def restoreMidasBase(): formattedPositions = { 'session-start': (1.155351159691909, 8.86882709175692, (1.3395405316555724, 3.9505837500000003, 8.726595046431203), (16.370238401985695, 1.165040645195333), 8.726595046431203, { (2, 0): ((-6.879216832661181, 1.2434449094635127, 13.102330090486209), (-0.7791729689523519, 0.43582107891998634, -0.450499136095727, 109.18718989286837)), (1, 0): ((-6.879216832661183, 1.2434449094635125, 13.10233009048621), (-0.7791729689523519, 0.43582107891998634, -0.45049913609572706, 109.18718989286837)), (0, 0): ((-6.879216832661183, 1.2434449094635125, 13.10233009048621), (-0.7791729689523519, 0.43582107891998634, -0.45049913609572706, 109.18718989286837)) }, { (0, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0) }, 4, (1.3892258043886745, 3.93424088720653, 8.767639523590514), False, 18.84968453493425) } import Midas Midas.restoreMidasBase(formattedPositions)
def show_saxs_profile(molecules, selected_only, epath, expath, dialog=None): if len(molecules) <= 2: name = ', '.join([ for m in molecules]) else: name = '%d models' % len(molecules) import tempfile, os fd, pdbpath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdb') os.close(fd) import Midas Midas.write(molecules, molecules[0], pdbpath, selOnly=selected_only) if not epath: # Use web services if no executable is given if dialog is None: dialog = PlotDialog() ProfileOpalService(pdbpath, expath, name, dialog.figure) else: cmd = '%s %s %s' % (epath, pdbpath, expath) from chimera.replyobj import info, warning info('Executing command: %s\n' % cmd) status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: warning('Error %d executing command "%s"' % (status, cmd)) return dialog if expath: from os.path import basename ppath = pdbpath[:-4] + '_' + basename(expath) p = read_profile(ppath, 3) else: ppath = pdbpath + '.dat' p = read_profile(ppath, 2) plot_profile(p, name, dialog.figure) return dialog
def render_callback(self, frame): try: self.molecule.deleteCoordSet(self.molecule.coordSets[frame]) except: pass self.molecule.LoadFrame(frame + 1) Midas.match("#0:1-545", "#1:1-545") Midas.undisplay("#0") Midas.color("byatom", "#0") Midas.undisplay("#0.=H=") Midas.wait(1) t = time.time() pct_complete = self.frames_done / float(self.frames_total) * 100 if self.frames_done: time_to_complete = (t - self.t0) / self.frames_done * ( self.frames_total - self.frames_done) else: time_to_complete = 0 self.f.write( "Rendered frame %d (%d of %d, %d-%d), %5.2f%% complete, %5.2f seconds remaining)\n" % (frame, self.frames_done, self.frames_total, start, stop, pct_complete, time_to_complete)) self.f.flush() self.frames_done += 1 return True
def show_saxs_profile(molecules, selected_only, epath, expath, dialog = None): if len(molecules) <= 2: name = ', '.join([ for m in molecules]) else: name = '%d models' % len(molecules) import tempfile, os fd, pdbpath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix = '.pdb') os.close(fd) import Midas Midas.write(molecules, molecules[0], pdbpath, selOnly = selected_only) if not epath: # Use web services if no executable is given if dialog is None: dialog = PlotDialog() ProfileOpalService(pdbpath, expath, name, dialog.figure) else: cmd = '%s %s %s' % (epath, pdbpath, expath) from chimera.replyobj import info, warning info('Executing command: %s\n' % cmd) status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: warning('Error %d executing command "%s"' % (status, cmd)) return dialog if expath: from os.path import basename ppath = pdbpath[:-4] + '_' + basename(expath) p = read_profile(ppath, 3) else: ppath = pdbpath + '.dat' p = read_profile(ppath, 2) plot_profile(p, name, dialog.figure) return dialog
def pdbSelect(self): # Identify selected pbid sels = self.pdbListBox.getcurselection() if not sels: return pdbid = sels[0] # Set pdbid self.pdbid = pdbid # clean up previous pdbid selection self.cleanupPdbSelect() # Open Molecule if it isn't already open if myvrml.getModelNo(pdbid.lower()) == None: self.mol = myvrml.openMolecule(pdbid) # highlight hetatms Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:.het" % Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:ca" % # Get sites for the pdbid self.sites = self.sitefile.getByPdbid(pdbid) # Update listbox siteStrings = [PrettySiteString(s) for s in self.sites] self.siteListBox.setlist(siteStrings) # Select all sites self.siteListBox._listbox.select_set(0,'end') self.siteSelect()
