def processDecisionTree(): global area # tell Python interpreter variable area is global skip = False if area == 'ERROR': return while True: if (not skip): nrOfOptions = JsonParser.loadDTData(area) sentence = Processing_Audio.getAudioToText() sentence = Various_Functions.normalize(sentence) if ( sentence.strip() == 'antwort 1' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 2' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 3' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 4' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 5' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 6' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 7' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 8' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 9' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 10' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 11' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 12' or sentence.strip() == 'antwort 13' ): number = [int(s) for s in sentence.strip().split() if s.isdigit()][0] if(nrOfOptions >= number): skip = False area = JsonParser.goToNewArea(area, number) #os.system("mpg321 -q /opt/QBO/catkin_ws/src/RoboGen-QBO/scripts/Python_Projects/EmotionAudio/mp3/SoundEffect_Confirm.mp3") # Bestätigungs-Sound abspielen else: Various_Functions.qboSpeak('Diese Antwort ist leider nicht moeglich. Bitte schau dir die letzte Frage noch einmal genau an') skip = True else: Various_Functions.qboSpeak('Diese Antwort ist leider nicht moeglich. Bitte schau dir die letzte Frage noch einmal genau an') skip = True if area == 'end': Various_Functions.qboSpeak('Dein Dialog ist nun zu Ende! Auf Wiedersehen!') break
def exec_action(self): parser = JsonParser.JsonParser() actions = parser.parse_stream(sys.stdin) for action in actions: output = self.__parse_action__(action) encoded_output = json.dumps(output) print(encoded_output)
def read_comands(self): parser = JsonParser.JsonParser() commands = parser.parse_stream(sys.stdin) for command in commands: op_name = command['operation-name'] func = self.command_list[op_name] output = func() print json.dumps(output)
def main(): files = [] for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): files.append(sys.argv[i]) parser = jp.JsonParser(files) # Run program normally if output args not specified. if not check_for_output(parser): display = dis.CDisplay(parser)
def find_intrusion(): current_time = 0 # per_time: current working packet per time per_time = PacketPerTime({}, current_time) # pet_time_interval: PacketPerInterval - last 5 PacketsPerTime per_time_interval = PacketsPerInterval([]) # Brain object, packets to run on. brain, packets, ip_intrusions = JsonParser.json_get_brain_chunks( JsonParser.write_intrusion_packet_chunk) brain.generate_ip_country_map() intrusions = [] for packet in packets: # translate to our object packet_chunk = parse(packet) # OR: just use packet as it is if we are running on our data set # packet_chunk = packet if packet_chunk.time == current_time: per_time.add_packet(packet_chunk) # Detector.find_new_ips([packet_chunk.sender, packet_chunk.receiver], brain.ip_set, brain.malicious_ips) continue to_update = per_time_interval.update(per_time) if to_update is not None: brain.update(to_update) brain_interval = brain.get_interval(current_time, PacketsPerInterval.INTERVAL) intrusions += Detector.detect_intrusion(brain_interval, per_time_interval, brain.ip_set, brain.malicious_ips) current_time += 1 per_time = PacketPerTime({}, current_time) display_intrusions(intrusions, ip_intrusions)
def __init__(self, name, x, y, standalone = None, standaloneDesc = None): if standalone != None and standaloneDesc != None: self.image = standalone self.desc = standaloneDesc else: parser = JsonParser.Parser() parser.parse("GameConfig/ItemDatabase.json") ss = Spritesheet.spritesheet("Sprites/Spritesheets/pixelArt.png") self.image = ss.image_at(tuple(parser.settings[name]["coords"]), (0, 0, 0, 0)) self.desc = parser.settings[name]["desc"] self.consumable = True = name self.pickedUp = False self.spriteImage = sprite(self.image, x, y, self.spriteImage.description = self.desc self.invSlot = ""
def LagouSpider(keyword): lagou_url = "{tp}&kw={kw}&pn={pn}" # Preprocess keyword -- transfer it into utf-8 format and add it to lagou url kw_bytes = keyword.encode('utf-8') kw_bytes = str(kw_bytes).replace(r'\x', '%').replace(r' ', '') kw_in_url = re.sub(r'^b', '', kw_bytes) # count how many results by key "totalcount" << "positionResult" << "content" in json file page_num = 0 first_url = lagou_url.format(tp='true', kw=kw_in_url, pn=str(page_num + 1)) with request.urlopen(first_url) as uf: json_data = json.loads( str(, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) resultsCount = int( json_data.get('content', {}).get('positionResult', {}).get('totalCount', 0)) print('本次搜索页面共计%d' % resultsCount) if resultsCount == 0: print("Query Keyword error or index key word error") return -1 # Game is on, let's scrap for i in range(3): if i == 0: tp = 'true' else: tp = 'false' url = lagou_url.format(tp=tp, kw=kw_in_url, pn=str(i + 1)) with request.urlopen(url) as uf: data = try: totaldata = JsonParser.JsonParser(data) except Exception as e: continue #开始写入数据库 print(totaldata) totaldata.to_excel('lagou.xls', sheet_name='sheet1')
