def new_transform(arg): m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(arg) ip = m.getVar('ipv4-address') wrkspc = m.getVar('workspace') url = '' % (wrkspc, ip) try: r = requests.get(url) j = r.json() for i in j['items']: ent = m.addEntity('maltego.AS', i['asn']) ent.addAdditionalFields('workspace', 'Workspace ID', True, wrkspc) except Exception as e: m.addUIMessage(str(e)) m.returnOutput()
def expandPropertiesFromI3visioEntity(argv): ''' Method that expands the properties from a given i3visio entity. It is useful to create new Entities based on the contents of the properties. :param argv: the serialized entity. :return: Nothing is returned but the code of the entities is created. ''' me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(argv) # Trying to recover all the possible i3visio entities found_fields = {} for entity in constants.I3VISIO_ENTITIES: found_fields[entity] = me.getVar(entity) # All the possible fields must be written down here... # iterating through the possible i3visio entities for field in found_fields.keys(): if found_fields[field] != None: newEnt = me.addEntity(field, str(found_fields[field])) #newEnt.setDisplayInformation("<h3>" + prof +"</h3><p>" + str(prof) + "\t" + str(plat) + "\t" + profiles[prof][plat] + "</p>"); #newEnt.addAdditionalFields("i3visio.platform","Platform name",True,plat) try: # Adding new entities observing the attributes tab: attributes = me.getVar("attributes") #print attributes attJson = json.loads(attributes) #print attJson for att in attJson: #print att newEnt = me.addEntity(str(att["type"]), str(att["value"])) #newEnt.setDisplayInformation("<h3>" + prof +"</h3><p>" + str(prof) + "\t" + str(plat) + "\t" + profiles[prof][plat] + "</p>"); newEnt.addAdditionalFields("attributes", "attributes", True, str(att["attributes"])) except: pass # Getting the output text #maltegoText = me.getOutput() # Returning the output text... me.returnOutput()
def new_transform(arg): emails = [] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(arg) domain = m.getVar('fqdn') ip = m.getVar('ipaddr') wrkspc = m.getVar('workspace') url = '' % (wrkspc, ip) try: r = requests.get(url) j = r.json() for i in j['items']: if domain in i['domain']: for x in i['data']['emails']: if x not in emails: emails.append(x) for t in emails: ent = m.addEntity('maltego.EmailAddress', t) ent.addAdditionalFields('workspace', 'Workspace ID', True, wrkspc) except Exception as e: m.addUIMessage(str(e)) m.returnOutput()
def main(): # print "Content-type: xml\n\n"; # MaltegoXML_in = # logging.debug(MaltegoXML_in) # if MaltegoXML_in <> '': # m = MaltegoMsg(MaltegoXML_in) TRX = MaltegoTransform() TRX.parseArguments(sys.argv) lat = float(TRX.getVar("latitude")) lng = float(TRX.getVar("longitude")) address = TRX.getVar("longaddress") logging.debug(lat) logging.debug(address) try: f = open("wigle_creds.txt", "r") user, passw, email,proxy = f.readline().strip().split(":") except Exception, e: print "ERROR: Unable to read Wigle user & pass, email (and optional proxy) from wigle_creds.txt" print e exit(-1)
def main(): # print "Content-type: xml\n\n"; # MaltegoXML_in = # logging.debug(MaltegoXML_in) # if MaltegoXML_in <> '': # m = MaltegoMsg(MaltegoXML_in) TRX = MaltegoTransform() TRX.parseArguments(sys.argv) lat = float(TRX.getVar("latitude")) lng = float(TRX.getVar("longitude")) address = TRX.getVar("longaddress") logging.debug(lat) logging.debug(address) try: f = open("wigle_creds.txt", "r") user, passw, email, proxy = f.readline().strip().split(":") except Exception, e: print "ERROR: Unable to read Wigle user & pass, email (and optional proxy) from wigle_creds.txt" print e exit(-1)
TRX.throwExceptions() exit(0) #loging.error(len(r)) # The dirtiest hack of dirty hacks. if not shadowKey: shadowKey = "derpderpderp" if shadowKey and str(m.Type) == "snoopy.Snoopy": filters.append( mtk.c.mtkey == shadowKey ) filters.append( mtk.c.user == users.c.user ) filters.append( sess.c.drone == users.c.drone ) #Option Two, Local: else: drone = TRX.getVar("properties.drone") if TRX.getVar("drone"): drone = TRX.getVar("drone") location = TRX.getVar("properties.dronelocation") if TRX.getVar("location"): location = TRX.getVar("location") start_time = TRX.getVar("properties.start_time", "2000-01-01 00:00:00.0") if TRX.getVar("start_time"): start_time = TRX.getVar("start_time", "2000-01-01 00:00:00.0") end_time = TRX.getVar("properties.end_time", "2037-01-01 00:00:00.0") if TRX.getVar("end_time"): end_time = TRX.getVar("end_time", "2037-01-01 00:00:00.0")
import sys import io import json import httplib2 import apiclient.discovery from MaltegoTransform import * GOOGLEPLUS_API_KEY = "AIzaSyCQUjsJBAKSLNqM187Yro9z8lFO8KUXyVE" me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) Q = me.getVar('UID') try: #initialize G+ service ='plus', 'v1', http=httplib2.Http(), developerKey=GOOGLEPLUS_API_KEY) #get query result organizations = service.people().get(userId=Q, fields='organizations').execute() for o in organizations['organizations']: fullname = "" if 'department' in o: fullname += o['department'] + "@" fullname += o['name'] org = me.addEntity("maltego.Organization", fullname) org.setType("maltego.Organization")
