244.0 log.write(str(ncs) + " cells in the z direction\n") log.write("\n") # rc_h=rc/0.7 # comoving Mpc/h # print "This corresponds to "+str(rc_h)+"Mpc/h on the sky" dT_box2[:, :, z] = c2t.beam_convolve(dT_box[:, :, z], zs[z], 244.0, beam_w=bw) if z > ncs and z + ncs < zs[len(zs) - 1]: for x in range(len(dT_box2)): for y in range(len(dT_box2)): dT_box3[x, y, z] = np.mean(dT_box2[x, y, z - ncs / 2.0 : z + ncs / 2.0]) else: print "..." dT_box3[:, :, z] = dT_box2[:, :, z] IO.writebin(dT_box3[:, :, z], setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "smoothed_map_dbt_" + ht + str("%.3f" % zs[z]) + ".bin") IO.writebin(dT_box3, outfile) print "Written map to " + outfile
def temporary_upload(reservatId, lines): IO.delete_DB_upload() values = [] #id_reservatorio,cota,volume,volume_percentual,data_informacao,visualizacao,fonte for value in lines[1:]: aux = [reservatId] + value.split(',') values.append([int(reservatId),'',float(aux[1]),float(aux[2]),datetime.strptime(aux[4], '%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),1,aux[3]]) IO.insert_many_BD_upload(values)
def test(): global inputBatches, keyOrder outputData = {} possibilityVectors = [] rnnTrainFunc.testing(inputBatches, keyOrder, outputData, possibilityVectors) inputBatches = None IO.writeFile('../rnnFrame.csv', '../data/rnnTest.prb', possibilityVectors, outputData, keyOrder) IO.trimOutput('../rnnFrame.csv', '../rnn.csv')
def ps(): for i in range(len(redshifts)): data = IO.readmap("dbt_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i])) ps = power_spectrum_1d(data) ps = np.asarray(ps) print np.shape(ps), type(ps) IO.writedata(ps[0, :], "data/powerSpectra_dbt_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".dat") IO.writedata(ps[1, :], "data/powerSpectraFrequencies_dbt_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".dat")
def powerSpec(): ''' plotmap.plotdbt() ''' for i in range(len(redshifts)): fr=IO.readoned("powerSpectraFrequencies_dbt_100b_"+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i])) data = IO.readoned("powerSpectra_100b_"+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i])) ps=data*fr**3./(4.*np.pi**2.) ps=np.sqrt(ps) plot_powerspectra(fr,ps,"ps_dbt_100b_notsquare"+str(i+10)+'_'+str(redshifts[i]),i)
def readTrain(): global inputBatches, labelBatches, keyOrder inputBatches = None labelBatches = None keyOrder = None inputData, keyOrder, length = IO.readFile('../data/train.prb') label = IO.readLabel('../data/label/train_fixed.lab', 48) inputBatches, labelBatches = rnnTrainFunc.makeBatch(inputData, keyOrder, label, 'train')
def crawl_radikal(start, numOfPages, categoryID): name = "radikal" rootlink_item = "" #rootlink_id = "" #rootlink_id = ""+str(categoryID)+"&PAGE=" rootlink_id = ""+str(cat_radikal[categoryID])+"/tum_haberler-" #item markerTitle1 = 'class="turkiye-tc">' #'<title>' markerTitle2 = '</h1></div>' #'</title>' ''' eski: markerText1 = '<div id="metin2" class="fck_li">' markerText2 = '<div class="IndexKeywordsHeader"' # veya 'id="hiddenTitle"' idlimit1 = "<div class=\"cat-news\"><ol"; idlimit2 = "var Geri = 'Geri'"; ''' ''' 10 Ekim itibariyle ''' markerText1 = '<div id="metin2">' markerText2 = '<div class="social-area clearfix sc-news-bottom">' #'<div class="article_end"' markerDate1 = '<span class="date">' #'<div class="text_size"><span>' #'<p class="date">' markerDate2 = '</span><div class="options">' #'</span><span>' #'</p>' # authors in radikal are inextractable. names are inside text (div id=metin2..) markerAuthor1 = '=MuhabirArama&Keyword=' markerAuthor2 = '</a>' idlimit1 = "<div class=\"box_z_a\"><div class=\"news mr20\">" idlimit2 = "<div id=\"paging\"" pattern1 = r"_[a-z0-9]+-[0-9]{6,10}" #r";articleid=[0-9]{6,9}" #r";ArticleID=[0-9]{6,9}" pattern2 = r'[0-9]{6,10}' resource1 = NewsResource(name, rootlink_id, rootlink_item, idlimit1, idlimit2, pattern1, pattern2, markerTitle1, markerTitle2, markerText1, markerText2, markerDate1, markerDate2, markerAuthor1, markerAuthor2) resource1.setEncoding('iso-8859-9') #start = 1 #numOfPages = 2 rooturl = resource1.rootlink_id IDlist = [] for i in range(start,start+numOfPages): url = rooturl + str(i) IDlist = IDlist + retrieveNewsIDs(resource1, url) IDlist = list(set(IDlist)) categoryName = cat_radikal[categoryID] path = resource1.newsidpath+categoryName+"_newsIDs"+str(start)+"-"+str(numOfPages)+".txt" IO.todisc_list(IDlist, path) crawlresourceItems(resource1, IDlist, categoryName)
