예제 #1
    def GraphSeedsPropertyMean(self, quantity, ax=None, color='m', label=None, err_alpha=0.2):

        # Create figure, ax if not provided
        if not ax:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots( 1,1, figsize=(6,6) )

        # Get timestep 
        timestep = self.config['RunConfig']['timeSnap']

        # Data for each seed
        nFrame = max( [ len(s.frames) for s in self.seeds])
        means = np.empty( (len(self.seeds), nFrame))
        stds = np.empty( (len(self.seeds), nFrame))
        means[:] = np.NaN
        stds[:] = np.NaN
        # means = np.zeros( (len(self.seeds), len(self.seeds[0].frames)) )
        # stds = np.zeros( (len(self.seeds), len(self.seeds[0].frames)) )
        for i, seed in enumerate( self.seeds):
            # means[i,:], stds[i,:] = Plots.getSylinderMeanPropertyNorm( seed.frames, quantity)
            means[i,:len(seed.frames)],_ = Plots.getSylinderMeanPropertyNorm( seed.frames, quantity)

        # Find mean and std
        mean = np.nanmean( means, axis=0)
        std = np.nanstd( means, axis=0)
        time = timestep*np.arange( len(mean) )

        # Plot 
        ax.plot(time, mean, color=color, label=label)
        ax.fill_between(time, mean-std, mean+std, color=color, alpha=err_alpha)
        ax.set_xlabel( Plots.getPropertyLabel('time') )
        ax.set_ylabel( Plots.getPropertyLabel(quantity) )
예제 #2
파일: AE.py 프로젝트: MaGold/AE
def plotter(samples, predictions, Ws, img_x, idx):
    plot_all_filters(Ws, idx)
    shp = (samples.shape[0], 1, img_x, img_x)
    samples = samples.reshape(shp)
    predictions = predictions.reshape(shp)
    Plots.plot_predictions_grid(samples, predictions, i, shp)
예제 #3
def FitDiffVsTime(Time, Data, Range):
    hour = []
    diff = []
    for i in range(Range[0], Range[1], 1):
        Fit = Pl.FitExponential(Time, Data['Oxygen'], Range=[i, i + 20])
        print(i, Fit[3], Fit[3][1])
        diff.append(1.0 / (Fit[3][1]) * 0.635**2 / np.pi**2 * 1E4)
        XMin, XMax = np.min(Fit[0]), np.max(Fit[0])
        YMin, YMax = np.min(Fit[1]), np.max(Fit[1])
        print(XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax)

                               XRange=[XMin, XMax],
                               YRange=[YMin, YMax],
        plt.savefig('rga_fit_%d.pdf' % i)
        # plt.show()

    Pl.PlotScatter([hour], [diff],
                       'Time [Hours]',
                       r'Diffusion Coefficient [cm$^2$/h $\times \, 10^{-4}$]'
                   XRange=[20, 60],
                   YRange=[8, 14],
                   Legend=['Oxygen in Teflon'])
예제 #4
def test_preprocessing_radiographs(img_idx, skip_amf=True):

    img = cv2.imread("%s%02d.tif" % ("Data/Radiographs/", img_idx))
    directory = "Plots/Preprocessed/"
    img = img.copy()
    Plots.save_image(img, "Original.png", directory)

    if not skip_amf:
        img = task2.adaptive_median(img)
        #Plots.plot_image(img, title="Adaptive median filtered")
        Plots.save_image(img, "amf.png", directory)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    img = task2.bilateral_filter(img)
    #Plots.plot_image(img, title="Bilateral filtered")
    Plots.save_image(img, "bilateral.png", directory)

    img = task2.mathematical_morphology(img)
    #Plots.plot_image(img, title="Top-hat and bottom-hat combined")
    Plots.save_image(img, "math_morph.png", directory)

    img = task2.clahe(img)
    #Plots.plot_image(img, title="CLAHE")
    Plots.save_image(img, "clahe.png", directory)
예제 #5
def color_ratio(vis, ir, z, maxint):
    output = 1.0
    DZinv = 1.0 / (z[1] - z[0])
    iz_600 = int(round(0.6 * DZinv)) - 1
    iz_3000 = int(round(3.0 * DZinv)) - 1

    sub_vis = vis[iz_600:iz_3000, :]
    sub_ir = ir[iz_600:iz_3000, :]

    threshold = (DZinv * 6E-3) * vis.shape[-1] / 96.0
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        cl = (sub_vis >= maxint).sum()
    if cl > threshold:
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            x = sub_vis[sub_vis >= maxint]
            y = sub_ir[sub_vis >= maxint]
        params = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
        output = params[0]
        if Debug:
            print "**** Function color_ratio ****"
            print "Number of Cloud points: {} - Color Ratio: {}".format(
                cl, output)
            print "Plotting channel relation..."
        if DoPlot: Plots.xy(x, y, params, "calibration.png")
    return output
예제 #6
 def generate(self):
     size = (self.batch_size, 20, 18, 18)
     block = np.random.randn(*size)
     block = block.astype(np.float32)
     out = self.gen(block)
     return out
예제 #7
파일: model.py 프로젝트: MaGold/convAE
 def generate(self):
     size = (self.batch_size, 20, 18, 18)
     block = np.random.randn(*size)
     block = block.astype(np.float32)
     out = self.gen(block)
     return out
예제 #8
def fit_model(asm_list,

    global save_plots
    global test_idx
    global show_plots
    save_plots = save
    test_idx = test_img_idx
    show_plots = show

    test_img = task2.load([test_img_idx])[0]
    X_init_list = []
    if auto_estimate:
        X_init_list = auto_init.get_estimate(asm_list, incisor_list,
        lms_list = []
        for asm in asm_list:

