def Single_Run_Fvalue_Frame(day_folder, runname): ''' Get Single run data frame from .ac file. ONLY F Parameters ---------- day_folder : (str) Day folder of data. Cell data need to be generated first. runname : (str) Data of which run? e.g. 'Run001' Returns ------- cell_frame : (pd Frame) Pandas frame of cell data, rows are cells, columns are each frames. ''' ac_fn = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] ac_dic = ot.Load_Variable(ac_fn) acn = list(ac_dic.keys()) cell_frame = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(acn)): c_cn = acn[i] tc = ac_dic[c_cn] if tc['In_Run'][runname]: tc_train = tc[runname]['F_train'] cell_frame[c_cn] = tc_train # To make column as dimension, row as cell num, we need a transfer. cell_frame = cell_frame.T return cell_frame
def Multi_Run_Fvalue_Cat(day_folder, runlists, rest_time=(600, 600), fps=1.301): ac_fn = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] ac_dic = ot.Load_Variable(ac_fn) acn = list(ac_dic.keys()) All_Data_Frame = pd.DataFrame() # Get all runs one by one. for i in range(len(runlists)): c_runname = runlists[i] c_run_frame = pd.DataFrame() for j in range(len(acn)): c_cn = acn[j] tc = ac_dic[c_cn] if tc['In_Run'][c_runname]: tc_train = tc[c_runname]['F_train'] # add blank frame as last value. if i < (len(runlists) - 1): blank_frames = int(rest_time[i] * fps) blank_array = np.ones(blank_frames) * tc_train[-1] tc_train = np.concatenate((tc_train, blank_array), axis=0) c_run_frame[c_cn] = tc_train # To make column as dimension, row as cell num, we need a transfer. c_run_frame = c_run_frame.T All_Data_Frame = pd.concat([All_Data_Frame, c_run_frame], axis=1) # Remove any zero frame, avoid null cell. All_Data_Frame = All_Data_Frame.dropna(axis=0, how='any') return All_Data_Frame
def Single_Cell_Plotter(self, cell_name, mode='circle', show_time=5000): ''' Generate Single Cell Location map. Parameters ---------- cell_name : (str) Name of cell you want to plot,'self.all_cell_names' can help. mode : ('circle' or 'fill'), optional Method of plot. The default is 'circle'. ''' cell_save_path = self.save_folder + r'\Single_Cells' ot.mkdir(cell_save_path) if type(self.average_graph) == type(None): raise IOError('We need Average graph to generate cell loc.') c_cell_dic = self.all_cell_dic[cell_name] c_cell_info = c_cell_dic['Cell_Info'] # Then plot cells, in mode we want. if mode == 'fill': # meaning we will paint graph into green. base_graph = cv2.cvtColor(self.average_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) * 0.7 cell_y, cell_x = c_cell_info.coords[:, 0], c_cell_info.coords[:, 1] base_graph[cell_y, cell_x, 1] += 32768 base_graph = np.clip(base_graph, 0, 65535).astype('u2') elif mode == 'circle': base_graph = cv2.cvtColor(self.average_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) loc_y, loc_x = c_cell_info.centroid base_graph =, (int(loc_x), int(loc_y)), radius=10, color=(0, 0, 65535), thickness=2) else: raise IOError('Wrong mode, check please.') # After plot, annotate cell name. base_graph = gt.Graph_Depth_Change(base_graph, 'u1') from PIL import ImageFont from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 15) im = Image.fromarray(base_graph) y, x = c_cell_info.centroid draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10), cell_name, (0, 255, 100), font=font, align='center') annotated_graph = np.array(im) #base_graph = gt.Clip_And_Normalize(base_graph,5) gt.Show_Graph(annotated_graph, cell_name + '_Annotate', cell_save_path, show_time=show_time) return True
def F_Value_Disp(self): F_folder = self.save_folder + r'\_All_F_disps' ot.mkdir(F_folder) all_cell_F_disp = [] for i in range(len(self.all_cellnames)): c_cell = self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[i]] all_runnames = list(c_cell['In_Run'].keys()) all_F_list = [] for j in range(len(self.all_runnames)): c_run = all_runnames[j] if c_cell['In_Run'][c_run]: c_F_list = list(c_cell[c_run]['F_train']) all_F_list.extend(c_F_list) self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[i]][c_run][ 'Mean_F'] = c_cell[c_run]['F_train'].mean() self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[i]][c_run][ 'STD_F'] = c_cell[c_run]['F_train'].std() # after that, we have all F lists, and can plot general graphs. total_avi = np.array(all_F_list).mean() total_std = np.array(all_F_list).std() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.set_title(self.all_cellnames[i] + ' F Distribution') ax.hist(all_F_list, bins=50) ax.annotate('Average:' + str(round(total_avi, 2)), xycoords='figure fraction', xy=(0.7, 0.83)) ax.annotate('STD:' + str(round(total_std, 2)), xycoords='figure fraction', xy=(0.7, 0.78)) self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[i]]['Average_F'] = total_avi self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[i]]['Average_F_std'] = total_std fig.savefig(F_folder + '\\' + self.all_cellnames[i] + '_F_disps', dpi=120) plt.clf() plt.close() all_cell_F_disp.append(total_avi) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.set_title('All Cell F Distribution') hc_mean = np.array(all_cell_F_disp).mean() hc_std = np.array(all_cell_F_disp).std() ax.hist(all_cell_F_disp, bins=25) ax.annotate('Average:' + str(round(hc_mean, 2)), xycoords='figure fraction', xy=(0.7, 0.83)) ax.annotate('STD:' + str(round(hc_std, 2)), xycoords='figure fraction', xy=(0.7, 0.78)) fig.savefig(F_folder + '\\_All_Cells_F_disps', dpi=120)