def restoreMidasBase(): formattedPositions = { 'session-start': (1.0, 6.8744100148427, (46.179, 14.47249997139, 2.9510000367165), (15.820337462141, -12.771337686254), 2.9510000367165, { (0, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), (102, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), (2, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), (101, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), (1, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), (100, 0): ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) }, { (2, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (1, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (0, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (102, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (101, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (100, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0) }, 4, (46.669999921321875, 9.811500097751617, 1.5244998879432687), False, 17.567064639105) } import Midas Midas.restoreMidasBase(formattedPositions)
def showSurface(warnLarge=True): if warnLarge: numSurfaces = len(selMolecules()) if numSurfaces > 20: import tkgui tkgui.SurfaceWarningDialog(numSurfaces, lambda : showSurface(warnLarge=False)) return empty = selection.currentEmpty() atoms = selAtoms() for a in atoms: a.surfaceDisplay = True import Midas Midas.surfaceVisibilityByAtom(atoms) plist = selectedSurfacePieces(implied = True) if plist: pa, pb = surfacePieceAtomsAndBonds(plist) if pa: # Don't surface atoms that have non-MSMS surface. paset = set(pa) atoms = [a for a in atoms if a not in paset] for p in plist: p.display = True p.model.display = True from Midas import surfaceNew molcat = list(set([(a.molecule, a.surfaceCategory) for a in atoms])) if empty: # Only surface main category if nothing selected. molcat = [mc for mc in molcat if mc[1] == 'main'] molcat.sort(lambda mc1,mc2: cmp(mc1[0].id, mc2[0].id)) for mol, cat in molcat: surfaceNew(cat, models=[mol])
def showSurface(warnLarge=True): if warnLarge: numSurfaces = len(selMolecules()) if numSurfaces > 20: import tkgui tkgui.SurfaceWarningDialog(numSurfaces, lambda: showSurface(warnLarge=False)) return empty = selection.currentEmpty() atoms = selAtoms() for a in atoms: a.surfaceDisplay = True import Midas Midas.surfaceVisibilityByAtom(atoms) plist = selectedSurfacePieces(implied=True) if plist: pa, pb = surfacePieceAtomsAndBonds(plist) if pa: # Don't surface atoms that have non-MSMS surface. paset = set(pa) atoms = [a for a in atoms if a not in paset] for p in plist: p.display = True p.model.display = True from Midas import surfaceNew molcat = list(set([(a.molecule, a.surfaceCategory) for a in atoms])) if empty: # Only surface main category if nothing selected. molcat = [mc for mc in molcat if mc[1] == 'main'] molcat.sort(lambda mc1, mc2: cmp(mc1[0].id, mc2[0].id)) for mol, cat in molcat: surfaceNew(cat, models=[mol])
def __init__(self, hitfile, master=None): Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, master) self.hitfile = hitfile self.hitNodeList = HitNodeList(self.hitfile.hits) self.maxScore = 0 self.models = [] basename = os.path.basename(hitfile.filename) (pdbid, ext) = os.path.splitext(basename) self.pdbid = pdbid # Find MaxScore for slider if self.hitfile.hits: self.maxScore = max(self.hitfile.hits).score # Open Molecule if it isn't already open self.mol = None if myvrml.getModelNo(pdbid.lower()) == None: self.mol = myvrml.openMolecule(pdbid) # highlight hetatms Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:.het" % Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:ca" % self._buildGui()
def surfCmd(models, category): import Midas mols = filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, chimera.Molecule), models) Midas.surfaceNew(category, models=mols) for m in mols: for a in m.atoms: if a.surfaceCategory == category: a.surfaceDisplay = 1
