예제 #1
        return (mitral_responses, mitral_responses_binned)


if __name__ == "__main__":

    sim = constOdorResponse()
    includeProjections = []
    tweaks = build_tweaks(CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES,\
        NO_JOINTS, NO_MULTIS, NO_PGS, ONLY_TWO_MITS, includeProjections)
    BINNED = True
    ## if not BINNED, save the full mitral Vm-s
    ## and not just their spiketimes by setting spiketable = False below.
    network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks,\
        mpirank=mpirank, invivo=IN_VIVO, spiketable=BINNED)
    #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py
    ## monitor those interneurons that are connected to mitral indices 0 and 1
    ## save only spiketimes by setting extras_spikes_only=True
    sim.setupStim(network, avgnum=0)
    mitral_responses, mitral_responses_binned = sim.run(network, BINNED)

    title('Glomerulus 0')
    if BINNED:
        deltabin = RESPIRATION / NUMBINS
        # Take only the last respiration cycle
        timevec = arange(
            SETTLETIME + (NUM_RESPS - 1) * RESPIRATION + deltabin / 2, RUNTIME,
        mitral_responses = mitral_responses_binned
예제 #2
    #### if only one process is called, plot one odor directly
    if mpisize == 1:
        sim =  odorResponse()
        ## includeProjections gets used only if ONLY_TWO_MITS is True:
        ## Keep below projections to 'second order cells'
        ## i.e. to cells (granules) connected to mits0&1.
        ## The connections between second order cell
        ## and mits0&1 are automatically retained of course.
        ## 'PG' includes 'ORN_PG', 'PG_mitral', 'mitral_PG' and 'SA_PG'
        includeProjections = ['PG','granule_baseline']
        tweaks = build_tweaks(CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS,\
            NO_MULTIS, NO_PGS, ONLY_TWO_MITS, includeProjections, mitralsidekickidx)
        BINNED = False
        ## if not BINNED, save the full mitral Vm-s
        ## and not just their spiketimes by setting spiketable = False below.
        network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks,\
            mpirank, granfilebase, spiketable=BINNED)
        #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py

        ## monitor those interneurons that are connected to mitral indices 0 and 1
        ## save only spiketimes by setting extras_spikes_only=True
        #extras_spikes_only = True
        #tables = setupTables(network, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS,\
        #    {'mitrals':[0,1]}, spikes=extras_spikes_only)

        avgnum = 0
        inhnum = 5
        sim.setupStim(network, inhnum, avgnum)
        mitral_responses,mitral_responses_binned = sim.run(network,binned=BINNED)
        #if not extras_spikes_only:
        #    timevec = arange(0.0,RUNTIME+1e-12,PLOTDT)
        #    plot_extras(timevec, tables, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS)
예제 #3
    if len(sys.argv)>2: uniquestr = sys.argv[2]+'_' # _ necessary, else say 'morphs2'+mpirank is screwed
    else: uniquestr = 'pulseinresp_'

    #### if only one process is called, plot one odor directly
    if mpisize == 1:
        sim =  odorResponse()
        ## 'PG' includes 'ORN_PG', 'PG_mitral', 'mitral_PG' and 'SA_PG'
        if ONLY_TWO_MITS and not NO_PGS: includeProjections = ['PG']
        else: includeProjections = []
        tweaks = build_tweaks(CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES,\
            includeProjections=includeProjections, nolateral=NO_LATERAL)
        BINNED = False
        ## if not BINNED, save the full mitral Vm-s
        ## and not just their spiketimes by setting spiketable = False below.
        network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks,\
            mpirank, 'pulseinresp', granfilebase, spiketable=BINNED)
        #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py
        ## monitor those interneurons that are connected to mitral indices 0 and 1
        ## save only spiketimes by setting extras_spikes_only=True
        extras_spikes_only = True
        tables = setupTables(network, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS, NO_MULTIS,\
            {'mitrals':[0,1]}, spikes=extras_spikes_only)
        ## To watch the pre compartment of mit2 that inhibits soma of mit 1
        #mit2 = moose.Cell('/mitrals_2')
        #mit2.precomp = moose.Compartment(get_matching_children(mit2, ['Seg0_sec_dendd4_4_278'])[0])
        #mit2._vmTablePrecomp = setupTable("vmTablePrecomp",mit2.precomp,'Vm')
        sim.setupStim(network, ('A',), avgnum=0)
        ## widely different resting potentials of mit0 and mit1
        if VARY_MITS_RMP:
            tweak_field('/mitrals_0/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'Em', '-58e-3')
            tweak_field('/mitrals_1/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'Em', '-70e-3')
예제 #4
            uniquestr = 'adi_'
        ## includeProjections gets used only if ONLY_TWO_MITS is True:
        ## Keep below projections to 'second order cells'
        ## i.e. to cells (granules) connected to mits0&1.
        ## The connections between second order cell
        ## and mits0&1 are automatically retained of course.
        ## no need for 'PG' below as 'ORN_PG' and 'SA_PG' are not needed,
        ## and 'PG_mitral', 'mitral_PG' connections to/from mits0&1 are kept automatically.
        includeProjections = ['granule_baseline']
        tweaks = build_tweaks( CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH,\
            includeProjections, (mitralmainidx,mitralsidekickidx) )
        ## send mpirank to put in ORN filenames / gran baseline temp files
        ## so they do not clash between mpi processes
        ## also, unique str, so that temp files of morphs, pulses, etc do not overlap
        network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction,\
            tweaks, mpirank, uniquestr, granfilebase, spiketable=SPIKETABLE)
        #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py

