예제 #1
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        app_id   = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        info = {'cherokee_version': VERSION,
                'system':           SystemInfo.get_info()}

        xmlrpc = XmlRpcServer (OWS_APPS_INSTALL, user=OWS_Login.login_user, password=OWS_Login.login_password)
        install_info = xmlrpc.get_install_info (app_id, info)

        Install_Log.log ("Waiting for the payment acknowledge…")

        box = CTK.Box()
        if install_info.get('due_payment'):
            set_timeout_js = "setTimeout (reload_druid, %s);" %(PAYMENT_CHECK_TIMEOUT)
            box += CTK.RawHTML ("<h2>%s %s</h2>"%(_('Checking out'), app_name))
            box += CTK.RawHTML ('<h1>%s</h1>' %(_("Waiting for the payment acknowledge…")))
            box += CTK.RawHTML (js="function reload_druid() {%s %s}" %(CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (box.id, URL_INSTALL_PAY_CHECK), set_timeout_js))
            box += CTK.RawHTML (js=set_timeout_js)

            buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
            buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
            box += buttons

            Install_Log.log ("Payment ACK!")

            # Invalidate 'My Library' cache

            # Move on
            CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!download'] = install_info['url']
            box += CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (box.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD)

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #2
    def __safe_call__(self):
        app_id = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_id")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_name")

        # URL Package
        index = Distro.Index()
        pkg = index.get_package(app_id, "package")

        repo_url = CTK.cfg.get_val("admin!ows!repository", REPO_MAIN)
        url_download = os.path.join(repo_url, app_id, pkg["filename"])
        CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!download"] = url_download

        # Local storage shortcut
        pkg_filename_full = url_download.split("/")[-1]
        pkg_filename = pkg_filename_full.split("_")[0]
        pkg_revision = 0

        pkg_repo_fp = os.path.join(CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id)
        if os.access(pkg_repo_fp, os.X_OK):
            for f in os.listdir(pkg_repo_fp):
                tmp = re.findall("^%s_(\d+)" % (pkg_filename), f)
                if tmp:
                    pkg_revision = max(pkg_revision, int(tmp[0]))

        if pkg_revision > 0:
            pkg_fullpath = os.path.join(
                CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id, "%s_%d.cpk" % (pkg_filename, pkg_revision)
            CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!local_package"] = pkg_fullpath

            Install_Log.log("Using local repository package: %s" % (pkg_fullpath))

            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Instance a Downloader
        downloader = CTK.Downloader("package", url_download)
        downloader.bind("stopped", CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_close(downloader.id))
        downloader.bind("finished", CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
        downloader.bind("error", CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD_ERROR))

        stop = CTK.Button(_("Cancel"))
        stop.bind("click", downloader.JS_to_stop())
        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += stop

        Install_Log.log("Downloading %s" % (url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_("The application is being downloaded. Hold on tight!")))
        cont += downloader
        cont += buttons
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(js=downloader.JS_to_start())

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #3
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        Install_Log.log ("Set-up Error")

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CKT.RawHTML ("<h2>%s</h2>" %(_("Setting up"), app_name))
        box += CKT.RawHTML ("<h1>%s</h1>" %(_("Unpacking application…")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML (js = CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #4
    def Render (self):
        # Add replacement keys to the log
        for k in self.keys:
            Install_Log.log ("  ${%s} -> '%s'" %(k, self.keys[k]))

        # Start thread

        # Render
        return CTK.Box.Render (self)
예제 #5
    def Render (self):
        # Add replacement keys to the log
        for k in self.keys:
            Install_Log.log ("  ${%s} -> '%s'" %(k, self.keys[k]))

        # Start thread

        # Render
        return CTK.Box.Render (self)
예제 #6
    def __safe_call__(self):
        Install_Log.log("Setup phase")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_name")

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_("Unpacking application…")))

        # Unpack
        commands = [({"function": _Setup_unpack, "description": _("The applicaction is being unpacked…")})]
        progress = CommandProgress.CommandProgress(commands, URL_INSTALL_POST_UNPACK, props={"style": "display:none;"})
        box += progress
        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #7
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        Install_Log.log ("Downloading Error: %s" %(url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s %s</h2>' %(_("Installing"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML (_("There was an error downloading the application. Please contact us if the problem persists."))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
        cont += buttons