def __init__(self, day_folder, spon_run='Run001', fps=1.301, passed_band=(0.05, 0.5)): fp = fps / 2 if passed_band[0] != False: HP_par = passed_band[0] / fp else: HP_par = False if passed_band[1] != False: LP_par = passed_band[1] / fp else: LP_par = False self.save_folder = day_folder + r'\_All_Results\Spon_Analyze' ot.mkdir(self.save_folder) self.base_graph = cv2.imread(day_folder + r'\Global_Average.tif', -1) self.fps = fps cell_file_name = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_file_name) all_cell_name = list(cell_dic.keys()) spon_train_F = {} spon_train_dF = {} self.all_cell_info = {} for i in range(len(all_cell_name)): tc = cell_dic[all_cell_name[i]] self.all_cell_info[all_cell_name[i]] = tc['Cell_Info'] if tc['In_Run'][spon_run]: c_name = tc['Name'] c_train = tc[spon_run]['F_train'] # do filter filted_c_train = Filters.Signal_Filter(c_train, filter_para=(HP_par, LP_par)) spon_train_F[c_name] = filted_c_train average_F = filted_c_train.mean() c_dF_series = (filted_c_train - average_F) / average_F c_dF_series = np.clip( c_dF_series, c_dF_series.mean() - c_dF_series.std() * 3, c_dF_series.mean() + c_dF_series.std() * 3) spon_train_dF[c_name] = c_dF_series self.Spon_Data_Frame_Raw = pd.DataFrame(spon_train_F).T self.Spon_Data_Frame_centered = pd.DataFrame(spon_train_dF).T self.spon_cellname = list(self.Spon_Data_Frame_centered.index) self.frame_num = self.Spon_Data_Frame_centered.shape[1] del cell_dic
def Generate_Cells(self): self.Cell_Struct_Generator() self.Firing_Trains() self.Condition_Data() self.F_Value_Disp() ot.Save_Variable(self.save_folder, self.cell_prefix + 'All_Cells', self.All_Cells, '.ac')
def Cell_Struct_Generator(self, mask=r'\Location_Mask.tif'): self.All_Cells = {} # output variable,including all cell informations. for i in range(self.cell_num): c_cell_name = self.cell_prefix + ot.Bit_Filler(i, 4) self.All_Cells[c_cell_name] = {} # single cell working space. self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['Name'] = c_cell_name self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['Cell_Info'] = self.cell_infos[i] self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['Cell_Area'] = self.cell_infos[ i].convex_area # Then we determine whether this cell in each run. self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['In_Run'] = {} for j in range(len(self.all_runsubfolders)): c_sp = self.all_runsubfolders[j] + '\Results' c_mask = cv2.imread(c_sp + mask, -1) c_mask = c_mask > (c_mask / 2) cell_location = self.cell_infos[i].coords inmask_area = c_mask[cell_location[:, 0], cell_location[:, 1]].sum() if inmask_area == self.cell_infos[i].area: self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['In_Run'][ self.all_runnames[j]] = True self.All_Cells[c_cell_name][self.all_runnames[j]] = {} else: self.All_Cells[c_cell_name]['In_Run'][ self.all_runnames[j]] = False self.all_cellnames = list(self.All_Cells.keys())
def __init__(self,day_folder, runname, average_graph = None, series_mode = 'F', filter_para = (0.02,False) ): ''' Some basic information for calculation Parameters ---------- day_folder : (str) Day folder of runs. All variables in this folder. runname : (str) Run name. Format as 'Run001'. average_graph : (2D Array), optional Average graph in a day. For cell annotate. The default is None. series_mode : ('F' or 'dF'), optional Which series to use, raw F series or dF series. F is recommended. The default is 'F'. filter_para : (2 element truple), optional HP and LP filter para. Detail in Filters. The default is (0.02,False),~0.013Hz HP. ''' # Read in variables print('Make sure cell data and SFA data in day folder.') cell_data_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder,'.ac')[0] all_stim_dic_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder,'.sfa')[0] self.all_cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_data_path) self.average_graph = average_graph self.all_stim_dic = ot.Load_Variable(all_stim_dic_path) self.stim_frame_align = self.all_stim_dic[runname] # Then get each cell spike train. cell_num = len(self.all_cell_dic) self.all_cells_train = {} self.all_cell_names = list(self.all_cell_dic.keys()) for i in range(cell_num): current_name = self.all_cell_names[i] if series_mode == 'F': cell_series = self.all_cell_dic[current_name]['F_train'][runname] elif series_mode == 'dF': cell_series = self.all_cell_dic[current_name]['dF_F_train'][runname] else: raise IOError('Invalid input mode, please check.') cell_series = Filters.Signal_Filter(cell_series,filter_para = filter_para)# Then filter cell train self.all_cells_train[current_name] = cell_series
def One_Key_Stim_Align(stims_folder): ''' Generate all stim trains Parameters ---------- stims_folder : (str) Folder of all stim files. Returns ------- bool API of operation finish. ''' all_stim_folders = os_tools.Get_Sub_Folders(stims_folder) # remove folders not stim run for i in range(len(all_stim_folders) - 1, -1, -1): if all_stim_folders[i].find('Run') == -1: all_stim_folders = np.delete(all_stim_folders, i) total_save_path = os_tools.CDdotdot(stims_folder) All_Stim_Dic = {} # Then generate all align folders. for i in range(len(all_stim_folders)): current_stim_folder = all_stim_folders[i] current_runname = list( current_stim_folder[current_stim_folder. find('Run'):current_stim_folder.find('Run') + 5]) current_runname.insert(3, '0') current_runname = ''.join(current_runname) not_spon = (os_tools.Get_File_Name(current_stim_folder, file_type='.smr') != []) if not_spon: _, current_align_dic = Stim_Frame_Align(current_stim_folder) os_tools.Save_Variable(current_stim_folder, 'Stim_Frame_Align', current_align_dic) All_Stim_Dic[current_runname] = current_align_dic else: All_Stim_Dic[current_runname] = None os_tools.Save_Variable(total_save_path, '_All_Stim_Frame_Infos', All_Stim_Dic, '.sfa') return True
def __init__(self, day_folder, average_graph='Default'): ''' Cell Processor with given inputs. Parameters ---------- day_folder : (str) Save folder of day data. All_Cell,All_Stim_Frame Align need to be in this file. average_graph : (2D Array,dtype = u16), optional Global average graph. Need to be 16bit gray graph. The default is 'Default',meaning this graph is read from root path. ''' print('Cell data processor, makesure you have cell data.') cell_data_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] all_stim_dic_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.sfa')[0] self.all_cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_data_path) if average_graph == 'Default': self.average_graph = cv2.imread( day_folder + r'\Global_Average.tif', -1) else: self.average_graph = average_graph self.all_stim_dic = ot.Load_Variable(all_stim_dic_path) self.all_cell_names = list(self.all_cell_dic.keys()) self.cell_num = len(self.all_cell_dic) self.save_folder = day_folder + r'\_All_Results' ot.mkdir(self.save_folder)
