def tag(self, sentence_list):
        multiword_expressions = []

        for sentence in sentence_list:
            sentence_parsed = MBSP.parse(sentence,
            sentence_lemmatized = " ".join(
                [x.split("/")[2] for x in sentence_parsed.split(" ")])
            multiword_expressions += self.__pattern_1(sentence_lemmatized)
            multiword_expressions += self.__pattern_2(sentence_parsed)

        return multiword_expressions
예제 #2
def queryGenerator(raw_input_string, change_sentiment):
    #Step 0: Seperate if user is asking for meaning or for a debate response
    word, isMeaning = MeaningExtractor.getIfMeaning(str(raw_input_string))
    if isMeaning:
        meaning = MeaningExtractor.getMeaning(word)
        return meaning, True

    #Step 1: Obtain input from the user
    s = str(raw_input_string)

    #Step 2: Convert the sentence into blob and MBSP Sentence objects respectively
    input_string = TextBlob(s)

    #Step 3: Define the variable required for the analysis and interpretation of input
    query = ""
    w = []
    subjPhrases, verbPhrases, predPhrases = [], [], []
    pNouns, verbs = [], []
    pnps, anchors = [], []

    #Step 4: Obtain all the proper nouns from the sentence
    for sentence in input_string.sentences:
        tagged = sentence.tags
        for word_tag in tagged:
            if word_tag[1]=='NNP' or word_tag[1]=='NNPS':
    #Step 5: Obtain the different parts, i.e. subject, predicate, object of the sentence
    for chunk in clipsSentence.chunks:
        if chunk.role == 'SBJ' and chunk not in subjPhrases:
        elif (chunk.type == 'VP' or chunk.type == 'ADVP') and chunk not in verbPhrases:
        elif (chunk.role == 'PRD' or chunk.role == 'OBJ') and chunk not in predPhrases:

    #Step 6: Detect the noun phrase and the anchors corresponding to them(Ref:CLIPS docs)
    pnps = clipsSentence.pnp
    for item in pnps:
        if item.anchor not in anchors:
    #Step 7.0: Train the classifier for sentiment data
    ###with open('sentiment_training_formatted.csv', 'r') as fp:
    ###    classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(fp, format='csv')

    #Step 7.1: Classify the user input and record the sentiment
    '''def getSentiment(sentence):
        sentiObj= TextBlob(s, analyzer=NaiveBayesAnalyzer()).sentiment
        pos_ratio = sentiObj.p_pos
        neg_ratio = sentiObj.p_neg
        if pos_ratio>=neg_ratio:
            return 'pos'
            return 'neg'

    input_sentiment = getSentiment(input_string)'''
    #Step 8: Generate the final query
    for pNoun in pNouns:
        for sbj in subjPhrases:
            if pNoun not in subjPhrases:
                query = query+pNoun+" "
                #print 'pNoun:'+pNoun

    for sbj in subjPhrases:
        query = query+sbj+" "
        #print 'sbj:'+sbj

    for prd in predPhrases:
        query = query+prd+" "
        #print 'prd:'+prd

    for vr in verbPhrases:
        query = query+vr+" "
        #print 'vr:'+vr

    for anc in anchors:
        anc = anc.string
        query = query+anc+" "
        #print 'anc:'+anc

    for pnp in pnps:
        pnp = pnp.string
        query = query+pnp+" "
        #print 'pnp:'+pnp

    #Step 9: [Blank]
    #Step 10: Remove repetitive words from the sentence
    query_blob = TextBlob(query)
    wrds = query_blob.words
    final_words = []
    for wrd in wrds:
        #print wrd
        if str(wrd).lower() not in final_words:

    final_query = ""
    for wrd in final_words:
        final_query = final_query+wrd+" "

    #Step 11: Sort the query words in order of the input
    index_dict = {}
    indexes = []
    for word in TextBlob(final_query).words:
            index_dict[input_string.index(str(word))] = str(word)
            print "Word not in main string:", word

    final_query = ""
    for index in indexes:
        final_query = final_query+index_dict[index]+" "

    #Step 12.0: Filter query for articles: a,an,the,is
    reps = {' a ':' ', ' an ':' ', ' the ':' ', ' is ':' '}
    query = replace_all(query, reps)

    if change_sentiment:
        #Step 12.1: Build a dictionary of the replaceable words
        #Note:make priority lists for different set of words
        def create_replace_dict(lines):
            replace_dict = {}
            for line in lines:
                kv = line.split(',')
                replace_dict[kv[0]] = kv[1][:-1]
            return replace_dict
        #Step 12.2: Replace words from the given phrase
        def replace_words(phrase):
            l = open('replace_list.csv', 'r').readlines()
            new_phrase = replace_all(phrase, create_replace_dict(l))
            if new_phrase==phrase:
                l=open('replace_list2.csv', 'r').readlines()
                new_phrase = replace_all(phrase, create_replace_dict(l))
            return new_phrase
        final_query = replace_words(final_query)

        #Step 13: Get the sentiment of the final query
        '''final_query_sentiment = getSentiment(final_query)'''