def cacheOrComputeKernel(self, options, filename, f): if options.useCache == 1 and os.path.exists(filename): print >> sys.stderr, 'Loading kernel from file:', filename return IO.unpickle(filename) else: K = f(self) print >> sys.stderr, 'Saving kernel to file:', filename IO.pickle(filename, K) return K
def allPowerSpec(): fr=IO.readoned("powerSpectraFrequencies_dbt_100b_"+str('%.3f' % redshifts[0])) ps=np.zeros(len(redshifts)*len(fr)).reshape(len(redshifts),len(fr)) for i in range(0,len(redshifts),10): ps[i,:] = IO.readoned("powerSpectra_100b_"+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i])) #print len(data), len(fr) ps=ps*fr**3./(4.*np.pi**2.) ps=np.sqrt(ps) plot_powerspectra(fr,ps,"ps_dbt_100b_notsquare_all",'null')
def map_xfrac(id): # for i in range(len(redshifts)-6,len(redshifts)-4): print len(redshifts) for i in range(start, len(redshifts)): filename = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "map_xfrac" + id + "_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".dat" xfrac_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "xfrac3d" + id + "_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin" xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename) IO.writemap(xfile.xi, filename) print "Written map to " + filename
def rf(): """ Submission: rf_0708_01.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.871837 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 0.882316801296279 15000 trees E_val: 0.872011 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 0.8824869811781106 30000 trees E_val: 0.871928 E_in: E_out: depth=4; 12000 trees E_val: 0.969158 E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier import numpy as np X, y = dataset.load_train(depth=1) raw_scaler = StandardScaler()[X, dataset.load_test()]) X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) del X import gc gc.collect() rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=12000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto'), y) logger.debug('RandomForestClassifier fitted') logger.debug('E_val(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('E_in(full): %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) X, y = dataset.load_train() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) logger.debug('E_in (depth=0): %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) del X gc.collect() IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('rf', rf)]), 'rf_0708_01') logger.debug('caching fitted RandomForestClassifier') IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('rf.RandomForestClassifier.12000.pkl')) logger.debug('cached fitted RandomForestClassifier')
def load_d10d11(): import IO from pandas import concat fit10, par10, gen10, ids10 = IO.load_pickled_generation_dataframe('d10') fit11, par11, gen11, ids11 = IO.load_pickled_generation_dataframe('d11') par10['sc_nAgents'] = 150 par11['ssmm_nAgents'] = 52 par = concat([par10, par11]) fit = concat([fit10, fit11]) return fit, par
def __init__(self, extballfn, extstickfn, forcevec, kassigner): self.ballfn = extballfn self.stickfn = extstickfn self.f = forcevec self.kassigner = kassigner self.balldat = IO.read_balls(extballfn) self.ballnum = len(self.balldat['COORDX']) self.stickdat = IO.read_sticks(extstickfn) self.sticknum = len(self.stickdat['BALL1']) self.k_mat = self.__get_k_matrix()