from TeethLib import * from MaltegoTransform import * ##########MAIN m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) target = sys.argv[1] origin = m.getVar('origin') + "/" if origin is None:"Origin on [%s] not found" % target)"Checking indexability of [%s]" % origin) output = get_url_with_BS(origin, 20) if output.lower().find('index of') >= 0 or output.lower().find( 'directory listing of') >= 0:"[%s] found to be indexable" % origin) IndEnt = m.addEntity("maltego.Phrase", "Indexable:" + origin) IndEnt.setDisplayInformation('Click <a href="' + origin + '">here</a> to view') else: logger.debug("[%s] not indexable" % origin) m.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/env python """Expand the entities related to an RF Event.""" import sys from MaltegoTransform import * from APIUtil import APIUtil from rf_maltego_conv import * mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) eid = mt.getVar("eid") rfapi = APIUtil() reference_query = {"reference": {"cluster_id": eid, "limit": 100}} sys.stderr.write("RF querying...\n") ents = [] seen_ids = set() seen_ids.add(eid) for ceid, ent in rfapi.query(reference_query).get("entities", {}).items(): if ceid not in seen_ids: ent["id"] = ceid ents.append(ent) seen_ids.add(ceid) rf2maltego(mt, ents) sys.stderr.write("RF Transform Done.\n") mt.returnOutput()
from TeethLib import * from MaltegoTransform import * from urlparse import * m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) target = sys.argv[1] level = m.getVar('level') origin = m.getVar('origin') TTM = read_config_file('MirrorGeneral', 'time_to_mirror') if level is None and origin is None:"Running mirror directory mine on website [%s]" % target) level = 1 track = '' else: if level is not None and origin is not None: track = target.replace('/', '') target = urlparse(origin).netloc level = str(int(level) + 1)"Running mirror deeper mine on w[%s] l[%s] t[%s]" % (target, level, track)) else: "[%s] Can only run subdirectory mirror mining on directories which are a result of a mirror" % target) m.returnOutput() quit()
pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '..', 'local', 'munk.conf') return os.path.normpath(pathname) configFile = getLocalConfPath() config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk', 'auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk', 'searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') splunkweb_port = config.get('splunk', 'splunkweb_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) index = me.getVar("properties.index") # Opens default webbrowser with a Splunk Search set to the hostname of the host entity selected.'http://' + searchhead + ':' + splunkweb_port + '/en-US/app/search/search?q=search%20index%3D' + str(index) + '&earliest=' + timeframe) # Return Maltego Output me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/python # Pull all the egress destinations attached to an egress rule from MaltegoTransform import * import boto.ec2 import sys from init import load_credentials creds = load_credentials() REGION = creds[2] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) egress_dst = m.getVar("GroupID") try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=creds[0], aws_secret_access_key=creds[1]) reservations = conn.get_all_instances() for i in reservations: group_nums = len(i.instances[0].groups) for z in range(group_nums): group_id = i.instances[0].groups[z].id if str(group_id) == str(egress_dst): egress_rules = conn.get_all_security_groups( group_ids=group_id)[0].rules_egress number_of_egress = len(egress_rules) for g in range(number_of_egress):
#!/usr/bin/python # Get all the instances in our Region from MaltegoTransform import * import sys import boto3 mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) REGION = mt.getVar('RegionName') try: client = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=REGION) instances = client.instances.all() mt.addUIMessage("Getting instances in " + REGION) for instance in instances: ent = mt.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2Instance', instance.tags[0].get("Value")) ent.addAdditionalFields("InstanceId", "Instance ID", "strict", str( ent.addAdditionalFields("InstanceType", "Instance Type", "strict", instance.instance_type) ent.addAdditionalFields("KeyName", "Key Name", "strict", instance.key_name) ent.addAdditionalFields("PrivateIp", "Private Ip", "strict", instance.private_ip_address) ent.addAdditionalFields("RegionName", "Region Name", "strict", REGION) ent.addAdditionalFields("InstanceState", "Instance State", True, str(instance.state['Name'])) ent.addAdditionalFields("LaunchDate", "Launch Date", True, str(instance.launch_time)) else: mt.addUIMessage("Completed.") except Exception as e: mt.addUIMessage(str(e)) mt.returnOutput()