def main(): address = ('localhost', 8844) directory = os.getcwd() parser = JsonParser.JsonParser() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(address) s.listen(5) while True: print 'waiting for connection' (client, ip) = s.accept() try: while True: req = client.recv(1024) try: parsedreq = json.loads(req) print("sending " + parsedreq) client.send(parsedreq + ' gotem\n') except: client.send('not json bruh') pass finally: client.close()
# "{'a':1}" # '{1:1}' # '{true:1}' # '{"a":{}' # '{"a":-}' # '{"a":[,]}' # '{"a":.1}' # '{"a":+123}' # '{"a":"""}' # '{"a":"\\"}' ] file_path = 'E:/jsonStringFile.txt' for test_json_str in json_test: a1 = JsonParser.JsonParser() a2 = JsonParser.JsonParser() a3 = JsonParser.JsonParser() a1.load(test_json_str) # print d1 = a1.dumpDict() # print d1 a2.loadDict(d1) a2.dumpJson(file_path) a3.loadJson(file_path) # print a3 d3 = a3.dumpDict() # print d3 assert d1 == d3, '解析错误%s:' % test_json_str
while(undone): try: producer.send_messages(topic, msg) undone=False except LeaderNotAvailableError: sleep(10) print("LeaderNotAvailableError") pass def keyedProduce(self,topic, key, value): kafka=KafkaClient(self.configs["broker_list"].split(",")) keyedProducer=KeyedProducer(kafka,async=True) undone=True while(undone): try: keyedProducer.send_messages(topic, key, value) undone=False except LeaderNotAvailableError: sleep(10) print("LeaderNotAvailableError") pass #keyedProducer.send_messages(topic, key, value) if __name__=="main": args=sys.argv topic=args[0] msg=args[1] configs=JsonParser.parseJson("config.json") producer=DemoProducer(configs) producer.produce(topic,msg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Bin LI ([email protected]) # All rights reserved. # 本文件用于测试 from JsonParser import * import sys import pdb testcases = [ '{}', '{"number":1}', '{"string":"string"}', '{"true": true}', '{"false": false}', '{"null": null}', '{"array": []}', '{"array":[1, "s" , true, false, null]}', '{"array":[[1, 2, 3], [true, false], [null] ]}', '{"array":[{"number":1}, {"string":"string"} ]}', '{"object": {}}', '{"object": {"array": [1, true, {"object": "object"}]}}' ] print "Start testing..." p = JsonParser() for s in testcases: p.load(s) print "End testing..."
return list(map(lambda x: self.compile(x), ast.getAttr('items'))) elif == 'NameValuePair': return (self.compile(ast.getAttr('name')), self.compile(ast.getAttr('value'))) elif isinstance(ast, JsonToken): if == Parser.TERMINAL_STRING: return ast.string.replace('"', '') if == Parser.TERMINAL_NUMBER: return float(ast.string) if == Parser.TERMINAL_TRUE: return True if == Parser.TERMINAL_FALSE: return False if == Parser.TERMINAL_NULL: return None else: print("AST %s is not a valid type" % (ast)) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("missing JSON file(s)") sys.exit(-1) for filename in sys.argv[1:]: try: lexer = JsonLexer(open(filename).read()) tree = JsonParser.parse( lexer, 'object' ) compiler = JsonToPythonCompiler() object = compiler.compile( tree.toAst() ) print('%s is valid JSON:\n' % filename) print(object) except Exception as e: print('Error:', e)
def produceDemo(configs): producer=ProducerDemo.DemoProducer(configs) keys=["CPU","MEM"] while(True): topic="computer"+str(random.randint(0,1)) key=keys[random.randint(0,1)] pec=str(random.randint(0,100)) producer.keyedProduce(topic,key,pec) #producer.produce(topic,pec) print("Produced: "+topic+"."+key+"="+pec) def consumeDemo(configs): consumer=ConsumerDemo.DemoConsumer(configs) t1=threading.Thread(target=consumer.consume,args=("computer1",)) t2=threading.Thread(target=consumer.consume, args=("computer0",)) t1.start() t2.start() args=sys.argv if args[1]=="producer": configs=JsonParser.parseJson("producer.json") produceDemo(configs) elif args[1]=="consumer": configs1= JsonParser.parseJson("consumer1.json") configs2= JsonParser.parseJson("consumer2.json") consumeDemo(configs1) consumeDemo(configs2) elif args[1]=="ingest": configs=JsonParser.parseJson("producer.json") LogIngester.LogIngester(args[2],configs).ingest() else: print("Choose a Mode, producer or consumer")
def __init__(self): self.parser = JsonParser.JsonParser() self.card = 10