def issue_101_plot_pars_vs_fitness(dataset, overshoot_threshold, preloaded_data = None): from plotting import get_pretty_xy_plot, make_pretty_scatter_plot from numpy import where def get_plots_to_make(fitness_types): plots_to_make = list() for fitness_type in fitness_types: for stat in stats: plots_to_make.append((fitness_type, stat)) return plots_to_make def mkplot(all_data, groupby, plots_to_make): g = all_data.groupby(groupby) #x = g.groups.keys() s = all_data.sort(groupby) sorted_x, index_order = zip(*sorted(zip(g.groups.keys(), range(len(g.groups.keys()))))) for attr, stat in plots_to_make: print groupby, attr, stat y = getattr(g[attr],stat)() filename = '%s%s__vs__%s(%s)'%(folder, groupby, attr, stat) ax, fig = get_pretty_xy_plot(sorted_x, y, groupby, '%s (%s)'%(attr, stat), filename, g[attr].std()/2, save_figure = False) filename = '%s%s__vs__%s(%s)_scatter'%(folder, groupby, attr, stat) make_pretty_scatter_plot(s[groupby], s[attr], groupby, '%s (%s)'%(attr, stat), filename, ax=ax, fig=fig) def run_analysis(groups, data, plots_to_make): for groupby in groups: mkplot(data, groupby, plots_to_make) folder = make_issue_specific_figure_folder('101_pars_vs_fits', dataset) stats = ['mean'] if dataset == 'd10d11': f, p = utils.load_d10d11() else: f,p,g, i=IO.load_pickled_generation_dataframe(dataset_name=dataset) if 'dataset' == 'd10': p['sc_nAgents'] = 150 elif 'dataset' == 'd11': p['ssmm_nAgents'] = 52 if preloaded_data is None: fit, par, gen, ids = IO.load_pickled_generation_dataframe(dataset) else: try: fit = preloaded_data['fit'] par = preloaded_data['par'] except KeyError, e: print "Provide dict with keys 'fit' and 'par' containing dataframes for fit and par data" print e sys.exit(1)
def getRecordedFrame(): global frame_number frame_number = frame_number + 1 prefix = os.path.join(os.environ['GRIP_TEMP'],'saved_frame_') file_name = prefix + str(frame_number) + ".data" if ( not os.path.isfile(file_name) ): frame_number = 1 file_name = prefix + str(frame_number) + ".data" header,data = IO.load(file_name) return data
def Add(song, title=None, artist_info=None): song = IO.audio_to_signal(song) if title is None: title = song['audio_name'] song = Song.Song(song['audio_signal'], sampling_rate_info=song['sampling_rate'], address_info=song['audio_source'], title_info=title, artist_info=artist_info) DbManager.library_add(song)
def play(self, purse): first_draw = True # XXX - insurance if self.blackjack(): print("[BLACKJACK]") return 21 while True: # actually, until we bust, surrender or stand # XXX - split # XXX - this is `late surrender', early surrender has to be # handled at insurance time, if it is to be offered if first_draw: action = IO.getresp( "[H]it, [D]ouble down, [S]tand, or S[u]rrender (HDSU)? ", "Please enter [H], [D], [S], or [U]: ", ["h", "d", "s", "u"], "" ) else: action = IO.getresp( "[H]it or [S]tand (HS)? ", "Please enter [H] or [S]: ", ["h", "s"], "") if action == "h": print("You draw the", end=' ') if self.hit() == 0: return 0 # XXX some casinos allow DD after split. some don't (confirm) first_draw = False elif action == "s": print("You stand") return self.value() elif action == "d": if purse.purse < table_min: print("You cannot afford to double down!") continue newbet = IO.getbet(table_min, min(purse.currbet, table_limit)) purse.doubledown(newbet) print("You draw the", end=' ') return self.hit() elif action == "u": print("You surrender") purse.surrender() return 0
def report_incomplete_profiles(list_profile_filenames, output_file, expected_length, indices_mode=False, identify_broken_ones_only=False): any_files_incomplete = False with open(output_file, 'w') as wf: counter = 0 for fn in list_profile_filenames: with open(fn, 'rb') as rf: bitstring = is_broken = False if indices_mode: try: decompressed_profiles_array = IO.decompress_profiles_indices( bitstring) except: decompressed_profiles_array = [] is_broken = True else: try: decompressed_profiles_array = IO.decompress_profiles( bitstring) except: decompressed_profiles_array = [] is_broken = True if not identify_broken_ones_only: if len(decompressed_profiles_array) != expected_length: any_files_incomplete = True string_to_write = 'File %s contains %d profiles instead of %d\n' % \ (fn, len(decompressed_profiles_array), expected_length) wf.write(string_to_write) else: if is_broken: string_to_write = 'File %s contains is broken\n' % fn wf.write(string_to_write) counter += 1 # print("Processed file number ", counter) if any_files_incomplete: wf.write("Some incomplete files have been identified!\n") wf.write("All the files in the specified folder have been processed")
