예제 #1
def corridorGraphReduction(g, rg, cost=None, outcost="cost", edataname="edata", pathname = "path", reversepathname="reversepath"):
    vset = set()
    eset = set()
    equeue = deque()
    #first find all vertices with order =1 or >2
    for v in g.getVertexList():
        ae = g.getAdjacentEdges(v)
        o = len(ae)
        if o == 1 or o > 2:
            #add it to the set and the new graph
            for key in g.getVertexDataKeys(v):
                    rg.setVertexData(v, key, g.getVertexData(v, key))
            #put properties here
            for e in ae:
    while (len(equeue) > 0):
        e = equeue.popleft()
        if e in eset: continue
        ce = e
        ei = g.getEdgeInfo(ce)
        fromv = ei[0] if ei[0] in vset else ei[1]
        startv = fromv
        add = 0
        datae = {}
        path = []
        #follow the current path
        while True:
            if outcost is not None: 
                effc = 1 if cost is None else g.getEdgeData(ce, cost)
                add += effc
            if pathname is not None: path.append((fromv, ce))
            if edataname is not None: 
                datae[ce] = {}
                for key in g.getEdgeDataKeys(ce):
                    datae[ce][key] = g.getEdgeData(ce, key)
            tov = g.getEdgeEnd(fromv, ce)
            if tov in vset:
                eset.add(ce)            #get the other edge on tov and
                addede = rg.addEdge(startv, tov)
                if outcost is not None: rg.setEdgeData(addede, outcost, add)
                if edataname is not None: rg.setEdgeData(addede, edataname, datae)
                if pathname is not None:
                    path.append((tov, None))
                    rg.setEdgeData(addede, pathname, path)
                    if reversepathname is not None: rg.setEdgeData(addede, reversepathname, Paths.getReversePath(path))
            #get the other edge on tov and set ce and fromv
            ae = g.getAdjacentEdges(tov)
            ne = None
            for e in ae:
                if ce != e: ne = e; break
            ce = ne
            fromv = tov