def Cross_Day_Cell_Layout(base_dayfolder, target_dayfolder, base_cellnamelist, target_cellnamelist): # Step1, do global average and calculate h. save_folder = base_dayfolder + r'\_All_Results\Cross_Day' ot.mkdir(save_folder) base_average_graph = cv2.imread(base_dayfolder + r'\Global_Average.tif', -1) target_average_graph = cv2.imread( target_dayfolder + r'\Global_Average.tif', -1) merged_graph, _, _, h = Graph_Matcher(base_average_graph, target_average_graph) aligned_graph = cv2.warpPerspective(target_average_graph, h, base_average_graph.shape) gt.Show_Graph(base_average_graph, 'Base_Graph', save_folder) gt.Show_Graph(target_average_graph, 'Target_Graph', save_folder) gt.Show_Graph(aligned_graph, 'Aligned_Graph', save_folder) gt.Show_Graph(merged_graph, 'Merged_Graph', save_folder) # Step2, generate all cell mask alone. base_cell_path = ot.Get_File_Name(base_dayfolder, '.ac')[0] base_cell = ot.Load_Variable(base_cell_path) target_cell_path = ot.Get_File_Name(target_dayfolder, '.ac')[0] target_cell = ot.Load_Variable(target_cell_path) base_cm = np.zeros(shape=base_average_graph.shape, dtype='u2') target_cm = np.zeros(shape=target_average_graph.shape, dtype='u2') for i in range(len(base_cellnamelist)): bc_name = base_cellnamelist[i] bc_cellinfo = base_cell[bc_name]['Cell_Info'] y_list, x_list = bc_cellinfo.coords[:, 0], bc_cellinfo.coords[:, 1] base_cm[y_list, x_list] = 65535 for i in range(len(target_cellnamelist)): tc_name = target_cellnamelist[i] tc_cellinfo = target_cell[tc_name]['Cell_Info'] y_list, x_list = tc_cellinfo.coords[:, 0], tc_cellinfo.coords[:, 1] target_cm[y_list, x_list] = 65535 aligned_target_cm = cv2.warpPerspective(target_cm, h, base_average_graph.shape) gt.Show_Graph(base_cm, 'Base_Cell_Mask', save_folder) gt.Show_Graph(target_cm, 'Target_Cell_Mask', save_folder) gt.Show_Graph(aligned_target_cm, 'Aligned_Target_Cell_Mask', save_folder) # Step3,merge graph together #Merge Layout_Graph = cv2.cvtColor(base_average_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB).astype('f8') * 0.7 Layout_Graph[:, :, 1] += base_cm Layout_Graph[:, :, 2] += aligned_target_cm Layout_Graph = np.clip(Layout_Graph, 0, 65535).astype('u2') gt.Show_Graph(Layout_Graph, 'Cell_Layout_Merge', save_folder) #Base Base_Cell_Graph = cv2.cvtColor(base_average_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB).astype('f8') * 0.7 Base_Cell_Graph[:, :, 1] += base_cm Base_Cell_Graph = np.clip(Base_Cell_Graph, 0, 65535).astype('u2') gt.Show_Graph(Base_Cell_Graph, 'Base_Cell_Annotate', save_folder) #Target Target_Cell_Graph = cv2.cvtColor(base_average_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB).astype('f8') * 0.7 Target_Cell_Graph[:, :, 2] += aligned_target_cm Target_Cell_Graph = np.clip(Target_Cell_Graph, 0, 65535).astype('u2') gt.Show_Graph(Target_Cell_Graph, 'Target_Cell_Annotate', save_folder) return h
def __init__(self, animal_name, date, day_folder, runid_lists, location='A', Stim_Frame_Align_name='_All_Stim_Frame_Infos.sfa', cell_subfolder=r'\_Manual_Cell'): print('Align,Cell Find,Stim Frame Align shall be done before.') self.save_folder = day_folder self.cell_prefix = animal_name + '_' + date + location + '_' self.all_SFA_dic = ot.Load_Variable(day_folder + '\\' + Stim_Frame_Align_name) cell_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder + cell_subfolder, '.cell')[0] self.cell_infos = ot.Load_Variable(cell_path)['All_Cell_Information'] self.cell_num = len(self.cell_infos) self.all_runnames = [] for i in range(len(runid_lists)): c_runid = runid_lists[i] self.all_runnames.append('Run' + str(ot.Bit_Filler(c_runid, 3))) self.all_runsubfolders = lt.List_Annex( [day_folder], lt.Run_Name_Producer_2P(runid_lists))
def __init__(self, day_folder, average_graph=None): print('Make sure cell data and SFA data in day folder.') cell_data_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] all_stim_dic_path = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.sfa')[0] self.all_cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_data_path) self.average_graph = average_graph self.all_stim_dic = ot.Load_Variable(all_stim_dic_path) self.all_cell_names = list(self.all_cell_dic.keys()) self.cell_num = len(self.all_cell_dic) self.save_folder = day_folder + r'\_All_Results' ot.mkdir(self.save_folder)
def Firing_Trains(self, align_subfolder=r'\Results\Final_Aligned_Frames'): # cycle all runs for i in range(len(self.all_runsubfolders)): all_tif_name = ot.Get_File_Name(self.all_runsubfolders[i] + align_subfolder) c_F_train, c_dF_F_train = Spike_Train_Generator( all_tif_name, self.cell_infos) # seperate trains into cell if in run. c_runname = self.all_runnames[i] for j in range(len(self.all_cellnames)): c_cellname = self.all_cellnames[j] if c_runname in self.All_Cells[ c_cellname]: # meaning we have this run self.All_Cells[c_cellname][c_runname][ 'F_train'] = c_F_train[j] self.All_Cells[c_cellname][c_runname][ 'dF_F_train'] = c_dF_F_train[j]