def submit_job(job_atom): '''submit a job to cluster or your own computer''' if os.path.exists(INFILEPATH) is not True: os.system("mkdir " + INFILEPATH) if os.path.exists(OUTFILEPATH) is not True: os.system("mkdir " + OUTFILEPATH) homedir = os.getcwd() _, tail = os.path.split(homedir) jobname = tail + "." + infile = os.path.join(INFILEPATH, "_in_{0}_{1}".format(, outfile = os.path.join( OUTFILEPATH, "out_{0}_{1}.txt".format(, jobfile = os.path.join( workdir, "_job_{0}_{1}.sh".format(, IO.SaveDict(infile, "w", job_atom.para) if job_atom.is_cluster: with open(jobfile, "w") as fjob: fjob.write("#!/bin/sh\n" + "#PBS -N " + jobname + "\n") if hasattr(job_atom, "pbs_command"): fjob.write(job_atom.pbs_command + "\n") fjob.write("#PBS -l walltime=200:00:00\n") fjob.write("#PBS -o " + homedir + "/Output\n") fjob.write("#PBS -e " + homedir + "/Error\n") fjob.write("echo $PBS_JOBID >>" + homedir + "/id_job.log\n") fjob.write("cd " + homedir + "\n") fjob.write(job_atom.execute + " -f " + infile) if job_atom.auto_run: os.system("qsub " + jobfile) os.system("rm " + jobfile) + " submitted!") else: print "You have to run " + job_atom.get_job_name( ) + " by yourself!" else: if job_atom.auto_run: #shellstr = "exec "+job_atom.execute+" -f "+infile+" >> "+outfile shellstr = "exec " + job_atom.execute + " -f " + infile proc = subprocess.Popen(shellstr, shell=True) if job_atom.keep_cpu_busy: PROCLIST.append((proc, job_atom)) else: PROCLIST_BACK.append((proc, job_atom)) + " is started...")"input:\n" + str(job_atom.para))"PID:{0}\n".format( print job_atom.get_job_name() + " is started..." else: print "You have to run " + job_atom.get_job_name( ) + " by yourself!" return
def merge_pdbs(self, writedir): replacements = {} replacements['LIG'] = 'LID' pattern = re.compile(r'\b(' + '|'.join(replacements.keys()) + r')\b') file_replaced = [] atnr = self.atomoffset with open(self.lig2 + '.pdb') as infile: for line in infile: if line.split()[0].strip() in self.include: line2 = pattern.sub(lambda x: replacements[], line) file_replaced.append(line2) with open(self.lig1 + '.pdb') as infile, \ open(writedir + '/' + self.lig1 + '_' + self.lig2 + '.pdb', 'w') as outfile: if self.system == 'protein': with open('protein.pdb') as protfile: for line in protfile: outfile.write(line) for line in infile: if line.split()[0].strip() in self.include: resnr = int(line[22:26]) # Temporary fix NaN error of overlapping heavy atom in Q, add offset atnr += 1 atom1 = IO.pdb_parse_in(line) atom1[1] = atom1[1] + self.atomoffset atom1[6] = atom1[6] + self.residueoffset atom1[8] = float(atom1[8]) + 0.001 atom1[9] = float(atom1[9]) + 0.001 atom1[10] = float(atom1[10]) + 0.001 line = IO.pdb_parse_out(atom1) + '\n' outfile.write(line) self.residueoffset = self.residueoffset + 2 resnr = '{:4}'.format(self.residueoffset) for line in file_replaced: atnr = atnr + 1 atchange = '{:5}'.format(atnr) line = line[0:6] + atchange + line[11:22] + resnr + line[26:] outfile.write(line)