        X_init_list = manual_init.get_estimate(lms_list, incisor_list,

        Plots.plot_landmarks_on_image(X_init_list, test_img, title="manual_init",\
                                  show=False, save=False, wait=True, color=(0,255,0))

    with Timer("Fitting Model in Multi Resolution Framework"):

        final_fit = []
        for ind, X in enumerate(X_init_list):
            print("..For incisor %d" % (asm_list[ind].incisor))
            pyramid = task1.gauss_pyramid(test_img, PYRAMID_LEVELS)
            X = X.scaleposition(1.0 / 2**(PYRAMID_LEVELS + 1))
            level = PYRAMID_LEVELS

            for img in reversed(pyramid):
                #print("..Level %d" %(level))
                X = X.scaleposition(2)
                X = fit_one_level(X, img, asm_list[ind], level, m, MAX_ITER)
                level -= 1


    print("")  # just for elegant printing on screen

    if save_plots or show_plots:
        directory = "Plots/model_fit/test_img_" + str(test_idx) + "/"
        Plots.plot_landmarks_on_image(final_fit, test_img, directory=directory, title="Final_fit",\
                          show=show_plots, save=save_plots, wait=True, color=(0,255,0))

    return final_fit
예제 #9
def test_auto_initial_estimate(incisor_list, test_img_idx, k):

    asm_list = task1.buildASM(incisor_list, test_img_idx, k)
    X_init_list = auto_init.get_estimate(asm_list, incisor_list, test_img_idx, show_bbox_dist=True, \
                           show_app_models=False, show_finding_bbox=True, \
                           show_autoinit_bbox=False, show_autoinit_lms=False, save=False)
    test_img = task2.load([test_img_idx])[0]
    directory = "Plots/auto_init/test_img_%02d/" % (test_img_idx)
    Plots.plot_landmarks_on_image(X_init_list, test_img, directory=directory, title="auto_init",\
                                  show=False, save=True, wait=True, color=(0,255,0))
예제 #10
파일: model.py 프로젝트: MaGold/convAE
 def reconstruct(self, Y):
     Y = Y.reshape((Y.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))
     Y = Y[:self.batch_size, :]
     Y = Y.astype(np.float32)                  
     Yout = self.predict(Y)[0]
     Plots.plot_predictions_grey(Y, Yout, 99999999, [self.batch_size, 1,28,28])
예제 #11
def polynomialRegressionCV(obj,X,y,numberoffolds,degree,label):
    rmseList = []
    degreeList = []
    for degree in range(1,degree+1):
        model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree), obj)
        rmse = callCrossValPoly(model, X, y, numberoffolds, degree, label)
    #print('%s (Polynomial) - The best RMSE obtained is: %.4f for Degree: %d' % (label,minRMSE(rmseList),rmseList.index(minRMSE(rmseList))+1))
    Plots.linePlot(degreeList, rmseList, 'Degree_of_Polynomial', 'RMSE', 'Degree VS RMSE', 'red', 'PolyRegressionCV'+label)
예제 #12
 def reconstruct(self, Y):
     Y = Y.reshape((Y.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))
     Y = Y[:self.batch_size, :]
     Y = Y.astype(np.float32)
     Yout = self.predict(Y)[0]
     Plots.plot_predictions_grey(Y, Yout, 99999999,
                                 [self.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
예제 #13
def test_GPA(incisor_list, test_img_idx):

    for incisor in incisor_list:
        train_lms = task1.load_all_landmarks_of(incisor, test_img_idx)
        mean_shape, aligned_shapes = GPA(train_lms)
예제 #14
파일: AE.py 프로젝트: MaGold/AE
def plot_all_filters(Ws, idx):
    #for w in Ws:
    for i in range(int(len(Ws)/2)):
        w = Ws[i].get_value()
        dim = np.sqrt(w.shape[0])
        w = np.swapaxes(w, 0, 1)
        w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], 1, dim, dim)
        Plots.plot_filters(w, 1, idx, "layer" + str(i+1))
예제 #15
def test_manual_init(incisor_list, test_img_idx):

    asm_list = task1.buildASM(incisor_list, test_img_idx, k)
    lms_list = []
    for asm in asm_list:

    test_img = task2.load([test_img_idx])[0]
    X_init_list = manual_init.get_estimate(lms_list, test_img)

    Plots.plot_landmarks_on_image(X_init_list, test_img, title="manual_init",\
                              show=True, save=False, wait=True, color=(0,255,0))
예제 #16
def find_bbox(mean, evecs, test_img, def_width, def_height, is_upper, \
                                     jaw_split, search_region):
    Finds the bounding box inside the search region, with the lowest reconstruction error 
    lowest_error = float("inf")
    lowest_error_bbox = [(-1, -1), (-1, -1)]
    global plot_finding_bbox
    global save_plots
    global save_dir
    current_window = []
    lowest_error_bbox = []
    for wscale in np.arange(0.8, 1.3, 0.1):
        for hscale in np.arange(0.7, 1.2, 0.1):
            winW = int(def_width * wscale)
            winH = int(def_height * hscale)
            for (x, y, current_window) in sliding_window(test_img, search_region, step_size=20, \
                                                        window_size=(winW, winH)):
                if current_window.shape[0] != winH or current_window.shape[1] != winW:

                reCut = cv2.resize(current_window, (def_width, def_height))

                X = reCut.flatten()
                Y = project(evecs, X, mean)
                Xacc = reconstruct(evecs, Y, mean)

                error = np.linalg.norm(Xacc - X)
                if error < lowest_error:
                    lowest_error = error
                    lowest_error_bbox = [(x, y), (x + winW, y + winH)]
                current_window = [(x, y), (x + winW, y + winH)]
                sub_dir = "upper_incisors/" if is_upper else "lower_incisors/"
                directory = save_dir+"finding_bboxes/"+sub_dir
                Plots.plot_autoinit(test_img, jaw_split, current_window, search_region, \
                                    lowest_error_bbox, directory=directory, \
                                    title="wscale="+str(wscale)+" hscale="+str(hscale), \
                                    wait=False, show=plot_finding_bbox, save=False)
    # Plot of final chosen window
    title= "upper" if is_upper else "lower"
    if plot_finding_bbox or save_plots:
        Plots.plot_autoinit(test_img, jaw_split, current_window, search_region, \
                            lowest_error_bbox, directory=save_dir, \
                        title="initial_estimate_bbox_%s" %(title), wait=False, \
                        show=plot_finding_bbox, save=save_plots)

    return lowest_error_bbox
예제 #17
def polynomialRegression(obj,X_train,y_train,X_test,y_test, degree, label):
    rmseList = []
    degreeList = []
    for degree in range(1,degree+1):
        model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree), obj)
        model.fit(X_train, y_train)
        rmse=rootMeanSquareError(pred, y_test)
        print("%s (Polynomial) - Root Mean Squared Error for degree %d: %.4f" % (label,degree,rmse))
        #print('Variance score (Polynomial): %.4f' % model.score(X_test, y_test))
    print('%s (Polynomial) - The best RMSE obtained is %.4f for degree: %d' % (label,minRMSE(rmseList),rmseList.index(minRMSE(rmseList))+1))
    Plots.linePlot(degreeList, rmseList, 'Degree_of_Polynomial', 'RMSE', 'Degree VS RMSE', 'blue', 'PolyRegression'+label)
예제 #18
    def GraphProperty(self, quantity, ax=None, color='m', label=None):