def main(): # print "Content-type: xml\n\n"; # MaltegoXML_in = # logging.debug(MaltegoXML_in) # if MaltegoXML_in <> '': # m = MaltegoMsg(MaltegoXML_in) TRX = MaltegoTransform() TRX.parseArguments(sys.argv) # ssid = TRX.getVar("ssid") logging.debug(ssid) logging.debug(type(ssid)) user = TRX.getVar("wigleUser") passw = TRX.getVar("wiglePass") email = TRX.getVar("wigleEmail") proxy = TRX.getVar("wigleProxy") if not user or not passw or not email: print "ERROR: Please supply Wigle credentials in the 'Property View' on the right --->" exit(-1) wig = Wigle(user, passw, email, proxy) if not wig.login(): print "ERROR: Unable to login to Wigle with supplied wigle creds. Please check them." exit(-1) locations = wig.lookupSSID(ssid) if "error" in locations: print "ERROR: Unable to query Wigle. Perhaps your IP/user is shunned. Error was '%s'" % locations exit(-1) for address in locations: if len(locations) > 20: break # ssid = b64decode(ssid) # ssid=escape(ssid) # ssid = illegal_xml_re.sub('', ssid) logging.debug(type(address)) street_view_url1 = ( ",%s" % (str(address["lat"]), str(address["long"])) ) street_view_url2 = ",0,0,0,0&cbll=%s,%s " % ( str(address["lat"]), str(address["long"]), ) map_url = ",%s" % (str(address["lat"]), str(address["long"])) flag_img = "" % str(address["code"]).upper() # NewEnt=TRX.addEntity("maltego.Location", address['shortaddress'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt = TRX.addEntity("snoopy.ssidLocation", address["shortaddress"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("city", "city", "strict", address["city"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("countrycode", "countrycode", "strict", address["code"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("country", "country", "strict", address["country"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("lat", "lat", "strict", str(address["lat"])) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("long", "long", "strict", str(address["long"])) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("longaddress", "longaddress", "strict", address["longaddress"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("location.areacode", "Area Code", "strict", address["postcode"]) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("road", "Road", "strict", address["road"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("streetaddress", "streetaddress", "strict", address["shortaddress"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("ssid", "SSID", "strict", address["ssid"]) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("state", "State", "strict", address["state"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("area", "Area", "strict", address["suburb"].encode("utf-8")) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("googleMap", "Google map", "nostrict", map_url) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("streetView", "Street View", "nostrict", street_view_url2) # NewEnt.setIconURL(flag_img) logging.debug(street_view_url1) NewEnt.setIconURL(street_view_url1) NewEnt.addDisplayInformation("<a href='%s'>Click for map </a>" % street_view_url2, "Street view") TRX.returnOutput()
import threading import time from TeethLib import * from MaltegoTransform import * me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) if (len(sys.argv[1]) <= 0): logger.debug("Not mining in the root..again! :)") me.returnOutput() quit() origin = me.getVar("origin") if origin is None: target = "http://" + sys.argv[1] else: target = origin urls_received = 0 stack = [] tcount = 0 def compare_url(dir, nothere, timeout_T): global tcount tcount += 1 compare = get_url_with_BS(target + dir, timeout_T).replace(dir, '').lower() if (len(compare) > 0):
from MaltegoTransform import * from mcrits_utils import * crits = mcrits() me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) id_ = me.getVar("id") crits_type = me.getVar("crits_type") for result in crits.get_related(crits_type, id_, "Event"): # For each related object, get the details. obj = crits.get_single_obj("Event", result[1]) ent = me.addEntity(result[0], obj["title"]) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName="id", displayName="id", value=result[1]) me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/env python """Expand the entities related to an RF Event.""" import sys from MaltegoTransform import * from APIUtil import APIUtil from rf_maltego_conv import * mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) eid = mt.getVar("eid") rfapi = APIUtil() reference_query = { "reference": { "cluster_id":eid, "limit": 100 } } sys.stderr.write("RF querying...\n") ents = [] seen_ids = set() seen_ids.add(eid) for ceid, ent in rfapi.query(reference_query).get("entities", {}).items(): if ceid not in seen_ids: ent["id"] = ceid ents.append(ent) seen_ids.add(ceid)