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #8
    def _Handle_Download(self, tarball=None):
        errors = []
        url = None
        pkg_path = None

        # In case of running from the GUI, the file is downloaded by
        # now, so the only thing left to do is to update the params.
        if self.app_fetch and self.app_fetch.startswith("http:"):
            if CTK.DownloadEntry_Exists(self.app_fetch):
                down_entry = CTK.DownloadEntry_Factory(self.app_fetch)
                self.targz_path = down_entry.target_path
                return []

        # Auto
        if not self.app_fetch or self.app_fetch == 'auto':
            url = tarball

        # Static file
        elif self.app_fetch[0] == '/':
            if not os.path.exists(self.app_fetch):
                errors += [
                    _("File or Directory not found: %(app_path)s") %
                        'app_path': self.app_fetch
                return errors

            if os.path.isdir(self.app_fetch):
                self.targz_path = self.app_dir
                self.targz_path = self.app_fetch

        # Download the software
            url = self.app_fetch

        if url:
            Install_Log.log("Downloading: %s" % (url))

            self.downloader = CTK.DownloadEntry_Factory(url)

            while self.downloader.isAlive():
                if self.downloader.size <= 0:
                    Install_Log.log("Downloaded %d bytes..." %
                        "Downloaded %d / %d (%d%%)..." %
                        (self.downloader.downloaded, self.downloader.size,
                         (self.downloader.downloaded * 100 /

            self.targz_path = self.downloader.target_path
            Install_Log.log("Download completed: %s" % (self.targz_path))

        return []
예제 #9
    def __call__(self):
            return self.__safe_call__()
        except Exception, e:
            # Log the exception
            exception_str = traceback.format_exc()
            print exception_str
            Install_Log.log("EXCEPTION!\n" + exception_str)

            # Reset 'unfinished installations' cache

            # Present an alternative response
            cont = Exception_Handler(exception_str)
            return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #10
    def __call__(self):
            return self.__safe_call__()
        except Exception, e:
            # Log the exception
            exception_str = traceback.format_exc()
            print exception_str
            Install_Log.log("EXCEPTION!\n" + exception_str)

            # Reset 'unfinished installations' cache

            # Present an alternative response
            cont = Exception_Handler(exception_str)
            return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #11
    def _Update_app_dir(self, re_filter=None):
        assert self.app_dir

        for f in os.listdir(self.app_dir):
            fp = os.path.join(self.app_dir, f)
            if re_filter:
                if not re.match(re_filter, f):

            Install_Log.log("Updating app_dir: %s to %s" % (self.app_dir, fp))
            self.app_dir = fp
            return []

        Install_Log.log("app_dir was not updated: %s" % (self.app_dir))
        return []
예제 #12
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        app_id       = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app_name     = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')
        url_download = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!download')

        # Local storage shortcut
        pkg_filename_full = url_download.split('/')[-1]
        pkg_filename = pkg_filename_full.split('_')[0]
        pkg_revision = 0

        pkg_repo_fp  = os.path.join (CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages")
        if os.access (pkg_repo_fp, os.X_OK):
            for f in os.listdir (pkg_repo_fp):
                tmp = re.findall('^%s_(\d+)'%(pkg_filename), f)
                if tmp:
                    pkg_revision = max (pkg_revision, int(tmp[0]))

        if pkg_revision > 0:
            pkg_fullpath = os.path.join (CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", '%s_%d.pkg' %(pkg_filename, pkg_revision))
            CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!local_package'] = pkg_fullpath

            Install_Log.log ("Using local repository package: %s" %(pkg_fullpath))

            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML (js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Instance a Downloader
        downloader = CTK.Downloader ('package', url_download)
        downloader.bind ('stopped',  CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_close (downloader.id))
        downloader.bind ('finished', CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
        downloader.bind ('error',    CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD_ERROR))

        stop = CTK.Button (_('Cancel'))
        stop.bind ('click', downloader.JS_to_stop())
        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += stop