def _clearModelColor(self): # obtain modelNo modelNo = myvrml.getModelNo(self.pdbid.lower()) if modelNo == None: return # Reset model color Midas.uncolor(None, "#%d" % modelNo) Midas.unrescolor(None, "#%d" % modelNo)
def update_model_color(self): model_id = openModels.listIds()[-1][0] if not self.keep_selection: Midas.color('orange red', '#%d' % self.movie_id) else: Midas.color('forest green', '#%d' % model_id) Midas.color('byhet', '#%d' % model_id) Midas.color('forest green', '#%d' % self.movie_id) Midas.color('byhet', '#%d' % self.movie_id)
def zoomModel(self, model): self.manipulateModel(model) sel = selection.ItemizedSelection() for m in self.refModels: if sel.add(m.atoms) for m in self.altModels: if sel.add(m.atoms) Midas.window(sel)
def restoreWindowSize((width, height)): import SimpleSession if SimpleSession.preexistingModels: return # Leave window size as is. import Midas Midas.windowsize((width, height)) def delay(arg1, arg2, arg3, width=width, height=height): repairView(width, height) from chimera.triggerSet import ONESHOT return ONESHOT chimera.triggers.addHandler('post-frame', delay, None)
def hideSurface(): atoms = selAtoms() for a in atoms: a.surfaceDisplay = False import Midas Midas.surfaceVisibilityByAtom(atoms) plist = selectedSurfacePieces(excludeMSMS = True, implied = True) for p in plist: p.display = False # Undisplay models that have all pieces undisplayed. for s in set([p.model for p in plist]): if not [p for p in s.surfacePieces if p.display]: s.display = False
def hideSurface(): atoms = selAtoms() for a in atoms: a.surfaceDisplay = False import Midas Midas.surfaceVisibilityByAtom(atoms) plist = selectedSurfacePieces(excludeMSMS=True, implied=True) for p in plist: p.display = False # Undisplay models that have all pieces undisplayed. for s in set([p.model for p in plist]): if not [p for p in s.surfacePieces if p.display]: s.display = False
def html(*models): if models: for m in chimera.openModels.list(): m.display = False chimera.selection.clearCurrent() for model in models: model.display = True chimera.selection.addCurrent(model) chimera.runCommand('focus sel') chimera.viewer.windowSize = 800, 600 path = 'chimera_scene_export.html' Midas.export(filename=path, format='WebGL') return IFrame(path, *[x + 20 for x in chimera.viewer.windowSize])
def save(okay, dialog, lfits=lfits): if okay: paths = dialog.getPaths() if paths: path = paths[0] import Midas if len(lfits) > 1 and path.find('%d') == -1: base, suf = os.path.splitext(path) path = base + '_fit%d' + suf for i, fit in enumerate(lfits): p = path if len(lfits) == 1 else path % (i + 1) fit.place_models(self.session) Midas.write(fit.fit_molecules(), relModel=fit.volume, filename=p)
def doMidasCommand(self, cmd): """ 'cmd' is the text of a Midas command This function will execute 'cmd' using the Midas command line """ from Midas import midas_text #code = None try: #code = Midas.midas_text.makeCommand(cmd) if midas_text.makeCommand(cmd): Midas.wait(1) except IOError, v: raise "Can't make command from %s" % cmd, v
def matchModel(self, model): n = self.matchVars[model].get() va, vd = self.modelVars[model] if n < 0: va.set(0) vd.set(0) self.activateModel(model, 0) self.displayModel(model, 0) return altOSL = '%s%s' % (model.oslIdent(), self.subSelection) ref = self.refModels[n] refOSL = '%s%s' % (ref.oslIdent(), self.subSelection) try: Midas.match(altOSL, refOSL) except Midas.MidasError, e: raise chimera.UserError(str(e))
def transpSurf(amount): if amount != -1: aopacity = opacity = min(1.0, 1 - amount) else: opacity = 1 aopacity = -1 atoms = selAtoms() import Midas surfatoms = Midas.atomMSMSModels(atoms) for s,atoms in surfatoms.items(): adjustMSMSTransparency(s, atoms, opacity, aopacity) splist = selectedSurfacePieces(implied = True) from chimera import MSMSModel for p in splist: s = p.model if isinstance(s, MSMSModel) and s.molecule: adjustMSMSTransparency(s, s.atoms, opacity, aopacity) else: adjustSurfacePieceTransparency(p, opacity) if (len(atoms) > 0 and not selection.currentEmpty() and len(surfatoms) == 0 and len(splist) == 0): from replyobj import warning warning('No surfaces shown for selected atoms.\n')