#!/usr/bin/python # Get Instance Information from MaltegoTransform import * import sys import boto3 mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) REGION = mt.getVar('RegionName') instance_id = mt.getVar('InstanceId') mt.addUIMessage("Region: " + REGION) mt.addUIMessage("Instance: " + instance_id) # Get Instance Info try: client = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=REGION) instance_info = client.Instance(id=instance_id) ent = mt.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2InstanceType', str(instance_info.instance_type)) ent.addAdditionalFields("InstanceType", "Instance Type", True, str(instance_info.instance_type)) ent = mt.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2Key', str(instance_info.key_name)) ent.addAdditionalFields("InstanceAccessKey", "Access Key", True, str(instance_info.key_name)) ent = mt.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2Subnet', str(instance_info.subnet_id)) ent.addAdditionalFields("variable", "Subnet ID", True, str(instance_info.subnet_id)) # Get VPC Information vpc_info = client.Vpc(id=instance_info.vpc_id) ent = mt.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2VPC', str(vpc_info.cidr_block)) ent.addAdditionalFields("VpcId", "VPC ID", True, str(instance_info.vpc_id)) ent.addAdditionalFields("IPv4Address", "CIDR Block", True, str(vpc_info.cidr_block)) ent = mt.addEntity('maltego.IPv4Address', str(instance_info.private_ip_address))
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: Locally extract aliases/usernames from Tweets # Installation: # Author: Michael Henriksen (@michenriksen) from MaltegoTransform import * from ttp import ttp import sys transform = MaltegoTransform() transform.parseArguments(sys.argv) tweet = transform.getVar("content").decode('utf-8') parser = ttp.Parser() parsed_tweet = parser.parse(tweet) for alias in parsed_tweet.users: transform.addEntity("maltego.Alias", alias) transform.returnOutput()
def main(): # print "Content-type: xml\n\n"; # MaltegoXML_in = # logging.debug(MaltegoXML_in) # if MaltegoXML_in <> '': # m = MaltegoMsg(MaltegoXML_in) TRX = MaltegoTransform() TRX.parseArguments(sys.argv) #ssid = TRX.getVar("ssid") logging.debug(ssid) logging.debug(type(ssid)) user = TRX.getVar("wigleUser") passw = TRX.getVar("wiglePass") email = TRX.getVar("wigleEmail") proxy = TRX.getVar("wigleProxy") if not user or not passw or not email: print "ERROR: Please supply Wigle credentials in the 'Property View' on the right --->" exit(-1) wig=Wigle(user, passw, email, proxy) if not wig.login(): print "ERROR: Unable to login to Wigle with supplied wigle creds. Please check them." exit(-1) locations = wig.lookupSSID(ssid) if 'error' in locations: print "ERROR: Unable to query Wigle. Perhaps your IP/user is shunned. Error was '%s'" % locations exit(-1) for address in locations: if len(locations) > 20: break #ssid = b64decode(ssid) #ssid=escape(ssid) #ssid = illegal_xml_re.sub('', ssid) logging.debug(type(address)) street_view_url1 = ",%s" % (str(address['lat']),str(address['long'])) street_view_url2 = ",0,0,0,0&cbll=%s,%s " % (str(address['lat']),str(address['long'])) map_url = ",%s"%(str(address['lat']),str(address['long'])) flag_img = "" % str(address['code']).upper() #NewEnt=TRX.addEntity("maltego.Location", address['shortaddress'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt=TRX.addEntity("snoopy.ssidLocation", address['shortaddress'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("city","city", "strict", address['city'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("countrycode","countrycode", "strict", address['code'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("country","country", "strict", address['country'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("lat","lat", "strict", str(address['lat'])) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("long","long", "strict", str(address['long'])) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("longaddress","longaddress", "strict", address['longaddress'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("location.areacode","Area Code", "strict", address['postcode']) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("road","Road", "strict", address['road'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("streetaddress","streetaddress", "strict", address['shortaddress'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("ssid","SSID", "strict", address['ssid']) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("state","State", "strict", address['state'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("area","Area", "strict", address['suburb'].encode('utf-8')) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("googleMap", "Google map", "nostrict", map_url) NewEnt.addAdditionalFields("streetView", "Street View", "nostrict", street_view_url2) #NewEnt.setIconURL(flag_img) logging.debug(street_view_url1) NewEnt.setIconURL(street_view_url1) NewEnt.addDisplayInformation("<a href='%s'>Click for map </a>" % street_view_url2, "Street view") TRX.returnOutput()