def OI_Graph_Cutter( OI_Graph_Folder, area_mask_path, rotate_angle=90, # clock wise rotation OI_Graph_Type='.bmp'): all_OI_Map_Name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(OI_Graph_Folder, file_type=OI_Graph_Type) OI_Graph_Num = len(all_OI_Map_Name) save_folder = OI_Graph_Folder + r'\Cutted_Graph' mask_graph = cv2.imread(area_mask_path, 0) # Read in 8bit gray. mask_graph = mask_graph > (mask_graph.max() / 2) mask_graph = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask_graph, 100, connectivity=1) for i in range(OI_Graph_Num): current_OI_graph = cv2.imread(all_OI_Map_Name[i], -1) current_graph_name = all_OI_Map_Name[i].split('\\')[-1][:-4] non_zero_loc = np.where(mask_graph > 0) # unmasked location. LU_loc = (non_zero_loc[0].min(), non_zero_loc[1].min() ) #Left upper graph RD_loc = (non_zero_loc[0].max() + 1, non_zero_loc[1].max() + 1) current_masked_OI_graph = current_OI_graph * mask_graph cutted_graph = current_masked_OI_graph[LU_loc[0]:RD_loc[0], LU_loc[1]:RD_loc[1]] rotated_graph = Graph_Tools.Graph_Twister(cutted_graph, rotate_angle) origin_shape = rotated_graph.shape resized_graph = cv2.resize(rotated_graph, (origin_shape[0] * 7, origin_shape[1] * 7)) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(rotated_graph, current_graph_name, save_folder, show_time=0, graph_formation='.png') Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(resized_graph, '_Resized_' + current_graph_name, save_folder, show_time=0, graph_formation='.png') #需要再加一个标注在原图中位置的图! return True
def Condition_Data(self, response_extend=(3, 3), base_frame=[0, 1, 2], filter_para=(0.02, False), ROI_extend=(7, 7), ROI_base_frame=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], ROI_filter_para=(0.01, False), full_size=(512, 512)): # cycle all runs for i in range(len(self.all_runnames)): c_runname = self.all_runnames[i] examp_graph = cv2.imread( ot.Get_File_Name(self.all_runsubfolders[i])[0], -1) if examp_graph.shape == full_size: is_ROI = False else: is_ROI = True # Cycle all cells for j in range(len(self.all_cellnames)): c_cell_dic = self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[j]] if (c_runname in c_cell_dic) and ( self.all_SFA_dic[c_runname] != None): # This cell in in this run and not spon. t_F_train = c_cell_dic[c_runname]['F_train'] if is_ROI: t_CR_Train, t_Raw_CR_Train = Single_Condition_Train_Generator( t_F_train, self.all_SFA_dic[c_runname], ROI_extend[0], ROI_extend[1], ROI_base_frame, ROI_filter_para) else: t_CR_Train, t_Raw_CR_Train = Single_Condition_Train_Generator( t_F_train, self.all_SFA_dic[c_runname], response_extend[0], response_extend[1], base_frame, filter_para) self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[j]][c_runname][ 'CR_Train'] = t_CR_Train self.All_Cells[self.all_cellnames[j]][c_runname][ 'Raw_CR_Train'] = t_Raw_CR_Train
def __init__(self, day_folder, fps, passed_band=(0.05, 0.5)): self.day_folder = day_folder self.fps = fps self.passed_band = passed_band ot.mkdir(day_folder + r'\_All_Results') self.save_folder = day_folder + r'\_All_Results\Spon_Analyze' ot.mkdir(self.save_folder) self.base_graph = cv2.imread(day_folder + r'\Global_Average.tif', -1) cell_file_name = ot.Get_File_Name(day_folder, '.ac')[0] self.cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_file_name) self.all_cell_name = list(self.cell_dic.keys()) self.all_cell_num = len(self.all_cell_name) # get all cell information. self.all_cell_info = {} for i in range(len(self.all_cell_name)): self.all_cell_info[self.all_cell_name[i]] = self.cell_dic[ self.all_cell_name[i]]['Cell_Info']
#%% Get Cell From Manual from Cell_Find_From_Graph import Cell_Find_From_Mannual All_Cell = Cell_Find_From_Mannual(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\_Manual_Cell\Cell_Mask.png', average_graph_path=r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\_Manual_Cell\Global_Average.tif',boulder = 15) #%% Get All Cell Dic (except Run03) from Standard_Cell_Generator import Standard_Cell_Generator Scg = Standard_Cell_Generator('L76', '210721', r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P', [1,2,4,5,6,7]) Scg.Generate_Cells() #%% Get Run03 Cells & Trains Run03_Cells = Cell_Find_From_Mannual(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\1-003\Results\Cells_Run03\Cell_Mask_For_Run03.png', average_graph_path=r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\1-003\Results\Cells_Run03\Run03_Average.tif') # Calculate F & dF Trains in specific run. from Spike_Train_Generator import Spike_Train_Generator import OS_Tools_Kit as ot Run03_Cell_Info = Run03_Cells['All_Cell_Information'] all_03_tif_name = ot.Get_File_Name(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\1-003\Results\Aligned_Frames') all_03_F,all_03_dF = Spike_Train_Generator(all_03_tif_name, Run03_Cell_Info) # Read in cell compare data. import csv csv_path = r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210721_L76_2P\1-003\Results\Cell_Compare.csv' compare_list = [] with open(csv_path) as f: f_tsv = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') headers = next(f_tsv) for row in f_tsv: compare_list.append(row) #%% Last, add Run 03 data into origin. new_cell_dic = {} for i in range(len(compare_list)): c_cellname = 'L76_210721A_'+ot.Bit_Filler(i) tc = all_cells[c_cellname]
def Radar_Maps(self, runname, Radar_Cond, on_frames=[3, 4, 5, 6], bais_angle=0, mode='processed', error_bar=True): ''' Generate radar map of given tuning properties. Not all stim can draw this. Parameters ---------- runname : (str) Run we use. In format 'Run001' Radar_Cond : (Dic) Dictionary of condition for radar plot. This is generated by 'Stim_ID_Combiner'. on_frames : (list), optional Stim On frames. Use max response of this as reaction. ROI can be different.The default is [3,4,5,6]. bais_angle : (float), optional Turning angle of axis, anti-clock wise. The default is 0. mode : ('processed' or 'raw'), optional CR or Raw_CR. The default is 'processed'. error_bar : bool, optional Whether we plot error bar on graph. The default is True. Raises ------ IOError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- bool DESCRIPTION. ''' radar_folder = self.save_folder + r'\\' + runname + '_Radar_Maps' ot.mkdir(radar_folder) for i in range(self.cell_num): # all cells c_cellname = self.all_cell_names[i] tc = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname] #Is this cell in run? if runname not in tc: print('Cell ' + c_cellname + ' Not in ' + runname) continue # Do we have CR train in this cell? if 'CR_Train' not in tc[runname]: print('Cell ' + c_cellname + ' have no respose data.') continue # get cr trains & plotable data. if mode == 'processed': cr_train = tc[runname]['CR_Train'] elif mode == 'raw': cr_train = tc[runname]['Raw_CR_Train'] else: raise IOError('Wrong CR Mode.') radar_data = SDT.CR_Train_Combiner(cr_train, Radar_Cond) all_radar_names = list(radar_data.keys()) plotable_data = {} plotable_data['Names'] = [] plotable_data['Values'] = np.zeros(len(all_radar_names), dtype='f8') plotable_data['Stds'] = np.zeros(len(all_radar_names), dtype='f8') for j in range(len(all_radar_names)): c_name = all_radar_names[j] plotable_data['Names'].append(c_name) c_conds, c_ses = radar_data[c_name].mean( 0), radar_data[c_name].std(0) * 2 / np.sqrt( radar_data[c_name].shape[0]) cutted_conds, cutted_std = c_conds[on_frames], c_ses[on_frames] max_ps = np.where(cutted_conds == cutted_conds.max())[0][0] plotable_data['Values'][j] = cutted_conds[max_ps] plotable_data['Stds'][j] = cutted_std[max_ps] # plot radar maps. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) fig.suptitle(c_cellname + '_Radar Maps', fontsize=22) ax = plt.axes(polar=True) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax_num = len(all_radar_names) angle_series = 2 * np.pi / 360 * ( np.linspace(0, 360, ax_num + 1, dtype='f8') + bais_angle) ax.set_xticks(angle_series[:-1]) ax.set_xticklabels(plotable_data['Names']) if error_bar == True: ax.errorbar(angle_series, np.append(plotable_data['Values'], plotable_data['Values'][0]), np.append(plotable_data['Stds'], plotable_data['Stds'][0]), fmt='bo-', ecolor='r') else: ax.plot(angle_series, np.append(plotable_data['Values'], plotable_data['Values'][0]), 'bo-') # Add one to close plots. # at last, save graphs. ot.Save_Variable(radar_folder, c_cellname + '_Radar_Data', plotable_data) fig.savefig(radar_folder + r'\\' + c_cellname + '_Radar.png', dpi=180) plt.clf() plt.close() return True
def Radar_Maps(self, runname, Radar_Cond, on_frames=[3, 4, 5, 6], bais_angle=0, mode='processed', error_bar=True): radar_folder = self.save_folder + r'\\' + runname + '_Radar_Maps' ot.mkdir(radar_folder) # Cycle all cells for i in range(self.cell_num): # get cr train c_cellname = self.all_cell_names[i] if mode == 'processed': if runname in self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['CR_trains']: cr_train = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['CR_trains'][ runname] else: cr_train = None elif mode == 'raw': if runname in self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['Raw_CR_trains']: cr_train = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['Raw_CR_trains'][ runname] else: cr_train = None if cr_train == None: continue # get radar data and std radar_data = SDT.CR_Train_Combiner(cr_train, Radar_Cond) all_radar_names = list(radar_data.keys()) plotable_data = {} plotable_data['Names'] = [] plotable_data['Values'] = np.zeros(len(all_radar_names), dtype='f8') plotable_data['Stds'] = np.zeros(len(all_radar_names), dtype='f8') for j in range(len(all_radar_names)): c_name = all_radar_names[j] plotable_data['Names'].append(c_name) c_conds, c_stds = radar_data[c_name].mean( 0), radar_data[c_name].std(0) cutted_conds, cutted_std = c_conds[on_frames], c_stds[ on_frames] max_ps = np.where(cutted_conds == cutted_conds.max())[0][0] plotable_data['Values'][j] = cutted_conds[max_ps] plotable_data['Stds'][j] = cutted_std[max_ps] # plot radar maps. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) fig.suptitle(c_cellname + '_Radar Maps', fontsize=22) ax = plt.axes(polar=True) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax_num = len(all_radar_names) angle_series = 2 * np.pi / 360 * ( np.linspace(0, 360, ax_num + 1, dtype='f8') + bais_angle) ax.set_xticks(angle_series[:-1]) ax.set_xticklabels(plotable_data['Names']) if error_bar == True: ax.errorbar(angle_series, np.append(plotable_data['Values'], plotable_data['Values'][0]), np.append(plotable_data['Stds'], plotable_data['Stds'][0]), fmt='bo-', ecolor='r') else: ax.plot(angle_series, np.append(plotable_data['Values'], plotable_data['Values'][0]), 'bo-') # Add one to close plots. # at last, save graphs. ot.Save_Variable(radar_folder, c_cellname + '_Radar_Data', plotable_data) fig.savefig(radar_folder + r'\\' + c_cellname + '_Radar.png', dpi=180) plt.clf() plt.close() return True
Sr = SP.Single_Run_Spontaneous_Processor(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P', spon_run='Run001') PCA_Dic = Sr.Do_PCA(3700, 9999) Sr.Pairwise_Correlation_Plot(Sr.spon_cellname, 3700, 9999, 'All_Before', cor_range=(-0.2, 0.8)) Mu = SP.Multi_Run_Spontaneous_Processor(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P', 1.301) #%% Evaluate cell fluctuation. import Cell_2_DataFrame as C2D import Cell_Train_Analyzer.Cell_Activity_Evaluator as CAE All_Spon_Before = C2D.Multi_Run_Fvalue_Cat(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P', ['Run001', 'Run002', 'Run003'], rest_time=(600, 600)) spike_count, Z_count = CAE.Spike_Count(All_Spon_Before) #%% Get Tuing property of this day's run. from Stimulus_Cell_Processor.Tuning_Property_Calculator import Tuning_Property_Calculator import OS_Tools_Kit as ot Tuning_0629 = Tuning_Property_Calculator(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P', Orien_para=('Run004', 'G8_2P'), OD_para=('Run006', 'OD_2P'), Hue_para=('Run007', 'RGLum', False)) ot.Save_Variable(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P', 'All_Cell_Tuning', Tuning_0629, '.tuning')