def main(): Location = [] Location, ratings, idList, priceList = search.searchWithOffset(20) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0).fit(Location) maxLables = Clusters.attachLables(ratings, kmeans.labels_, 5) Clusters.showCluster(Location, 5, kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_, maxLables, "kmeans_on_ratings.pdf") Location = np.array(Location) #print("Silhouette Score:",metrics.silhouette_score(Location, kmeans.labels_,metric='euclidean')) gmm = mixture.GMM(n_components=5, covariance_type='full') gaussian = gmm.predict(Location) maxLables = Clusters.attachLables(ratings, gaussian, 5) Clusters.showCluster2(Location, 5, gaussian, maxLables, "gmm_on_ratings.pdf") Location = np.array(Location) #print("Silhouette Score:",metrics.silhouette_score(Location, gaussian,metric='euclidean')) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4, random_state=0).fit(Location) maxLables = Clusters.attachLables(priceList, kmeans.labels_, 4) Clusters.showCluster(Location, 4, kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_, maxLables, "kmeans_on_price.pdf") Location = np.array(Location) #print("Silhouette Score:",metrics.silhouette_score(Location, kmeans.labels_,metric='euclidean')) gmm = mixture.GMM(n_components=4, covariance_type='full') gaussian = gmm.predict(Location) maxLables = Clusters.attachLables(priceList, gaussian, 4) Clusters.showCluster2(Location, 4, gaussian, maxLables, "gmm_on_price.pdf") Location = np.array(Location) #print("Silhouette Score:",metrics.silhouette_score(Location, gaussian,metric='euclidean')) path = "location.csv" IO.csv_writer(Location, path, ',') long, la = IO.csv_reader(path) mapAPI.mapOut(GOOGLE_API_KEY, long, la) search.searchReviews(idList)
def assemble_from_files(pdb_files, transformation_files, transformation_residue_pairs, movable_jumps, connections, output_path, sasa_threshold=600): '''Assemble two secondary structures given the PDB files, transformation file, transformation residues, movable jumps and connections. The outputs will be saved to the output_path. ''' task_info = {} start_time = # Load the structures poses = [] for pdb_file in pdb_files: poses.append( rosetta.core.pose.Pose() ) rosetta.core.import_pose.pose_from_file(poses[-1], pdb_file) seqpos_map = assemble_helpers.make_seqpos_map(poses) # Do the pre-assembly Ts = [IO.load_rigid_body_transformation_from_file(tf) for tf in transformation_files] assemble_helpers.pre_assemble(poses, transformation_residue_pairs, Ts) merged_pose = poses[0] # Do the assembly assemble(merged_pose, movable_jumps, connections, seqpos_map, task_info, sasa_threshold) merged_pose.dump_pdb(os.path.join(output_path, 'assembled.pdb')) IO.sequence_to_fasta_file(os.path.join(output_path, 'assembled.fasta'), 'assembled', merged_pose.sequence()) end_time = run_time = end_time - start_time # Save the task info task_info['sequence'] = merged_pose.sequence() task_info['score'] = merged_pose.energies().total_energy() task_info['run_time'] = run_time.total_seconds() IO.save_task_info_file(output_path, task_info)
def exr2flow(exr, shape=(600, 800), h=600, w=800): """ Returns a 2 channel image where the first channel is the disparity in X-direction and sencond channel is the disparity in the Y-direction. Convention: pixel moves right +ve flow in X-direction pixel moves down +ve flow in Y-direction :param exr: path to exr file :param shape of the exr files :return: flow """ file = OpenEXR.InputFile(exr) # Compute the size dw = file.header()['dataWindow'] sz = (dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1) FLOAT = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT) (R, G, B) = [ array.array('f',, FLOAT)).tolist() for Chan in ("R", "G", "B") ] img = np.zeros((h, w, 2), np.float64) if np.max(-np.array(R).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) < 0.001 and np.min( -np.array(R).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) > -0.001: img[:, :, 0] = np.round(-np.array(R).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) else: img[:, :, 0] = -np.array(R).reshape(img.shape[0], -1) if np.max(-np.array(G).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) < 0.001 and np.min( -np.array(G).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) > -0.001: img[:, :, 1] = np.round(np.array(G).reshape(img.shape[0], -1)) else: img[:, :, 1] = np.array(G).reshape(img.shape[0], -1) # plt.imshow(img[:,:,1],cmap="gray") # plt.title("sadfasfd") # io.write(exr[:-4] + ".flo", img) return img