        Install_Log.log ("Downloading %s" %(url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s %s</h2>' %(_("Downloading"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML ('<p>%s</p>' %(_('The application is being downloaded. Hold on tight!')))
        cont += downloader
        cont += buttons
        cont += CTK.RawHTML (js = downloader.JS_to_start())

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #13
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        app_id   = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        info = {'cherokee_version': VERSION,
                'system':           SystemInfo.get_info()}

        cont = CTK.Box()
        xmlrpc = XmlRpcServer (OWS_APPS_INSTALL, user=OWS_Login.login_user, password=OWS_Login.login_password)
        install_info = xmlrpc.get_install_info (app_id, info)

        if install_info.get('error'):
            title  = install_info['error']['error_title']
            errors = install_info['error']['error_strings']

            cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<h2>%s</h2>"%(_(title)))
            for error in errors:
                cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>"%(_(error)))

            buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
            buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Close'))
            cont += buttons

        elif install_info['installable']:
            # Do not change this log line. It is used by the
            # Maintenance.py file to figure out the app name
            Install_Log.log ("Checking: %s, ID: %s = Installable, URL=%s" %(app_name, app_id, install_info['url']))

            CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!download'] = install_info['url']
            cont += CTK.RawHTML (js = CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (cont.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD))

            Install_Log.log ("Checking: %s, ID: %s = Must check out first" %(app_name, app_id))

            cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<h2>%s %s</h2>"%(_('Checking out'), app_name))
            cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>"  %(_(NOTE_ALL_READY_TO_BUY_1)))
            cont += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>"  %(_(NOTE_ALL_READY_TO_BUY_2)))

            checkout = CTK.Button (_("Check Out"))
            checkout.bind ('click', CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (cont.id, URL_INSTALL_PAY_CHECK) +
                                    CTK.JS.OpenWindow('%s/order/%s' %(OWS_STATIC, app_id)))

            buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
            buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
            buttons += checkout
            cont += buttons

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #14
    def __safe_call__(self):
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        Install_Log.log("Downloading Error: %s" % (url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s %s</h2>' % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(
            _("There was an error downloading the application. Please contact us if the problem persists."

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
        cont += buttons

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #15
    def __safe_call__(self):
        Install_Log.log("Setup phase")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_("Unpacking application…")))

        # Unpack
        commands = [({
            'function': _Setup_unpack,
            'description': _("The applicaction is being unpacked…")
        progress = CommandProgress.CommandProgress(
            props={'style': 'display:none;'})
        box += progress
        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #16
    def _run_function (self, command_entry):
        function = command_entry['function']
        params   = command_entry.get ('params', {}).copy()

        Install_Log.log ("  Function: %s" %(function.__name__))
        if params:
            Install_Log.log ("    (PARAMS) -> %s" %(str(params)))

            ret = function (**params)
            ret = {'retcode': 1,
                   'stderr':  traceback.format_exc()}

        self.command_progress.last_popen_ret = ret

        if command_entry.get ('check_ret', True):
            if ret['retcode'] != 0:
                self._report_error (function.__name__, params, ret)
                return True
예제 #17
    def _run_function (self, command_entry):
        function = command_entry['function']
        params   = command_entry.get ('params', {}).copy()

        Install_Log.log ("  Function: %s" %(function.__name__))
        if params:
            Install_Log.log ("    (PARAMS) -> %s" %(str(params)))

            ret = function (**params)
            ret = {'retcode': 1,
                   'stderr':  traceback.format_exc()}

        self.command_progress.last_popen_ret = ret

        if command_entry.get ('check_ret', True):
            if ret['retcode'] != 0:
                self._report_error (function.__name__, params, ret)
                return True
예제 #18
    def __safe_call__(self):
        Install_Log.log("Post unpack commands")

        target_path = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!root")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_name")

        # Import the Installation handler
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_path, "installer.py")):
            Install_Log.log("Passing control to installer.py")
            installer_path = os.path.join(target_path, "installer.py")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_source("installer", installer_path)
            Install_Log.log("Passing control to installer.pyo")
            installer_path = os.path.join(target_path, "installer.pyo")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_compiled("installer", installer_path)