def setUp(self): super(TestJsonParser, self).setUp(JsonParser.JsonParser(gp=mock.Mock())) self.tcp_server = TcpServer.TcpServer(gp=mock.Mock()) self.tcp_server.addReceiver("JsonParser", self.test_object)
def Servers(accessKey,secretKey): totalAccountCost = 0 # Generate list of servers for region in boto.ec2.regions(): if != 'us-gov-west-1': regionConnection = get_region_connection(,accessKey,secretKey) reservations = regionConnection.get_all_instances() # print ('\n') # print('Region: ' + str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","") ) # # file2write.writelines('\n') # file2write.writelines('Region: ' + str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","")) # file2write.writelines('\n') serverTable = PrettyTable (["Server Name", "Owner/Creator","InstanceType","LaunchTime","Hours Running","Cost/Hour","Running Cost","Architecture","OS","ID","Public_dns_name","IP","State","Label"]) serverTable = PrettyTable (["Server Name", "Owner/Creator","InstanceType","Launch Date","Cost/Hour","Running Cost"]) serverTable.align["Server Name"] = "l" serverTable.padding_width = 1 regionCost = 0 itemCount = 0 if reservations: #print reservations for reservation in reservations: instance = reservation.instances for instDetails in instance: serverState = str(instDetails.__dict__['_state']) if (serverState != 'stopped(80)' and serverState != 'terminated(48)'): serverName = str(instDetails.__dict__['tags']['Name']) ownerCreator = str(instDetails.__dict__['tags']['es:Owner']) instanceType = str(instDetails.__dict__['instance_type']) launchTime = (str(instDetails.__dict__['launch_time']).replace('T',' ')).replace ('.000Z','') runningTime = str(timeRunning(launchTime)) imageID = str(instDetails.__dict__['image_id']) architecture = str(instDetails.__dict__['architecture']) OS = str(instDetails.__dict__['platform']) if (OS == "None"): OS = str(instanceImagesOS(,imageID,accessKey,secretKey)) # osOfInstance = str(instanceOS(,imageID)) ID = str(instDetails.__dict__['id']) public_dns_name = str(instDetails.__dict__['public_dns_name']) IP = str(instDetails.__dict__['ip_address']) state = str(instDetails.__dict__['_state']).replace('(16)','') label = str(instDetails.__dict__['tags']['es:Label']) regionForCosting = str( running_OS = JsonParser.instanceOS(OS) regionToCosting = JsonParser.regionDecoder(regionForCosting) costPerHour = JsonParser.getCostPerHour(regionToCosting,running_OS.lower(),(instanceType.lower())) totalRunningCost = CostCalculation.CostCalulation(int(runningTime),costPerHour) # serverTable.add_row([serverName,ownerCreator,instanceType,launchTime,runningTime,costPerHour,totalRunningCost,architecture,OS,ID,public_dns_name,IP,state,label]) serverTable.add_row([serverName,ownerCreator,instanceType,launchTime,costPerHour,round(totalRunningCost,2)]) regionCost = regionCost + totalRunningCost itemCount = itemCount + 1 #accountCost(regionCost) # print itemCount if (itemCount > 0): print ('\n') print('Region: ' + str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","") ) file2write.writelines('\n') file2write.writelines('Region: ' + str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","")) file2write.writelines('\n') print serverTable print "Cost for region "+ str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","") + ": $" + str(round(regionCost,2)) file2write.writelines(str(serverTable)) file2write.writelines('\n') file2write.writelines("Cost for region " + str(regionConnection).replace("EC2Connection:ec2.","") + ": $" + str(round(regionCost,2))) file2write.writelines('\n') #file2write.close() #print "Account Cost: " + str(totalAccountCost) totalAccountCost = totalAccountCost + regionCost #print "TotalAccountCost: " + str(totalAccountCost) return totalAccountCost
"east": "hero.x + hero.width >= 960", "north": "hero.y <= 1", "west": "hero.x <= 1", "south": "hero.y + hero.height >= 895" } oppDir = {"east": "west", "west": "east", "south": "north", "north": "south"} startPositions = { "east": (20, 440), "north": (440, 800), "west": (930, 440), "south": (440, 80) } parser = JsonParser.Parser() parser.parse("GameConfig/config.json") musicActive = parser.settings['musicSettings']['music'] sfxActive = parser.settings['musicSettings']['SFX'] character = parser.settings['levelSettings']['player'] currentLevel = parser.settings['levelSettings']['starting_level'] previousLevel = 0 toExit = None ss = Spritesheet.spritesheet("Sprites/" + character + "/character.png") alpha = (0, 0, 0, 0) parser.parse("Sprites/" + character + "/walkCycle.json") charWalkCycleDown = parser.settings['Down']
