def getFeatures(self, img): ############################################################################ # TO-DO: use the same feature vector that was used for training ############################################################################ return [ imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_white_pixels(img) ]
def getFeatures(img): ###################################################################################### # TO-DO: Feature engineering - assemble a "feature vector" for SVM to maximize accuracy # Note: features must be numerical values, i.e .feature vector is a vector of numbers. # Below is a 2-dimensional example: ###################################################################################### return [ imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_white_pixels(img) ]
def actualizePreview(self): seuillage_haut = self.radio_high.isChecked() seuillage_bas = self.radio_high.isChecked() seuil = self.slider.value() # Avoid image and new_image to become the same object (same adress) temp = QImage(self.image) if seuillage_haut: self.new_image = ImageFunctions.seuillage_haut(temp, seuil) elif seuillage_bas: self.new_image = ImageFunctions.seuillage_bas(temp, seuil) else: self.new_image = ImageFunctions.binarisation(temp, seuil) self.preview.setPixmap(QPixmap(self.new_image).scaled(self.preview.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation))
def getFeatures(self, img): ############################################################################ # TO-DO: use the same feature vector that was used for training ############################################################################ return get_features(img) out = img[:, :2, :].ravel() return out return [ imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_white_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_edges(img), imagefunctions.num_corners(img) ]
def search_windows(self, img, windows, framenum=0): # preprocess frame img_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_one_rgb(img[0:127][:]) fvec = [] for window in windows: # extract test window from image test_img = img_prep[window[0][1]:window[1][1], window[0][0]:window[1][0]] # extract features feat = self.getFeatures(test_img) # normalize features normfeat = self.normalize_features(feat, self.fmean, self.fstd) # assemble batch testvec = np.asarray(normfeat).reshape(1, -1) fvec.append(testvec) # batch prediction if (np.array(fvec).ndim == 3): rvec = self.clf.predict(np.array(fvec).squeeze(axis=1)) else: rvec = [] # list of positive stop sign detection windows stop_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(rvec) if x == 1] stop_windows = [windows[i] for i in stop_indices] # list of positive warn sign detection windows warn_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(rvec) if x == 2] warn_windows = [windows[i] for i in warn_indices] # return positve detection windows return stop_windows, warn_windows
def search_windows(self, img, windows, framenum=0): stop_windows = [] # list of positive stop sign detection windows warn_windows = [] # list of positive warn sign detection windows cropnum = 0 for window in windows: # extract test window from orginal image #test_img = cv2.resize(img[window[0][1]:window[1][1], window[0][0]:window[1][0]], (50,50)) img_crop = img[window[0][1]:window[1][1], window[0][0]:window[1][0]] #img_crop_pp = imagefunctions.preprocess_one_rgb(img_crop) test_img = imagefunctions.preprocess_one_rgb(img_crop) #test_img = np.array(255*img_crop_pp, dtype=np.uint8) fname = 'crop-' + str(framenum) + '-' + str(cropnum) + '.png' #imsave('img50x50/'+fname, test_img) cropnum = cropnum + 1 # extract features feat = self.getFeatures(test_img) # normalize features normfeat = self.normalize_features(feat, self.fmean, self.fstd) # predict using classifier testvec = np.asarray(normfeat).reshape(1, -1) prediction = self.clf.predict(testvec) #print prediction # save positive detection windows if prediction == 2: #print 'warning sign' warn_windows.append(window) elif prediction == 1: stop_windows.append(window) # return positve detection windows return stop_windows, warn_windows
def getFeatures(img): return get_features(img) ###################################################################################### # TO-DO: Feature engineering - assemble a "feature vector" for SVM to maximize accuracy # Note: features must be numerical values, i.e .feature vector is a vector of numbers. # Below is a 2-dimensional example: ##################################################################################### out = img[::2, ::2, :].ravel() return out return [ imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_white_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_edges(img), imagefunctions.num_corners(img), ]
