예제 #1
def read_frame(filename):

    new_frame = Leap.Frame()
    with open(os.path.realpath(filename), 'rb') as data_file:
        data = data_file.read()

    leap_byte_array = Leap.byte_array(len(data))
    address = leap_byte_array.cast().__long__()
    ctypes.memmove(address, data, len(data))
    new_frame.deserialize((leap_byte_array, len(data)))
    return new_frame
예제 #2
def leap_frames(filename):
    """List generator of `Leap.Frame` from raw LeapMotion binary file."""
    with open(filename, 'rb') as file_:
        frame_size_data = file_.read(4)
        while frame_size_data:
            frame_size = struct.unpack('i', frame_size_data)[0]
            frame_data = Leap.byte_array(frame_size)
            frame_data_ptr = frame_data.cast().__long__()
            ctypes.memmove(frame_data_ptr, file_.read(frame_size), frame_size)
            frame = Leap.Frame()
            frame.deserialize((frame_data, frame_size))
            frame_size_data = file_.read(4)
            yield frame
예제 #3
    def get_frame(filename):

        frame = Leap.Frame()
        # filename = 'cali_1495553181022000.data'
        with open(os.path.realpath(filename), 'rb') as data_file:
            data = data_file.read()

        leap_byte_array = Leap.byte_array(len(data))
        address = leap_byte_array.cast().__long__()
        ctypes.memmove(address, data, len(data))

        frame.deserialize((leap_byte_array, len(data)))

        return frame
예제 #4
def read_file(f, l):
    #hand = []
    fd = open(str(f) + "/" + l + ".data", "rb")

    next_block_size = fd.read(4)
    size = struct.unpack('i', next_block_size)[0]
    data = fd.read(size)
    leap_byte_array = Leap.byte_array(size)
    address = leap_byte_array.cast().__long__()
    ctypes.memmove(address, data, size)

    frame = Leap.Frame()
    frame.deserialize((leap_byte_array, size))
    #return hand
    return frame.hands.rightmost
예제 #5
    def load_raw_data(self, file_name):
        classified_sequence_list = []
        with open("../data/raw/" + file_name + ".data", "rb") as data_file:
            for j in range(0, 16):
                frame_list = []
                for i in range(0, 60):
                    next_block_size = data_file.read(4)
                    size = struct.unpack('i', next_block_size)[0]
                    data = data_file.read(size)
                    leap_byte_array = Leap.byte_array(size)
                    address = leap_byte_array.cast().__long__()
                    ctypes.memmove(address, data, size)

                    frame = Leap.Frame()
                    frame.deserialize((leap_byte_array, size))
                code = struct.unpack('i', data_file.read(4))[0]
                    m.ClassifiedSequence(m.Sequence().load_data(frame_list), m.Gesture.gesture_from_code(code)))
        return classified_sequence_list
    def deserialize_frame(self, serialized_stream):
        frames = []

        controller = Leap.Controller()
        with open(serialized_stream, "rb") as frame_file:
            next_block_size = frame_file.read(4)

            while next_block_size:
                size = struct.unpack("i", next_block_size)[0]
                data = frame_file.read(size)
                leap_byte_array = Leap.byte_array(size)

                address = leap_byte_array.cast().__long__()

                ctypes.memmove(address, data, size)

                frame = Leap.Frame()

                frame.deserialize((leap_byte_array, size))

                next_block_size = frame_file.read(4)
        return frames
class LeapController(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "object.leap_blender"
    bl_label = "Leap Blender"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    bl_property = "distance"
    activated = False
    frame = Leap.Frame()
    key_tap_timestamp = 0

    #GUI Check Box
    #activated = BoolProperty(
    #  name="Leap Controlled",
    #  description="Enables controlling Object through Leap Motion",
    #  default=False,
    #  options={'ANIMATABLE'},
    #  subtype='NONE')

    distance = FloatProperty(name="distance",

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True

    def modal(self, context, event):
        """ Listen for TIMER event and look for leap frames on every tick. """

        # Cancel LeapMotion control on pressing END key.
        if event.type == 'END':

        if event.type == 'TIMER' and not self._updating:
            self._updating = True

            # Handle all new frames since last tick.
            last_frame = self.frame
            self.frame = self.controller.frame()
            #print (self.frame.id, last_frame.id)
            if ((self.frame is not last_frame)
                    and (self.frame.id > 0 and last_frame.id > 0)):
                frames = []
                for i in range(0, self.frame.id - last_frame.id + 1):
                    if self.controller.frame(i).is_valid:

            self._updating = False
        return {'PASS_THROUGH'}

    def execute(self, context):
        dir = self.direction.normalized()
        context.active_object.location += self.distance * dir
        return {'FINISHED'}