        # Create figure, ax if not provided
        if not ax:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))

        # Get timestep
        timestep = self.config['RunConfig']['timeSnap']
예제 #19
def get_best_nearby_match(X, asm, img, gimg, glms, m, level):
    Examines a region of the given image around each point X_i to find
    Y = []
    n_close = 0
    profiles = []
    best_pixels = []
    fit_qualities = []

    for ind in range(len(X.points)):

        profile = Profile(img, gimg, X, ind, m)

        lowest_costs, best_pixel = np.inf, None
        costs_of_fit = []

        for i in range(asm.k, asm.k + 2 * (m - asm.k) + 1):
            subprofile = profile.samples[i - asm.k:i + asm.k + 1]
            dist = glms[ind].quality_of_fit(subprofile)
            if dist < lowest_costs:
                lowest_costs = dist
                best_pixel = i

        best_point = [int(c) for c in profile.points[best_pixel, :]]

        if (best_pixel > 3 * m / 4 and best_pixel < 5 * m / 4):
            n_close += 1

    # Plot sample profile for 10th model point for instance
    if save_plots or show_plots:
        global test_idx
        if (n_close > 19):
            Plots.plot_profiles(profile.samples, glms[9].mean_profile, costs_of_fit, level, \
                                test_idx, save=save_plots, show=show_plots)

    # applying a median filter to get smooth boundary
    best_pixels = np.rint(medfilt(np.asarray(best_pixels), 5)).astype(int)
    for best, profile in zip(best_pixels, profiles):
        best_point = [int(c) for c in profile.points[best, :]]

    fit_quality = np.mean(fit_qualities)
    return Landmarks(np.array(Y)), n_close, fit_quality
예제 #20
def depol(par, per, z):
    output = 1.0
    DZinv = 1.0 / (z[1] - z[0])
    iz_12000 = int(round(10.0 * DZinv)) - 1

    x = par[iz_12000, :]
    y = per[iz_12000, :]

    params = np.polyfit(x[~np.isnan(x)], y[~np.isnan(x)], 1)
    output = params[0]
    if Debug:
        print "**** Function depol ****"
        print "Linear fit: slope={}".format(output)
    if DoPlot: Plots.xy(x, y, params, "depol.png")
    return output
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, mainWinObj):

        self.transFrame = AccountPageClasses.TransactionFrame(
            mainWinObj)  # Frame where transactions appear
        self.controlFrame = AccountPageClasses.ControlFrame(
            mainWinObj)  # Frame with the control buttons
        #self.plotFrame = AccountPageClasses.PlotFrame(mainWinObj) # Frame for the plots
        mainPlot = Plots.HomeWindowGraph(
            mainWinObj.accPageFrm, mainWinObj
        )  #Create Graph Object for the HomePage, (row = 0, column = 1)
예제 #22
def extract_roi_for_appModel(is_upper, test_img_idx):
    Extracts the region of interest (bounding box) surrounding the four upper(or lower) incisors
    bbox_list = []
    train_idx = range(1,15)
    for example_nr in train_idx:
        lms = landmarks.load_all_incisors_of_example(example_nr)
        img = cv2.imread('Data/Radiographs/'+str(example_nr).zfill(2)+'.tif')
        if is_upper:
            bbox = Plots.draw_bbox(img, lms[0:4],show=False,return_bbox=True)
            bbox = Plots.draw_bbox(img, lms[4:8],show=False,return_bbox=True)
    return bbox_list
예제 #23
def vis_factor(vis, z):
    DZ = z[1] - z[0]
    DZinv = 1.0 / DZ

    iz_1200 = int(round(1.2 * DZinv)) - 1
    iz_6000 = int(round(6.0 * DZinv)) - 1

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        a = np.where(vis[iz_1200:iz_6000, :] > 0,
                     np.log10(vis[iz_1200:iz_6000, :]), np.nan)
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(a[~np.isnan(a)], bins=60, range=[-3, 2])
    maxsub = np.nanargmax(hist)
    factor = 1E4 / 10.**(bin_edges[maxsub])
    if Debug:
        print "**** Function vis_factor ****"
        print "Index of maximum in histogram: {}".format(maxsub)
        print "Maximum histogram: {}".format(bin_edges[maxsub])
    if DoPlot: Plots.histo(hist, bin_edges)
    return factor
예제 #24
def analayze_decoderStat(NUMBER_OF_STRINGS_MAX, NUMBER_OF_STRINGS_MIN, strLen,
                         resultForGraph, num_of_mis):
    i = 0
    j = 0
    tempRes = {
        "Z": [],
        "X": []
    j += 1
    tempRes['X'] = resultForGraph['X']
    for arr in resultForGraph["Z"]:
        for x in arr:
            if x <= 0.01: tempRes["Z"][-1].append(100)
            elif x <= 0.05 and x > 0.01: tempRes["Z"][-1].append(75)
            elif x > 0.05 and x <= 0.1: tempRes["Z"][-1].append(20)
            else: tempRes["Z"][-1].append(0)
    Plots.py_plotAll(NUMBER_OF_STRINGS_MAX, NUMBER_OF_STRINGS_MIN, num_of_mis,
                     tempRes, strLen, "Del len:" + str(strLen), False, False,
예제 #25
    def __init__(self, mainWinObj):

        self.accFrame = HomePageClasses.AccountFrame(
            mainWinObj)  #Create Frame Object for the account
        self.ccFrame = HomePageClasses.CreditCardFrame(
            mainWinObj.home)  #Create Frame Object for the Credit Card
        self.bills = HomePageClasses.Bills(
            mainWinObj.home)  #Create Status Bar Object
        mainPlot = Plots.HomeWindowGraph(
            mainWinObj.home, mainWinObj)  #Create Graph Object for the HomePage

