예제 #1
import numpy as np
import os,sys
import LNC_tools_v2 as LNC

#Uses tools created in LNC_tools to open all files in a folder and resample
#them to a regular spacing in altitude/date the concatenates them into one
#pandas dataframe and plots it using LNC_plot
#July 05, 2012

olddir = os.getcwd()

#os.chdir('K:\CORALNet\Data\ASCII Files')

newdir = LNC.set_dir('Select Event Folder')


files = os.listdir(newdir)
maskfiles = []
datafiles = []
procfiles = []
rawfiles = []

#set altitude range and date step sizes

altrange = np.arange(10,8010,10)#meters
timestep = '120S' #seconds

#set buffer around backscatter ratio of 1 for mask
import os, sys
import LNC_tools_v2 as LNC
import LNC_plot_v1 as LNCplot

#Uses tools created in LNC_tools to open all files in a folder and resample
#them to a regular spacing in altitude/date the concatenates them into one
#pandas dataframe and plots it using LNC_plot
#July 05, 2010

olddir = os.getcwd()

#os.chdir('C:\Users\User\Documents\CORALNet\Data\ASCII Files')

newdir = LNC.set_dir('Select Event Folder')


files = os.listdir(newdir)
maskfiles = []
datafiles = []
procfiles = []
rawfiles = []

#set altitude range and date step sizes

altrange = np.arange(10, 15010, 10)  #meters
timestep = '120S'  #seconds

#check to see if each file has been processed before and separate processed