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        """ Invoke the leap device. """

        self.controller = Leap.Controller()

        # Enable and improve KeyTab.
        if (LeapPython.Config_set_float(self.controller.config,
                and LeapPython.Config_set_float(
                    self.controller.config, "Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds",
                and LeapPython.Config_set_float(self.controller.config,

        # Set timer to run every settings.framerate.
        self._updating = False
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

    def _process_frames(self, frames):
        """ Evaluate movements and moations in frame. """

        for g in frames[-1].gestures(frames[0]):
            if (g.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_KEY_TAP
                    # See settings for explanation.
                    and time.time() >
                (self.key_tap_timestamp + settings.key_tap_seconds_lock)):
                self.activated = not self.activated
                self.key_tap_timestamp = time.time()

        if self.activated:
            # Same control movements for workspace and blender objects,
            # except use one hand for controlling workspace and two for blender objects.
            obj = None
            if len(frames[0].hands) > 1:
                obj1 = blender_object.BlenderObject()
                obj2 = workspace.Workspace()
                obj1 = workspace.Workspace()
                obj2 = blender_object.BlenderObject()


            # Hand with fingers stretched.
            # Controls rotation and zooming.
            if len(frames[0].fingers) > 3:
                v = self._frames_difference_vector(
                    frames, lambda x: x.hands.leftmost.palm_position)
                # Zoom just applies for workspace.
                # Not all objects can zoom.
                zoom = getattr(obj1, "zoom", None)
                if zoom is not None:
                    obj1.zoom(v.z * settings.lb_factor)
                self._rotate(obj1, v)

            # Fist or hand without fingers.
            # Controls movements.
            elif len(frames[0].fingers) < 2 and len(frames[0].hands) > 0:
                v = self._frames_difference_vector(
                    frames, lambda x: x.hands.leftmost.palm_position)
                self._move(obj2, v)

            #elif len(frames[0].fingers) < 2 and len(frames[0].hands) > 0:
            #    w = blender_object.BlenderObject()
            #    v = self._frames_difference_vector(frames, lambda x: x.hands[0].palm_position)
            #    self._move(o, v)
            #elif len(frames[0].fingers) == 1:
            #    o = workspace.Workspace()
            #    v = self._frames_difference_vector(frames, lambda x: x.hands[0].palm_position)
            #    self._move(o, v)

    def _frames_difference_vector(self, frames, attr_func):
        """ Calculates the difference Vector of attribute on the first and the last frame. """

        res = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        for i in (0, -1):
            #get attributes from frames[i]
            v = attr_func(frames[i])
            if i == 0:
                res.y -= v.y
                res.x -= v.x
                res.z -= v.z
                res.y += v.y
                res.x += v.x
                res.z += v.z

            if res.x > settings.max_x and res.x < -settings.max_x:
                res.y = 0
            if res.y > settings.max_y and res.y < -settings.max_y:
                res.y = 0
            if res.z > settings.max_z and res.z < -settings.max_z:
                res.z = 0
        return res

    def _move(self, obj, v):
        obj.move_horizontal(v.x * settings.lb_factor * (-1))
        obj.move_vertical(v.y * settings.lb_factor * (-1))
        obj.move_straightforward(v.z * settings.lb_factor * (-1))

    def _rotate(self, obj, v):
        obj.rotate_horizontal(v.y * settings.ld_factor * (-1))
        obj.rotate_vertical(v.x * settings.ld_factor)
def main():

    #create socket
    serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    #get local machine name
    host = socket.gethostname()

    port = 9999

    #bind the port
    serversocket.bind((host, port))

    #queue up requests

    #establish connection
    clientsocket, addr = serversocket.accept()

    #open motion builder
		subprocess.Popen('C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\MotionBuilder 2016\\bin\\x64\\motionbuilder.exe')
		print 'Motion Builder Failed To Open'
		print 'Motion Builder Opened Successfully'''

    #create csv
    dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    csv = open(str(dir.replace("\\", "/")) + "/animDataLocal.csv", 'w+b')

    listener = SampleListener()
    controller = Leap.Controller()
    LFrame = Leap.Frame()

    connected = listener.on_connect(controller)

