def test_celsiusToFahrenheit_for55C(self):
     # Capture the results of the function
     result = MathFunctions.celsiusToFahrenheit(55)
     # Check for expected output
     self.assertEqual(131.0, result)
 def test_celsiusToFahrenheit_forTypeError(self):
     # Capture the results of the function
     result = MathFunctions.celsiusToFahrenheit("str")
     # Check for expected output
     self.assertEqual(-9999, result)
 def test_celsiusToFahrenheit_forTypeErrorReturn(self):
     # Capture the results of the function
     #result = MathFunctions.fahrenheitToCelsius("str")
     # Check for expected output
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, MathFunctions.celsiusToFahrenheit("str"))
 def test_celsiusToFahrenheit_forMinus50C(self):
     # Capture the results of the function
     result = MathFunctions.celsiusToFahrenheit(-50)
     # Check for expected output
     self.assertEqual(-58.0, result)