def colorAtomByElement(a, attrs=["color"], hetero=False): import Midas if hetero and a.element.number == chimera.elements.C.number: return c = Midas.elementColor(a.element) for attr in attrs: setattr(a, attr, c)
def transpSurf(amount): if amount != -1: aopacity = opacity = min(1.0, 1 - amount) else: opacity = 1 aopacity = -1 atoms = selAtoms() import Midas surfatoms = Midas.atomMSMSModels(atoms) for s, atoms in surfatoms.items(): adjustMSMSTransparency(s, atoms, opacity, aopacity) splist = selectedSurfacePieces(implied=True) from chimera import MSMSModel for p in splist: s = p.model if isinstance(s, MSMSModel) and s.molecule: adjustMSMSTransparency(s, s.atoms, opacity, aopacity) else: adjustSurfacePieceTransparency(p, opacity) if (len(atoms) > 0 and not selection.currentEmpty() and len(surfatoms) == 0 and len(splist) == 0): from replyobj import warning warning('No surfaces shown for selected atoms.\n')
def __init__(self, pdbid, motifs, master=None): Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, master) self.pdbid = pdbid self.motifs = motifs self.models = [] self.motifs.sort() # Open Molecule if it isn't already open self.mol = None if myvrml.getModelNo(pdbid.lower()) == None: self.mol = myvrml.openMolecule(pdbid) # highlight hetatms Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:.het" % Midas.represent("sphere", "#%d:ca" % self._displayGui()
def NDBColors(self): from chimera import selection if selection.currentEmpty(): import Midas residues = Midas._selectedResidues('#') else: residues = selection.currentResidues() NA.NDBColors(residues)
def NDBColors(residues): import Midas color_names = set(std['NDB color'] for std in standard_bases.values()) colors = {} for n in color_names: colors[n] = [] for r in residues: try: info = standard_bases[nucleic3to1[r.type]] except KeyError: continue color = info['NDB color'] colors[color].append(r) for color, residues in colors.items(): if residues: Midas.color(color, residues) Midas.ribcolor(color, residues)
def oneTransparentLayer(ol): slist = set([p.model for p in selectedSurfacePieces(implied=True)]) for s in slist: s.oneTransparentLayer = ol # MSMS surfaces with just atoms selected. import Midas surfatoms = Midas.atomMSMSModels(selAtoms()) for s, atoms in surfatoms.items(): s.oneTransparentLayer = ol
def oneTransparentLayer(ol): slist = set([p.model for p in selectedSurfacePieces(implied = True)]) for s in slist: s.oneTransparentLayer = ol # MSMS surfaces with just atoms selected. import Midas surfatoms = Midas.atomMSMSModels(selAtoms()) for s,atoms in surfatoms.items(): s.oneTransparentLayer = ol
def atoms_surfnet(osl, useMesh=True, interval=1.0, cutoff=10, density='Gaussian', color=None): try: atomList = Midas._selectedAtoms(osl) except (Midas.MidasError, chimera.oslParser.OSLSyntaxError), e: return str(e)
def restoreMidasBase(): formattedPositions = { 'session-start': (0.51656690745981, 212.3515733945, (0.42143249511719, -0.0260009765625, -104.88691711426), (430.69914501186, -402.44959815756), -104.88691711426, { (3, 0): ((85.74991093647263, -19.130254540518578, 15.953759428724865), (-0.5611631172296855, 0.5113469753074245, 0.650861142414425, 111.83901581399124)), (2, 0): ((85.74991093647263, -19.130254540518578, 15.953759428724865), (-0.5611631172296855, 0.5113469753074245, 0.650861142414425, 111.83901581399124)), (1, 0): ((85.74991093647263, -19.130254540518578, 15.953759428724865), (-0.5611631172296855, 0.5113469753074245, 0.650861142414425, 111.83901581399124)), (0, 0): ((85.74991093647263, -19.130254540518578, 15.953759428724865), (-0.5611631172296855, 0.5113469753074245, 0.650861142414425, 111.83901581399124)), (4, 0): ((85.74991093647263, -19.130254540518578, 15.953759428724865), (-0.5611631172296855, 0.5113469753074245, 0.650861142414425, 111.83901581399124)) }, { (1, 0, 'Volume'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, False, 5.0), (3, 0, 'Volume'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, False, 5.0), (0, 0, 'Volume'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, False, 5.0), (2, 0, 'Volume'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, False, 5.0), (4, 0, 'Volume'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, False, 5.0) }, 4, (86.38818617492556, -32.636260471782066, 16.781572916543098), False, 24.739146122928) } import Midas Midas.restoreMidasBase(formattedPositions)