    #recieve returns
    oldFrame, leftWristPosition, leftWristRotation, rightWristPosition, rightWristRotation, IndexLeftData, ThumbLeftData, MiddleLeftData, RingLeftData, PinkyLeftData, IndexRightData, ThumbRightData, MiddleRightData, RingRightData, PinkyRightData = listener.on_frame(

    #set some variables for counting and checking
    frameCount = 0
    testArray = [0, 0, 0]

    while True:
        if not msvcrt.kbhit():
            if oldFrame != listener.on_frame(controller)[0]:
                if (str(leftWristPosition) != '0'):
                    #if we have legit values continue
                    if (leftWristPosition[0]
                            == 0) and (leftWristPosition[1]
                                       == 0) and (leftWristPosition[2] == 0):
                        #write 0's if we cant find wrist
                        csv.write(('"leftWrist"') + "," + str(frameCount) +
                                  "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "," +
                                  "0" + "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "\n")
                        #write wrist location and rotations and bone rotations
                        leftWristPosition = re.sub('[()]', '',
                        leftWristPosition = re.sub(r'\s+', '',
                        csv.write(('"leftWrist"') + "," + str(frameCount) +
                                  "," + str(leftWristPosition) + "," +
                                  str(360 - leftWristRotation[1]) + "," +
                                  str(leftWristRotation[0]) + "," +
                                  str(leftWristRotation[2]) + "," + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Left Thumb "') +
                                      str(ThumbLeftData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbLeftData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbLeftData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbLeftData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Left Index "') +
                                      str(IndexLeftData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(IndexLeftData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(IndexLeftData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(IndexLeftData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Left Middle "') +
                                      str(MiddleLeftData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleLeftData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleLeftData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleLeftData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Left Ring "') +
                                      str(RingLeftData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(RingLeftData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(RingLeftData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(RingLeftData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Left Pinky "') +
                                      str(PinkyLeftData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyLeftData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyLeftData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyLeftData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                if (str(rightWristPosition) != '0'):
                    #if we have legit values continue
                    if (rightWristPosition[0]
                            == 0) and (rightWristPosition[1]
                                       == 0) and (rightWristPosition[2] == 0):
                        csv.write(('"rightWrist"') + "," + str(frameCount) +
                                  "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "," +
                                  "0" + "," + "0" + "," + "0" + "\n")
                        #write wrist location and rotations and bone rotations
                        rightWristPosition = re.sub('[()]', '',
                        rightWristPosition = re.sub(r'\s+', '',
                        csv.write(('"rightWrist"') + "," + str(frameCount) +
                                  "," + str(rightWristPosition) + "," +
                                  str(360 - rightWristRotation[1]) + "," +
                                  str(rightWristRotation[0]) + "," +
                                  str(rightWristRotation[2]) + "," + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Right Thumb "') +
                                      str(ThumbRightData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbRightData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbRightData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(ThumbRightData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Right Index "') +
                                      str(IndexRightData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(IndexRightData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(IndexRightData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(IndexRightData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Right Middle "') +
                                      str(MiddleRightData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleRightData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleRightData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(MiddleRightData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Right Ring "') +
                                      str(RingRightData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(RingRightData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(RingRightData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(RingRightData[i][1][2]) + "\n")
                        for i in range(0, 4):
                            csv.write(('"Right Pinky "') +
                                      str(PinkyRightData[i][0]) + ":" + "," +
                                      str(frameCount) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyRightData[i][1][0]) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyRightData[i][1][1]) + "," +
                                      str(PinkyRightData[i][1][2]) + "\n")

                oldFrame, leftWristPosition, leftWristRotation, rightWristPosition, rightWristRotation, IndexLeftData, ThumbLeftData, MiddleLeftData, RingLeftData, PinkyLeftData, IndexRightData, ThumbRightData, MiddleRightData, RingRightData, PinkyRightData = listener.on_frame(
                frameCount += 1

    connected = listener.on_disconnect(controller)
예제 #9
import Leap, struct, sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "<filename>"

filename = sys.argv[1]
controller = Leap.Controller()

frame_list = []
with open(filename, "rb") as file_:
    frame_size_data = file_.read(4)
    while frame_size_data:
        frame_size = struct.unpack('i', frame_size_data)[0]
        frame_data_ptr = Leap.byte_array(frame_size)
        for i in xrange(frame_size):
            frame_data_ptr[i] = struct.unpack('B', file_.read(1))[0]
        frame = Leap.Frame()
        frame.deserialize((frame_data_ptr, frame_size))
        frame_size_data = file_.read(4)

print "Loaded %d frames." % len(frame_list)
for frame in frame_list:
    print frame