예제 #1
def GenerateOwnerReport(report, schemes, internal, holdercomp, shareclass,
                        omode, date, colnames, trnum, level, cid):
    tr = trnum
    ifhc = None
    ifc = None
    ifid = None
    scc = None
    schc = None
    scid = None
    total_payments = 0

    for scheme in schemes:
        valcol = getNumColName(scheme.getname())
        units = 0
        payment = 0

        if valcol is not None and valcol in colnames:
            scc, schc, ifhc, ifc, scid, ifid = po.getOwnerFundCode(
                scheme, level, internal, holdercomp, shareclass)

            if level == 3:
                price = getprice(scid, date, omode)
                for r in report:
                    units = units + (r[valcol] / float(price))
                    payment = payment + r[valcol]
                total_payments += payment
                tr = WriteToFile('share', scc, schc, units, price, payment,
                                 date, tr, cid)
                price = getprice(ifid, date, omode)
                for r in report:
                    units = units + (r[valcol] / float(price))
                    payment = payment + r[valcol]

                tr = WriteToFile('internal', ifc, ifhc, units, price, payment,
                                 date, tr, cid)

    # fill out internal fund for only level 3
    if level == 3:
        price = getprice(ifid, date, omode)
        units = total_payments / float(price)
        tr = WriteToFile('internal', ifc, ifhc, units, price, total_payments,
                         date, tr, cid)

    print "\nGenerated internal and share files."

    return tr
예제 #2
def GenerateOwnerReport(report,schemes,internal,holdercomp,shareclass,omode,date,colnames,trnum,level,cid):
    tr = trnum
    ifhc = None
    ifc = None
    ifid = None
    scc = None
    schc = None
    scid = None
    total_payments = 0

    for scheme in schemes:
        valcol = getNumColName(scheme.getname())
        units = 0
        payment = 0

        if valcol is not None and valcol in colnames:
            scc, schc, ifhc, ifc, scid, ifid = po.getOwnerFundCode(scheme, level, internal,holdercomp,shareclass)

            if level == 3:
                price = getprice(scid, date, omode)
                for r in report:
                    units = units + (r[valcol] / float(price))
                    payment = payment + r[valcol]
                total_payments += payment
                tr = WriteToFile('share',scc,schc,units,price,payment,date,tr,cid)
                price = getprice(ifid, date, omode)
                for r in report:
                    units = units + (r[valcol] / float(price))
                    payment = payment + r[valcol]


    # fill out internal fund for only level 3
    if level == 3:
        price = getprice(ifid, date, omode)
        units = total_payments / float(price)
        tr = WriteToFile('internal',ifc,ifhc,units,price,total_payments,date,tr,cid)

    print "\nGenerated internal and share files."

    return tr