        # GUI
        box = CTK.Box()

        commands = pkg_installer.__dict__.get("POST_UNPACK_COMMANDS", [])
        if not commands:
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP_EXTERNAL))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_("Setting it up…")))

        progress = CommandProgress.CommandProgress(commands, URL_INSTALL_SETUP_EXTERNAL)
        box += progress
        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #19
    def __safe_call__(self):
        Install_Log.log("Post unpack commands")

        target_path = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!root')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        # Import the Installation handler
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_path, "installer.py")):
            Install_Log.log("Passing control to installer.py")
            installer_path = os.path.join(target_path, "installer.py")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_source('installer', installer_path)
            Install_Log.log("Passing control to installer.pyo")
            installer_path = os.path.join(target_path, "installer.pyo")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_compiled('installer', installer_path)

        # GUI
        box = CTK.Box()

        commands = pkg_installer.__dict__.get('POST_UNPACK_COMMANDS', [])
        if not commands:
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(
                box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP_EXTERNAL))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_("Setting it up…")))

        progress = CommandProgress.CommandProgress(commands,
        box += progress
        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #20
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
def Exception_Handler_Apply():
    # Collect information
    info = {}
    info['log']      = Install_Log.get_full_log()
    info['user']     = OWS_Login.login_user
    info['comments'] = CTK.post['comments']
    info['platform'] = SystemInfo.get_info()
    info['tmp!market!install'] = CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install'].serialize()

    # Send it
    xmlrpc = XmlRpcServer (OWS_APPS_INSTALL, user=OWS_Login.login_user, password=OWS_Login.login_password)
    install_info = xmlrpc.report_exception (info)

    return CTK.cfg_reply_ajax_ok()
예제 #21
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        root        = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!root')
        app_name    = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')
        cfg_changes = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes')

        box = CTK.Box()

        # Finished
        finished_file = os.path.join (root, "finished")
        Install_Log.log ("Creating %s" %(finished_file))
        f = open (finished_file, 'w+')

        # Normalize CTK.cfg
        CTK.cfg.normalize ('vserver')

        # Clean up CTK.cfg
        for k in CTK.cfg.keys('tmp!market!install'):
            if k != 'app':
                del (CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!%s'%(k)])

        # Save configuration
        if not int(cfg_changes):
            Install_Log.log ("Configuration saved.")

            Cherokee.server.restart (graceful=True)
            Install_Log.log ("Server gracefully restarted.")
            box += CTK.RawHTML (js=SaveButton.ButtonSave__JS_to_deactive())

        Install_Log.log ("Finished")

        # Thank user for the install
        box += CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s %s</h2>' %(app_name, _("has been installed successfully")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>" %(_(NOTE_THANKS_P1)))

        if int(cfg_changes):
            box += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>" %(_(NOTE_SAVE_RESTART)))

        box += CTK.RawHTML ("<h1>%s</h1>" %(_(NOTE_THANKS_P2)))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Close'))
        box += buttons

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #22
def Exception_Handler_Apply():
    # Collect information
    info = {}
    info['log'] = Install_Log.get_full_log()
    info['user'] = OWS_Login.login_user
    info['comments'] = CTK.post['comments']
    info['platform'] = SystemInfo.get_info()
    info['cfg'] = CTK.cfg.serialize()
    info['tmp!market!install'] = CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install'].serialize()

    # Send it
    xmlrpc = XmlRpcServer(OWS_APPS_INSTALL,
    install_info = xmlrpc.report_exception(info)

    return CTK.cfg_reply_ajax_ok()
예제 #23
    def _run_command (self, command_entry):
        command = replacement_cmd (command_entry['command'])
        cd      = command_entry.get('cd')
        env     = command_entry.get('env')
        su      = command_entry.get('su')

        if cd:
            cd = replacement_cmd (cd)

        Install_Log.log ("  %s" %(command))
        if env:
            Install_Log.log ("    (CD)         -> %s" %(cd))
            Install_Log.log ("    (SU)         -> %s" %(su))
            Install_Log.log ("    (CUSTOM ENV) -> %s" %(str(env)))

        ret = popen.popen_sync (command, env=env, cd=cd, su=su)
        self.command_progress.last_popen_ret = ret

        if command_entry.get ('check_ret', True):
            if ret['retcode'] != 0:
                self._report_error (command, env, ret)
                return True
예제 #24
    def _run_command (self, command_entry):
        command = self._replace (command_entry['command'])
        cd      = command_entry.get('cd')
        env     = command_entry.get('env')
        su      = command_entry.get('su')

        if cd:
            cd = self._replace (cd)

