예제 #1
 # Get X coordinate of blob on camera
 if(len(keypoints) > 0):
     # X,Y points of blob
     pts = np.array(cv.KeyPoint_convert(keypoints))
     # Array of x points of blob
     pts = pts[:,0]
     # x point closest to middle
     x = pts[(np.abs(pts-rt)).argmin()]
 # No blobs detected spin around until one is found
     x = 0
 # Error from goal using PID functions
 et = move.distanceToPIDParam(x, rt)
 w   =  move.Ur(kp,et, cmax, cmin)
 # Goal close to middle of frame
 if et < 10 and et > -10:
     # Stop motion of the robot to get distances 
     # Checks which goal and finds distance to goal
     if not seenGoal1:
         i = 0
         while i < 30:
             distance1 = fSensor.get_distance()/25.4
             if  distance1 > 74:
                 distanceC1 += 65
예제 #2
    # Get distance sensor data
    front_distance = fSensor.get_distance() / 25.4
    left_distance = lSensor.get_distance() / 25.4

    # Get current state of robot

    # Determine motion based on state
    if state == "starting":

    elif state == "face goal":
        angular_error = move.distanceToPIDParam(x, rt_targetInframe)
        # PID functions
        w = move.Ur(kp, angular_error, cmax, cmin)
        my.setSpeedsVW(0, -w, leftTotal, rightTotal, pwmData)

    elif state == "motion to goal":
        # Motion to go
        # PID functions
        w = move.Ur(kp, angular_error, cmax, cmin)
        frontVelocity = 0
        #print("angular w", w)

        if angular_error < 17 and angular_error > -17:
            print("facing goal")
            # PID functions for front distance
            error_front = move.distanceToPIDParam(
                fSensor.get_distance() / 25.4, goal)
예제 #3
    # Get X coordinate of blob on camera
    if (len(keypoints) > 0):
        # X,Y points of blob
        pts = np.array(cv.KeyPoint_convert(keypoints))
        # Array of x points of blob
        pts = pts[:, 0]
        # x point closest to middle
        x = pts[(np.abs(pts - rt)).argmin()]
    # No blobs detected spin around until one is found
        x = 0

    et = move.distanceToPIDParam(x, rt)
    #print("angular error",et)
    # PID functions
    w = move.Ur(kp, et, cmax, cmin)
    frontVelocity = 0
    #print("angular w", w)

    # For each detected blob, draw a circle on the frame
    frame_with_keypoints = cv.drawKeypoints(
        color=(0, 255, 0),

    # Write text onto the frame
    #cv.putText(frame_with_keypoints, "FPS: {:.1f}".format(fps), (5, 15), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,0))
    #cv.putText(frame_with_keypoints, "{} blobs".format(len(keypoints)), (5, 35), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,0))
예제 #4
    stateN = state(leftDistance, rightDistance)

    if (stateN == 'LR'):
        totalDistance = 4.375 + leftDistance + rightDistance
        rt_r = -(totalDistance - 4.375) / 2
        rt_l = rt_r
        rt_r = -5
        rt_l = -5

    yt, et, yt_r, et_r, yt_l, et_l = move.distancesToPIDParam(
        fSensor.get_distance(), rt, rSensor.get_distance(), rt_r,
        lSensor.get_distance(), rt_l)

    # PID functions
    ur = move.Ur(kp, rt, yt, cmax, cmin)
    ur_r = move.Ur(kp, rt_r, yt_r, cmax, cmin)
    ur_l = move.Ur(kp, rt_l, yt_l, cmax, cmin)

    if (et < 1 and et > -1):
        print("ONLY FRONT to front")
        my.setSpeedsIPS(ur, ur, leftTotal, rightTotal, pwmData)

    elif (stateN == 'LR'):
        print("In Hallway")
        my.setSpeedsIPS(ur, -ur_r + ur, leftTotal, rightTotal, pwmData)
        print("set speeds", ur, -ur_r + ur)

    elif (stateN == 'L'):
        print("only left wall")
        my.setSpeedsIPS(-ur_l + ur, ur + ur_l, leftTotal, rightTotal, pwmData)