예제 #26
def evaluate_results(test_img_idx, incisor_list, final_fit_list):
    Uses the Dice Coefficient to evaulate the similarity between the final landmarks 
    given by the model and the ground truth landmarks of the test image

    test_img = task2.load([test_img_idx])[0]
    test_lms_list = load_landmarks(test_img_idx, incisor_list)

    dice_scores = []
    height, width, _ = test_img.shape

    with Timer("Evaluating Results"):
        print("..Dice similarity score")

        for ind, incisor in enumerate(incisor_list):

            image1 = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
            image2 = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)

            X1 = test_lms_list[ind].as_matrix()  # X1 - ground truth

            cv2.fillPoly(image1, np.int32([X1]), 255)

            X2 = final_fit_list[ind].as_matrix()  # X2 - best fit

            cv2.fillPoly(image2, np.int32([X2]), 255)

            dice = np.sum(image1[image2 == 255]) * 2.0 / (np.sum(image1) +
            print("....for incisor %02d - %.2f" % (incisor, dice))

    if save_plots or show_plots:
        Plots.plot_results(np.arange(len(dice_scores)), incisor_list, dice_scores, \
                           test_img_idx, show=show_plots, save=save_plots)
예제 #27
    def __new__(cls, NEvt=5, pbeam=5., filename=None, rootfilename=None):
        if cls.__instance is None:
            print('Simulation.__new__: creating the Simulation object')
            cls.__instance = super(Simulation, cls).__new__(cls)


            cls._NEvt = NEvt
            cls._pbeam = pbeam
            cls._nufile = filename
            cls._rootfilename = rootfilename
            cls._nuStrt = nuPrdStrt.nuSTORMPrdStrght(filename)
            cls._plots = plots.Plots()

            # Summarise initialisation

        return cls.__instance
예제 #28
m3 = M.Mode(600, 500, 1)
m4 = M.Mode(500, 450, 1)
m5 = M.Mode(100, 50, 1)
m6 = M.Mode(600, 250, 1)
m7 = M.Mode(500, 250, 0.5)
m8 = M.Mode(550, 250, 10)
m9 = M.Mode(550, 400, 10)
m10 = M.Mode(550, 450, 20)
m11 = M.Mode(560, 450, 2)

# m1 = M.Mode(501, 499, 1)
# m2 = M.Mode(500.1, 300, 0.1)
# m3 = M.Mode(5000.01, 5000, 0.1)

Modes = [m1, m2, m3, m10, m5, m6]  #, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11]
E_electronic = 0.005
(energies, intensities) = genMultiModePoints(threshold, Modes, E_electronic,

wide = [0.01] * 11
med = [0.005] * 11
skinny = [0.001] * 11


points = Plots.genSpectrum(energies, intensities, skinny)

#Plots.plotSpectrum(points[0], points[1], "N Modes")
#raw_input("Press ENTER to exit ")
예제 #29
def get_estimate(asm_list,incisor_list, test_img_idx, show_bbox_dist=False, show_app_models=False, \
                 show_finding_bbox=False, show_autoinit_bbox=False, show_autoinit_lms=False, save=False):
    Finds an initial estimate for all the incisors in the incisor_list
    global plot_bbox_dist
    global plot_app_models
    global plot_finding_bbox
    global plot_autoinit_bbox
    global plot_autoinit_lms
    global save_plots
    global save_dir
    global jaw_split
    plot_bbox_dist = show_bbox_dist
    plot_app_models = show_app_models
    plot_finding_bbox = show_finding_bbox
    plot_autoinit_bbox = show_autoinit_bbox
    plot_autoinit_lms = show_autoinit_lms
    save_plots = save
    save_dir = "Plots/auto_init/test_img_%02d/" %(test_img_idx)
    with Timer("Finding Initial Estimate automatically"):
        if any(incisor < 5 for incisor in incisor_list): # upper incisor
            is_upper= True
            with Timer("..for upper incisors", dots="...."):
                [(w1U, h1U), (w2U, h2U)] = get_big_bbox(is_upper, test_img_idx)
        if any(incisor > 4 for incisor in incisor_list): # lower incisor
            is_upper= False
            with Timer("..for lower incisors", dots="...."):
                [(w1L, h1L), (w2L, h2L)] = get_big_bbox(is_upper, test_img_idx)        
    print("") # just for elegant printing on screen   
    init_list = []
    test_img = task2.load([test_img_idx])[0]
    img_org = test_img.copy()
    test_img = task2.enhance(test_img, skip_amf=True)
    for index,incisor in enumerate(incisor_list): 
        # Assume all teeth have more or less the same width
        if incisor < 5:
            ind = incisor
            bbox = [(w1U +(ind-1)*(w2U-w1U)/4, h1U), (w1U +(ind)*(w2U-w1U)/4, h2U)]
            ind = incisor - 4
            bbox = [(w1L +(ind-1)*(w2L-w1L)/4, h1L), (w1L +(ind)*(w2L-w1L)/4, h2L)]
        center = np.mean(bbox, axis=0)
        Plots.plot_autoinit(test_img, jaw_split, lowest_error_bbox=bbox, directory=save_dir, \
                            title="initial_estimate_bbox_incisor_%d" %(incisor), wait=True, \
                            show=plot_autoinit_bbox, save=False)#save=save_plots

        init = asm_list[index].sm.mean_shape.scale_to_bbox(bbox).translate(center)
        Plots.plot_landmarks_on_image([init], img_org, directory=save_dir, \
                                      title="initial_estimate_lms_incisor_%d" %(incisor), \
                                      show=plot_autoinit_lms, save=False, color=(0,255,0))#save=save_plots
    return init_list
예제 #30
__author__ = 'Pierzchalski'

