예제 #1
def make_node(parent, parent_node=None, name=None, node_type="data"):
    if name == None:
        name = ''

    # If we don't have a parent node, create a start node
    if parent_node == None:
        raise Exception("This should never happen")
        #cur_node = Node([Node(name="Start")], name=name, node_type=node_type)
        cur_node = Node(parent_node, name=name, node_type=node_type)
    # Make a starting node
    original_node = cur_node
    first_loop = True
    # For each block, see if it's a loop or a statement
    for block in parent:
        # If it's a loop, enter it

        # Don't recurse into scripts, but any other variable references should be noted
        def find_references(block):
            for b in block.findall('block'):
                if 'var' in b.attrib:
                    yield b.attrib['var']
                yield find_references(b)

        cur_node.lines_of_code += 1

        if block.attrib['s'] == 'doRepeat' or block.attrib['s'] == 'doUntil':
            # Recurse on the loops loop
            # First add the loop node inline
            # If this is a loop right after a loop, the current node should be made into a loop node
            loop_node = cur_node
            if first_loop:
                loop_node._name = block.attrib['s']
                # Else, create a new loop node
                loop_node = Node([cur_node], name=block.attrib['s'], node_type='loop')
            # Then continue to the loop statement
            r = make_node(block[1], [loop_node])
            # Add this loop_node as a child to the tail node
            # If there are more nodes to be had
            cur_node = Node([loop_node])
        # If it's a conditional, enter it
        elif block.attrib['s'] == 'doIf':
            # If we have a data node with no data, convert it to an if
            if cur_node.data_node() and len(cur_node.variables()) == 0:
                cur_node.node_type = "if"
                cur_node._name = "doIf"
            # Else, create a new node
                cur_node = Node([cur_node], name="doIf", node_type="if")
            r = make_node(block[1], [cur_node])
            cur_node = Node([r, cur_node])
        # if it's a statement, add it to the node
            if block.attrib['s'] == 'doSetVar':
            cur_node._name += '\n' + block.attrib['s']

    if node_type=="loop":
        cur_node = original_node

    return cur_node