예제 #1
    def __init__(self, limits, firstApproximation):
		:param limits: 2 points delimitating a rectangular region of interest
		:type limits: Tuple of 2 QPoints
		:param firstApproximation: First approximation of the center
		:type firstApproximation: QPoint
		:return: The processed image and a dictionnary containing the center of the junction extracted (the key is the channel name)
		:rtype: Tuple
        self.treatment = MainTreatments.seamCarving(limits, firstApproximation)
예제 #2
	def __init__(self, limits, firstApproximation):
		:param limits: 2 points delimitating a rectangular region of interest
		:type limits: Tuple of 2 QPoints
		:param firstApproximation: First approximation of the center
		:type firstApproximation: QPoint
		:return: The processed image and a dictionnary containing the center of the junction extracted (the key is the channel name)
		:rtype: Tuple
		self.treatment = MainTreatments.seamCarving(limits, firstApproximation)