def preProcessImageFiles(sourcePath, destinationPath=None, prefix=None, delete=False, customDateFormat=''): """Move image files from sourcePath to DestinationPath (permanent photo storage), renaming them with creation date""" logger = logging.getLogger('ELIME.pre') if not sourcePath: logger.error('sourcePath not valid') return if destinationPath is None: #copy and rename in place logger.warning('No destination path given. Using source path %s', sourcePath) destinationPath = sourcePath sourceFiles = [] # get all files in sourcepath if os.path.isdir(sourcePath): sourceFiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(sourcePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sourcePath,f)) ] # filter only wanted files (jpgs) sourcePhotos = filter(HelperFunctions.filefilter, sourceFiles) count = len(sourcePhotos) if count:'Preprocessing %d photos from source %s to destination %s', count, sourcePath, destinationPath) else:'No photos to preprocess at %s', sourcePath) # rename files - as copy for photo in sourcePhotos: completeSourcePath = os.path.join(sourcePath, photo) photoDateTime = ImageFunctions.getCreationDateTimeOfPicture(completeSourcePath, customDateFormat) timestr = photoDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") # create destination filename if prefix is None: destPath = os.path.join(destinationPath, timestr + os.path.splitext(photo)[1]) else: destPath = os.path.join(destinationPath, prefix + '_' + timestr + os.path.splitext(photo)[1])"Copying: %s -> %s", completeSourcePath, destPath) # copy the file to destination if not os.path.isfile(destPath): shutil.copy2(completeSourcePath, destPath) else: logger.warning("File %s is already existing. Did not copy!", destPath) continue # delete source file if wanted (e.g. move and not copy) if delete:"Deleting source file %s", completeSourcePath) os.remove(completeSourcePath) if count:'Done preprocessing %d photos from source %s to destination %s!', count, sourcePath, destinationPath)
def squelettisation(self): sub = self.getFocusedSubWindow() if sub is not None: dialog = SquelettisationDialog() dialog.radio_thinning.setChecked(True) result = dialog.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: isThinning = dialog.getValues() image = sub.widget().pixmap().toImage() image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) if isThinning: new_image = ImageFunctions.squelettisation_amincissement_homothopique( image) else: new_image = ImageFunctions.squelettisation_Lantuejoul( image) self.createMDISubWindow( "Sans Titre " + str(self._subWindowCounter), QPixmap(new_image))
def openingClosing(self): sub = self.getFocusedSubWindow() if sub is not None: dialog = OpeningClosingDialog() dialog.radio_carre.setChecked(True) dialog.radio_opening.setChecked(True) result = dialog.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: isOpening, isBoule, dim = dialog.getValues() strel = ImageFunctions.createStrel(dim, isBoule) image = sub.widget().pixmap().toImage() image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) if isOpening: new_image = ImageFunctions.ouverture(image, strel) else: new_image = ImageFunctions.fermeture(image, strel) self.createMDISubWindow( "Sans Titre " + str(self._subWindowCounter), QPixmap(new_image))
def initialize_image_operators(self, image): if self.first_image is True: self.first_image = False self.undistorter = imgf.Undistorter(self.camera_calibration_file, image.shape[1], image.shape[0]) src, dst = get_transform_params(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) self.M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst) self.M_inv = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst, src)
def thinningThicking(self): sub = self.getFocusedSubWindow() if sub is not None: dialog = ThinningThickingDialog() dialog.radio_thinning.setChecked(True) result = dialog.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: isThinning, max_iter = dialog.getValues() image = sub.widget().pixmap().toImage() image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) if isThinning: strel = ImageFunctions.createThinningStrel() new_image = ImageFunctions.amincissement( image, strel, max_iter) else: strel = ImageFunctions.createThickingStrel() new_image = ImageFunctions.epaississement( image, strel, max_iter) self.createMDISubWindow( "Sans Titre " + str(self._subWindowCounter), QPixmap(new_image))
def refine_segments_tiled(tile_id, segments): """Run tiled object refinement""" image_sar, image_sar_meta = ipf.tif2ar(sar_filename) return orf.apply_tiled_refiment(tile_id, segments.copy(), image_sar, image_sar_meta["transform"], t_stdev=t_stdev, t_conv=t_conv, t_shape=t_shape, bandnames_mean=bandnames_mean, bandnames_stdev=bandnames_stdev)
def checkSnapInbox(self): try: print("Looking for snaps...") a = Snap() namesFound = a.getImageName(localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[0])[0] idsFound = a.getImageName(localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[0])[1] if len(namesFound) == 0: popup = Popup( title='Oops!', content=Label( text='There are no new snaps for you, ' + localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[2].split(" ")[0]), size_hint=(None, None), size=(350, 200)) else: for x in range(len(namesFound)): img = str(namesFound[x]).strip() ImageFunctions.showImg(img) a.updateSnapStatus(localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[0]) except: print("ERROR")
def getFeatures(img): return [ imagefunctions.num_corners(img), imagefunctions.num_edges(img), imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img), imagefunctions.num_white_pixels(img), imagefunctions.abs_sobel_thresh(img, orient='y', sobel_kernel=3, thresh=(100, 200)), imagefunctions.mag_thresh(img, sobel_kernel=5, mag_thresh=(100, 180)), imagefunctions.dir_threshold(img, sobel_kernel=3, thresh=(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 4)) ]