        #Step 14: Print out the query
        print "<------------------------------------------->"
        print "in:", s
        print "out:", final_query
        print "<------------------------------------------->"

        return final_query, False
        print "<------------------------------------------->"
        print "in:", s
        print "out:", s
        print "<------------------------------------------->"

        return s, False
예제 #3
#### MEMORY-BASED SHALLOW PARSER ######################################################################

# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium and Tilburg University, The Netherlands
# License: GNU General Public License, see LICENSE.txt


# Add the upper directory (where the MBSP module is) to the search path.
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))
import MBSP

if not MBSP.config.autostart:

s = MBSP.parse("I ate many slices of pizza with a fork.")
s = MBSP.split(s)

# A useful operation is to extract the heads in a sentence,
# for example to create a "normalized" sentence, or to construct a Timbl lookup instance.
# A head is the principal word in a chunk.
# We could retrieve the heads by iterating over Sentence.chunks, 
# but this would skip the loose words in between chunks (e.g. "and" or ","),
# which can also be useful, particularly in the case of contructing a lookup instance.
# Sentence.constituents() returns an in-order list of mixed Chunk and Word objects 
# that can be used for this purpose:
heads = []
for p in s[0].constituents(pnp=False):
    if isinstance(p, MBSP.Word):
예제 #4
text = 'Automation is good for the economy. A world dominated by robots is a thing I am looking forward to!'
text = raw_input('Enter text: ')

parse_tree = parsetree(text)

for sentence in parse_tree:
    for chunk in sentence.chunks:
        for word in chunk.words:
            print str(word),
        print '\n', str(chunk)

self_parse = []
construct = []
sentence = []
parsed_text = MBSP.parse(text)
parsed_sentences = parsed_text.split('O/.')
parsed_words = parsed_text.split(' ')
for word in parsed_words:
    element = [e.encode('ascii') for e in word.split('/')]
    if element[1] == '.':
        construct = []
    print element

# print str(parsed_text)
print[word[0] for word in sentence[0]]
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: yangdegang/MBSP
#### MEMORY-BASED SHALLOW PARSER ######################################################################

# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium and Tilburg University, The Netherlands
# License: GNU General Public License, see LICENSE.txt


# Add the upper directory (where the MBSP module is) to the search path.
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))
import MBSP

if not MBSP.config.autostart:

s = MBSP.parse("I eat pizza with a fork.")
s = MBSP.split(s) # Yields a list of traversable Sentence objects.
for sentence in s:
    for chunk in sentence.chunks:
        print repr(chunk)
        print "      Words:", chunk.words       # A list of Word objects.
        print "  Relations:", chunk.related     # A list of Chunk objects.
        print " Parent PNP:", repr(chunk.pnp)   # A PNPChunk object, or None.
        print "Related PNP:", chunk.attachments # A list of PNPChunk objects.
# Remove the servers from memory when you're done:
# MBSP.stop()
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: pombredanne/MBSP
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium and Tilburg University, The Netherlands
# License: GNU General Public License, see LICENSE.txt


# Add the upper directory (where the MBSP module is) to the search path.
import os, sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))
import MBSP

if not MBSP.config.autostart:

s = MBSP.parse("I eat pizza with a fork.")
s = MBSP.split(s)  # Yields a list of traversable Sentence objects.

for sentence in s:
    for chunk in sentence.chunks:
        print repr(chunk)
        print "      Words:", chunk.words  # A list of Word objects.
        print "  Relations:", chunk.related  # A list of Chunk objects.
        print " Parent PNP:", repr(chunk.pnp)  # A PNPChunk object, or None.
        print "Related PNP:", chunk.attachments  # A list of PNPChunk objects.

# Remove the servers from memory when you're done:
# MBSP.stop()
예제 #7
def chomp_wurds():
    wurds = request.json['wurds']

    print "Got wurds: " + wurds
    breakdown = MBSP.parse(wurds)
    return jsonify({'orig': wurds, 'breakdown': breakdown}), 201
예제 #8
 def _parse_MBSP(self, txt):
     parsed = MBSP.parse(txt)
     return unicode(parsed)
예제 #9
파일: 프로젝트: chinna1986/MBSP
# License: GNU General Public License, see LICENSE.txt


# Add the upper directory (where the MBSP module is) to the search path.
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))
import MBSP

if not MBSP.config.autostart:

q = 'I eat pizza with a fork.'
s = MBSP.parse(q,
     tokenize = True, # Split tokens, e.g. 'fork.' => 'fork' + '.'
         tags = True, # Assign part-of-speech tags => 'fork' = noun = NN.
       chunks = True, # Assign chunk tags => 'a' + 'fork' = noun phrase = NP.
    relations = True, # Find chunk relations: 'I' = sentence subject = NP-SBJ-1.
      anchors = True, # Find prepositional noun phrase anchors.
      lemmata = True) # Find word lemmata.

# Print the output of the parser in a readable table format.
# The tags assigned to each part-of-speech are listed at:

# Print the output of the parser as XML:
print MBSP.xml(s)

# Remove the servers from memory when you're done:
# MBSP.stop()
예제 #10
def parse(*args, **kwargs):
    s = MBSP.parse(*args, **kwargs)
    s = parse_semantic_tag(s)
    return s