def genProsody(input_hanzi_file, input_pinyin_file, save_prosody_file): """gen prosody""" hanzi_lines = IO.readList(input_hanzi_file) pinyin_lines = IO.readList(input_pinyin_file) assert len(hanzi_lines) == len(pinyin_lines) results = [] for i in range(len(hanzi_lines)): hz_line_array = hanzi_lines[i].split('|') py_line_array = pinyin_lines[i].split('|') print('Processing ' + hz_line_array[0]) cur_words = createWords(hz_line_array[1]) cur_phons = createPhons(py_line_array[1]) assert len(cur_phons) == len(cur_words) words_prosody = setWordsProdosy(cur_words, cur_phons) # output results.append(hz_line_array[0]) results.append(' '.join(words_prosody)) results.append('[' + '['.join(cur_phons)) IO.write(save_prosody_file, results)
def center_of_mass(self, inpcrd_file_name, prmtop_file_name): """ return the center of mass of self._crd """ prmtop = dict() prmtop = IO.PrmtopLoad( prmtop_file_name).get_parm_for_grid_calculation() com = np.zeros([3], dtype=float) masses = prmtop["MASS"] crd_temp = IO.InpcrdLoad(inpcrd_file_name).get_coordinates() natoms = prmtop["POINTERS"]["NATOM"] if (crd_temp.shape[0] != natoms) or (crd_temp.shape[1] != 3): raise RuntimeError("coordinates in %s has wrong shape" % inpcrd_file_name) for atom_ind in range(len(crd_temp)): com += masses[atom_ind] * crd_temp[atom_ind] total_mass = masses.sum() if total_mass == 0: raise RuntimeError("zero total mass") return com / total_mass
def find_equilibrium_concentration(params, geom, execline, targets, path='./', funcparams=[0]): ''' For a given set of parameters, this function simulates sputtering over a range of concentrations, and identifies that concentration at which the sputter rate is exactly equal to the supply rate; i.e., the steady concentration. Identifying this concentration is necessary for estimation of parameters that appear in two-component systems. ''' if (len(funcparams) == 3): alpha = funcparams[0] beta = funcparams[1] gamma = funcparams[2] for tt in targets: = tt if (params.funcname and len(funcparams) == 3): gm = gamma_max(tt[1][1], alpha, beta) if gm <= 1.0: gamma *= gm params.cfunc = lambda depth: phistar_list(depth, tt[1][1], alpha, beta, gamma) ensure_data(params, geom, execline, path) m0e_avgs = io.array_range(path, params, "target", targets, "m0e_avg") n = 0 #find the intersection point, where the index [n] refers to the point after intersection, and at phi[n], a is less than b if (m0e_avgs[n][0] > m0e_avgs[n][1]): a = 0 b = 1 else: a = 1 b = 0 while (m0e_avgs[n][a] > m0e_avgs[n][b]): n += 1 #currently the above logic is only necessary to set up the while loop #targets has form [ [["Ga", phi],["Sb", 1-phi]], etc ] #for a certain range of phi. We can access these values directly through #targets[n] --> [["Ga", phi], ["Sb", 1-phi]] #targets[n][0][1] phi0 = targets[n - 1][0][1] phi1 = targets[n][0][1] equilibrium_concentration = (phi1 * (m0e_avgs[n - 1][a] - m0e_avgs[n - 1][b]) - phi0 * (m0e_avgs[n][a] - m0e_avgs[n][b])) / ( m0e_avgs[n - 1][a] + m0e_avgs[n][b] - m0e_avgs[n - 1][b] - m0e_avgs[n][a]) return equilibrium_concentration
def listen(self) -> Union[str, None]: # listen with as source: self.listener.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) IO.stdout("Listening...") audio = self.listener.listen(source) IO.stdout("Recognising...") cmd = None try: cmd = self.listener.recognize_google(audio, language="en-GB") except as e: logging.warning("Could not understand audio, try again") return self.listen() except as e: # NOTE: default API key only allows 50 requests per day logging.error("Could not request results - no internet connection or invalid API key, temporarily reverting to standard input", exc_info=e) return cmd
def __init__(self, window: QMainWindow): self.window = window print(os.getcwd()) window.setWindowIcon(QIcon(IO.resource_path("img/icon.ico"))) self.set_important_ui_elements() self.set_icons() self.connect_ui() #load the saved configurations and add them to the menubar self.create_menu()