import Plots as plots
import GetData as gd

params = [ key for key in plots.paramsToIndexes.keys() ]

plotIndex = 0

def myCmp(a, b):
    return cmp(sorted(plots.paramsToIndexes[a])[0], sorted(plots.paramsToIndexes[b])[0])

for param in sorted(params, myCmp):
    print("Plotting %d"%plotIndex)
    #plots.plotFn(param, plotIndex, fn=plots.fnPointwiseAverage(legendLabel="Assessment scores", assessment=True), save=False)
    #plots.plotFn(param, plotIndex, fn=plots.fnPointwiseAverage(legendLabel="Training scores", assessment=False), save=False)
    plots.plotFn(param, plotIndex, fn=plots.fnErrorBar(legendLabel="Assessment scores", assessment=True), save=False)
    plots.plotFn(param, plotIndex, fn=plots.fnErrorBar(legendLabel="Training scores", assessment=False), save=False)
    plots.setTitleAndAxes(plotIndex, title="", xLabel="Score index", yLabel="Score")
    plots.insertLegend(plotIndex, save=True)
    plots.copyReplaceParams(plotIndex, [param])
    plotIndex += 1

예제 #31
m2 = M.Mode(300, 200, 1)
m3 = M.Mode(600, 500, 1)
m4 = M.Mode(500, 450, 1)
m5 = M.Mode(100, 50,  1)
m6 = M.Mode(600, 250, 1)
m7 = M.Mode(500, 250, 0.5)
m8 = M.Mode(550, 250, 10)
m9 = M.Mode(550, 400, 10)
m10 = M.Mode(550, 450, 20)
m11 = M.Mode(560, 450, 2)

# m1 = M.Mode(501, 499, 1)
# m2 = M.Mode(500.1, 300, 0.1)
# m3 = M.Mode(5000.01, 5000, 0.1)

Modes = [m1, m2, m3, m10, m5, m6 ]#, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11]
E_electronic = 0.005
(energies, intensities)  = genMultiModePoints(threshold, Modes, E_electronic, 11)

wide = [0.01]*11
med = [0.005]*11
skinny = [0.001]*11


points = Plots.genSpectrum(energies, intensities, skinny)

#Plots.plotSpectrum(points[0], points[1], "N Modes")
#raw_input("Press ENTER to exit ")
예제 #32
파일: cnn.py 프로젝트: MaGold/cnn
filter_params, fc_params = get_params(img_x, filters, fc)
params = filter_params + fc_params
noise_py_x = model(X, img_x, filter_params, fc_params, 0.5, 0.5)

py_x = model(X, img_x, filter_params, fc_params, 0.0, 0.0)
y_x = T.argmax(py_x, axis=1)

cost = T.mean(T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(noise_py_x, Y))
updates = RMSprop(cost, params, lr=0.001)

train = theano.function(inputs=[X, Y], outputs=cost, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
predict = theano.function(inputs=[X], outputs=y_x, allow_input_downcast=True)

for i in range(10000):
    for start, end in zip(range(0, len(trX), 128), range(128, len(trX), 128)):
        #if end <= trX.shape[0]:
        cost = train(trX[start:end], trY[start:end])
        #write(str(i) + ": " + str(start) + ": " + str(cost) + "\n")
        #    if end % 3072 == 0:
    Plots.plot_filters(params[0].get_value(), channels, i, "")
    print(np.mean(np.argmax(teY, axis=1) == predict(teX)))
    write(str(i) + ": " + str(np.mean(np.argmax(teY, axis=1) == predict(teX))))

예제 #33
파일: Trail.py 프로젝트: hackuser15/239AS
    category = train_1.target_names[train_1.target[i]]
    if(category in category_count):
        counter = category_count[category]
        counter = counter + 1
        counter = 1
    category_count[category] = counter
    if("comp" in category):
        computer_count = computer_count + 1
        recreational_count = recreational_count + 1

print("Computer category count= "+str(computer_count))
print("Recreational category count= "+str(recreational_count))

#Removing punctuations
#Tokenize string
stop = stopwords.words('english')
terms = []

def cleanDoc(doc):
    cleaned =""
    for i in word_tokenize(doc.lower()):
        if i not in stop:
            root = lmtzr.lemmatize(i)
            if root not in string.punctuation:
                cleaned = cleaned+ " "+root
예제 #34
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn import cross_validation
from scipy.stats import randint as sp_randint
from sklearn.grid_search import RandomizedSearchCV,GridSearchCV
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork
from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer

network_data = pandas.read_csv('network_backup_dataset.csv')
#One Hot Encoding
one_hot_data, _, _ = one_hot_dataframe(network_data, ['Day of Week', 'Work-Flow-ID','File Name'], replace=True)

one_hot_subset = one_hot_data[one_hot_data['Week #'] <= 3]

for num in range(0,5):
    Plots.plotWorkFlow(one_hot_subset,num, 'actual')

feature_cols = [col for col in one_hot_data.columns if col not in ['Size of Backup (GB)']]
X = one_hot_data[feature_cols]
y = one_hot_data['Size of Backup (GB)']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=3)

#Linear Regression
model = LinearRegression()
Functions.callClassifierFeatures(model, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, feature_cols, 'Linear Regression')

pred = model.predict(X_test)
Plots.scatterPlot(pred, y_test, 'Fitted','Actual','Fitted VS Actual','green','NetBkpLRFitvsActual')

Plots.residualPlot(pred, pred - y_test, 'Fitted','Resuduals','Fitted VS Residual','green','NetBkpLRFitvsResidual')
예제 #35
import Plots as plts

# Creates the histogram to find the most common Pokémon typing.

# Creates the coloured scatter plot to see correlation between Base Total, Base Egg Steps, and Capture Rate.

# Creates the linked plot to see correlation between Base Total, Base Egg Steps, and Capture Rate.

# Creates the unethical violin plot (no points, no sample size) to see what makes a Pokémon legendary.
plts.create_legend_violin_plot(False, False, "ViolinPlot")

# Creates the violin plot (including jittered points and sample size) to see what makes a Pokémon legendary.
plts.create_legend_violin_plot(True, True, "ViolinPlotWithPoints")