        Install_Log.log ("  %s" %(command))
        if env:
            Install_Log.log ("    (CD)         -> %s" %(cd))
            Install_Log.log ("    (SU)         -> %s" %(su))
            Install_Log.log ("    (CUSTOM ENV) -> %s" %(str(env)))

        ret = popen.popen_sync (command, env=env, cd=cd, su=su)
        self.command_progress.last_popen_ret = ret

        if command_entry.get ('check_ret', True):
            if ret['retcode'] != 0:
                self._report_error (command, env, ret, cd)
                return True
예제 #25
    def _Handle_Unpacking(self):
        if not self.targz_path:
            return []

        assert self.app_dir

        # Create the app directory
        if not os.path.exists(self.app_dir):

        # Unpack
        command = "gzip -dc '%s' | tar xfv -" % (self.targz_path)
        Install_Log.log("(cd: %s): %s" % (self.app_dir, command))

        ret = popen.popen_sync(command, cd=self.app_dir)

        return []
예제 #26
    def __safe_call__(self):
        root = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!root")
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_name")
        cfg_changes = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes")

        # Finished
        finished_file = os.path.join(root, "finished")
        Install_Log.log("Creating %s" % (finished_file))
        f = open(finished_file, "w+")

        # Normalize CTK.cfg

        # Save configuration
        box = CTK.Box()

        if not int(cfg_changes):
            Install_Log.log("Configuration saved.")

            Install_Log.log("Server gracefully restarted.")
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=SaveButton.ButtonSave__JS_to_deactive())


        # Thank user for the install
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s %s</h2>" % (app_name, _("has been installed successfully")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P1)))

        # Save / Visit
        if int(cfg_changes):
            box += CTK.Notice("information", CTK.RawHTML(_(NOTE_SAVE_RESTART)))

        elif Cherokee.server.is_alive():
            install_type = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target")
            nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!vserver")
            vserver_n = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!vserver_n")
            directory = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!target!directory")

            # Host
            if vserver_n and not nick:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))

            if not nick or nick.lower() == "default":
                sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
                nick = sys_stats.hostname

            # Ports
            ports = []
            for b in CTK.cfg["server!bind"] or []:
                port = CTK.cfg.get_val("server!bind!%s!port" % (b))
                if port:

            nick_port = nick
            if ports and not "80" in ports:
                nick_port = "%s:%s" % (nick, ports[0])

            # URL
            url = ""
            if install_type == "vserver" and nick:
                url = "http://%s/" % (nick_port)
            elif install_type == "directory" and vserver_n and directory:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))
                url = "http://%s%s/" % (nick_port, directory)

            if url:
                box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s " % (_("You can now visit")))
                box += CTK.LinkWindow(url, CTK.RawHTML(_("your new application")))
                box += CTK.RawHTML(" on a new window.</p>")

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P2)))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_("Close"))
        box += buttons

        # Clean up CTK.cfg
        for k in CTK.cfg.keys("tmp!market!install"):
            if k != "app":
                del (CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!%s" % (k)])

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #27
def _Setup_unpack():
    url_download = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!download')

    # has it been downloaded?
    pkg_filename = url_download.split('/')[-1]

    package_path = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!local_package')
    if not package_path or not os.path.exists(package_path):
        down_entry = CTK.DownloadEntry_Factory(url_download)
        package_path = down_entry.target_path

    # Create the local directory
    target_path = os.path.join(CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT, str(int(time.time() * 100)))
    os.mkdir(target_path, 0700)
    CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!root'] = target_path

    # Create the log file
    Install_Log.set_file(os.path.join(target_path, "install.log"))

    # Uncompress
        if sys.version_info < (
                2, 5
        ):  # tarfile module prior to 2.5 is useless to us: http://bugs.python.org/issue1509889
            raise tarfile.CompressionError