def save(): display.stop() save_io = IO.RuntimeIO() save_io.celas = display.getCelas() save_io.graphic = io.graphic io.global_settings["Initial time"] = display.getTime() save_io.global_settings = io.global_settings save_io.N = display.getCelaNum() filename = g.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() if filename:
def split_PDB(self): if self.AA == False: return None with open(self.lig + '.pdb') as infile, \ open('tmp.pdb', 'w') as outfile: for line in infile: if IO.pdb_parse_in(line)[2] not in self.backbone: outfile.write(line) self.pdbfiles.append('tmp.pdb')
def main(): import_modules() args = handler() seqs_dict, seqs_order = IO.read_rna_bin_file(args.rna_bin_filename) window_length = calculate_window_length(args, do_print=True) bytestring = fold_all_sequences_wrapper(seqs_dict, seqs_order, window_length, args) with open(args.folded_bin_filename, 'wb') as wf: wf.write(bytestring)
def saveFile(self): save_file = open(self.filename, 'w') html = '%s' % self.html html.encode('utf-8') HtmlToNoteFile = HtmlToNotefile.HtmlToNoteFileFormat( IO.encode_utf(html)) print(HtmlToNoteFile.listToMarkup()) save_file.write('%s' % html) save_file.close()
def get_extra_aliases(self): extra_aliases_temp = IO.load_txt(self.extra_aliases_file) label_synset_list = [line.split('\t') for line in extra_aliases_temp] extra_aliases = {} for label, synset_str in label_synset_list: synset_list = synset_str.split(',') for synset in synset_list: if synset in extra_aliases: raise extra_aliases[synset] = label return extra_aliases
def read_route(self, filename): # wczytanie rozwiązania z pliku try: route, profit, salesman_time = IO.read_solution(filename) print(route) except Exception as e: self.error_message( f'Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd podczas wczytywania trasy: {e}') return self.solution = route
def m2mo(m,folder) : """ convert code mass in kg """ c = Constantes() param = IO.ParamsInfo(folder = folder).get() unit_m = float(param["unit_mass"]) unit_m /= c.MO return m*unit_m
def erf(): """ Submission: erf_0705_01.csv 3000 trees E_val: 0.870800 E_in: 0.999998 E_out: 15000 trees E_val: E_in: E_out: """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier X, y = dataset.load_train() raw_scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = raw_scaler.transform(X) del X rf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=3000, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto', bootstrap=True), y) logger.debug('ExtraTreesClassifier fitted') import gc gc.collect() logger.debug('Eval(oob): %f', rf.oob_score_) logger.debug('Ein: %f', Util.auc_score(rf, X_scaled, y)) IO.dump_submission(Pipeline([('scale_raw', raw_scaler), ('erf', rf)]), 'erf_0705_01') logger.debug('caching fitted ExtraTreesClassifier') IO.cache(rf, Path.of_cache('')) logger.debug('cached fitted ExtraTreesClassifier')
def main(datapath='processed_data', regionpath='',regionfile='data', orbitpath='', orbitfile='orbits'): global path path = datapath # load region data region = None try: region = IO.read_file(filepath=regionpath, filename=regionfile) except: region = classes.Region() #orbit file, as list orbits = IO.read_file(filepath=orbitpath, filename=orbitfile) n = classes.Iterator() n.set_min( 0 ) n.set_max( len(orbits) ) # index of current frame index, orbit = get_next_orbit(list(region.get()), orbits) n.set(index) n.set_mapping(orbits) #frame, t = get_orbit_legacy(data, n.get_mapping()) frame, t = get_orbit(orbit=n.get_mapping()) ima, els, mag = check_validity(frame,t) # plot initial data global ylimits ylimits = {'IMA': [0, 96], 'ELS' : [0, 128], 'MAG': [-40, 40]} fig, axis, i = plot_orbit(n, region, xsize=9, ysize=6) fig.suptitle('Orbit {} ({})'.format(n.get_mapping(), i.get_mapping())) define_GUI(i,n,region,fig,axis) return (region, orbits)