def interface_surfnet(receptorOSL, ligandsOSL, useMesh=True, interval=1.0, cutoff=10, density='Gaussian', color=None): try: receptorAtomList = Midas._selectedAtoms(receptorOSL) except (Midas.MidasError, chimera.oslParser.OSLSyntaxError), e: return str(e)
def restoreMidasBase(): formattedPositions = { 'session-start': (0.76683262201217, 6.8744100148427, (50.727180703031, 9.8739736787576, 4.2693911011513), (16.96991371182, -9.3554221033169), 2.9510000367165, { (0, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)), (102, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)), (2, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)), (101, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)), (1, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)), (100, 0): ((68.201573465377, -15.759669552015, 43.458120084532), (-0.46643889786615833, 0.31419420626180883, 0.8268716679805371, 117.23875474475)) }, { (2, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (1, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (0, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (102, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (101, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0), (100, 0, 'Molecule'): (False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False, 5.0) }, 0, (54.1234, 9.16877, 4.26939), False, 17.567064639105) } import Midas Midas.restoreMidasBase(formattedPositions)
def do_molBenchmark(self, style): self.set_standard_window_size() import Midas Midas.window('#') show_main_chimera_window() draw_scene() # Use glFinish instead of swapping buffers to avoid maxing out # at the screen's refresh rate times = [] for i in range(5): with benchmarking(chimera.viewer): t = calls_per_second(draw_scene, self.averaging_interval) times.append(t) if self.halt_requested(): raise HaltRequest(style) mean = sum(times) / 5.0 return mean
def __init__(self, m, grepPath): # Generate a temporary file name for PDB file. # We use Chimera's 'osTemporaryFile' function # because it automatically deletes the file when # Chimera exits. import OpenSave self.pdbFile = OpenSave.osTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdb", prefix="rg") self.outFile = OpenSave.osTemporaryFile(suffix=".out", prefix="rg") # Write molecule in to temporary file in PDB format. self.molecule = m import Midas Midas.write([m], None, self.pdbFile) # Set up a task instance for showing user our status. from chimera import tasks self.task = tasks.Task("atom count for %s" %, self.cancelCB) # Start by counting the ATOM records first. self.countAtoms()
def sidechain(side, glycosidic=default.GLYCOSIDIC, orient=default.ORIENT, thickness=default.THICKNESS, hide=default.HIDE, shape=default.SHAPE, style=default.STYLE, radius=default.RADIUS, stubs=default.STUBS, ignore=default.IGNORE, useexisting=default.USE_EXISTING, sel='sel'): if isinstance(sel, basestring): sel = Midas.evalSpec(sel) residues = sel.residues() molecules = [g for g in sel.graphs() if isinstance(g, chimera.Molecule)] elif isinstance(sel, (list, tuple, set)): residues = sel molecules = set([r.molecule for r in residues]) else: residues = sel.residues() molecules = [g for g in sel.graphs() if isinstance(g, chimera.Molecule)] residues = [r for r in residues if r.ribbonResidueClass.isNucleic()] if side == 'atoms': for r in residues: r.fillDisplay = False NA.set_normal(molecules, residues) elif side == 'fill/fill': for r in residues: r.fillDisplay = True if orient: NA.set_orient(molecules, residues) else: NA.set_normal(molecules, residues) elif side in ('fill/slab', 'tube/slab'): if side.startswith('fill'): for r in residues: r.fillDisplay = True showGly = True else: showGly = glycosidic if showGly: info = NA.findStyle(style) showGly = info[NA.ANCHOR] != NA.SUGAR NA.set_slab(side, molecules, residues, style=style, thickness=thickness, orient=orient, shape=shape, showGly=showGly, hide=hide) elif side == 'ladder': from FindHBond import recDistSlop, recAngleSlop NA.set_ladder(molecules, residues, rungRadius=radius, showStubs=stubs, skipNonBaseHBonds=ignore, useExisting=useexisting, distSlop=recDistSlop, angleSlop=recAngleSlop)