        Install_Log.log("Unpacking %s with Python" % (package_path))
        tar = tarfile.open(package_path, 'r:gz')
        for tarinfo in tar:
            Install_Log.log("  %s" % (tarinfo.name))
            tar.extract(tarinfo, target_path)
        ret = {'retcode': 0}
    except tarfile.CompressionError:
        command = "gzip -dc '%s' | tar xfv -" % (package_path)
            "Unpacking %(package_path)s with the GZip binary (cd: %(target_path)s): %(command)s"
            % (locals()))
        ret = popen.popen_sync(command, cd=target_path)

    # Set default permission
    Install_Log.log("Setting default permission 755 for directory %s" %
        target_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP
        | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)

    # Remove the package
    if package_path.startswith(CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR):
        Install_Log.log("Skipping removal of: %s" % (package_path))
        Install_Log.log("Removing %s" % (package_path))

    return ret
예제 #28
    def __safe_call__(self):
        app_id = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        # URL Package
        index = Distro.Index()
        pkg = index.get_package(app_id, 'package')

        repo_url = CTK.cfg.get_val('admin!ows!repository', REPO_MAIN)
        url_download = os.path.join(repo_url, app_id, pkg['filename'])
        CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!download'] = url_download

        # Local storage shortcut
        pkg_filename_full = url_download.split('/')[-1]
        pkg_filename = pkg_filename_full.split('_')[0]
        pkg_revision = 0

        pkg_repo_fp = os.path.join(CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id)
        if os.access(pkg_repo_fp, os.X_OK):
            for f in os.listdir(pkg_repo_fp):
                tmp = re.findall('^%s_(\d+)' % (pkg_filename), f)
                if tmp:
                    pkg_revision = max(pkg_revision, int(tmp[0]))

        if pkg_revision > 0:
            pkg_fullpath = os.path.join(
                CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id,
                '%s_%d.cpk' % (pkg_filename, pkg_revision))
            CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!local_package'] = pkg_fullpath

            Install_Log.log("Using local repository package: %s" %

            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML(
                js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Instance a Downloader
        downloader = CTK.Downloader('package', url_download)
            CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))

        stop = CTK.Button(_('Cancel'))
        stop.bind('click', downloader.JS_to_stop())
        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += stop

        Install_Log.log("Downloading %s" % (url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s %s</h2>' % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(
            '<p>%s</p>' %
            (_('The application is being downloaded. Hold on tight!')))
        cont += downloader
        cont += buttons
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(js=downloader.JS_to_start())

        return cont.Render().toStr()
예제 #29
    def __safe_call__(self):
        # Ensure the current UID has enough priviledges
        if not InstallUtil.current_UID_is_admin() and 0:
            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s</h2>' % (_(NO_ROOT_H1)))
            box += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(NO_ROOT_P1)))
            box += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(NO_ROOT_P2)))

            buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
            buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
            box += buttons

            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Check the rest of pre-requisites
        index = Distro.Index()
        app_id = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app = index.get_package(app_id, 'software')

        inst = index.get_package(app_id, 'installation')
        if 'cherokee_min_ver' in inst:
            version = inst['cherokee_min_ver']
            if version_cmp(VERSION, version) < 0:
                box = CTK.Box()
                box += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s</h2>' % (_(MIN_VER_H1)))
                box += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(MIN_VER_P1) % (locals())))

                buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
                buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))

                box += buttons
                return box.Render().toStr()

        # Init the log file
        Install_Log.log("| PLEASE, DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LOG FILE |")
        Install_Log.log("|                                             |")
        Install_Log.log("| It contains useful information that         |")
        Install_Log.log("| cherokee-admin might need in the future.    |")
        Install_Log.log("Retrieving package information...")

