def bidirectional(self, start, start2): moves, moves2 = [], [] stack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stackCopy = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack.insertEnd(start, None, None) stackCopy.insertEnd(start, None, None) visited = [start] stack2 = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stackc2 = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack2.insertEnd(start2, None, None) stackc2.insertEnd(start2, None, None) visited2 = [start2] while stack.empty() is not None and stack2.empty() is not None: currentMove = stack.removeStart() currentMove2 = stack2.removeStart() nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves)): newMove = nextMoves[i] if newMove not in visited: stack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) stackCopy.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) visited.append(newMove) if newMove in visited2: while currentMove2.prevPointer is not None: currentMove2 = currentMove2.prevPointer while != newMove: currentMove2 = currentMove2.nextPointer if currentMove2.parent is None: moves2.append( while currentMove2.parent is not None: currentMove2 = currentMove2.parent moves2.append( moves1 = stackCopy.tree() return "Bidirecional solution: " + str( list(moves1[::-1]) + moves2) nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves)): newMove = nextMoves[i] if newMove not in visited2: stack2.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove2, None) stackc2.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove2, None) visited2.append(newMove) if newMove in visited: while currentMove.prevPointer is not None: currentMove = currentMove.prevPointer while currentMove.nextPointer is not None and != newMove: currentMove = currentMove.nextPointer if currentMove.parent is None: moves2.append( while currentMove.parent is not None: currentMove = currentMove.parent moves2.append( moves1 = stackc2.tree() return "Bidirecional solution: " + str( list(moves2[::-1]) + moves1)
def iterativeDepth(self, start, target): limitDepth = int(input("Enter the limit depth: ")) currentDepth = 0 queue = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() copyStack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack.insertEnd(start, None, 0) copyStack.insertEnd(start, None, 0) visited = [start] while not stack.empty() or not queue.empty(): if stack.empty(): while not queue.empty(): queueMove = queue.removeEnd() stack.insertEnd(, queueMove.parent, queueMove.level) copyStack.insertEnd(, queueMove.parent, queueMove.level) visited.append( limitDepth += 2 print("\nSolution not found.\nNext limit depth: ", limitDepth) currentMove = stack.removeEnd() currentDepth = currentMove.level + 1 nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves) - 1, -1, -1): newMove = nextMoves[i] flag = True if newMove in visited: flag = False visitedIndex = visited.index(newMove) head = copyStack.head while != newMove: head = head.nextPointer if currentDepth < head.level: visited.pop(visitedIndex) flag = True if flag: if newMove == target: copyStack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth) moves = copyStack.tree() return "Iterative depth solution: " + str(moves[::-1]) if currentDepth < limitDepth: stack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth) copyStack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth) visited.append(newMove) else: queue.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth)
def breadthFirst(self, start, target): queue = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() copyQueue = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() queue.insertEnd(start, None, None) copyQueue.insertEnd(start, None, None) visited = [start] while queue.empty() is not None: currentMove = queue.removeStart() nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves)): newMove = nextMoves[i] if newMove not in visited: queue.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) copyQueue.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) visited.append(newMove) if newMove == target: moves = copyQueue.tree() return "Breadth-first solution: " + str(moves[::-1])
def depthFirst(self, start, target): stack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() copyStack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack.insertEnd(start, None, None) copyStack.insertEnd(start, None, None) visited = [start] while stack.empty() is not None: currentMove = stack.removeEnd() nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves)-1, -1, -1): newMove = nextMoves[i] if newMove not in visited: stack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) copyStack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, None) visited.append(newMove) if newMove == target: moves = copyStack.tree() return "Depth-first solution: " + str(moves[::-1])
def limitedDepth(self, start, target): limitDepth = int(input("Enter the limit depth: ")) stack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() copyStack = LinkedList.DoublyLinkedList() stack.insertEnd(start, None, 0) copyStack.insertEnd(start, None, 0) visited = [start] while stack.empty() is not None: currentMove = stack.removeEnd() if currentMove == False: return "Solution not found." currentDepth = currentMove.level + 1 if currentDepth <= limitDepth: nextMoves = Expansion.getNextMoves( for i in range(len(nextMoves) - 1, -1, -1): newMove = nextMoves[i] flag = True if newMove in visited: flag = False visitedIndex = visited.index(newMove) head = copyStack.head while != newMove: head = head.nextPointer if currentDepth < head.level: visited.pop(visitedIndex) flag = True if flag: stack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth) copyStack.insertEnd(newMove, currentMove, currentDepth) visited.append(newMove) if newMove == target: moves = copyStack.tree() return "Limited depth-first solution: " + str( moves[::-1])