def Cell_Response_Maps(self, runname, Condition_dics, mode='processed', stim_on=(3, 6), error_bar=True, figsize='Default', subshape='Default'): graph_folder = self.save_folder + r'\\' + runname ot.mkdir(graph_folder) for i in range(self.cell_num): # all cells c_cellname = self.all_cell_names[i] # get cr trains if mode == 'processed': if runname in self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['CR_trains']: cr_train = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['CR_trains'][ runname] else: cr_train = None elif mode == 'raw': if runname in self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['Raw_CR_trains']: cr_train = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname]['Raw_CR_trains'][ runname] else: cr_train = None # generate plotable data. if cr_train == None: # no cr train, continue check another cell. continue else: #Combine conditions to get plotable data plotable_data = SDT.CR_Train_Combiner(cr_train, Condition_dics) # Plot graphs. response_plot_dic = {} subgraph_num = len(plotable_data) all_subgraph_name = list(plotable_data.keys()) y_max = 0 # get y sticks y_min = 65535 for j in range(subgraph_num): current_graph_response = plotable_data[all_subgraph_name[j]] average_plot = current_graph_response.mean(0) average_std = current_graph_response.std(0) response_plot_dic[all_subgraph_name[j]] = (average_plot, average_std) # renew y min and y max. if average_plot.min() < y_min: y_min = average_plot.min() if average_plot.max() > y_max: y_max = average_plot.max() y_range = [y_min - 0.3, y_max + 0.3] # Graph Plotting if subshape == 'Default': col_num = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(subgraph_num))) row_num = int(np.ceil(subgraph_num / col_num)) else: col_num = subshape[1] row_num = subshape[0] if figsize == 'Default': fig, ax = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, figsize=(15, 15)) # Initialize graphs: else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle(c_cellname + '_Response Maps', fontsize=30) for j in range(subgraph_num): current_col = j % col_num current_row = j // col_num current_graph_name = all_subgraph_name[j] current_data = response_plot_dic[current_graph_name] frame_num = len(current_data[0]) # Start plot ax[current_row, current_col].hlines(y_range[0] + 0.05, stim_on[0], stim_on[1], color="r") ax[current_row, current_col].set_ylim(y_range) ax[current_row, current_col].set_xticks(range(frame_num)) ax[current_row, current_col].set_title(current_graph_name) # Whether we plot error bar on graph. if error_bar == True: ax[current_row, current_col].errorbar(range(frame_num), current_data[0], current_data[1], fmt='bo-', ecolor='g') else: ax[current_row, current_col].errorbar(range(frame_num), current_data[0], fmt='bo-') # Save ploted graph. ot.Save_Variable(graph_folder, c_cellname + '_Response_Data', plotable_data) fig.savefig(graph_folder + r'\\' + c_cellname + '_Response.png', dpi=180) plt.clf() plt.close() return True
import OS_Tools_Kit as ot import numpy as np from Cell_Processor import Cell_Processor import random import Statistic_Tools as st import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from Spontaneous_Processor import Spontaneous_Processor from Cross_Day_Cell_Layout import Cross_Day_Cell_Layout from Spontaneous_Processor import Cross_Run_Pair_Correlation import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd work_path = r'D:\ZR\_MyCodes\2P_Analysis\_Projects\210616_Annual_Report' #%% Graph1, generate average graph of different run. # Use G8 response as graph base. graph_names_0604 = ot.Get_File_Name( r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210604_L76_2P\1-016\Results\Final_Aligned_Frames') avr_0604 = gt.Average_From_File(graph_names_0604) graph_names_0123 = ot.Get_File_Name( r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210123_L76_2P\1-011\Results\Aligned_Frames') avr_0123 = gt.Average_From_File(graph_names_0123) clipped_0604 = np.clip((avr_0604.astype('f8')) * 30, 0, 65535).astype('u2') clipped_0123 = np.clip((avr_0123.astype('f8')) * 30, 0, 65535).astype('u2') gt.Show_Graph(clipped_0604, 'Average_0604', work_path) gt.Show_Graph(clipped_0123, 'Average_0123', work_path) #%% Graph2, get cell layout of 210401 and 210413 CP_0401 = Cell_Processor(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210401_L76_2P') CP_0413 = Cell_Processor(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210413_L76_2P') all_cell_name_0401 = CP_0401.all_cell_names all_cell_name_0413 = CP_0413.all_cell_names h = Cross_Day_Cell_Layout(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210401_L76_2P', r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210413_L76_2P', all_cell_name_0401,
def Cell_Response_Maps(self, runname, Condition_dics, mode='processed', stim_on=(3, 6), error_bar=True, figsize='Default', subshape='Default'): ''' Cell Response map generator Parameters ---------- runname : (int) Run for plot. In format 'Run001' Condition_dics : (Dic) Condition-ID combiner. This can be generated from Stim_ID_Combiner. mode : 'processed' or 'raw', optional Determine wheter we use CR or Raw_CR train. The default is 'processed'. stim_on : (turple), optional Range of stim on. The default is (3,6). error_bar : bool, optional Whether we plot error bar on graph. The default is True. figsize : (turple), optional Size of figure. Only need for too many condition. The default is 'Default'. subshape : (turple), optional Shape of subgraph layout.Row*Colume. The default is 'Default'. ''' graph_folder = self.save_folder + r'\\' + runname ot.mkdir(graph_folder) for i in range(self.cell_num): # all cells c_cellname = self.all_cell_names[i] tc = self.all_cell_dic[c_cellname] #Is this cell in run? if runname not in tc: print('Cell ' + c_cellname + ' Not in ' + runname) continue # Do we have CR train in this cell? if 'CR_Train' not in tc[runname]: print('Cell ' + c_cellname + ' have no respose data.') continue # get cr trains & plotable data. if mode == 'processed': cr_train = tc[runname]['CR_Train'] elif mode == 'raw': cr_train = tc[runname]['Raw_CR_Train'] else: raise IOError('Wrong CR Mode.') plotable_data = SDT.CR_Train_Combiner(cr_train, Condition_dics) # Plot graphs. response_plot_dic = {} subgraph_num = len(plotable_data) all_subgraph_name = list(plotable_data.keys()) y_max = 0 # get y sticks y_min = 65535 for j in range(subgraph_num): current_graph_response = plotable_data[all_subgraph_name[j]] average_plot = current_graph_response.mean(0) se_2 = current_graph_response.std(0) / np.sqrt( current_graph_response.shape[0]) * 2 response_plot_dic[all_subgraph_name[j]] = (average_plot, se_2) # renew y min and y max. if average_plot.min() < y_min: y_min = average_plot.min() if average_plot.max() > y_max: y_max = average_plot.max() y_range = [y_min - 0.3, y_max + 0.3] # Graph Plotting if subshape == 'Default': col_num = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(subgraph_num))) row_num = int(np.ceil(subgraph_num / col_num)) else: col_num = subshape[1] row_num = subshape[0] if figsize == 'Default': fig, ax = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, figsize=(15, 15)) # Initialize graphs: else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle(c_cellname + '_Response Maps', fontsize=30) for j in range(subgraph_num): current_col = j % col_num current_row = j // col_num current_graph_name = all_subgraph_name[j] current_data = response_plot_dic[current_graph_name] frame_num = len(current_data[0]) # Start plot ax[current_row, current_col].hlines(y_range[0] + 0.05, stim_on[0], stim_on[1], color="r") ax[current_row, current_col].set_ylim(y_range) ax[current_row, current_col].set_xticks(range(frame_num)) ax[current_row, current_col].set_title(current_graph_name) # Whether we plot error bar on graph. if error_bar == True: ax[current_row, current_col].errorbar(range(frame_num), current_data[0], current_data[1], fmt='bo-', ecolor='g') else: ax[current_row, current_col].errorbar(range(frame_num), current_data[0], fmt='bo-') # Save ploted graph. ot.Save_Variable(graph_folder, c_cellname + '_Response_Data', plotable_data) fig.savefig(graph_folder + r'\\' + c_cellname + '_Response.png', dpi=180) plt.clf() plt.close() return True
G16_Dic = Stim_ID_Combiner('G16_Dirs') CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run013', G16_Dic,subshape = (3,8)) G16_Rad = Stim_ID_Combiner('G16_Radar') CP.Radar_Maps('Run013', G16_Rad) OD_Dic = Stim_ID_Combiner('OD_2P') CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run010', OD_Dic,subshape = (3,5)) OD_Rad = Stim_ID_Combiner('OD_2P_Radar') CP.Radar_Maps('Run010', OD_Rad,bais_angle=22.5) S3D8_Dic = Stim_ID_Combiner('Shape3Dir8_Single') CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run015', S3D8_Dic,subshape = (4,8)) S3D8_General = Stim_ID_Combiner('Shape3Dir8_General') CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run015', S3D8_General) H7O4_SC = Stim_ID_Combiner('HueNOrien4_SC',{'Hue':['Red','Yellow','Green','Cyan','Blue','Purple','White']}) CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run016', H7O4_SC,subshape = (6,7),figsize = (20,20)) All_Black_Cells = CP.Black_Cell_Identifier(['Run010','Run013','Run015','Run016']) ot.Save_Variable(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210504_L76_2P', '_All_Black', All_Black_Cells) #%% Then statictic all single condition blacks. for i in range(CP.cell_num): CP.Single_Cell_Plotter(CP.all_cell_names[i],show_time = 0) black_cell_num = len(All_Black_Cells) all_black_cell_name = list(All_Black_Cells.keys()) OD_neg_cell = [] G16_neg_cell = [] Hue_neg_cell= [] Shape_neg_cell = [] for i in range(black_cell_num): c_cell_name = all_black_cell_name[i] if 'Run010' in All_Black_Cells[c_cell_name]: OD_neg_cell.append(c_cell_name) if 'Run013' in All_Black_Cells[c_cell_name]: G16_neg_cell.append(c_cell_name)
def Do_PCA(self, start_time=0, end_time=99999, plot=True, mode='processed'): ''' Do PCA Analyze for spon series of given time. Parameters ---------- start_time : int, optional Second of series ON. The default is 0. end_time : TYPE, optional Second of series OFF. The default is 9999. mode : 'processed' or 'raw', optional Which mode we use to plot PCA on. The default is 'processed'. Returns ------- PCA_Dic : Dic Dictionary of PCA information. ''' print('Do PCA for spontaneous cells') PCA_Dic = {} data_use = self.Series_Select(start_time, end_time, mode) data_for_pca = np.array(data_use).T pca = decomposition.PCA() PCA_Dic['All_Components'] = pca.components_ PCA_Dic['Variance_Ratio'] = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ PCA_Dic['Variance'] = pca.explained_variance_ PCA_Dic['Cell_Name_List'] = self.spon_cellname # plot ROC curve of PCA results. accumulated_ratio = np.zeros(len(PCA_Dic['Variance_Ratio']), dtype='f8') accumulated_variance = np.zeros(len(PCA_Dic['Variance']), dtype='f8') random_ratio = np.zeros(len(PCA_Dic['Variance_Ratio']), dtype='f8') for i in range(len(accumulated_ratio) - 1): accumulated_ratio[ i + 1] = accumulated_ratio[i] + PCA_Dic['Variance_Ratio'][i] accumulated_variance[ i + 1] = accumulated_variance[i] + PCA_Dic['Variance'][i] random_ratio[i + 1] = (i + 1) / len(accumulated_ratio) PCA_Dic['Accumulated_Variance_Ratio'] = accumulated_ratio PCA_Dic['Accumulated_Variance'] = accumulated_variance if plot == True: pca_save_folder = self.save_folder + r'\PC_Graphs' ot.mkdir(pca_save_folder) for i in range(len(pca.components_[:, 0])): visual_data, folded_map, gray_graph = self.Component_Visualize( PCA_Dic['All_Components'][i, :]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.title('PC' + str(i + 1), fontsize=36) fig = sns.heatmap(visual_data, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, center=0) fig.figure.savefig(pca_save_folder + '\PC' + str(i + 1) + '.png') plt.clf() cv2.imwrite( pca_save_folder + '\PC' + str(i + 1) + '_Folded.tif', folded_map) cv2.imwrite(pca_save_folder + '\PC' + str(i + 1) + '_Gray.jpg', gray_graph) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.title('Accumulated Variance') plt.plot(range(len(accumulated_ratio)), accumulated_ratio) plt.plot(range(len(accumulated_ratio)), random_ratio) plt.savefig(pca_save_folder + '\_ROC.png') ot.Save_Variable(pca_save_folder, 'PCA_Dic', PCA_Dic) return PCA_Dic
