def stateCB(self, msg, source): """Called when a /live/state is received. Messages: /live/state Returns the current tempo and overdub status """ if len(msg) == 2 or (len(msg) == 3 and msg[2] == "query"): tempo = LiveUtils.getTempo() overdub = LiveUtils.getSong().overdub self.oscEndpoint.send("/live/state", (tempo, int(overdub)))
def tempoCB(self, msg): """Called when a /live/tempo message is received. Messages: /live/tempo Request current tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo) /live/tempo (float tempo) Set the tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo) """ if len(msg) == 3: tempo = msg[2] LiveUtils.setTempo(tempo) self.oscServer.sendOSC("/live/tempo", LiveUtils.getTempo())
def stateCB(self, msg): tempo = LiveUtils.getTempo() overdub = LiveUtils.getSong().overdub selected_scene = LiveUtils.getSong().view.selected_scene scenes = LiveUtils.getScenes() index = 0 selected_index = 0 for scene in scenes: index = index + 1 if scene == selected_scene: selected_index = index self.oscServer.sendOSC("/live/state", (tempo, overdub, selected_index))
def tempoCB(self, msg, source): """Called when a /live/tempo message is received. Messages: /live/tempo Request current tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo) /live/tempo (float tempo) Set the tempo, replies with /live/tempo (float tempo) """ if len(msg) == 2 or (len(msg) == 3 and msg[2] == "query"): self.oscEndpoint.send("/live/tempo", LiveUtils.getTempo()) elif len(msg) == 3: tempo = msg[2] LiveUtils.setTempo(tempo)
def tempo_change(self): tempo = LiveUtils.getTempo() self.oscEndpoint.send("/live/tempo", (tempo))
def tempo_change(self): tempo = LiveUtils.getTempo() self.oscServer.sendOSC("/live/tempo", (tempo))
def scanScenes(self, songID): #cycle through the scenes for IDs sceneNumber = 0 self.sceneScanLengths = {} sceneIDs = [] #songID = makeID() self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/start/")) tempo = LiveUtils.getTempo() self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/tempo/", float(tempo))) numerator = LiveUtils.getNumerator() self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/numerator/", int(numerator))) denominator = LiveUtils.getDenominator() self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/denominator/", int(denominator))) #sceneBundle.append(OSC.OSCMessage("/scenes/start")) for scene in LiveUtils.getScenes(): sceneArgs = {} sceneBundle = OSC.OSCBundle() sceneID = re.findall("(\#cS.{8})", if (not sceneID): sceneID = SCENE_IDENTIFIER + self.makeID() sceneName = = + sceneID else: #sceneID =[idIndex:] try: usedAlready = sceneIDs.index(sceneID) except ValueError: usedAlready = -1 if usedAlready != -1: sceneID = SCENE_IDENTIFIER + self.makeID() sceneName =[:usedAlready] = sceneName + newID self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/start/")) sceneIDs.append(sceneID) length, signature_numerator, signature_denominator = self.findLongestClip( sceneNumber) sceneSignature = re.findall("\d+\/\d+", if (sceneSignature): separator = sceneSignature[0].find('/') signature_numerator = int(sceneSignature[0][:separator]) separator += 1 signature_denominator = int(sceneSignature[0][separator:]) #log(signature_denominator) self.sceneScanLengths[sceneNumber] = { 'length': length, 'signature_numerator': signature_numerator, 'signature_denominator': signature_denominator } sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/abletonIndex/", int(sceneNumber))) sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/name/", str( sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/tempo/", float(scene.tempo))) sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/length/", float(length))) sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/numerator/", int(signature_numerator))) sceneBundle.append( OSC.OSCMessage( "/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/denominator/", int(signature_denominator))) self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage(sceneBundle) self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/scene/" + sceneID + "/end/")) sceneNumber += 1 self.oscEndpoint.sendMessage( OSC.OSCMessage("/song/" + songID + "/end/")) return