#Maltego Transfrom - VirusTotal submitter information @arieljt from MaltegoTransform import * import requests import json apiurl = "" apikey = "API_KEY" mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) file_hash = mt.getVar('properties.hash') try: headers = {'x-apikey': apikey} response = requests.get(apiurl + 'files/' + file_hash + '/submissions', headers=headers) response_json = response.json() if 'attributes' in response_json['data'][0]: for item in response_json['data']: me = mt.addEntity("maltego.VTSubmitter", '%s' % item['attributes']['source_key'].encode("ascii")) if 'country' in item['attributes']: me.addAdditionalFields("VTSubmitter.Country","Submitter Country",True,'%s' % item['attributes']['country'].encode("ascii")) if 'interface' in item['attributes']: me.addAdditionalFields("VTSubmitter.Interface","Submitter Interface",True,'%s' % item['attributes']['interface'].encode("ascii")) me.setLinkLabel("VT Submitter") except: mt.addUIMessage("Exception Occurred")
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk','auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk','searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') status = config.get('splunk', 'status') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) ds = sys.argv[1] dsport = me.getVar("dsport") # Determine which REST call to make based on authentication setting. if auth == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) if auth == "0": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) # XML Parsing with ElementTree root = ET.fromstring(output) entry = root.find('{}entry') content = entry.find('{}content') dic = content.find('{}dict') apps = dic.find(".//{}key[@name='applications']")
pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '..','local', 'mcrits.conf') return os.path.normpath(pathname) configFile = getLocalConfPath() config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('info', 'username') url = config.get('info', 'url') api_key = config.get('info', 'api_key') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) ioctype = me.getVar("ioctype") campaignname = me.getVar("campaign") # Setting up requests variables from mcrits.conf url = url + '/api/v1/indicators/' params = { 'api_key': api_key, 'username': username, } elems = ['_id','bucket_list','created','modified','sectors','status'] r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) j = json.loads(r.text) for ioc in j['objects']:
from MaltegoTransform import * m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) ports = m.getVar('service.ports') # string ports = ports.split('|') # array for port in ports: port, name = port.split('::') svc = m.addEntity('maltego.Service', port) svc.addAdditionalFields("port.number", "Port", "strict", port) svc.addAdditionalFields("banner.text", "Service Banner", "strict", name) m.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/python # Pull all the egress destinations attached to an egress rule from MaltegoTransform import * import boto.ec2 import sys from init import load_credentials creds = load_credentials() REGION = creds[2] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) egress_dst = m.getVar("GroupID") try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=creds[0], aws_secret_access_key=creds[1]) reservations = conn.get_all_instances() for i in reservations: group_nums = len(i.instances[0].groups) for z in range(group_nums): group_id = i.instances[0].groups[z].id if str(group_id) == str(egress_dst): egress_rules = conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules_egress number_of_egress = len(egress_rules) for g in range(number_of_egress): ent = m.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2IngressSource', str(conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules[g].grants)) ent.addAdditionalFields("Source", "Source", "strict", str(conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules[g].grants)) ent.addAdditionalFields("GroupID", "Group ID", "strict", str(group_id))
from selenium import webdriver from fake_useragent import UserAgent import requests # Set path to your chosen webdriver, e.g. CHROME_PATH = './chromedriver.exe' PHANTOMJS_PATH = './phantomjs.exe' # Instantitate a user-agent object ua = UserAgent() # Instantiate a Maltego transform object m = MaltegoTransform() # Parse arguements passed from Maltego entities with a field named 'url' m.parseArguments(sys.argv) IMAGE_URL = m.getVar('url').decode('utf8') MATCHING_URL = None SIMILAR_URL = None API_ENDPOINT = '' # POST request payload data = { 'imgurl': IMAGE_URL, 'submittype': 'imgurl', 'src': 'image', 'srcsp': 'st_search' } # Call the reverse search API, returns html try:
return m"Done. Could not find Joomla credentials for:"+target) return m ##########MAIN m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv); target=sys.argv[1] if m.getVar('type') is None or m.getVar('entry') is None:"You need a entry point (entry) and a type (type) - you have one or both missing") m.returnOutput() quit() # load tlds, ignore comments and empty lines: with open("effective_tld_names.dat.txt") as tldFile: tlds = [line.strip() for line in tldFile if line[0] not in "/\n"] domain_parts = get_domain_parts("http://"+m.getVar('entry'),tlds) interestingbit=domain_parts.domain logger.debug("Adding [%s] to the password list"%interestingbit) if (interestingbit is None):"Could not parse domain. This is not great, but we'll continue..")