def execute(self, image): undistorted_image, binary_warped = self.preprocess_image(image) self.lane_det.run_on_image(binary_warped) lane_area = self.lane_det.render_lane_area() colored_lanes = self.lane_det.render_lanes() postprocessed_lane_area = self.postprocess_result(lane_area) postprocessed_lanes = self.postprocess_result(colored_lanes) image_with_area = cv2.addWeighted(undistorted_image, 1., postprocessed_lane_area, .3, 1) output_image = imgf.image_overlay(postprocessed_lanes, image_with_area, overlay_transparency=.1) return self.lane_det.display_metrics(output_image)
def capture(self, option, snapReceiver): camera = self.ids['camera'] if snapReceiver != "" and snapReceiver != None: # Naming snap timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") snapName = "Snap_{}.png".format(timestr) # Saving file.png camera.export_to_png(snapName) # Database registry !!FALTA SABER EL USERID DE QUIÉN LO MANDA Y A QUIÉN!! snap = Snap() snap.saveSnap(snapName=str(snapName), snapSender=localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[0], snapFile="\"" + str(ImageFunctions.imageToText(snapName)).strip() + "\"", snapReceiver=snapReceiver) path = os.getcwd() path = path + "/" + snapName if option == 1: print("NORMAL") elif option == 2: print("GRAYSCALE") ImageFunctions.editar3(path) elif option == 3: print("SEPIA") ImageFunctions.editar2(path) elif option == 4: print("BLUR") ImageFunctions.editar1(path) else: popup = Popup( title='Oh', content=Label( text= 'It seems like you forgot to tell who this snap will be sent to (userID).' ), size_hint=(None, None), size=(550, 200))
def split(): try: desired_cols = int(des_col_entry.get()) if desired_cols < 1 or desired_cols > 50: raise IncorrectColumnsError # IFun.reverseGif(selected_image, prefix_entry.get(), desired_cols) emote_string = IFun.splitGif(selected_image, prefix_entry.get(), desired_cols) # emote_string = IFun.splitImage(selected_image, prefix_entry.get(), desired_cols) # window.clipboard_clear() # window.clipboard_append(emote_string) # window.update() except IncorrectColumnsError: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "The desired amount of columns should be in between 1 and 50.", icon = "warning") except IFun.TooManyPartsError: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "The amount of parts exceed 50.", icon = "warning") except IFun.TooManyRowsError: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "There are too many rows given the desired columns.", icon = "warning")
def substractImage(self): liste = self.mdi.subWindowList() if len(liste) > 0: dialog = AdditionSubstractionDialog(liste) dialog.radio_addition.setChecked(True) dialog.radio_substract.setChecked(False) result = dialog.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: title1, title2 = dialog.getTitles() for sub in liste: if title1 == sub.windowTitle(): sub1 = sub if title2 == sub.windowTitle(): sub2 = sub image1 = sub1.widget().pixmap().toImage() image1 = image1.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) image2 = sub2.widget().pixmap().toImage() image2 = image2.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) image = ImageFunctions.soustraction(image1, image2) self.createMDISubWindow( "Sans Titre " + str(self._subWindowCounter), QPixmap(image)) dialog.close()
def extract_features(image_filename, image_label, stats=["mean"], band_num=1, image_transform=None, nodata=-9999): """Run zonal statistics using global var segments""" t_start = print("{} - {} - Extracting features for {} based on {}".format(, os.getpid(), image_label, stats)) image, image_meta = ipf.tif2ar(image_filename, band=band_num) image_transform = image_meta["transform"] band_num = 1 statistics = rs.zonal_stats(segments, image, stats=stats, affine=image_transform, band_num=band_num, nodata=nodata) t_end = comp_time = (t_end - t_start).total_seconds() print("{} - {} - Feature extraction for {} done after {} sec.!".format(, os.getpid(), image_label, comp_time)) return image_label, statistics
def preprocess_image(self, image): self.initialize_image_operators(image) undistorted_image = self.undistorter.apply(image) hls_image = imgf.to_hls(undistorted_image) gray_image = imgf.to_grayscale(undistorted_image) s_threshold = imgf.color_threshold(hls_image, 2, (170, 255)) gray_threshold = imgf.color_threshold((np.dstack( (gray_image, gray_image, gray_image))), 0, (200, 255)) combined_color_thresholds = imgf.combine_binary( s_threshold, gray_threshold) sobel = imgf.SobelGradientThresholder(undistorted_image, sobel_kernel=3) gradient_thresholds = sobel.abs_thresh(orient='x', thresh=(20, 100)) thresholded_image = imgf.combine_binary(gradient_thresholds, combined_color_thresholds) binary_warped = self.warp(thresholded_image) return undistorted_image, binary_warped
cam = gain = ueye.INT(10) #ueye.is_SetHardwareGain(cam.handle(), gain, ueye.IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, ueye.IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, #ueye.IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER) # Increment increment = 2 # Loop from lowest possible exposure to highest possible exposure, incremented by 2 (ms) for exposure in range(exposure_low, exposure_high, increment): # Set new exposure newExposure = ueye.DOUBLE(exposure) ret = ueye.is_Exposure(cam.handle(), ueye.IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_SET_EXPOSURE, newExposure, ueye.sizeof(newExposure)) time.sleep(0.05) img = ImageFunctions.capture_image(cam=cam, gripper_height=500) puck_list = QR_Scanner(img) print(puck_list) # Checking exposure d = ueye.DOUBLE() retVal = ueye.is_Exposure(cam.handle(), ueye.IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_EXPOSURE, d, 8) if retVal == ueye.IS_SUCCESS: print('Currently set exposure time %8.3f ms' % d) # Position returns as None if no QR-code is found if puck_list: exposure_values.append(exposure) exposure = str(median(exposure_values)) config = configparser.ConfigParser()