def draw(x, y, w, h, display): weather_stored ="data/weather/weather") precip_stored ="data/weather/precip") temp_stored ="data/weather/temp") temperature = u'°' __draw_text(display, 250, (255, 255, 255), x, y, temp_stored + temperature) if weather_stored.__contains__("Fair") or weather_stored.__contains__("Sun") or weather_stored.__contains__( "Clear"): weather_image=sunny elif weather_stored.__contains__("Cloud"): weather_image=cloudy elif weather_stored.__contains__("Rain"): weather_image=rainy else: weather_image=unknown display.blit(weather_image, (x-150, y)) display.blit(raindrop, (x-50, y+130)) curr_precip = precip_stored + "%" __draw_text(display, 40, (255, 255, 255), x-50-sizeString(curr_precip, 40), y + 135, curr_precip) if IO.exists("data/weather/day0/wind"): curr_wind ="data/weather/day0/wind").split(" ", 1)[1] __draw_text(display, 25, (255, 255, 255), x-50-sizeString(curr_wind, 25), y + 180, curr_wind) display.blit(wind, (x-50, y+180)) """40x40""" yPos = 250 space = 30 for i in range(1, 7): curr_day = "data/weather/day" + repr(i)+"/" if not IO.exists(curr_day): break; col_val = 255-6*(i-1)*(i-1) col=(col_val,col_val,col_val) __draw_text(display, 30, col, x + 140, y + yPos + space * i, + "dayotw")) if "precip")== "0": sun_small.set_alpha(col_val) display.blit(sun_small, (x+210, y+yPos+space*i)) sun_small.set_alpha(255) else: rain_small.set_alpha(col_val) display.blit(rain_small, (x+210, y+yPos+space*i)) rain_small.set_alpha(255) __draw_text(display, 30, col, x + 250, y + yPos + space * i, + "lo") + " - " + + "hi")) """
def write_qcalc(dcd): with open(s.INPUT_DIR+ '/qcalc.inp') as infile, \ open('qcalc_tmp.inp', 'w') as outfile: for line in infile: line = IO.replace(line, replacements) if line.rstrip() == 'TRAJECTORIES': for trajectory in dcd: trajectory = trajectory + '\n' outfile.write(trajectory) continue outfile.write(line)
def main(): open_path = r'/home/shaopf/study/BiaoBeiData/BZNSYP/Prosody.txt' save_path = r'/home/shaopf/study/BiaoBeiData/BZNSYP/fulllab2' mono_path = r'/home/shaopf/study/BiaoBeiData/BZNSYP/monolab' open_lines = if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) vowel_path = r'/home/shaopf/study/BiaoBeiData/BZNSYP/Vowel.lst' init_vowels(vowel_path) for line_index in range(0, len(open_lines), 3): print(open_lines[line_index].strip()) save_fulllab_path = save_path + "/" + open_lines[line_index].strip( ) + ".lab" mono_lab_path = mono_path + "/" + open_lines[line_index].strip( ) + ".lab" phon_line = open_lines[line_index + 2].strip() read(phon_line) monos = IO.readList(mono_lab_path) write(save_fulllab_path, monos)
def add_infinite(self, tm, reason): """Note an infinite TM. Add statistics and output it with reason.""" self.num_infinite += 1 self.inf_type[reason] += 1 self.tm_num += 1 if self.pout: io_record = IO.Record() io_record.ttable = tm.get_TTable() io_record.category = Exit_Condition.INFINITE io_record.category_reason = (reason, )
def __init__(self, device_info, controller): #Ioservice = IO.IoService(controller) #set joint constraints duaro_plan.LowerArmPath.init_path_constraints(1, 55.0, -20.0, 1) duaro_plan.LowerArmPath.init_path_constraints(2, 140.0, 15.0, 0.5) #duaro_plan.LowerArmPath.init_path_constraints(3, 0.1499, 0.0, 0.1) duaro_plan.LowerArmPath.init_path_constraints(4, -35.0, -100.0, 0.5) #init_cylinder self.ctrl_cylinder("UP")
def source_button_action(self): self.source = pathlib.Path(filedialog.askdirectory()) self.entry_source.config(state='normal') self.entry_source.delete(0, tkinter.END) self.entry_source.insert(0, self.source) self.entry_source.config(state='readonly') self.source_directory = IO.Directory(self.source) self.files = self.source_directory.recursvieFileTypeSearch('csv') self.label_file_count['text']='{} files.'.format(len(self.files)) for i in self.files: self.file_list.insert(tkinter.END, str(i)+'\n') self.master.focus()
def test_from_file(filename, line, cutoff, block_size, offset): ttable = IO.load_TTable_filename(filename, line) if VERBOSE: for term in ttable: print term print if test_CTL(ttable, cutoff, block_size, offset): if VERBOSE: print "Success :)" else: if VERBOSE: print "Failure :("