#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################### # Maltego NMAP integration script # # # # # # Andrew MacPherson [ andrew <<at>> ] # # # ####################################################### import os, sys, time from MaltegoTransform import * me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) portValue = me.getVar("banner") me.addEntity("Banner", portValue) me.returnOutput()
(front, back) = email.split('@') if back not in domains: domains.append(back) choice = eg.choicebox('Pick a domain', 'Target selection', domains) return choice ######### MAIN m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) target = sys.argv[1] logger.debug("Starting OWA Brute module") type = m.getVar('type') entry = m.getVar('entry') if type is None: logger.debug("Missing type on [%s]" % target) m.returOutput() quit() location = m.getVar('entry') if (location is None):"location on [%s] is empty, cannot proceed" % target) m.returnOutput() quit() emails = slurp_file("OWABrute", "StorageFile") if len(emails) <= 0:
TRX.throwExceptions() exit(0) #loging.error(len(r)) # The dirtiest hack of dirty hacks. if not shadowKey: shadowKey = "derpderpderp" if shadowKey and str(m.Type) == "snoopy.Snoopy": filters.append(mtk.c.mtkey == shadowKey) filters.append(mtk.c.user == users.c.user) filters.append(sess.c.drone == users.c.drone) #Option Two, Local: else: drone = TRX.getVar("properties.drone") if TRX.getVar("drone"): drone = TRX.getVar("drone") location = TRX.getVar("properties.dronelocation") if TRX.getVar("location"): location = TRX.getVar("location") start_time = TRX.getVar("properties.start_time", "2000-01-01 00:00:00.0") if TRX.getVar("start_time"): start_time = TRX.getVar("start_time", "2000-01-01 00:00:00.0") end_time = TRX.getVar("properties.end_time", "2037-01-01 00:00:00.0") if TRX.getVar("end_time"): end_time = TRX.getVar("end_time", "2037-01-01 00:00:00.0")
#!/usr/bin/env python """Resolve a company or an organization by name using the Recorded Future API.""" import sys from MaltegoTransform import * from APIUtil import APIUtil mt = MaltegoTransform() mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) name = mt.getVar("properties.companyname") sys.stderr.write("Resolving company...") rfapi = APIUtil() entity_query = { "entity":{"name":name, "type":["Company", "Organization"], "limit":1} } query_response = rfapi.query(entity_query) eid = None for q_eid, q_ent in query_response.get('entity_details', {}).items(): sys.stderr.write("Found eid: {0}".format(q_eid)) name = q_ent['name'] eid = q_eid etype = q_ent['type'] ent = q_ent if not eid:
#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################### # Maltego NMAP integration script # # # # # # Andrew MacPherson [ andrew <<at>> ] # # # ####################################################### import os, sys, time from MaltegoTransform import * me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) portValue = me.getVar("port") me.addEntity("Port", portValue) me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/python # Pull all the egress rules for a Security Group from MaltegoTransform import * import boto.ec2 import sys from init import load_credentials creds = load_credentials() REGION = creds[2] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) sec_group = m.getVar("GroupID") try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=creds[0], aws_secret_access_key=creds[1]) reservations = conn.get_all_instances() for i in reservations: group_nums = len(i.instances[0].groups) for z in range(group_nums): group_id = i.instances[0].groups[z].id sg_name = conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0] if str(group_id) == str(sec_group): egress_rules = conn.get_all_security_groups( group_ids=group_id)[0].rules_egress number_of_egress = len(egress_rules)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Extract list price from item listing import sys import codecs from MaltegoTransform import * # Initialize Maltego library m = MaltegoTransform() # Extract the listed price from the Maltego smzdm item entity m.parseArguments(sys.argv) price = m.getVar('item-price').decode('utf8') # Add entity to the Maltego chart myEntity = m.addEntity('smzdm.itemprice', price.encode('utf8', errors='ignore')) # Return entity to Maltego m.returnOutput()
from MaltegoTransform import * from mcrits_utils import * crits = mcrits() me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) id_ = me.getVar('id') crits_type = me.getVar('crits_type') for result in crits.get_related(crits_type, id_, 'Actor'): # For each related object, get the details. obj = crits.get_single_obj('Actor', result[1]) # For each identifer, get the name. identifiers = [] for id_dict in obj['identifiers']: id_obj = crits.get_single_obj('ActorIdentifier', id_dict['identifier_id']) identifiers.append(id_obj['name']) ent = me.addEntity(result[0], obj['name']) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName='id', displayName='id', value=result[1]) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName='aliases', displayName='Aliases', value=obj['aliases']) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName='identifiers', displayName='Identifiers', value=identifiers) me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/python # Pull all the ingress sources attached to an ingress rule from MaltegoTransform import * import boto.ec2 import sys from init import load_credentials creds = load_credentials() REGION = creds[2] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) ingress_src = m.getVar("GroupID") try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=creds[0], aws_secret_access_key=creds[1]) reservations = conn.get_all_instances() for i in reservations: group_nums = len(i.instances[0].groups) for z in range(group_nums): group_id = i.instances[0].groups[z].id if str(group_id) == str(ingress_src): sec_rules = conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules rule_nums = len(sec_rules) for g in range(rule_nums): ent = m.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2IngressSource', str(conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules[g].grants)) ent.addAdditionalFields("Source", "Source", "strict", str(conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules[g].grants)) ent.addAdditionalFields("GroupID", "Group ID", "strict", str(group_id))