# Creates the boxplot to see what makes a Pokémon legendary.
예제 #36
def invert(station_block, cfgfile):
  config = SafeConfigParser()

  #Read parameters from an external file (integer case)
  block      = station_block
  wz         = config.getint(block, "wz")
  wsmooth    = config.getint(block, "wsmooth")

  #Read parameters from an external file (float case)
  s1         = config.getfloat(block, "s1")
  depol      = config.getfloat(block, "depol")
  leakrate   = config.getfloat(block, "leakrate")
  mdr        = config.getfloat(block, "mdr")
  dep_s      = config.getfloat(block, "dep_s")
  dep_d      = config.getfloat(block, "dep_d")
  maxint     = config.getfloat(block, "maxint")
  clgrad     = config.getfloat(block, "clgrad")
  clth       = config.getfloat(block, "clth")
  rth1       = config.getfloat(block, "rth1")
  rth4       = config.getfloat(block, "rth4")
  rth6       = config.getfloat(block, "rth6")
  pblth      = config.getfloat(block, "pblth")

  #Read parameters from an external file (string case)
  station    = config.get(block, "prefix")
  ncpath_raw = config.get("Paths", "ncpath_raw")
  ncpath_out = config.get("Paths", "ncpath_out")
  ncfile_raw = config.get("Paths", "ncfile_raw")
  ncfile_out = config.get("Paths", "ncfile_out")
  yrfile_vis = config.get("Paths", "yrfile_vis")
  yrfile_ir  = config.get("Paths", "yrfile_ir")
  power_file = config.get("Paths", "power_file")

  ncpath_out = ncpath_out + block + '/'

  #Read parameters from an external file (boolean case)
  PlotRaw    = config.getboolean("Output", "PlotRaw")
  PlotCal    = config.getboolean("Output", "PlotCal")
  PlotBeta   = config.getboolean("Output", "PlotBeta")
  PlotDep    = config.getboolean("Output", "PlotDep")
  PlotAlpha  = config.getboolean("Output", "PlotAlpha")
  NCDout     = config.getboolean("Output", "NCDout")
  NCDmonth   = config.getboolean("Output", "NCDmonth")

  if os.path.isfile(ncpath_raw+station+ncfile_raw):
    print "Opening file: ", ncpath_raw+station+ncfile_raw
    ### Read Time, Data (mV), Heigth (km)
    ds       = Dataset(ncpath_raw+station+ncfile_raw)
    ch1      = ds.variables["ch1"][:]
    ch2      = ds.variables["ch2"][:]
    ch3      = ds.variables["ch3"][:]
    z        = ds.variables["alt"][:]
    times    = ds.variables["time"]
    day_0    = datetime(year=ds.YEAR, month=ds.MONTH, day=ds.DAY)
    height   = ds.HEIGHT
    x        = num2date(times[:],units=times.units)
    print "Unable to open file: ", ncpath_raw+station+ncfile_raw
  ch1      = ch1.T
  ch2      = ch2.T
  ch3      = ch3.T

  ### Number of profiles and vertical levels
  NX = len(x)
  NZ = len(z)

  ### Background removed and range-corrected signal intensity
  for it in range(NX):
    coeff = np.polyfit(z[-1000:], ch1[-1000:,it], 1)
    pol   = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ch1[:,it] = (ch1[:,it] - pol(z))*z**2
    coeff = np.polyfit(z[-1000:], ch2[-1000:,it], 1)
    pol   = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ch2[:,it] = (ch2[:,it] - pol(z))*z**2
    coeff = np.polyfit(z[-2000:], ch3[-2000:,it], 1)
    pol   = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ch3[:,it] = (ch3[:,it] - pol(z))*z**2
  ### Smoothing for IR channel
  if wsmooth>1:
    for it in range(NX):
      ch3[:,it] = np.convolve(ch3[:,it],np.ones(wsmooth)/wsmooth,mode='same')

  if Debug:
    print "Max Value for channel 1: {} mV km2".format(np.nanmax(ch1))
    print "Max Value for channel 2: {} mV km2".format(np.nanmax(ch2))
    print "Max Value for channel 3: {} mV km2".format(np.nanmax(ch3))

  ### Power Correction
  if Debug: print "Performing power corrections..."
  c1, c2, c3 = Calibration.power(x,ncpath_out+power_file)
  for ix in range(NX):
    ch1[:,ix] = ch1[:,ix] * c1[ix]
    ch2[:,ix] = ch2[:,ix] * c2[ix]
    ch3[:,ix] = ch3[:,ix] * c3[ix]
  ### Polarization correction (Experimental!)
  depol_estimated = Calibration.depol(ch1, ch2, z)
  if depol_estimated>1.0:
    if Debug: print "Using depol={} instead of depol={}".format(depol_estimated, depol)
    depol = depol_estimated
  para   = ch1                                       # Parallel component - Visible channel
  perp   = (ch2 - ch1 * leakrate) / depol            # Perpendicular component - Visible channel
  intvis = para + perp                               # Visible channel (total)
  intir  = ch3                                       # Infrared channel
  with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
    dep  = np.where(para == 0, np.nan, perp / para)  # Volume linear depolarization ratio

  if PlotRaw:
    print "Plotting raw data..."
    Plots.show_raw(x,intvis,z, ncpath_out+"raw_vis.png", zmax=16)
    Plots.show_raw(x,intir, z, ncpath_out+"raw_ir.png", zmax=16)

  ### Overlap Correction
  if Debug: print "Performing overlap corrections..."
  yrvis = Calibration.overlap(ncpath_out + yrfile_vis,z)
  yrir  = Calibration.overlap(ncpath_out + yrfile_ir,z)
  for ix in range(NX):
    intvis[:,ix] = intvis[:,ix] * yrvis
    intir[:,ix]  = intir[:,ix]  * yrir