1. Image from above 2. Move puck to middle 3. Stack pucks 4. Rotate puck 5. Exit 6. Repeatability test""") userinput = int(input('\nWhat should RAPID do?: ')) if userinput == 3: print("Stack pucks") norbert.set_rapid_variable("WPW", 3) norbert.wait_for_rapid() while not robtarget_pucks: ImageFunctions.findPucks(, norbert, robtarget_pucks, 195) print(robtarget_pucks) for _ in range(len(robtarget_pucks)): pucknr = min(int( for x in robtarget_pucks) for x in robtarget_pucks: if == pucknr: puck_to_RAPID = x break norbert.set_robtarget_variables("puck_target", puck_to_RAPID.get_xyz()) norbert.set_rapid_variable("puck_angle", puck_to_RAPID.get_puckang())
def renderPhotos(srcPath, dstPath, dbPath, mode='fill', offset_pct=(0.43,0.425), dest_sz=(1920,1080), ttfontpath="./HelveticaNeueLight.ttf", fontSize=64, format='%x', localestr="de_DE", show=False, posDebug=False): """Render all photos from database to disk with correct eye positions""" #use "fondu" to get ttf on mac os x logger = logging.getLogger('ELIME.renderPhotos') if dbPath is None: logger.error("dbPath is not valid") return if srcPath is None: logger.error("srcPath is not valid") return if dstPath is None: logger.error("dstPath is not valid") return if srcPath == dstPath: logger.error("srcPath and dstPath MUST be different for security reasons;-)") return # set up locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, localestr) # load truetype font for date imprint ttfont = None if ttfontpath is not None: ttfontpath = os.path.abspath(ttfontpath) if os.path.isfile(ttfontpath):"Fontrendering active using font path %s", ttfontpath) ttfont = ImageFont.truetype(ttfontpath, fontSize) else: logger.error("Fontpath %s is not a file", ttfontpath) return None # connect to database conn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() # get photos ordered by date c.execute('''SELECT * FROM eyesInPhotos ORDER BY date''') dbPhotos = c.fetchall() for photo in dbPhotos: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(srcPath, photo[1])): logger.error("Photo %s does not exist in srcPath %s! Check path, do tidydb, then try again!", photo[1], srcPath) sys.exit(1) # get time span of pictures in database firstDatetime = dbPhotos[0][2].date() lastDatetime = dbPhotos[-1][2].date()"First photo %s in database taken on %s", dbPhotos[0][1], firstDatetime)"Last photo %s in database taken on %s", dbPhotos[-1][1], lastDatetime) # in fill mode, there will be created a frame for every day in the time span interval # if there is a picture in the database for each day or not # it is assumed that there is only one picture per date. if mode == 'fill': numdays = (lastDatetime - firstDatetime).days"Will generate %d frames", numdays) dates = [firstDatetime + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(0, numdays + 1)] brightness = 1.0 lastPhoto = None for aDate in dates: for photo in dbPhotos: if photo[2].date() == aDate: lastPhoto = photo brightness = 1.0 break else: logger.debug("No photo for date %s in database", aDate) brightness *= 0.90 lastPhoto = (lastPhoto[0], lastPhoto[1], datetime(aDate.year, aDate.month,, lastPhoto[3], lastPhoto[4], lastPhoto[5], lastPhoto[6])"Rendering Image %s, date %s", lastPhoto[1], lastPhoto[2].strftime(format)) pilImage = ImageFunctions.renderPhoto(srcPath, lastPhoto, ttfont, format, offset_pct, dest_sz, brightness, posDebug) if show: cvImage = ImageFunctions.convertPIL2CV(pilImage) cv.NamedWindow(lastPhoto[1]+ " " + aDate.strftime(format), cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv.ShowImage(lastPhoto[1]+ " " + aDate.strftime(format), cvImage) key = cv.WaitKey() if key == 113: # 'q' quit sys.exit(0) cv.DestroyWindow(lastPhoto[1]+ " " + aDate.strftime(format)), 'rendered_' + lastPhoto[2].strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '.jpg'), quality=95) # in all mode render every picture in database, skip dates with no pics if mode == 'all': for photo in dbPhotos:"Rendering Image %s, date %s", photo[1], photo[2].strftime(format)) pilImage = ImageFunctions.renderPhoto(srcPath, photo, ttfont, format, offset_pct, dest_sz, 1.0, posDebug) if show: cvImage = ImageFunctions.convertPIL2CV(pilImage) cv.NamedWindow(photo[1]+ " " + photo[2].strftime(format), cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv.ShowImage(photo[1]+ " " + photo[2].strftime(format), cvImage) key = cv.WaitKey() if key == 113: # 'q' quit sys.exit(0) cv.DestroyWindow(photo[1]+ " " + photo[2].strftime(format)), 'rendered_' + photo[2].strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '.jpg'), quality=95) conn.close()