        ## if SPIKETABLE: record the Vm-s of a few interneurons
        ## else: record spiketimes of all interneurons
        tables = setupTables(network,
                             args={'mitrals': (mitralmainidx, )},
        run_inhibition(network, tables)
예제 #5
if __name__ == "__main__":

    #### if only one process is called, plot one sim directly
    if mpisize == 1:
        #### run the slave processes
        sim = odorResponse()
        ## includeProjections gets used only if ONLY_TWO_MITS is True:
        ## Keep below projections to 'second order cells'
        ## i.e. to cells (granules) connected to mits0&1.
        ## The connections between second order cell
        ## and mits0&1 are automatically retained of course.
        # 'PG' includes 'ORN_PG', 'PG_mitral', 'mitral_PG' and 'SA_PG'
        includeProjections = ['PG','granule_baseline']
        tweaks = build_tweaks(CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS,\
            NO_MULTIS, NO_PGS, ONLY_TWO_MITS, includeProjections, mitralsidekickidx)
        network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks,\
            mpirank, granfilebase+'_noresp', spiketable=False)
        #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py

        trialnum = 0
        sinnum = 0
        sim.setupStim(network, sinnum, trialnum)
        mitral_responses = sim.run(network, binned=False)
        plot(timevec, mitral_responses[0])

    #### multiple processes
        if mpirank == boss:
            #### collate at boss process
            ## mitral_responses_list[avgnum][sinnum][mitnum][spikenum]
예제 #6
        sim = PGvsGranule()
        includeProjections = []
        # the post_segment on the mitral must be ~ this distance from the soma
        args = [100e-6, 'IPSP']  # meters
    elif sim_option == 'PGvsGranuleIPSC':
        sim = PGvsGranule()
        includeProjections = []
        # the post_segment on the mitral must be ~ this distance from the soma
        args = [100e-6, 'IPSC']  # meters
        print "Sorry wrong option.", err_string

    tweaks = build_tweaks( CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS,\
        NO_MULTIS, NO_PGS, ONLY_TWO_MITS, includeProjections, (mitralidx,mitralsidekickidx) )
    network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction,\
        tweaks, mpirank, granfilebase, spiketable=False)
    #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py

    sim.setup_stim(network, args)
    spikes = True
    tables = setupTables(network, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS, spikes=spikes)
        args)  # tests simset_inhibition i.e. inhibition between two mitrals
    if spikes:
        bins = 20
        timevec = arange(0.0, REALRUNTIME, REALRUNTIME / float(bins))
        plot_extras_spikes(timevec, tables, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS,
                           bins, RUNTIME, SETTLETIME)
        timevec = arange(0.0, RUNTIME + 1e-12, PLOTDT)
예제 #7
if __name__ == "__main__":

    if mpisize == 1:
        ## if only one process is called, plot one odor directly
        sim = odorResponse()
        ## 'PG' includes 'ORN_PG', 'PG_mitral', 'mitral_PG' and 'SA_PG'
        if ONLY_TWO_MITS and not NO_PGS: includeProjections = ['PG']
        else: includeProjections = []
        tweaks = build_tweaks(CLUB_MITRALS, NO_SPINE_INH, NO_SINGLES,\
            includeProjections=includeProjections, nolateral=NO_LATERAL)
        BINNED = True  #False
        ## if not BINNED, save the full mitral Vm-s and
        ## not just their spiketimes by setting spiketable = False below.
        uniquestr = 'pulses_'
        network = OBNetwork(OBNet_file, synchan_activation_correction, tweaks,\
            mpirank, uniquestr, granfilebase+'_noresp_extra', spiketable=BINNED)
        #printNetTree() # from moose_utils.py
        ## monitor those interneurons that are connected to mitral indices 0 and 1
        ## save only spiketimes by setting spikes=True
        extras_spikes_only = False  #True
        tables = setupTables(network, NO_PGS, NO_SINGLES, NO_JOINTS, NO_MULTIS,\
            {'mitrals':[0,1]}, spikes=extras_spikes_only)
        ## pulse 0 is random air pulse, pulse 1 is odor A,
        ## pulse 2 is odor B, so on alternately, last pulse is A&B.
        pulse_i = 1
        sim.setupStim(network, pulse_i, avgnum=0)
        ## widely different resting potentials of mit0 and mit1
        if VARY_MITS_RMP:
            tweak_field('/mitrals_0/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'Em', '-58e-3')
            tweak_field('/mitrals_1/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'Em', '-70e-3')
        mit0soma_Im = setupTable('mit0somaIm', network.mitralTable[0].soma,