  ### Calibration
  factor  = Calibration.vis_factor(intvis,z)
  intvis  = intvis * factor       # Attenuated Backscatter Coefficient at 532 nm
  color_r = Calibration.color_ratio(intvis, intir, z, maxint)
  intir   = intir / color_r       # Attenuated Backscatter Coefficient at 1064 nm
  if Debug: 
    print "Calibration factor - Visible channel: {}".format(factor)
    print "Calibration factor - IR channel: {}".format(1.0/color_r)
    print "Vis. channel: min={}, max={}".format(np.nanmin(intvis), np.nanmax(intvis))
    print "IR channel: min={}, max={}".format(np.nanmin(intir), np.nanmax(intir))
  ### REBIN function: resizes a vector
  if NZ%wz==0:
    NZ   = NZ/wz
    lvis = np.full((NZ,NX),np.nan)
    lir  = np.full((NZ,NX),np.nan)
    ldep = np.full((NZ,NX),np.nan)
    lz   = np.mean(z.reshape(-1, wz), axis=1)
    DZ = lz[1]-lz[0]
    DZinv = 1.0/DZ
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
      # I expect to see RuntimeWarnings in this block
      warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
      for it in range(NX):
        if not np.all(np.isnan(intvis[:,it])) and not np.all(np.isnan(intir[:,it])):
          lvis[:,it] = np.nanmean(intvis[:,it].reshape(-1, wz), axis=1)
          lir[:,it]  = np.nanmean(intir[:,it].reshape(-1, wz), axis=1)
          ldep[:,it] = np.nanmean(dep[:,it].reshape(-1, wz), axis=1)
    if Debug: print "REBIN successful. Vertical resolution: {} m".format(1000*DZ)
    raise SystemExit("STOP: Rebin not performed: verify your configuration")
  ### Molecular profiles
  alpha_m, beta_m = Physics.rayleigh(1000.0*lz, 532.0, height)

  ### Cloud Detection
  zb, zt          = CloudDetect.cloud_height(lvis,lir,lz,clgrad,clth)           # Detect Cloud Base above 240 m
  rf, pbl, invtop = CloudDetect.phenomena(lvis,lir,ldep,lz,zb,rth1,rth4,pblth)

  if PlotCal:
    print "Plotting calibrated signal..."
  ### Inversion
  ### Vertical indexes
  iz_100 = int(round(0.10 * DZinv))-1
  iz_120 = int(round(0.12 * DZinv))-1
  iz_150 = int(round(0.15 * DZinv))-1
  iz_450 = int(round(0.45 * DZinv))-1
  iz_600 = int(round(0.60 * DZinv))-1
  iz_9km = int(round(9.00 * DZinv))-1
  iz_18km = int(round(18. * DZinv))-1

  ### Optical properties for aerosols
  ext_vis = np.full((NZ,NX), np.nan)       # Extinction coefficient - Visible
  adr     = np.full((NZ,NX), np.nan)       # Particulate depolarization ratio

  ### Use the Fernald's algorithm - High clouds caseext
  for ix in range(NX):
    if rf[ix]>0 or invtop[ix] < 0.21: continue
#    profile_ir  = lir [:,ix]
    profile_vis = 1.0*lvis[:,ix]
    if np.all(np.isnan(profile_vis)): continue
    ### In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio at inversion height.
    ### This is the boundary condition for the inversion method and 
    ### the whole profiles depend on this boundary condition
    iz_inv = int(round(invtop[ix] * DZinv))-1
    profile_vis[iz_inv-1] = np.nanmean(profile_vis[iz_inv-2:iz_inv+1])
    ### We assume that the molecular contribution 
    ### is dominant at the inversion height
    if zb[ix]<3.0: continue
    else: bsc_ini = beta_m[iz_inv-1] * 1E-4 #Here I made a little modification to the Shimitzu code
    alpha, beta = Physics.fernald(profile_vis, lz, alpha_m, beta_m, s1, invtop[ix], bsc_ini)
    extmin = min(alpha[iz_150:1+max(iz_inv-iz_150, iz_150+1)])
    for itc in range(1,16):
      if extmin > -1E-5: break
      alpha, beta = Physics.fernald(profile_vis, lz, alpha_m, beta_m, s1, invtop[ix], bsc_ini*2**itc)
      extmin = min(alpha[iz_150:1+max(iz_inv-iz_150, iz_150+1)])
    sr1  = (beta + beta_m) / beta_m    # Backscatter ratio
    adr1 = (ldep[:,ix] * (sr1 + sr1*mdr - mdr) - mdr) / (sr1 - 1 + sr1*mdr - ldep[:,ix])   # Aerosols depolarization ratio
    ext_vis[iz_100:iz_inv,ix] = alpha[iz_100:iz_inv]
    adr[iz_100:iz_inv,ix]     = adr1[iz_100:iz_inv]
    ### Is this necessary?
    if zb[ix] < 9: 
      iz_zb = int(round(zb[ix] * DZinv))-1
      zmax  = min(zt[ix],9)
      iz_zt = int(round(zmax * DZinv))-1
      ext_vis[iz_zb:iz_zt,ix] = np.nan
  ### Verify variability?
  for ix in range(NX):
    profile = ext_vis[iz_120:iz_450,ix]
    if np.all(np.isnan(profile)): 
      extstd = np.nanstd(profile)
      if extstd>rth6:
        ext_vis[:,ix] = np.nan

  time_series = lvis[iz_600,:] / (ext_vis[iz_600,:]/s1 + beta_m[iz_600])
  with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): mask = ext_vis[iz_600,:]>=0
  if mask.sum()>0:
    ext_int_r = np.median( time_series[mask] )
    ext_int_r = 1e11
  if Debug: print "Calibration constant: {}".format(ext_int_r)