def checkEyeData(srcPath, dbPath, beginWith=[], maxDimension = 1024, zoomSize=640, detailOnly=True): """Check and correct eye positions in database on all or selected image files""" logger = logging.getLogger('ELIME.checkEyeDataOfPhotos')"Checking eyepositions stored in db") if dbPath is None: logger.error("dbPath is invalid") return if srcPath is None: logger.error("srcPath is invalid") return # connect to databse conn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() # get list of files to check eye positions # assume we get it alphabetically ordered # begin with photo named in variable beginWith or take all filenames = [] processing = True filenames = [ f for f in os.listdir(srcPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcPath,f)) ] if len(beginWith) == 0: logger.debug("No filename to begin with specified. Will check all.") else: logger.debug("Starting with photo named %s", beginWith[0]) processing = False # filter for jpgs filenames = filter(HelperFunctions.filefilter, filenames) for filename in filenames: # start processing with given filename, if any if not processing: if filename == beginWith[0]: processing = True else: continue logger.debug("Image name: %s", filename) inputImageFilePath = os.path.join(srcPath, filename) # get pictures stored info from database c.execute('''SELECT * FROM eyesInPhotos WHERE photoFileName=?''',(filename,)) dbPhotos = c.fetchall() numDBPhotos = len(dbPhotos) if numDBPhotos == 0: logger.error("Photo named %s not in database! Do nothing. You should add it!", filename) continue if numDBPhotos == 1: lEyeX = int(dbPhotos[0][3]) lEyeY = int(dbPhotos[0][4]) rEyeX = int(dbPhotos[0][5]) rEyeY = int(dbPhotos[0][6]) logger.debug("Eye position in db: lEyeX=%d, lEyeY=%d, rEyeX=%d, rEyeY=%d", lEyeX, lEyeY, rEyeX, rEyeY) # load image to opencv image pilImage = ImageFunctions.loadAndTransposePILImage(inputImageFilePath) cvImage = ImageFunctions.convertPIL2CV(pilImage) # scale it down size = cv.GetSize(cvImage) maxDimension = float(maxDimension) scale = 1.0 if size[0] > maxDimension or size[1] > maxDimension: scale = max(size[0]/maxDimension, size[1]/maxDimension) newSize = ( int(size[0] / scale), int (size[1] / scale) ) scaledImage = cv.CreateImage(newSize, cvImage.depth, cvImage.nChannels) cv.Resize(cvImage, scaledImage) # calculate scaled eye coordinates scaledEyeCoordinates = [(int(lEyeX / scale), int(lEyeY / scale)), (int(rEyeX / scale), int(rEyeY / scale))] eyeCoordinates = [(lEyeX, lEyeY), (rEyeX, rEyeY)] # if we show not only show the zoomed detail one eye view but the whole picture if not detailOnly: # coarse eye positions in total face/image view newScaledEyeCoordinates = UiFunctions.manuallyAdjustEyePositions(scaledImage, filename, scaledEyeCoordinates) if scaledEyeCoordinates == newScaledEyeCoordinates: logger.debug("No new coarse eye positions, taking positions from database for fine control") else: logger.debug("New eye positions in coarse image set, taking these for fine control") eyeCoordinates = [] for scaledEyePos in newScaledEyeCoordinates: (sx, sy) = scaledEyePos eyeCoordinates.append((int(sx * scale), int(sy * scale))) newEyeCoordinates = [] # detail set eye position, one per eye for eyeIndex, eyeCoordinate in enumerate(eyeCoordinates): logger.debug("Eye position of eye %d before manual correction %s", eyeIndex, (eyeCoordinate[0], eyeCoordinate[1])) (x, y) = UiFunctions.manuallyDetailAdjustEyePosition(filename, eyeIndex, cvImage, eyeCoordinate[0], eyeCoordinate[1], zoomSize) logger.debug("True eye position of eye %d after manual correction %s", eyeIndex, (x, y)) newEyeCoordinates.append((x, y)) middleLeftEye = newEyeCoordinates[0] middleRightEye = newEyeCoordinates[1] # and update the database"Executing: 'UPDATE eyesInPhotos SET lEyeX=%d, lEyeY=%d, rEyeX=%d, rEyeY=%d WHERE photoFileName=%s'", middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1], filename) c.execute('UPDATE eyesInPhotos SET lEyeX=?, lEyeY=?, rEyeX=?, rEyeY=? WHERE photoFileName=?', (middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1], filename)) conn.commit() if numDBPhotos > 1: logger.critical("Database in bad shape. Found %d occurences of photo named %s", numDBPhotos, filename) conn.close() sys.exit(1)"Checking Eyepositions finished.") conn.close()
def addMissingEyeData(srcPath, dbPath, maxDimension=1024, detectionDebug=False, zoomSize=640, customDateFormat=''): """Add eye postions of photos not yet in database to database""" logger = logging.getLogger('ELIME.addToDB') if dbPath is None: logger.error("dbPath is invalid") return if not os.path.exists(dbPath):"No Database file at %s ,yet.", dbPath) if srcPath is None: logger.error("srcPath is not valid") return logger.debug("Preparing database tables...") # create database if it does not exist yet DatabaseFunctions.prepareDataBaseTable(dbPath) # connect to database file conn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() # get all jpgs in source directory srcFiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(srcPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcPath,f)) ] srcPhotos = filter(HelperFunctions.filefilter, srcFiles) numPhotos = len(srcPhotos) if numPhotos == 0: logger.warning("No photos found in source path %s", srcpath) return # get the number of pictures already in the database numAllDBPhotos = DatabaseFunctions.numberOfPhotosInDB(c) # simple consistency check on database: are there at least as many pictures in db as in # source path? if numPhotos < numAllDBPhotos: logger.warning("There are just %d photos in source path %s, but %d photos in database %s", numPhotos, srcPAth, numAllDBPhotos, dbPath) logger.warning("Please run a database tidy before, if you know what you are doing!") return # step through all pictures in sourcepath for inputImageFileName in srcPhotos: logger.debug("Image name: %s", inputImageFileName) inputImageFilePath = os.path.join(srcPath, inputImageFileName) # get picture's creation date and time photoDateTime = ImageFunctions.getCreationDateTimeOfPicture(inputImageFilePath, customDateFormat) # check if photo is already and database