        # Check whether there are CTK.cfg changes to be saved
        changes = "01"[int(CTK.cfg.has_changed())]
        CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes'] = changes

        # Render a welcome message
        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML(
            js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD))

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #30
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        url_download = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!download')

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML ("<h2>%s</h2><br/>" %(_('Setting up application…')))

        # has it been downloaded?
        pkg_filename = url_download.split('/')[-1]

        package_path = CTK.cfg.get_val ('tmp!market!install!local_package')
        if not package_path or not os.path.exists (package_path):
            down_entry = CTK.DownloadEntry_Factory (url_download)
            package_path = down_entry.target_path

        # Create the local directory
        target_path = os.path.join (CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT, str(int(time.time()*100)))
        os.mkdir (target_path, 0700)
        CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!root'] = target_path

        # Create the log file
        Install_Log.log ("Unpacking %s" %(package_path))
        Install_Log.set_file (os.path.join (target_path, "install.log"))

        # Uncompress
        tar = tarfile.open (package_path, 'r:gz')
        for tarinfo in tar:
            Install_Log.log ("  %s" %(tarinfo.name))
            tar.extract (tarinfo, target_path)

        # Set default permission
        Install_Log.log ("Setting default permission 755 for directory %s" %(target_path))
        os.chmod (target_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH )

        # Remove the package
        if package_path.startswith (CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR):
            Install_Log.log ("Skipping removal of: %s" %(package_path))
            Install_Log.log ("Removing %s" %(package_path))
            os.unlink (package_path)

        # Import the Installation handler
        if os.path.exists (os.path.join (target_path, "installer.py")):
            Install_Log.log ("Passing control to installer.py")
            installer_path = os.path.join (target_path, "installer.py")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_source ('installer', installer_path)
            Install_Log.log ("Passing control to installer.pyo")
            installer_path = os.path.join (target_path, "installer.pyo")
            pkg_installer = imp.load_compiled ('installer', installer_path)

        # Set owner and permissions
        Install_Log.log ("Post unpack commands")

        # Execute commands
        commands = pkg_installer.__dict__.get ('POST_UNPACK_COMMANDS',[])
        box += CommandProgress.CommandProgress (commands, URL_INSTALL_SETUP_EXTERNAL)

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #31
    def __safe_call__(self):
        # Ensure the current UID has enough priviledges
        if not InstallUtil.current_UID_is_admin() and 0:
            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s</h2>" % (_(NO_ROOT_H1)))
            box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NO_ROOT_P1)))
            box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NO_ROOT_P2)))

            buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
            buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_("Cancel"))
            box += buttons

            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Check the rest of pre-requisites
        index = Distro.Index()
        app_id = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!app!application_id")
        app = index.get_package(app_id, "software")

        inst = index.get_package(app_id, "installation")
        if "cherokee_min_ver" in inst:
            version = inst["cherokee_min_ver"]
            if version_cmp(VERSION, version) < 0:
                box = CTK.Box()
                box += CTK.RawHTML("<h2>%s</h2>" % (_(MIN_VER_H1)))
                box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(MIN_VER_P1) % (locals())))

                buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
                buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_("Cancel"))

                box += buttons
                return box.Render().toStr()

        # Init the log file
        Install_Log.log("| PLEASE, DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LOG FILE |")
        Install_Log.log("|                                             |")
        Install_Log.log("| It contains useful information that         |")
        Install_Log.log("| cherokee-admin might need in the future.    |")
        Install_Log.log("Retrieving package information...")

        # Check whether there are CTK.cfg changes to be saved
        changes = "01"[int(CTK.cfg.has_changed())]
        CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes"] = changes

        # Render a welcome message
        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML(js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_DOWNLOAD))

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #32
def _Setup_unpack():
    url_download = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!download")

    # has it been downloaded?
    pkg_filename = url_download.split("/")[-1]

    package_path = CTK.cfg.get_val("tmp!market!install!local_package")
    if not package_path or not os.path.exists(package_path):
        down_entry = CTK.DownloadEntry_Factory(url_download)
        package_path = down_entry.target_path

    # Create the local directory
    target_path = os.path.join(CHEROKEE_OWS_ROOT, str(int(time.time() * 100)))
    os.mkdir(target_path, 0700)
    CTK.cfg["tmp!market!install!root"] = target_path

    # Create the log file
    Install_Log.set_file(os.path.join(target_path, "install.log"))

    # Uncompress
        if sys.version_info < (
        ):  # tarfile module prior to 2.5 is useless to us: http://bugs.python.org/issue1509889
            raise tarfile.CompressionError