def fctMidas(p1, p2): xp, yp, zp = mc.player.getTilePos() if p1 == True: s = 15 if p1 == False: s = 5 if p2 == True: idb = 57 if p2 == False: idb = 41 Midas.Midascube(xp, yp, zp, s, idb) os('omxplayer -o local Desktop/minecraft/Magic_Wand/songs/Midas.mp3')
def _displayMotif(self, motif): # obtain modelNo modelNo = myvrml.getModelNo(motif.pdbid.lower()) if modelNo == None: print "No Model" return group = myvrml.GroupNode() # obtain chain residue numbers chainRes = [] mol = chimera.openModels.list(id=modelNo)[0] residues = mol.residues residues.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(, for res in residues: if == motif.chainid: chainRes.append(res) # Hilight motif motifSel = "#%d:%d-%d.%s" % ( modelNo, chainRes[motif.start].id.position, chainRes[motif.end - 1].id.position, motif.chainid) if gVerbose: print "MOTIFSEL:", motifSel print "START RES:", chainRes[motif.start].type, print "STOP RES:", chainRes[motif.end - 1].type Midas.color("red", motifSel) Midas.rescolor("red", motifSel) if gHaveCore: # Hilight coreMotif coreMotifSel = "#%d:%d-%d.%s" % ( modelNo, chainRes[motif.coreStart].id.position, chainRes[motif.coreEnd - 1].id.position, motif.chainid) print "CORESEL:", coreMotifSel Midas.color("yellow", coreMotifSel) print motif return group
def Apply(self): from chimera import dialogs selOnly = self.selOnlyVar.get() paths = self.getPaths() if not paths: replyobj.error('No save location chosen.\n') return path = paths[0] models = self.modelList.getvalue() if not models: replyobj.error("No models chosen to save.\n") return if len(openModels.listIds()) > 1: if self.saveRelativeVar.get(): relModel = self.relModelMenu.getvalue() else: relModel = None else: if self.saveUntransformedVar.get(): relModel = models[0] else: relModel = None if self.haveTraj and self.frameSave.getvalue() == "all frames": allFrames=True else: allFrames=False import Midas if len(models) < 2: replyobj.status("Writing %s to %s\n" % (models[0].name, path)) Midas.write(models, relModel, path, allFrames=allFrames, dispOnly=self.dispOnlyVar.get(), selOnly=selOnly) replyobj.status("Wrote %s to %s\n" % (models[0].name, path)) return saveOpt = self.multiSaveMenu.getvalue() for key, value in self.labelMap.items(): if saveOpt == value: break self.prefs["multiSavePDB"] = key # write multiple models to multiple files if key == "multiple": if path.endswith(".pdb"): start, end = path[:-4], ".pdb" else: start, end = path, "" for m in models: modelPath = start + m.oslIdent()[1:] + end replyobj.status("Writing %s (%s) to %s\n" % (, m.oslIdent(), modelPath)) Midas.write(m, relModel, modelPath, allFrames=allFrames, dispOnly=self.dispOnlyVar.get(), selOnly=selOnly) replyobj.status("Wrote %s (%s) to %s\n" % (, m.oslIdent(), modelPath)) return # write multiple models to single file replyobj.status("Writing multiple models to %s\n" % path) Midas.write(models, relModel, path, allFrames=allFrames, dispOnly=self.dispOnlyVar.get(), selOnly=selOnly) replyobj.status("Wrote multiple models to %s\n" % path)
def restoreWindowSize((width, height)): import SimpleSession if SimpleSession.preexistingModels: return # Leave window size as is. import Midas Midas.windowsize((width, height))
def restoreMidasBase(): formattedPositions = {} import Midas Midas.restoreMidasBase(formattedPositions)
def ndbcolor(sel='sel'): residues = Midas._selectedResidues(sel) NA.NDBColors(residues)
