예제 #1
def parameters_change3():
    global lc_rand
    global lr_rand
    lc_rand = LC.LCR(m=2**30 - 35, a=771645345)
    lr_rand = LR.LRR(m=2**29 - 3, a1=520332806, a2=530877178)
예제 #2
def parameters_change1():
    global lc_rand
    global lr_rand
    lc_rand = LC.LCR(m=2**23 - 15, a=653276)
    lr_rand = LR.LRR(m=2**24 - 3, a1=4408741, a2=5637643)
예제 #3
def parameters_change2():
    global lc_rand
    global lr_rand
    lc_rand = LC.LCR(m=2**28 - 57, a=29908911)
    lr_rand = LR.LRR(m=2**27 - 39, a1=3162696, a2=88641177)
예제 #4
import LCRandom as LC
import LRRandom as LR
import random
import math

lc_rand = LC.LCR()
lr_rand = LR.LRR()

def run_test(test_size=100000, radius=0.4):
    value_lc = 0
    value_lr = 0
    value_py = 0

    for i in range(test_size):
        if math.sqrt((lc_rand.rand()**2 + lc_rand.rand()**2)) <= radius:
            value_lc += 1
        if math.sqrt((lr_rand.rand()**2 + lr_rand.rand()**2)) <= radius:
            value_lr += 1
        if math.sqrt((random.random()**2 + random.random()**2)) <= radius:
            value_py += 1

    value_lc = value_lc / test_size
    value_lr = value_lr / test_size
    value_py = value_py / test_size
    area = math.pi * (radius**2) / 4

    print("The area of the circle is : " + str(area))
        "Percentage of elements in area for self implemented Linear Congruent RNG : "
        + str(value_lc))