c.execute('''SELECT * FROM eyesInPhotos WHERE photoFileName=?''',(inputImageFileName,)) dbPhotos = c.fetchall() numDBPhotos = len(dbPhotos) if numDBPhotos == 0 or (numDBPhotos == 1 and ((dbPhotos[0][3] is None) or (dbPhotos[0][4] is None) or (dbPhotos[0][5] is None) or (dbPhotos[0][6] is None))): if numDBPhotos == 0: # the picture with this filename is not in database yet"Photo %s not in database yet", inputImageFileName) if numDBPhotos == 1: # there is one picture with the filename but data is incomplete"Eye info for photo %s in db incomplete (%d,%d), (%d,%d)", inputImageFileName, dbPhotos[0][3], dbPhotos[0][4], dbPhotos[0][5], dbPhotos[0][6]) # find eye positions and add everything to database # create a opencv image from PIL image pilImage = ImageFunctions.loadAndTransposePILImage(inputImageFilePath) cvImage = ImageFunctions.convertPIL2CV(pilImage) # get the image size size = cv.GetSize(cvImage) # create scaling factor for too large images maxDimension = float(maxDimension) scale = 1.0 if size[0] > maxDimension or size[1] > maxDimension: scale = max(size[0]/maxDimension, size[1]/maxDimension) logger.debug("Image scale factor is %f", scale) newSize = ( int(size[0] / scale), int (size[1] / scale) ) # create a scaled down version of the original picture scaledImage = cv.CreateImage(newSize, cvImage.depth, cvImage.nChannels) cv.Resize(cvImage, scaledImage) # find eye coordinates in scaled picture automatically scaledEyeRects = OpenCvFunctions.eyeRectsInImage(scaledImage, inputImageFileName, detectionDebug) logger.debug("Scaled eye rectangles detected %s", scaledEyeRects) scaledEyeCoordinates = [] for scaledEyeRect in scaledEyeRects: scaledEyeCoordinates.append(HelperFunctions.middleOfRect(scaledEyeRect)) logger.debug("Scaled eye positions detected %s", scaledEyeCoordinates) # manually adjust eye positions in scaled image scaledEyeCoordinates = UiFunctions.manuallyAdjustEyePositions(scaledImage, inputImageFileName, scaledEyeCoordinates) logger.debug("Scaled eye positions manually corrected %s", scaledEyeCoordinates) eyeCoordinates = [] # scale back eye position to original sized image for eyeIndex, scaledEyePos in enumerate(scaledEyeCoordinates): (sx, sy) = scaledEyePos (eyecenterX, eyecenterY) = (int(sx * scale), int(sy * scale)) logger.debug("True eye position of eye %d before manual correction %s", eyeIndex, (eyecenterX, eyecenterY)) (x, y) = UiFunctions.manuallyDetailAdjustEyePosition(inputImageFileName, eyeIndex, cvImage, eyecenterX, eyecenterY, zoomSize) logger.debug("True eye position of eye %d after manual correction %s", eyeIndex, (x, y)) eyeCoordinates.append((x, y)) # save everything to database middleLeftEye = eyeCoordinates[0] middleRightEye = eyeCoordinates[1] if len(dbPhotos) == 0: # create new entry in db logger.debug("Executing: 'INSERT INTO eyesInPhotos (photoFileName, date, lEyeX, lEyeY, rEyeX, rEyeY) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d)'", inputImageFileName, photoDateTime, middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1]) c.execute('INSERT INTO eyesInPhotos (photoFileName, date, lEyeX, lEyeY, rEyeX, rEyeY) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (inputImageFileName, photoDateTime, middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1])) else: # update entry in database logger.debug("Executing: 'UPDATE eyesInPhotos SET lEyeX=%d, lEyeY=%d, rEyeX=%d, rEyeY=%d WHERE photoFileName=%s'", middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1], inputImageFileNam) c.execute('UPDATE eyesInPhotos SET lEyeX=?, lEyeY=?, rEyeX=?, rEyeY=? WHERE photoFileName=?', (middleLeftEye[0], middleLeftEye[1], middleRightEye[0], middleRightEye[1], inputImageFileName)) conn.commit() # we found the image in the database with complete data or there are more than 1 image else: if numDBPhotos > 1: logger.critical("Database in bad shape. Found %d occurences of photo named %s", numDBPhotos, inputImageFileName) conn.close() sys.exit(1) else:"Photo %s already in db", inputImageFileName) newNumAllDBPhotos = DatabaseFunctions.numberOfPhotosInDB(c)"Added %d photos with eyeinfo to database %s", newNumAllDBPhotos - numAllDBPhotos, dbPath) conn.close()
def apply_quickseg(image, image_bandnames, image_metadata, ratio=1.0, maxdist=4, kernel_window_size=7, directory_output=None): """ Apply quickshift segmentation for the specified set of parameters. Inputs: image: nd array Input array for segmentation. Dimensions should be rows x columns x bands. image_bandnames: list List specifying the band order in image. Possible elements are: rVH, rVV, fVH, fVV, rR, fR, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A, B11, B12 image_metadata: dict Dictionary specifying image metdata, output of rasterio meta property. ratio: float (default=1.0) Ratio balancing color-space proximity and image-space proximity, should be between 0 and 1. Higher values give more weight to color-space. maxdist: float (default=4) Cut-off point for data distances. Higher means fewer clusters. kernel_window_size: int (default=7) Size of Gaussian kernel used in smoothing the sample density. Higher means fewer clusters. Minimum equals 7x7. directory_output: str or None (default=None) If not None, output will be saved to specified path. Outputs: segments_quick: nd array Array of segments IDs. """ # Check image dimensions no_rows, no_cols, no_bands = image.shape if no_bands > no_rows: print( "Warning! Image dimensions should be row x column x bands. Current dimensions are {}x{}x{}, which seems wrong. Swapping axes..." .format(no_rows, no_cols, no_bands)) image = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0)) no_rows, no_cols, no_bands = image.shape else: print("Image dimensions ({}x{}x{}) are valid.".format( no_rows, no_cols, no_bands)) # Normalize data for band_index in np.arange(no_bands): if np.nanstd(image[:, :, band_index]) != 1 or np.nanmean( image[:, :, band_index]) != 0: band = image[:, :, band_index] band[np.isfinite( band)] = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform( band[np.isfinite(band)].reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0] image[:, :, band_index] = band # Segmentation kernel_size = (kernel_window_size - 1) / 6 image_segmented = seg.quickshift(image.astype('double'), ratio=ratio, max_dist=maxdist, kernel_size=kernel_size, convert2lab=False) image_segmented += 1 # add 1 to avoid background value 0 image_segmented = measure.label(image_segmented, connectivity=1) num_segments = np.unique(image_segmented).size mask = ~np.isnan(image[:, :, 0]) segments_quick = ipf.polygonize(image_segmented, mask=mask, transform=image_metadata["transform"]) print("{} - {} segments detected.".format(, num_segments)) # Save output if directory_output: output_filename_tiff = os.path.join( directory_output, "Segments_r{}_m{}_k{}.tif".format(ratio, maxdist, kernel_window_size)) print("Saving raster output to {}...".format(output_filename_tiff)) ipf.ar2tif(image_segmented, output_filename_tiff, image_metadata["crs"], image_metadata["transform"], dtype=rasterio.int32) output_filename_shp = os.path.join( directory_output, "Segments_r{}_m{}_k{}.shp".format(ratio, maxdist, kernel_window_size)) print("Saving features output to {}...".format(output_filename_shp)) segments_quick.to_file(output_filename_shp) # Return return segments_quick, image_segmented
n_test = X_test.shape[0] # Shape of traffic sign image image_shape = X_train[0].shape # How many unique classes/labels there are in the dataset. classes = np.unique(y_train) print('Images loaded.') print "Training samples: " + str(n_train) print "Testing samples: " + str(n_test) print "Image data shape: " + str(image_shape) print "Classes: " + str(classes) + "\n" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Pre-Process ## Pre-Process: RGB X_train_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_rgb(X_train) X_test_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_rgb(X_test) ## Pre-Process: Grayscale #X_train_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_grayscale(X_train) #X_test_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_grayscale(X_test) # check quality after pre-processing check_quality = False if (check_quality): index = random.randint(0, len(X_train)) print("Random Test for {0}".format(y_train[index])) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(X_train[index].squeeze()) plt.title("Before")
norbert.wait_for_rapid() cam_comp = True cam = adjustment_file = open('camera_adjustment_XS.txt', 'w') while norbert.is_running(): norbert.set_rapid_variable("WPW", 5) # Start camera adjustment procedure in RAPID norbert.wait_for_rapid() robtarget_pucks = [] while not robtarget_pucks: ImageFunctions.findPucks(cam, norbert, robtarget_pucks, cam_comp=cam_comp) norbert.set_robtarget_variables("puck_target", robtarget_pucks[0].get_xyz()) norbert.set_rapid_variable("image_processed", "TRUE") robtarget_pucks.clear() norbert.wait_for_rapid() while not robtarget_pucks: ImageFunctions.findPucks(cam, norbert, robtarget_pucks, cam_comp=cam_comp) norbert.set_rapid_variable("image_processed", "TRUE") pos_low = robtarget_pucks[0].get_xyz() print(f'Low robtarget: ({pos_low[0]:.1f},{pos_low[1]:.1f})')
min_red_pixels = 20 imgcount = 0 framenum = 0 for filename in glob.glob(inputpath): im = img = np.array(im) #imnp = list(im.getdata()) cropnum = 0 for x in range(startx, stopx, slidestep[0]): for y in range(starty, stopy, slidestep[1]): # edge - crop needs to be full size if (y + windowsize[1] - 1 >= imgsize[1]): y = imgsize[1] - windowsize[1] if (x + windowsize[0] - 1 >= imgsize[0]): x = imgsize[0] - windowsize[0] window = ((x, y), (x + windowsize[0], y + windowsize[1])) test_img = img[window[0][1]:window[1][1], window[0][0]:window[1][0]] if (imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(test_img) > min_red_pixels): fname = 'crop-' + str(framenum) + '-' + str(cropnum) + '.png' #print test_img.shape imsave(outputdir + fname, test_img) cropnum = cropnum + 1 imgcount = imgcount + 1 framenum = framenum + 1 print 'extracted ' + str(imgcount) + ' training images'
def find_signs(self, img): startx = 0 #60 stopx = imgsize[0] - windowsize[0] #80 starty = 0 #20 #19 stopy = imgsize[1] - windowsize[1] #30 window_list = [] for x in range(startx, stopx, slidestep[0]): for y in range(starty, stopy, slidestep[1]): img_crop = img[y:y + windowsize[1], x:x + windowsize[0]] img_crop_pp = imagefunctions.preprocess_one_rgb(img_crop) img_in = np.array(255 * img_crop_pp, dtype=np.uint8) if (imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img_in) > min_red_pixels): window_list.append( ((x, y), (x + windowsize[0], y + windowsize[1]))) stop_windows, warn_windows = self.search_windows( img, window_list, framenum=random.randint(0, 9999)) # heatmap heat_stop = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) heat_warn = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) for bbox in