username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk', 'auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk', 'searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') status = config.get('splunk', 'status') proxy = config.get('splunk', 'proxy') proxy_ip = config.get('splunk', 'proxy_ip') proxy_port = config.get('splunk', 'proxy_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) application = sys.argv[1] ds = me.getVar("ds") dsport = me.getVar("dsport") # Determine which REST call to make based on authentication setting. if auth == "1": if proxy == "1": output = subprocess.check_output( 'curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' --socks5 ' + proxy_ip + ':' + proxy_port + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) else: output = subprocess.check_output( 'curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients',
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from MaltegoTransform import * from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer import sys, string # Description: Locally extract words from Tweets # Installation: # Author: Michael Henriksen (@michenriksen) transform = MaltegoTransform() transform.parseArguments(sys.argv) tweet = transform.getVar("content") stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english") stop_words = stopwords.words("english") with open("top100Kenglishwords.txt") as f: common_words = [x.strip().strip().lower().decode("unicode_escape").encode("ascii", "ignore") for x in f.readlines()] words = [] for word in tweet.split(): if word.startswith('#') or word.startswith('@') or word.startswith('\\'): continue # Normalize word and strip out silliness word = word.strip().lower().decode("unicode_escape").encode("ascii", "ignore") word = ''.join(ch for ch in word if ch not in string.punctuation) if word == '' or word == 'rt' or word.startswith('http'): continue
#!/usr/bin/env python # Maltego transform for getting the robots.txt file from websites from MaltegoTransform import * import requests m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) website = m.getVar('fqdn') port = m.getVar('ports') port = port.split(',') ssl = m.getVar('website.ssl-enabled') robots = [] try: for c in port: if ssl == 'true': url = 'https://' + website + ':' + str(c) + '/robots.txt' r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: robots = str(r.text).split('\n') for i in robots: ent = m.addEntity('maltego.Phrase', i) ent.addAdditionalFields("url","Original URL",True,url) else: m.addUIMessage("No Robots.txt found..") else: url = 'http://' + website + ':' + str(c) + '/robots.txt' r = requests.get(url)
from MaltegoTransform import * from mcrits_utils import * crits = mcrits() me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) id_ = me.getVar('id') crits_type = me.getVar('crits_type') for result in crits.get_related(crits_type, id_, 'IP'): # For each related object, get the details. obj = crits.get_single_obj('IP', result[1]) ent = me.addEntity(result[0], result[1]) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName='ip', displayName='IP', value=obj['ip']) ent.addAdditionalFields(fieldName='type', displayName='Type', value=obj['type']) me.returnOutput()
def getLocalConfPath(): pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname) pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '..','local', 'munk.conf') return os.path.normpath(pathname) configFile = getLocalConfPath() config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk','auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk','searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') splunkweb_port = config.get('splunk','splunkweb_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) host = me.getVar("") # Opens default webbrowser with a Splunk Search set to the hostname of the host entity selected.'http://' + searchhead + ':' + splunkweb_port + '/en-US/app/search/search?q=search%20index%3D*%20host%3D' + str(host) + '&earliest=' + timeframe) # Return Maltego Output me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/python # Pull all the ingress rules for a Security Group from MaltegoTransform import * import boto.ec2 import sys from init import load_credentials creds = load_credentials() REGION = creds[2] m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) sec_group = m.getVar("GroupID") try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=creds[0], aws_secret_access_key=creds[1]) reservations = conn.get_all_instances() for i in reservations: group_nums = len(i.instances[0].groups) for z in range(group_nums): group_id = i.instances[0].groups[z].id if str(group_id) == str(sec_group): sec_rules = conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules rule_nums = len(sec_rules) for g in range(rule_nums): ent = m.addEntity('matterasmus.AmazonEC2SecurityGroupPP', str(conn.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].rules[g])) ent.addAdditionalFields("GroupID", "Group ID", "strict", str(group_id))
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import csv import os,sys,time,random from MaltegoTransform import * import EasyDialogs me = MaltegoTransform(); me.parseArguments(sys.argv); csv_file = me.getVar("file"); if (csv_file is None): defaultFile = "c:\stafflist.csv" csv_file = EasyDialogs.AskString("Which file do you want to use?",defaultFile); if (csv_file is None): me.returnOutput(); exit(); csv_reader = csv.reader(open(csv_file), delimiter = ','); Emails = [] for row in csv_reader: Emails.append(row[0]); EmailsUnique = dict(map(lambda i: (i,1),Emails)).keys() for s in Emails: myentity = me.addEntity("EmailAddress",s); myentity.addAdditionalFields("file","CSV File",None,csv_file);
