def main(argv):
    # Create an OptionParser for reading optional parameters
    parser = OptionParser(version='0.10')
    parser.prog = 'Model Runner Plots Test'

    print 'Running ' + parser.prog + ' ' + parser.version

    options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    log = False

    # Use a hardcoded value for the input filename, probably adding in an option argument later
    # for more flexibility
    filename = 'output_test/BigHorn_Temperature.txt'

    # Create the data frames and plots from the input file
    (df, df_closest_fit) = ModelRunnerPlots.create_dataframes(filename, log)
    # Get the plot and create a matplotlib figure.

    df_plot = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot('Temperature', 'Temperature in Farenheit', df=df, log=log, value_vars=list(df.columns - ['year']))
    df_plot.savefig('graph_test.png', format='png')

    # Create our GUI componenets.  Note, the data frame and plot must be created beforehand for the GUI to work properly.
    root = Tkinter.Tk()
    root.title(parser.prog + ' ' + parser.version)

    model_runner_gui = ModelRunnerGraphGUI.GraphFrame(root, df=df, plot=df_plot)

    # Run the window main loop
예제 #2
def create_plots(output_files_list, log, gui_frame=None):
    print('Number of plots in output: ' + str(len(output_files_list)))

    for output_file_and_job in output_files_list:
        output_file = output_file_and_job[0]
        # NOTE: Skip files with "Avg" in the filename.  The problem occurs when creating line graphs with intervals like:
        # 1950-1959, 1951-1960, 1952-1961, etc.  This is because the y-value is a range associated with a discrete range of data,
        # but not a continuous range.  Would a bar chart be more applicable?
        if output_file.find('Avg') != -1:
            print('Could not find the output file!')

        if log:
  'Creating plots for file: ' + output_file)
            print('Creating plots for file: ' + output_file)

        #(df, df_closest_fit) = ModelRunnerPlots.create_dataframes(output_file, log)
        datatype = output_file[output_file.rindex('_')+1:output_file.rindex('.')]
        df = ModelRunnerPlots.create_dataframes(output_file, datatype, log)
        plot_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log)
        window_title = None
        if len(output_file_and_job) == 2:
            window_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log) + ': ' + output_file_and_job[1]
            window_title = plot_title

        if log:
  'Plot Title: ' + plot_title)

        all_plot = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot(plot_title, get_plot_y_label(output_file, log), df, log, value_vars=list(df.columns - ['year']))
        #closest_fit_plot = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot(create_plot_title(output_file, log) + ' Closest Fit', get_plot_y_label(output_file, log), df_closest_fit, log, value_vars=list(df_closest_fit.columns - ['year']))

        # Create two instances of graph windows for each graph
        if gui_frame != None:
            print('Creating plots!')
            #plot_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log)
            y_label = get_plot_y_label(output_file, log)
            #all_plot_gui = ModelRunnerGraphGUI.GraphWindow(parent=None, df=df, plot=all_plot, plot_title=plot_title, y_label=y_label)
            #closest_fit_plot_gui = ModelRunnerGraphGUI.GraphWindow(parent=None, df=df_closest_fit, plot=closest_fit_plot, plot_title=plot_title + ' Closest Fit', y_label=y_label)
            gui_frame.add_plot({'df': df, 'plot': all_plot, 'plot_title': plot_title, 'y_label': y_label, 'window_title': window_title, 'output_file': output_file})
            #print 'Adding plots'

        # Or, just save the files if a GUI is not being used
            print('Just outputting image files!')
            plot_base_fname = output_file[0:output_file.rindex('.')]
            all_plot_fname = plot_base_fname + '_all_plot.png'
            all_plot.savefig(all_plot_fname, format='png')
            if log:
      'Created a plot file of all output columns called ' + all_plot_fname)

            closest_fit_plot_fname = plot_base_fname + '_closest_fit_plot.png'
            closest_fit_plot.savefig(closest_fit_plot_fname, format='png')
            if log:
      'Created a plot file of the best fitting output called ' + closest_fit_plot_fname)
예제 #3
    def on_col_check(self):
        # Based upon what is checked, a new plot should be created
        value_vars = list()

        for col in self.col_list:
            if col[0].get() == 1:
                #print col[2] + ' is checked'
                #print col[2] + ' is not checked'

        plot_selected = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot(self.plot_title, self.y_label, self.df, None, value_vars=value_vars)
        #if len(value_vars) == 0:
            #plot_selected = ModelRunnerPlots.get_avg_plot(self.plot_title, self.y_label, self.df, None)
		self.graph_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(plot_selected, master=self.graph_frame.interior())
        	self.graph_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S + Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W)
	except AttributeError:
        self.plot_figure = plot_selected
예제 #4
def create_plots(output_files_list, log, gui_frame=None):
    # print 'Number of plots in output: ' + str(len(output_files_list))

    for output_file_and_job in output_files_list:
        output_file = output_file_and_job[0]
        # NOTE: Skip files with "Avg" in the filename.  The problem occurs when creating line graphs with intervals like:
        # 1950-1959, 1951-1960, 1952-1961, etc.  This is because the y-value is a range associated with a discrete range of data,
        # but not a continuous range.  Would a bar chart be more applicable?
        if output_file.find("Avg") != -1:

        if log:
  "Creating plots for file: " + output_file)
            print ("Creating plots for file: " + output_file)

        # (df, df_closest_fit) = ModelRunnerPlots.create_dataframes(output_file, log)
        datatype = output_file[output_file.rindex("_") + 1 : output_file.rindex(".")]
        df = ModelRunnerPlots.create_dataframes(output_file, datatype, log)
        plot_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log)
        window_title = None
        if len(output_file_and_job) == 2:
            window_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log) + ": " + output_file_and_job[1]
            window_title = plot_title

        if log:
  "Plot Title: " + plot_title)

        all_plot = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot(
            plot_title, get_plot_y_label(output_file, log), df, log, value_vars=list(df.columns - ["year"])
        # closest_fit_plot = ModelRunnerPlots.create_line_plot(create_plot_title(output_file, log) + ' Closest Fit', get_plot_y_label(output_file, log), df_closest_fit, log, value_vars=list(df_closest_fit.columns - ['year']))

        # Create two instances of graph windows for each graph
        if gui_frame != None:
            # plot_title = create_plot_title(output_file, log)
            y_label = get_plot_y_label(output_file, log)
            # all_plot_gui = ModelRunnerGraphGUI.GraphWindow(parent=None, df=df, plot=all_plot, plot_title=plot_title, y_label=y_label)
            # closest_fit_plot_gui = ModelRunnerGraphGUI.GraphWindow(parent=None, df=df_closest_fit, plot=closest_fit_plot, plot_title=plot_title + ' Closest Fit', y_label=y_label)
                    "df": df,
                    "plot": all_plot,
                    "plot_title": plot_title,
                    "y_label": y_label,
                    "window_title": window_title,
                    "output_file": output_file,
            # print 'Adding plots'

        # Or, just save the files if a GUI is not being used
            plot_base_fname = output_file[0 : output_file.rindex(".")]
            all_plot_fname = plot_base_fname + "_all_plot.png"
            all_plot.savefig(all_plot_fname, format="png")
            if log:
      "Created a plot file of all output columns called " + all_plot_fname)

            closest_fit_plot_fname = plot_base_fname + "_closest_fit_plot.png"
            closest_fit_plot.savefig(closest_fit_plot_fname, format="png")
            if log:
      "Created a plot file of the best fitting output called " + closest_fit_plot_fname)