window_list: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] #cv2.rectangle(img,(startx, starty),(endx, endy),(0,0,200),1) for bbox in warn_windows: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] heat_warn[starty:endy, startx:endx] += 1. #cv2.rectangle(img,(startx, starty),(endx, endy),(0,255,0),1) for bbox in stop_windows: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] heat_stop[starty:endy, startx:endx] += 1. #cv2.rectangle(img,(startx, starty),(endx, endy),(255,0,0),1) score_stop = np.max(heat_stop) score_warn = np.max(heat_warn) #print '[scores] stop:' + str(score_stop) + ' warn:' + str(score_warn) detthresh = 20 mapthresh = 10 labels = [None] if score_stop < detthresh and score_warn < detthresh: #print 'NO SIGN' decision = 0 draw_img = img elif score_stop > score_warn: #print 'STOP' decision = 1 heatmap_stop = heat_stop heatmap_stop[heatmap_stop <= mapthresh] = 0 labels = label(heatmap_stop) #draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels_stop, boxcolor=(255,0,0)) else: #print 'WARNING' decision = 2 # draw box heatmap_warn = heat_warn heatmap_warn[heatmap_warn <= mapthresh] = 0 labels = label(heatmap_warn) #draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels_warn, boxcolor=(0,255,0)) #Image.fromarray(draw_img).show() return decision, labels #draw_img
def find_signs(self, img): startx = 0 #60 stopx = imgsize[0] - windowsize[0] #80 starty = 0 #20 #19 stopy = imgsize[1] - windowsize[1] #30 window_list = [] for x in range(startx, stopx, slidestep[0]): for y in range(starty, stopy, slidestep[1]): img_in = img[y:y + windowsize[1], x:x + windowsize[0]] #img_crop_pp = imagefunctions.preprocess_one_rgb(img_crop) #img_in = np.array(255*img_crop_pp, dtype=np.uint8) if (imagefunctions.num_red_pixels(img_in) > min_red_pixels): window_list.append( ((x, y), (x + windowsize[0], y + windowsize[1]))) #stop_windows, warn_windows = self.search_windows(img, window_list, framenum=random.randint(0,9999)) stop_windows, warn_windows = self.search_windows(img, window_list) # if no window to search numwin = len(window_list) if (numwin == 0): decision = 0 labels = [None] return decision, labels, img # Method 1 - Count windows # if ((len(stop_windows)<2) and (len(warn_windows)<2)): # return 0,[None] # elif (len(stop_windows)>=len(warn_windows)): # return 1,[None] # else: # return 2,[None] # Method 2 - Localized heatmap based decision heat_stop = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) heat_warn = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) for bbox in window_list: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] #cv2.rectangle(img,(startx, starty),(endx, endy),(200,0,0),1) for bbox in warn_windows: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] heat_warn[starty:endy, startx:endx] += 1. cv2.rectangle(img, (startx, starty), (endx, endy), (0, 255, 0), 1) for bbox in stop_windows: startx = bbox[0][0] starty = bbox[0][1] endx = bbox[1][0] endy = bbox[1][1] heat_stop[starty:endy, startx:endx] += 1. cv2.rectangle(img, (startx, starty), (endx, endy), (255, 0, 0), 1) score_stop = np.max(heat_stop) score_warn = np.max(heat_warn) # ---- GET DECISION ---- # decision = self.get_decision(score_stop, score_warn, numwin) # plot final decision region mapthresh = self.K_mapthresh * numwin labels = [None] if (decision == 1): heatmap_stop = heat_stop heatmap_stop[heatmap_stop <= mapthresh] = 0 labels = label(heatmap_stop) elif (decision == 2): heatmap_warn = heat_warn heatmap_warn[heatmap_warn <= mapthresh] = 0 labels = label(heatmap_warn) return decision, labels, img
t_stdev=t_stdev, t_conv=t_conv, t_shape=t_shape, bandnames_mean=bandnames_mean, bandnames_stdev=bandnames_stdev) def save_topickle(segments, out_filename): """Save intermediate result to pickle file""" with open(out_filename, "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(segments, handle) #%% Import input data print("{} - Loading input data...".format( image_sar, image_sar_meta, image_sar_bandnames = ipf.tif2ar( sar_filename, return_bandnames=True) pixel_resolution_x = image_sar_meta["transform"][0] pixel_resolution_y = -image_sar_meta["transform"][4] image_sar_bandnames = ["rVH", "rVV", "fVH", "fVV"] #%% Image segmentation print("{} - Image segmentation...".format( t_start = segments, segments_raster = qsf.apply_quickseg( np.transpose(image_sar, (1, 2, 0)).copy(), image_sar_bandnames, image_sar_meta, ratio=ratio, maxdist=maxdist, kernel_window_size=kernel_window_size) t_end =
# Shape of traffic sign image image_shape = X_train[0].shape # How many unique classes/labels there are in the dataset. classes = np.unique(y_train) n_classes = len(classes) print('Images loaded.') print "Training samples: " + str(n_train) print "Validation samples: " + str(n_valid) print "Image data shape: " + str(image_shape) print "Classes: " + str(classes) + "\n" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Pre-Process ## Pre-Process: RGB X_train_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_rgb(X_train) X_valid_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_rgb(X_valid) ## Pre-Process: Grayscale #X_train_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_grayscale(X_train) #X_valid_prep = imagefunctions.preprocess_grayscale(X_valid) # check quality after pre-processing check_quality = False if (check_quality): index = random.randint(0, len(X_train)) print("Random Test for {0}".format(y_train[index])) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(X_train[index].squeeze()) plt.title("Before")