def match(chainPairing, matchItems, matrix, alg, gapOpen, gapExtend, iterate=None, showAlignment=False, align=align, **alignKw): """Superimpose structures based on sequence alignment 'chainPairing' is the method of pairing chains to match: CP_SPECIFIC_SPECIFIC -- Each reference chain is paired with a specified match chain CP_SPECIFIC_BEST -- Single reference chain is paired with best seq-aligning chain from one or more molecules CP_BEST -- Best seq-aligning pair of chains from reference molecule and match molecule(s) is used """ ksdsspCache = set() alg = alg.lower() if alg == "nw" or alg.startswith("needle"): alg = "nw" algName = "Needleman-Wunsch" elif alg =="sw" or alg.startswith("smith"): alg = "sw" algName = "Smith-Waterman" else: raise ValueError("Unknown sequence alignment algorithm: %s" % alg) pairings = {} smallMolErrMsg = "Reference and/or match model contains no nucleic or"\ " amino acid chains.\nUse the command-line 'match' command" \ " to superimpose small molecules/ligands." if chainPairing == CP_SPECIFIC_SPECIFIC: # specific chain(s) in each # various sanity checks # # (1) can't have same chain matched to multiple refs # (2) reference molecule can't be a match molecule matchChains = {} matchMols = {} refMols = {} for ref, match in matchItems: if not matrixCompatible(ref, matrix): raise UserError("Reference chain (%s) not" " compatible with %s similarity" " matrix" % (ref.fullName(), matrix)) if not matrixCompatible(match, matrix): raise UserError("Match chain (%s) not" " compatible with %s similarity" " matrix" % (match.fullName(), matrix)) if match in matchChains: raise UserError("Cannot match the same chain" " to multiple reference chains") matchChains[match] = ref if match.molecule in refMols \ or ref.molecule in matchMols \ or match.molecule == ref.molecule: raise UserError("Cannot have same molecule" " model provide both reference and" " match chains") matchMols[match.molecule] = ref refMols[ref.molecule] = match if not matchChains: raise UserError("Must select at least one reference" " chain.\n") for match, ref in matchChains.items(): score, s1, s2 = align(ref, match, matrix, alg, gapOpen, gapExtend, ksdsspCache, **alignKw) pairings.setdefault(s2.molecule, []).append( (score, s1, s2)) elif chainPairing == CP_SPECIFIC_BEST: # specific chain in reference; # best seq-aligning chain in match model(s) ref, matches = matchItems if not ref or not matches: raise UserError("Must select at least one reference" " and match item.\n") if not matrixCompatible(ref, matrix): raise UserError("Reference chain (%s) not compatible" " with %s similarity matrix" % (ref.fullName(), matrix)) for match in matches: bestScore = None seqs = [s for s in match.sequences() if matrixCompatible(s, matrix)] if not seqs and match.sequences(): raise UserError("No chains in match structure" " %s compatible with %s similarity" " matrix" % (match, matrix)) for seq in seqs: score, s1, s2 = align(ref, seq, matrix, alg, gapOpen, gapExtend, ksdsspCache, **alignKw) if bestScore is None or score > bestScore: bestScore = score pairing = (score, s1, s2) if bestScore is None: raise LimitationError(smallMolErrMsg) pairings[match]= [pairing] elif chainPairing == CP_BEST: # best seq-aligning pair of chains between # reference and match structure(s) ref, matches = matchItems if not ref or not matches: raise UserError("Must select at least one reference" " and match item in different models.\n") rseqs = [s for s in ref.sequences() if matrixCompatible(s, matrix)] if not rseqs and ref.sequences(): raise UserError("No chains in reference structure" " %s compatible with %s similarity" " matrix" % (ref, matrix)) for match in matches: bestScore = None mseqs = [s for s in match.sequences() if matrixCompatible(s, matrix)] if not mseqs and match.sequences(): raise UserError("No chains in match structure" " %s compatible with %s similarity" " matrix" % (match, matrix)) for mseq in mseqs: for rseq in rseqs: score, s1, s2 = align(rseq, mseq, matrix, alg, gapOpen, gapExtend, ksdsspCache, **alignKw) if bestScore is None \ or score > bestScore: bestScore = score pairing = (score,s1,s2) if bestScore is None: raise LimitationError(smallMolErrMsg) pairings[match]= [pairing] else: raise ValueError("No such chain-pairing method") from chimera.misc import principalAtom retVals = [] for matchMol, pairs in pairings.items(): refAtoms = [] matchAtoms = [] regionInfo = {} for score, s1, s2 in pairs: try: ssMatrix = alignKw['ssMatrix'] except KeyError: ssMatrix = defaultSSMatrix try: ssFraction = alignKw['ssFraction'] except KeyError: ssFraction = defaults[SS_MIXTURE] replyobj.status("match %s (%s) with %s (%s)," " score = %g\n" % (, s1.molecule.oslIdent(),, s2.molecule.oslIdent(), score), log=1)"with these parameters:\n" "\tchain pairing: %s\n\t%s using %s\n" % (chainPairing, algName, matrix)) if ssFraction is None or ssFraction is False:"\tno secondary structure" " guidance used\n")"\tgap open %g, extend %g\n" % ( gapOpen, gapExtend)) else: if 'gapOpenHelix' in alignKw: gh = alignKw['gapOpenHelix'] else: gh = defaults[HELIX_OPEN] if 'gapOpenStrand' in alignKw: gs = alignKw['gapOpenStrand'] else: gs = defaults[STRAND_OPEN] if 'gapOpenOther' in alignKw: go = alignKw['gapOpenOther'] else: go = defaults[OTHER_OPEN]"\tss fraction: %g\n" "\tgap open (HH/SS/other) %g/%g/%g, " "extend %g\n" "\tss matrix: " % (ssFraction, gh, gs, go, gapExtend)) for ss1, ss2 in ssMatrix.keys(): if ss2 < ss1: continue" (%s, %s): %g" % (ss1, ss2, ssMatrix[(ss1, ss2)]))"\n") if iterate is None:"\tno iteration\n") else:"\titeration cutoff: %g\n" % iterate) if showAlignment: from MultAlignViewer.MAViewer import MAViewer mav = MAViewer([s1,s2], autoAssociate=None) mav.autoAssociate = True mav.hideHeaders(mav.headers(shownOnly=True)) mav.showHeaders([h for h in mav.headers() if == "RMSD"]) for i in range(len(s1)): if s1[i] == "." or s2[i] == ".": continue refRes = s1.residues[s1.gapped2ungapped(i)] matchRes = s2.residues[s2.gapped2ungapped(i)] if not refRes: continue refAtom = principalAtom(refRes) if not refAtom: continue if not matchRes: continue matchAtom = principalAtom(matchRes) if not matchAtom: continue if != # nucleic P-only trace vs. full nucleic if != "P": try: refAtom = refAtom.residue.atomsMap["P"][0] except KeyError: continue else: try: matchAtom = matchAtom.residue.atomsMap["P"][0] except KeyError: continue refAtoms.append(refAtom) matchAtoms.append(matchAtom) if showAlignment and iterate is not None: regionInfo[refAtom] = (mav, i) import Midas if len(matchAtoms) < 3: replyobj.error("Fewer than 3 residues aligned; cannot" " match %s with %s\n" % (, continue try: retVals.append(Midas.match(matchAtoms, refAtoms, iterate=iterate, minPoints=3)) except Midas.TooFewAtomsError: replyobj.error("Iteration produces fewer than 3" " residues aligned.\nCannot match %s with %s" " satisfying iteration threshold.\n" % (, continue"\n") # separate matches with whitespace if regionInfo: byMav = {} for ra in retVals[-1][1]: mav, index = regionInfo[ra] byMav.setdefault(mav, []).append(index) for mav, indices in byMav.items(): indices.sort() from MultAlignViewer.MAViewer import \ MATCHED_REGION_INFO name, fill, outline = MATCHED_REGION_INFO mav.newRegion(name=name, columns=indices, fill=fill, outline=outline) mav.status("Residues used in final fit" " iteration are highlighted") return retVals
def check_space_navigator(self, trigger_name, d1, d2): e = self.device.last_event() if e is None: return rot, trans, buttons = e from math import sqrt, pow from chimera import Vector, Xform, viewer # Rotation rx, ry, rz = rot # 10 bits, signed, +/-512 rmag = sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz) # Translation tx, ty, tz = trans # 10 bits, signed, +/-512 if self.zoom and not self.fly_mode: zm = tz tz = 0 else: zm = 0 tmag = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty + tz*tz) zmag = abs(zm) if self.dominant: if tmag < rmag or tmag < zmag: tmag = 0 if rmag < tmag or rmag < zmag: rmag = 0 if zmag < tmag or zmag < rmag: zmag = 0 if self.fly_mode: rt = 50 if abs(ry) > abs(rx)+rt and abs(ry) > abs(rz)+rt: rx = rz = 0 else: ry = 0 rmag = sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz) if rmag > 0: axis = Vector(rx/rmag, ry/rmag, rz/rmag) if self.fly_mode: f = 3 else: f = 30 angle = self.speed*(f*rmag/512) xf = Xform.rotation(axis, angle) self.apply_transform(xf) if tmag > 0: axis = Vector(tx/tmag, ty/tmag, tz/tmag) shift = axis * 0.15 * self.speed * viewer.viewSize * tmag/512 xf = Xform.translation(shift) self.apply_transform(xf) if zmag != 0: f = pow(1.1, self.speed*float(zm)/512) import Midas Midas.updateZoomDepth(viewer) try: viewer.scaleFactor *= f except ValueError: import chimera raise chimera.LimitationError("refocus to continue scaling") if 'N1' in buttons or 31 in buttons: self.view_all() if 'N2' in buttons: self.toggle_dominant_mode()