username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk','auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk','searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') status = config.get('splunk', 'status') proxy = config.get('splunk', 'proxy') proxy_ip = config.get('splunk','proxy_ip') proxy_port = config.get('splunk', 'proxy_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) application = sys.argv[1] ds = me.getVar("ds") dsport = me.getVar("dsport") # Determine which REST call to make based on authentication setting. if auth == "1": if proxy == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' --socks5 ' + proxy_ip + ':' + proxy_port + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) else: output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) else: if proxy == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl --socks5 ' + proxy_ip + ':' + proxy_port + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) else: output = subprocess.check_output('curl -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True)
#!/usr/bin/python ################# # NMAP VULN TOOL# ################# import os, sys from MaltegoTransform import * m_ent = MaltegoTransform() m_ent.parseArguments(sys.argv) banner_grab = m_ent.getVar("banner") open_grab = m_ent.getVar("opening") if open_grab == "open": me_add = m_ent.addEntity("Banner", banner_grab) me_add.setType("jf.SuperFunTransforms") m_ent.returnOutput()
def getLocalConfPath(): pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname) pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '..','local', 'munk.conf') return os.path.normpath(pathname) configFile = getLocalConfPath() config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk','auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk','searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') splunkweb_port = config.get('splunk','splunkweb_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv); sourcetype = me.getVar("properties.sourcetype") # Opens default webbrowser with a Splunk Search set to the hostname of the host entity selected.'http://' + searchhead + ':' + splunkweb_port + '/en-US/app/search/search?q=search%20index%3D*%20sourcetype%3D' + str(sourcetype) + '&earliest=' + timeframe) # Return Maltego Output me.returnOutput()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Maltego transform for getting the robots.txt file from websites from MaltegoTransform import * import requests m = MaltegoTransform() m.parseArguments(sys.argv) website = m.getVar('fqdn') port = m.getVar('ports') port = port.split(',') ssl = m.getVar('website.ssl-enabled') robots = [] try: for c in port: if ssl == 'true': url = 'https://' + website + ':' + str(c) + '/robots.txt' r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: robots = str(r.text).split('\n') for i in robots: ent = m.addEntity('maltego.Phrase', i) ent.addAdditionalFields("url", "Original URL", True, url) else: m.addUIMessage("No Robots.txt found..") else: url = 'http://' + website + ':' + str(c) + '/robots.txt' r = requests.get(url)
password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk','auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk','searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') status = config.get('splunk', 'status') management = config.get('splunk', 'management') proxy = config.get('splunk', 'proxy') proxy_ip = config.get('splunk','proxy_ip') proxy_port = config.get('splunk', 'proxy_port') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) sourcetype = sys.argv[1] hostip = me.getVar("host") # Determine which REST call to make based on authentication setting. if auth == "1": if proxy == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k --socks5 ' + proxy_ip + ':' + proxy_port + ' --data-urlencode search="search index=* earliest=' + timeframe + ' sourcetype=' + sourcetype + ' | table host | dedup host" -d "output_mode=csv" https://' + searchhead + ':' + management + '/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs/export', shell=True) else: output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k --data-urlencode search="search index=* earliest=' + timeframe + ' sourcetype=' + sourcetype + ' | table host | dedup host" -d "output_mode=csv" https://' + searchhead + ':' + management + '/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs/export', shell=True) else: if proxy == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -s -k --socks5 ' + proxy_ip + ':' + proxy_port + ' --data-urlencode search="search index=* earliest=' + timeframe + ' sourcetype=' + sourcetype + ' | table host | dedup host" -d "output_mode=csv" https://' + searchhead + ':' + management + '/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs/export', shell=True) else: output = subprocess.check_output('curl -s -k --data-urlencode search="search index=* earliest=' + timeframe + ' sourcetype=' + sourcetype + ' | table host | dedup host" -d "output_mode=csv" https://' + searchhead + ':' + management + '/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs/export', shell=True)
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() username = config.get('credentials', 'username') password = config.get('credentials', 'password') auth = config.get('splunk', 'auth') searchhead = config.get('splunk', 'searchhead') timeframe = config.get('splunk', 'timeframe') status = config.get('splunk', 'status') # Setting up Maltego entities and getting initial variables. me = MaltegoTransform() me.parseArguments(sys.argv) ds = sys.argv[1] dsport = me.getVar("dsport") # Determine which REST call to make based on authentication setting. if auth == "1": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -u ' + username + ':' + password + ' -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) if auth == "0": output = subprocess.check_output('curl -s -k https://' + ds + ':' + dsport + '/services/deployment/server/clients', shell=True) # XML Parsing with ElementTree