def Stim_Frame_Align( stim_folder, stim_thres=2, frame_thres=1, jmp_step=3000, head_extend=1, tail_extend=0, ): """ Get stim belongings of every frame. Parameters ---------- stim_folder : (str) Stimlus data folder. '.smr' file and '.txt' file shall be in the same folder. stim_thres :(number),optional Threshold voltage used to binary square wave. The default is 2. frame_thres:(number),optional Threshold voltage used to binary triangel wave. The default is 1. jmp_step:(int),optional How many point you jump after find a frame. Usually, 10000 point = 1s head_extend(int),optional Number of frame regarded as stim on before stim. Positive will extend frame on, Negative will cut. tail_extend(int),optional Number of frame ragarded as stim on after stim. Positive will extend frame on, Negative will cut. Returns ------- Frame_Stim_Sequence : (list) List type of frame belongings. This can be used if ISI base changes. Frame_Stim_Dictionary : (Dictionary) Dictionary type. This Dictionary have stim id belonged frames. Can be used directly. """ # Step 1, read in data. smr_name = os_tools.Get_File_Name(stim_folder, file_type='.smr')[0] frame_train = os_tools.Spike2_Reader(smr_name, physical_channel=3)['Channel_Data'] stim_train = os_tools.Spike2_Reader(smr_name, physical_channel=0)['Channel_Data'] txt_name = os_tools.Last_Saved_name(stim_folder, file_type='.txt') # Step 2, square wave series processing binary_stim_train = (stim_train > stim_thres).astype('i4') cutted_stim_list = list( mit.split_when(binary_stim_train, lambda x, y: (x - y) == -1)) # If stop at high voltage level, change last square to -1. last_part_set = np.unique(cutted_stim_list[-1]) if len(last_part_set) == 1: # Which means stop at high voltage last_part = np.array(cutted_stim_list[-1]) last_part[:] = 0 cutted_stim_list[-1] = list(last_part) # Combine stimuls lists final_stim_list = [] for i in range(len(cutted_stim_list)): current_list =[i], i + 1) - 1 final_stim_list.extend(current_list) del cutted_stim_list, stim_train, binary_stim_train # square wave process done, final_stim_list is stim-time relation. # Step3, triangle wave list processing. binary_frame_train = (frame_train > frame_thres).astype('i4').ravel() dislocation_binary_frame_train = np.append(binary_frame_train[1:], 0) frame_time_finder = binary_frame_train - dislocation_binary_frame_train stop_point = np.where(frame_time_finder == -1)[ 0] # Not filtered yet, mis calculation are many. # Wash stop points, make sure they have all_graph_time = [stop_point[0]] # Use first stop as first graph. last_frame_time = all_graph_time[0] # First stop for i in range(1, len(stop_point)): # Frame 0 ignored. current_time = stop_point[i] if (current_time - last_frame_time) > jmp_step: all_graph_time.append(current_time) last_frame_time = current_time all_graph_time = all_graph_time[:-2] # Last 2 frame may not be saved. # Triangle wave process done, all_graph_time is list of every frame time. # Step4,Original frame stim relation acquire. frame_belongings = [] for i in range(len(all_graph_time)): current_graph_time = all_graph_time[i] frame_belongings.append(final_stim_list[current_graph_time] [0]) # Frame belong before adjust # Step5, Adjust frame stim relation. cutted_frame_list = list( mit.split_when(frame_belongings, lambda x, y: x != y)) # Adjust every single part. Stim add means ISI subs. adjusted_frame_list = [] import My_Wheels.List_Operation_Kit as List_Ops # Process head first adjusted_frame_list.append( List_Ops.List_extend(cutted_frame_list[0], 0, -head_extend)) # Then Process middle for i in range(1, len(cutted_frame_list) - 1): # First and last frame use differently. if (i % 2) != 0: # odd id means stim on. adjusted_frame_list.append( List_Ops.List_extend(cutted_frame_list[i], head_extend, tail_extend)) else: # even id means ISI. adjusted_frame_list.append( List_Ops.List_extend(cutted_frame_list[i], -tail_extend, -head_extend)) # Process last part then. adjusted_frame_list.append( List_Ops.List_extend(cutted_frame_list[-1], -tail_extend, 0)) # After adjustion, we need to combine the list. frame_stim_list = [] for i in range(len(adjusted_frame_list) - 1): # Ignore last ISI, this might be harmful. frame_stim_list.extend(adjusted_frame_list[i]) # Till now, frame_stim_list is adjusted frame stim relations. # Step6, Combine frame with stim id. with open(txt_name, 'r') as file: data = del file stim_sequence = data.split() stim_sequence = [int(x) for x in stim_sequence] Frame_Stim_Sequence = [] for i in range(len(frame_stim_list)): current_id = frame_stim_list[i] if current_id != -1: Frame_Stim_Sequence.append(stim_sequence[current_id - 1]) else: Frame_Stim_Sequence.append(-1) Frame_Stim_Dictionary = List_Ops.List_To_Dic(Frame_Stim_Sequence) Frame_Stim_Dictionary['Original_Stim_Train'] = Frame_Stim_Sequence return Frame_Stim_Sequence, Frame_Stim_Dictionary
}) CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run016', Hue11_Dic) Hue_11_SC_Dic = Stim_ID_Combiner('HueNOrien4_SC', para_dic={ 'Hue': [ 'Red0.6', 'Red0.5', 'Red0.4', 'Red0.3', 'Red0.2', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Cyan', 'Blue', 'Purple', 'White' ] }) CP.Cell_Response_Maps('Run016', Hue_11_SC_Dic, subshape=(6, 11), figsize=(25, 20)) All_Black = CP.Black_Cell_Identifier(['Run009', 'Run014', 'Run016']) ot.Save_Variable(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210423_L76_2P', '_All_Black', All_Black) #%% Plot all cells for i in range(CP.cell_num): CP.Single_Cell_Plotter(CP.all_cell_names[i], show_time=0) all_black_cell_name = list(All_Black.keys()) CP.Part_Cell_Plotter(all_black_cell_name) CP.Part_Cell_Plotter(all_black_cell_name, mode='fill') black_cell_num = len(All_Black) #%% let's see different run seperately. OD_neg_cell = [] G16_neg_cell = [] Hue_neg_cell = [] for i in range(black_cell_num): c_cell_name = all_black_cell_name[i] if 'Run009' in All_Black[c_cell_name]: OD_neg_cell.append(c_cell_name)