        Install_Log.log("Unpacking %s with Python" % (package_path))
        tar = tarfile.open(package_path, "r:gz")
        for tarinfo in tar:
            Install_Log.log("  %s" % (tarinfo.name))
            tar.extract(tarinfo, target_path)
        ret = {"retcode": 0}
    except tarfile.CompressionError:
        command = "gzip -dc '%s' | tar xfv -" % (package_path)
            "Unpacking %(package_path)s with the GZip binary (cd: %(target_path)s): %(command)s" % (locals())
        ret = popen.popen_sync(command, cd=target_path)

    # Set default permission
    Install_Log.log("Setting default permission 755 for directory %s" % (target_path))
        stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH,

    # Remove the package
    if package_path.startswith(CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR):
        Install_Log.log("Skipping removal of: %s" % (package_path))
        Install_Log.log("Removing %s" % (package_path))

    return ret
예제 #33
    def __safe_call__(self):
        root = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!root')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')
        cfg_changes = CTK.cfg.get_val(

        # Finished
        finished_file = os.path.join(root, "finished")
        Install_Log.log("Creating %s" % (finished_file))
        f = open(finished_file, 'w+')

        # Normalize CTK.cfg

        # Save configuration
        box = CTK.Box()

        if not int(cfg_changes):
            Install_Log.log("Configuration saved.")

            Install_Log.log("Server gracefully restarted.")
            box += CTK.RawHTML(js=SaveButton.ButtonSave__JS_to_deactive())


        # Thank user for the install
        box += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s %s</h2>' %
                           (app_name, _("has been installed successfully")))
        box += CTK.RawHTML("<p>%s</p>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P1)))

        # Save / Visit
        if int(cfg_changes):
            box += CTK.Notice('information', CTK.RawHTML(_(NOTE_SAVE_RESTART)))

        elif Cherokee.server.is_alive():
            install_type = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target')
            nick = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!vserver')
            vserver_n = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!vserver_n')
            directory = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!target!directory')

            # Host
            if vserver_n and not nick:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val("vserver!%s!nick" % (vserver_n))

            if not nick or nick.lower() == "default":
                sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
                nick = sys_stats.hostname

            # Ports
            ports = []
            for b in CTK.cfg['server!bind'] or []:
                port = CTK.cfg.get_val('server!bind!%s!port' % (b))
                if port:

            nick_port = nick
            if ports and not '80' in ports:
                nick_port = '%s:%s' % (nick, ports[0])

            # URL
            url = ''
            if install_type == 'vserver' and nick:
                url = 'http://%s/' % (nick_port)
            elif install_type == 'directory' and vserver_n and directory:
                nick = CTK.cfg.get_val('vserver!%s!nick' % (vserver_n))
                url = 'http://%s%s/' % (nick_port, directory)

            if url:
                box += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s ' % (_("You can now visit")))
                box += CTK.LinkWindow(url,
                                      CTK.RawHTML(_('your new application')))
                box += CTK.RawHTML(' on a new window.</p>')

        box += CTK.RawHTML("<h1>%s</h1>" % (_(NOTE_THANKS_P2)))

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Close'))
        box += buttons

        # Clean up CTK.cfg
        for k in CTK.cfg.keys('tmp!market!install'):
            if k != 'app':
                del (CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!%s' % (k)])

        return box.Render().toStr()
예제 #34
파일: Install.py 프로젝트: chetan/cherokee
    def __safe_call__ (self):
        Install_Log.log (".---------------------------------------------.")
        Install_Log.log ("| PLEASE, DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LOG FILE |")
        Install_Log.log ("|                                             |")
        Install_Log.log ("| It contains useful information that         |")
        Install_Log.log ("| cherokee-admin might need in the future.    |")
        Install_Log.log (".---------------------------------------------.")
        Install_Log.log ("Retrieving package information...")

        # Check whether there are CTK.cfg changes to be saved
        changes = "01"[int(CTK.cfg.has_changed())]
        CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!cfg_previous_changes'] = changes

        # Render a welcome message
        box = CTK.Box()
        box += CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s</h2>' %(_('Connecting to Cherokee Market')))
        box += CTK.RawHTML ('<h1>%s</h1>' %(_('Retrieving package information…')))
        box += CTK.RawHTML (js = CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (box.id, URL_INSTALL_INIT_CHECK))

        # Dialog buttons
        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
        box += buttons

        return box.Render().toStr()