def detect_dots_with_box(data, pixel_threshold, opts, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Extract the dots from data contained in a single frame. The detected dots are then filtered based on the min/max dot size, circularity, etc. """ min_min, max_max = 2, opts['max_dot_size'] * 2 if isinstance(pixel_threshold, tuple) and len(pixel_threshold) == 3: dots = ISCV.detect_bright_dots(data, pixel_threshold[0], pixel_threshold[1], pixel_threshold[2], x1, y1, x2, y2) else: dots = ISCV.detect_bright_dots(data, pixel_threshold, pixel_threshold, pixel_threshold, x1, y1, x2, y2) min_ds, max_ds, circ = opts['min_dot_size']**4, opts[ 'max_dot_size']**4, opts['circularity_threshold']**2 filtered_dots = [ dot for dot in dots if (dot.x1 - dot.x0 + dot.y1 - dot.y0) > min_min and (dot.x1 - dot.x0 + dot.y1 - dot.y0) < max_max and (dot.sxx * dot.syy) > min_ds and (dot.sxx * dot.syy) < max_ds and dot.sxx < circ * dot.syy and dot.syy < circ * dot.sxx ] height, width, chans = data.shape psc = np.array([2.0 / width, -2.0 / width], dtype=np.float32) pof = np.array([-1.0, height / float(width)], dtype=np.float32) dotScreenCoords = np.array([[,] for dot in filtered_dots], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2) * psc + pof return filtered_dots, dotScreenCoords
def setFrame(newFrame): global frame, view, allSkels, points, joints, bones frame = newFrame for Gs3, Ls3, skelDict3, animData3, skel3 in allSkels: dofs3 = animData3[frame % len(animData3)] Gs3 = ASFReader.pose_skeleton(Gs3, Ls3, skelDict3['jointParents'], skelDict3['jointDofs'], skelDict3['dofSplits'], dofs3) skel3.vertices[:] = Gs3[:, :, 3] global md, img, g_detectingDots, g_readingMovie if g_readingMovie and md is not None: try: MovieReader.readFrame(md, seekFrame=(frame - videoFrameOffset) / 4) except: frame = videoFrameOffset MovieReader.readFrame(md, seekFrame=(frame - videoFrameOffset) / 4) if g_detectingDots: ret = ISCV.detect_bright_dots(img, 254, 200, 190) good = [ r for r in ret if min(r.sxx, r.syy) > 0.1 and min(r.sxx, r.syy) < 100.0 ] # and r.sxy*r.sxy<=0.01*r.sxx*r.syy] print len(good), 'good points' for r in good: #print,,r.sxx,r.sxy,r.syy img[int( - 5):int( + 5), int( - 5):int( + 5), :] = [0, 255, 0] view.refreshImageData() global animJoints, stablePointsGroups, displayFrames, groupRepresentatives pfr = np.searchsorted(goodFrames, frame) points.vertices = displayFrames[pfr % len(displayFrames)] if animJoints is not None: joints.vertices[:] = animJoints[pfr % len(animJoints)] bones.vertices[::2] = joints.vertices bones.vertices[1::2] = points.vertices[ groupRepresentatives[stablePointsGroups]] view.updateGL()