예제 #1
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal

#%% Specifiy the input and output
#make provisions such that the script can be run independently or through snakemake

if 'snakemake' not in locals():
    input = [
        f'test/100_CH{x}.continuous' for x in range(1, setting.numChan + 1)
    output = ['test/processing/eeg.npy', 'test/processing/position.npy']
    input = snakemake.input
    output = snakemake.output

#%% Load and downsample to create data

data = []
for fn in input[:-1]:
    d = OpenEphys.loadContinuousFast(fn)['data']
    data.append(signal.decimate(d, setting.Fs // setting.eeg_Fs, ftype='fir'))

#%% Convert to numpy array and save
rawSignal = np.vstack(data).T
np.save(output[0], rawSignal)

#%% Load and save position data
d = OpenEphys.loadContinuousFast(input[-1])['data']
np.save(output[1], d)