def getCepsMatrixFromWavFile(filename):
    funkcja wyznacza z odczytanego pliku wav (ze sciezki filename) wspolczynniki
    MFCC a potem je zwraca
    Fs = 44100.0;  # sampling rate
    t,y = PlotModule.readWav(filename, Fs)
    ceps_matrix = getCepsMatrixFromData(t,y)
    return ceps_matrix 
예제 #2
    for i in range(giter):
        if i < giter/4:
            wr = W(map, QModel, 0.9, 1, 1, 0, True)
        if i >= giter/4 and i <= giter * 3 / 4:
            wr = W(map, QModel, 0.4, 1, 1, 0, True)
        if i > giter * 3 / 4:
        wr = W(map, QModel, 0.1, 1, 1, True)
        iter =
        if i % 100 == 99:
            print(i, iter)
            #print( i * 0.8/(giter+1))
            #mapgen.generateMap(map, 0.3 + i * 0.6/(giter+1))
            randomnum = (random.random() - 0.5) * 0.5
            #randomnum = 0
            mapgen.generateMap(map, 0.7 + randomnum)

    for i in QModel.state:
        print(i, QModel.state[i])

    plotBuilder = PlotModule.plotBilder()
    FileWR.FileWR.writeQ(QModel, 'Qmodel.txt')
    animation = plot_animation.moveAnimation()
    #mapgen.generateMap(map, 0.85)
    wr = W(map, QModel, 0, 1, 11)
    anim =
    animation.animate(map, anim, 'randMap')
예제 #3
    #     cooef  = [1]*numCoefficients
    len(signal)  # Small data
    filt = lazy_lpc.lpc.kautocor(signal, 2)
    filt  # The analysis filter
    cooef = filt.numerator  # List of coefficients

    filt.error  # Prediction error (squared!)

    return cooef

if __name__ == '__main__':

    i = 0
    filename = "learn_set//wlacz//" + str(i + 1) + ".wav"
    sampleRate, signal = PlotModule.readWav(filename, Fs)

    rate = 22050
    s, Hz = sHz(rate)
    size = 512
    table = signal  #sin_table.harmonize({1: 1, 2: 5, 3: 3, 4: 2, 6: 9, 8: 1}).normalize()

    data = table(str2freq("Bb3") * Hz).take(size)
    filt = lpc(signal, order=14)  # Analysis filter
    gain = 1e-2  # Gain just for alignment with DFT

    # Plots the synthesis filter
    # - If blk is given, plots the block DFT together with the filter
    # - If rate is given, shows the frequency range in Hz
    (gain / filt).plot(blk=data, rate=rate, samples=1024, unwrap=False)
예제 #4
    vect_of_mccf[0] = 0 
    return vect_of_mccf

if __name__ == '__main__':
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   
  for i in range(11):
    print("please speak a word into the microphone")
    filename = "learn_set//wlacz//"+str(i+1)+".wav"
#     RecordModule.record_to_file(filename)
#     print("done - result written to ", filename)
#     filename = 'learn_set//wlacz//3.wav'

# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    t, extract = PlotModule.readWav(filename, FS)
    extract = RecordModule.preemp(extract)
    fr, wordspower, wordszeros, wordsdetect, ITL ,ITU,  word_fr, word_y = RecordModule.detectSingleWord(t,extract)

    ceps, mspec, spec = mfcc(word_y)
#     show_MFCC(ceps)
    vect_of_mccf = np.zeros(len(ceps.T))
    for i in range(len(ceps.T)): 
        vect_of_mccf[i] =  max(ceps.T[i]) # sum(data.T[i]) #
예제 #5
    # Compute the spectrum magnitude
    spec = np.abs(fft(framed, nfft, axis=-1))
    # Filter the spectrum through the triangle filterbank
    mspec = np.log10(, fbank.T))
    # Use the DCT to 'compress' the coefficients (spectrum -> cepstrum domain)
    ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:, :nceps]

    return ceps, mspec, spec

def preemp(input, p):
    """Pre-emphasis filter."""
    return lfilter([1., -p], 1, input)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(10):
        filename = "learn_set//wlacz//"+str(i+1)+".wav"
        RATE = 44100.0
        t,y = PlotModule.readWav(filename, RATE)
        ceps, mspec, spec = mfcc(y)
        vect_of_mccf = np.zeros(len(ceps.T))
        for i in range(len(ceps.T)): 
            vect_of_mccf[i] =  RecordModule.arithmeticMean(ceps.T[i]) # sum(data.T[i]) #
        pylab.title("ceps : ") 
        pylab.plot(range(len(vect_of_mccf)), vect_of_mccf, 'g')
예제 #6
    filt = lazy_lpc.lpc.kautocor(signal, 2)
    filt # The analysis filter
    cooef = filt.numerator # List of coefficients

    filt.error # Prediction error (squared!)

    return cooef
if __name__ == '__main__':
    i = 0
    filename = "learn_set//wlacz//"+str(i+1)+".wav"
    sampleRate, signal = PlotModule.readWav(filename, Fs)
    rate = 22050
    s, Hz = sHz(rate)
    size = 512
    table = signal  #sin_table.harmonize({1: 1, 2: 5, 3: 3, 4: 2, 6: 9, 8: 1}).normalize()
    data = table(str2freq("Bb3") * Hz).take(size)
    filt = lpc(signal, order=14) # Analysis filter
    gain = 1e-2 # Gain just for alignment with DFT
    # Plots the synthesis filter
    # - If blk is given, plots the block DFT together with the filter
    # - If rate is given, shows the frequency range in Hz
    (gain / filt).plot(blk=data, rate=rate, samples=1024, unwrap=False)
예제 #7
    mspec = np.log10(, fbank.T))
    # Use the DCT to 'compress' the coefficients (spectrum -> cepstrum domain)
    ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:, :nceps]

    return ceps, mspec, spec

def preemp(input, p):
    """Pre-emphasis filter."""
    return lfilter([1., -p], 1, input)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(10):
        filename = "learn_set//wlacz//" + str(i + 1) + ".wav"
        RATE = 44100.0
        t, y = PlotModule.readWav(filename, RATE)

        ceps, mspec, spec = mfcc(y)


        vect_of_mccf = np.zeros(len(ceps.T))

        for i in range(len(ceps.T)):
            vect_of_mccf[i] = RecordModule.arithmeticMean(
                ceps.T[i])  # sum(data.T[i]) #

        pylab.title("ceps : ")
        pylab.plot(range(len(vect_of_mccf)), vect_of_mccf, 'g')