예제 #1
 def check_accuracy(self):
     '''computes thetas on training set, saves them, and checks
        accuracy on evaluation set'''
     tinit = 0.005* np.random.rand(self.LABS, self.N)
     thetas = soft.optimizeThetas(tinit, self.xt, self.gt, self.LABS, self.L)
     thetas = thetas.reshape(self.LABS, -1)
     np.savetxt('./data/kaggle/optimized_thetas.csv', thetas, delimiter=',')
     h = soft.h(thetas, self.xe)
     predictions = h.argmax(axis=1)
     zeros_are_right = np.subtract(self.ye.T, predictions)
     misses = 1.0 * np.count_nonzero(zeros_are_right)
     acc = 1 - misses/len(predictions)
     print 'accuracy:', acc
예제 #2
 def test_model_submit(self):
     # compute thetas on whole training set
     tinit = 0.005* np.random.rand(self.LABS, self.N)
     x = np.vstack([self.xt, self.xe])
     y = np.vstack([self.yt, self.ye])
     g = np.vstack([self.gt, self.ge])
     # find thetas and save them
     thetas = soft.optimizeThetas(tinit, x, g, self.LABS, self.L)
     thetas = thetas.reshape(self.LABS, -1)
     np.savetxt('./data/kaggle/submit_optimized_thetas.csv', thetas, delimiter=',')
     # compute predictions
     m, n = self.x_test.shape
     h = soft.h(thetas, self.x_test)
     predictions = np.zeros((m,2))
     for i in range(m):
         a = h[i,:].argmax()
         predictions[i,:]=[i+1, a]
     print 'To submitt add header: ImageId,Label'
     print predictions[0:10,:]
     np.savetxt('./data/kaggle/predictions.csv', predictions, fmt='%i,%i')
예제 #3
    def choose_lambda(self):
        '''train with different regularization parameters and choose
           the one that minimizes the cost in the evaluation set.'''        
        tinit = 0.005* np.random.rand(self.LABS, self.N)

        # initialize some working vars
        #rango = np.array([1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 10, 100])
        rango = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
        Jt, Je = np.array([]), np.array([])
        bestC, bestL = 1e+10, 0.0

        # cycle through lambdas and choose the one with lowest cost
        for chosen_lambda in rango:
            t = soft.optimizeThetas(tinit, self.xt, self.gt, \
                numLabels=self.LABS, l=chosen_lambda, visual=True)

            cost_t = soft.j(t, self.xt, self.gt, self.LABS, chosen_lambda)
            cost_e = soft.j(t, self.xe, self.ge, self.LABS, chosen_lambda)

            Jt = np.append(Jt, cost_t)
            Je = np.append(Je, cost_e)

            print 'chosen_lambda:', chosen_lambda
            if cost_e < bestC:
                bestC = cost_e
                bestL = chosen_lambda
                print '_______________new best is', bestL, 'with cost_e', cost_e
        print "\n\nthe best lambda is", bestL

        # plot
        #line1 = plt.plot(np.log10(rango), Jt)
        #line2 = plt.plot(np.log10(rango), Je)
        line1 = plt.plot(rango, Jt)
        line2 = plt.plot(rango, Je)
        plt.setp(line1, linewidth=2.0, label='training', color='b', solid_joinstyle='round')
        plt.setp(line2, linewidth=2.0, label='training', color='r', solid_joinstyle='round')
예제 #4
    def learning_curves(self):
        tinit = 0.005* np.random.rand(self.LABS, self.N)
        m, n = self.xt.shape
        sample = np.array([3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30])*1000
        Jt, Je = np.array([]), np.array([])
        for m in sample:
            my_t = soft.optimizeThetas(tinit, self.xt[0:m,:], self.gt[0:m,:], \
                numLabels=self.LABS, l=self.L, visual=False)
            Jt = np.append(Jt, soft.j(my_t, self.xt[0:m,:], self.gt[0:m,:], self.LABS, self.L))
            Je = np.append(Je, soft.j(my_t, self.xe, self.ge, self.LABS, self.L))

        # plot (m, Jtr) and (m, Jcv)
        line1 = plt.plot(sample, Jt)
        line2 = plt.plot(sample, Je)
        plt.setp(line1, linewidth=2.0, label='training', color='b', solid_joinstyle='round')
        plt.setp(line2, linewidth=2.0, label='training', color='r', solid_joinstyle='round')
        plt.xlabel('Number of Examples')
        plt.ylabel('Cost / Error')