def run_lsf_blat(subject,queries,blattile,blatargstr='',num_batches=100): '''submits jobs to LSF intended as an example of parallelization over a compute grid; uses a module for interaction with scheduler ''' import LSF blatargstr += ' -tileSize=%s' % blattile blatargstr += ' -stepSize=%s' % (int(blattile)/2) cmds = [] labf = [] for q in queries: outbase = q.rstrip('.fa').rstrip('_query')+'_blat'+blatargstr.replace('=','').replace(' ','') labf.append(outbase+'.label') cmds.append(' %s %s \\"%s\\" %s' % (radtag_denovo,subject,q,blatargstr,outbase)) logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(subject),'blat-log') try: os.unlink(logfile) except: pass #print >> sys.stderr, 'LSF %s\nlog: %s' % (cmds,logfile) import time while len(cmds) > 0: jobids,namedict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds,logfile,'normal_serial',jobname_base='blat2mat',num_batches=num_batches) time.sleep(20) LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jobids,logfile,namedict=namedict) cmds = LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(logfile) return labf
def run_lsf_blat(subjects,queries,blattile,blatargstr='',num_batches=100): '''submits jobs to LSF intended as an example of parallelization over a compute grid; uses a module for interaction with scheduler ''' import LSF blatargstr += ' -tileSize=%s' % blattile blatargstr += ' -stepSize=%s' % (int(blattile)/2) cmds = [] labf = [] for q in queries: for subject in subjects: subjname = os.path.basename(subject).rstrip('.fa').rstrip('_subj') outbase = q.rstrip('.fa').rstrip('_query')+'_blat'+'-subj'+subjname+blatargstr.replace('=','').replace(' ','') labf.append(outbase+'.label') cmds.append(' %s %s \\"%s\\" %s' % (radtag_denovo,subject,q,blatargstr,outbase)) logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(subjects[0]),'blat-log') logfiles = glob(logfile+'*.lsflog') for lf in logfiles: try: os.unlink(lf) except: pass #print >> sys.stderr, 'LSF %s\nlog: %s' % (cmds,logfile) import time while len(cmds) > 0: jobids,namedict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds,logfile,'normal_serial',bsub_flags='-R "select[mem > 20000]"',jobname_base='blat2mat',num_batches=num_batches) time.sleep(20) LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jobids,logfile,namedict=namedict) logfiles = glob(logfile+'*.lsflog') cmds = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(lf) for lf in logfiles]) if not all([os.path.exists(f) for f in labf]): raise OSError, 'blat failed' return labf
for clab,crops in cropsdict.items(): outbase,outext = os.path.splitext(vid) outvid = '%s_%s_%s-%s%s' % (outbase,clab,offset,dur,outext) if os.path.exists(outvid) and ( vidtools.vid_duration(outvid) == dur ): print >> sys.stderr, '%s present and expected size, skip' % outvid else: cropstr = '-vf crop=in_w-%s:in_h-%s:%s:%s' % (crops[0]+crops[2],crops[1]+crops[3],crops[0],crops[1]) cmd = 'ffmpeg -ss %s -t %s -i %s -y %s -b 20000k %s' % (offset,dur,vid,cropstr,outvid) cmds.append(cmd) logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vid),'crop-log') jobids,namedict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds,logfile,'normal_serial',jobname_base='vid2crop') LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jobids,logfile,'normal_serial',namedict=namedict) cmds = LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(logfile) if len(cmds) == 0: rerun = False sys.exit() rerun = True while rerun: outstr = os.path.join(outroot,'%07d.png') execstr = 'ffmpeg -ss %s -t %s -i %s -r %s -y %s %s 2> /dev/null' % (offset,dur,vid,fps,cropstr,outstr) print >> sys.stderr, 'execute %s\nrunning %s' % (nrun,execstr) os.system(execstr) nrun += 1 #empties = [f for f in sorted(glob(outroot+'/*.png')) if os.path.getsize(f) < 5000] empties = vidtools.get_bad_images(outroot,'png') if len(empties) > 0:
cmds = [' %s %s %s' % (source_adir, d, new_seglen) for d in tdirs] logfile = source_root+'/reanalyze-log' final_summary = source_root+'/%0.1fsec_summary.pdf' % new_seglen if os.path.exists(final_summary): print >>sys.stderr, 'merged summary %s exists; will not reanalyze' % final_summary do = False else: do = True passes = 0 while do and passes < 3: jids,ndict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds,logfile,'normal_serial',jobname_base='reanalyze') LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jids,logfile,ndict) time.sleep(10) unfinished = LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(logfile) if unfinished: print >> sys.stderr, 'not finished: %s' % unfinished cmds = unfinished else: do = False passes += 1 if not os.path.exists(final_summary): print >> sys.stderr, 'write summary to '+final_summary os.system('gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%s %s/*-*/30fps/analysis/1.0sec*/summary.pdf' % (final_summary,source_root))
logfile = source_root + '/reanalyze-log' final_summary = source_root + '/%0.1fsec_summary.pdf' % new_seglen if os.path.exists(final_summary): print >> sys.stderr, 'merged summary %s exists; will not reanalyze' % final_summary do = False else: do = True passes = 0 while do and passes < 3: jids, ndict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds, logfile, 'normal_serial', jobname_base='reanalyze') LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jids, logfile, ndict) time.sleep(10) unfinished = LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(logfile) if unfinished: print >> sys.stderr, 'not finished: %s' % unfinished cmds = unfinished else: do = False passes += 1 if not os.path.exists(final_summary): print >> sys.stderr, 'write summary to ' + final_summary os.system( 'gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%s %s/*-*/30fps/analysis/1.0sec*/summary.pdf' % (final_summary, source_root))
print >> sys.stderr, '%s present and expected size, skip' % outvid else: cropstr = '-vf crop=in_w-%s:in_h-%s:%s:%s' % ( crops[0] + crops[2], crops[1] + crops[3], crops[0], crops[1]) cmd = 'ffmpeg -ss %s -t %s -i %s -y %s -b 20000k %s' % ( offset, dur, vid, cropstr, outvid) cmds.append(cmd) logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vid), 'crop-log') jobids, namedict = LSF.lsf_jobs_submit(cmds, logfile, 'normal_serial', jobname_base='vid2crop') LSF.lsf_wait_for_jobs(jobids, logfile, 'normal_serial', namedict=namedict) cmds = LSF.lsf_no_success_from_log(logfile) if len(cmds) == 0: rerun = False sys.exit() rerun = True while rerun: outstr = os.path.join(outroot, '%07d.png') execstr = 'ffmpeg -ss %s -t %s -i %s -r %s -y %s %s 2> /dev/null' % ( offset, dur, vid, fps, cropstr, outstr) print >> sys.stderr, 'execute %s\nrunning %s' % (nrun, execstr) os.system(execstr) nrun += 1 #empties = [f for f in sorted(glob(outroot+'/*.png')) if os.path.getsize(f) < 5000] empties = vidtools.get_bad_images(outroot, 'png')