def __main__(): #Declaring variables global OUTPUT_FILE global ERROR_FILE current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) output_file_path = current_dir + "\getJsonString_OUTPUT_FILE.txt" error_file_path = current_dir + "\getJsonString_ERROR_FILE.txt" resp = "" #Open the file to write result into it try: OUTPUT_FILE = open(output_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') except: Report("Cannot open file " + output_file_path + " for write") Finalise() #Open the file to write ERROR_FILEors into it try: ERROR_FILE = open(error_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') except: Report("Cannot open file " + error_file_path + " for write") Finalise() #Importing support libraries try: import requests import base64 import binascii import gzip import json import JsonParser #from xml2json import json2xml except Exception as e: Report("Error when importing some libs. Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() #Getting data from url request try: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() result = requests.get(sys.argv[1], verify=False) resp = result except Exception as e: Report( "Error when getting data from url request. Check the internet connection and URL's.\n" + "Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() #Deleting managed symbol '\' from received string result_string = result.text.replace("\\", "") #Decoding data from base64 try: result_string = base64.b64decode(result_string) except Exception as e: Report("Error when decoding incoming data from base64 encoding.\n" + " Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() #Unzipping data from archive try: result_string = gzip.decompress(result_string) except Exception as e: Report("Error when unzipping data from archive.\n" + " Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() #Converting byte array to utf-8 string try: result_string = result_string.decode("utf-8", "ignore") except Exception as e: Report("Error when converting byte array to utf-8 string.\n" + " Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() #Parsing a json string to the array of items try: if sys.argv[2] == '1': result_dict = JsonParser.ParseUom(result_string) if sys.argv[2] == '2': result_dict = JsonParser.ParseGoodsCategories(result_string) if sys.argv[2] == '3': result_dict = JsonParser.ParseGoodsItems(result_string) except Exception as e: Report("Error when parsing json data to a text file.\n" + " Error message: " + str(e)) Finalise() for item in result_dict: OUTPUT_FILE.write(str(item)) OUTPUT_FILE.write('\n') #Close the file OUTPUT_FILE.close() ERROR_FILE.close()
# encoding: utf-8 __author__ = 'lgl' import JsonParser import unittest encode_string_utf8 = JsonParser.encode_python_string('utf8') encode_string_unicode = JsonParser.encode_python_string() parse_string = JsonParser.parse_json_string class PyTest(unittest.TestCase): pyjson = JsonParser.JsonParser() pyjson_gbk = JsonParser.JsonParser('gbk') load = pyjson.load dump = pyjson.dump loadJson = pyjson.loadJson dumpJson = pyjson.dumpJson loadDict = pyjson.loadDict dumpDict = pyjson.dumpDict update = pyjson.update dict_id = pyjson.dict_id # def __init__(self): # self.pyjson = JsonParser() # self.load = self.pyjson.load # self.dump = self.pyjson.dump # self.loadJson = self.pyjson.loadJson # self.dumpJson = self.pyjson.dumpJson # self.loadDict = self.pyjson.loadDict
elif obj['instruction'] == 'add_note': result = DBHelper.insert_note(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['noteid'], obj['title'], obj['folderid'], obj['value']) new_conn.send(result.encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'del_note': result = DBHelper.delete_note(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['noteid']) new_conn.send(result.encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'sel_note': result = DBHelper.select_single_note(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['noteid']) if isinstance(result, str): new_conn.send(result.encode()) else: new_conn.send(JsonParser.dump_single_note(result).encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'up_note': result = DBHelper.update_note(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['noteid'], obj['title'], obj['folderid'], obj['value']) new_conn.send(result.encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'add_folder': result = DBHelper.insert_folder(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['folderid'], obj['foldername'], obj['parentid']) new_conn.send(result.encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'del_folder': result = DBHelper.delete_folder(obj['userid'], obj['passwd'], obj['folderid']) new_conn.send(result.encode()) elif obj['instruction'] == 'up_folder':
def __init__(self): self.urls = UrlManger.UrlManger() self.downloader = JsonDownloader.JsonDownloader() self.parser = JsonParser.JsonParser() self.outputer = JsonOutputer.JsonOutputer()