  ### Use the Fernald's algorithm - Low clouds case
  for ix in range(NX):
    if np.isnan(zb[ix]) or zb[ix]>=3 or invtop[ix] < 0.21: continue
    profile_vis = 1.0*lvis[:,ix]
    if np.all(np.isnan(profile_vis)): continue
    iz_inv      = int(round(invtop[ix] * DZinv))-1
    profile_vis[iz_inv-1] = np.nanmean(profile_vis[iz_inv-2:iz_inv+1])
    ### This boundary condition assumes a transmitance = 1 below of 1km
    ### Above 1km, we follow the same criterion as Shimitzu
    ### This is a very poor estimate
    if invtop[ix]<1.0: 
      bsc_ini = profile_vis[iz_inv] / ext_int_r - beta_m[iz_inv]
      bsc_ini = profile_vis[iz_inv] / ext_int_r * 0.8 * np.exp(invtop[ix]/4.5) - beta_m[iz_inv]
    if bsc_ini<0:
      if Debug: print "Changing boundary condition bsc_ini = {}".format(bsc_ini)
      bsc_ini = beta_m[iz_inv-1] * 1E-4
    alpha, beta = Physics.fernald(profile_vis, lz, alpha_m, beta_m, s1, invtop[ix], bsc_ini)
    sr1  = (beta + beta_m) / beta_m
    adr1 = (ldep[:,ix] * (sr1 + sr1*mdr - mdr) - mdr) / (sr1 - 1 + sr1*mdr - ldep[:,ix])
    ext_vis[iz_100:iz_inv,ix] = alpha[iz_100:iz_inv]
    adr[iz_100:iz_inv,ix]     = adr1[iz_100:iz_inv]
    iz_zb = int(round(zb[ix] * DZinv))-1
    zmax  = min(zt[ix],9)
    iz_zt = int(round(zmax * DZinv))-1
    ext_vis[iz_zb:iz_zt,ix] = np.nan

  absc532  = lvis / ext_int_r
  absc1064 = lir  / ext_int_r
  dr = (adr - dep_s) * (1 + dep_d) / (1 + adr) / (dep_d - dep_s)
  with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): 
  dust    = ext_vis * dr
  sphere  = ext_vis * (1.0-dr)
  bsc     = ext_vis / s1

  if Debug: print "Max. Att. Backscatter: {}".format(np.nanmax(absc532))

  if PlotBeta:
    print "Plotting attenuated backscatter coefficients..."

  if PlotAlpha:
    print "Plotting extinction coefficients..."

  if PlotDep:
    print "Plotting depolarization ratio..."
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
  if NCDout:
    print "Creating NetCDF file: {}".format(ncpath_out+ncfile_out)
    NZ1 = iz_18km+1
    NZ2 = iz_9km+1
    InOut.save_ncd(ncpath_out+ncfile_out, station, x, lz, absc532, absc1064, ldep, dust, sphere, zb, zt, invtop, NZ1, NZ2)
  if NCDmonth:
    print "Creating monthly NetCDF files"
    NZ1 = iz_18km+1
    NZ2 = iz_9km+1
    InOut.monthly_ncd(ncpath_out, station, x, lz, absc532, absc1064, ldep, dust, sphere, zb, zt, invtop, NZ1, NZ2)
예제 #37
import SimpleOscillator as SF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Gaussian as G
import numpy as np

def calculateFCsAndEnergies(deltaE, deltaQ, w_wavenumbers, wprime_wavenumbers, widths):
    """ wprime must be greater than w
        widths is a list of desired width at half height for each peak
    intensities= DF.genIntensities(deltaE, deltaQ, w_wavenumbers, wprime_wavenumbers)
    energies = DF.genEnergies(deltaE, w_wavenumbers, wprime_wavenumbers)
    return [energies, intensities]

dQ= 1
dE = 0.005
w = 501
wprime = 499

wide = [0.01]*11
med = [0.005]*11
skinny = [0.001]*11

[energies, intensities] = calculateFCsAndEnergies(0.005, dQ, w, wprime, skinny)
L = Plots.genSpectrum(energies, intensities, skinny)

Plots.plotSpectrum(L[0], L[1], "DeltaQ = " + str(dQ))

for i in range(0,11):
    DF.diffFreqOverlap([i, 499], [0, 501], 100)

raw_input("Press ENTER to exit ")
예제 #38
파일: convAE.py 프로젝트: MaGold/convAE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import load

data = load.load_data("cifar10")

X = data[0]
img_depth = data[4]
img_x = data[5]

import Plots
Plots.plot_testimg(X[:10, :])

batch_size = 32

num_f1 = 50
num_f2 = 50
num_f3 = 50
f1 = (num_f1, img_depth, 11, 11)
f2 = (num_f2, num_f1, 2, 2)
f3 = (num_f3, num_f2, 3, 3)
filters = [f1]
image_shape = (batch_size, img_depth, img_x, img_x)
CONV = model.Meta_ConvNet(n_epochs=100,
예제 #39
파일: model.py 프로젝트: MaGold/convAE
    def plotStuff(self, X, Ws, num_plotted):

        Plots.plot_filters(Ws[0].get_value(), self.image_shape[1], num_plotted, title="layer1")
        if len(Ws) > 1:
            Plots.plot_filters(Ws[1].get_value(), self.image_shape[1], num_plotted, title="layer2")
        samples = X[:self.batch_size, :, :, :]
        predictions, conv_volume0, conv_volume1, conv_volume2, conv_volume3, conv_volume4, deconv_volume = self.predict(samples)

        Plots.plot_predictions_grid(samples, predictions, num_plotted, self.image_shape)
        Plots.plot_volume(conv_volume0, num_plotted, title="layer0 ")
        Plots.plot_volume(conv_volume1, num_plotted, title="layer1 ")
        Plots.plot_volume(conv_volume2, num_plotted, title="layer2 ")
        Plots.plot_volume(conv_volume3, num_plotted, title="layer3 ")
        Plots.plot_volume(conv_volume4, num_plotted, title="layer4")

예제 #40
파일: model.py 프로젝트: MaGold/convAE
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        self.costs = []
        N = X.shape[0]
        print("Fit %d examples (%d, %d, %d, %d) over %d epochs\n" %
              (N, X.shape[0], X.shape[1], X.shape[2], X.shape[3],
        count = 0
        for epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
            perm = np.random.permutation(N)
            #print("Epoch: %d\n" % epoch)
            for i in range(0, N, self.batch_size):
                if i + self.batch_size <= N:
                    # plotting updates
                    if count%50 == 0:
                        self.plotStuff(X, self.Ws, num_plotted)
                        num_plotted += 1
                    count += 1

                    # continue with training
                    rowindexes = perm[i:i+self.batch_size]
                    minibatch_x = X[rowindexes, :, :, :]
                    cost, out, g, outbefore = self.train(minibatch_x)
                    print("\n(%d/%d) %d/%d cost: %d" %
                          (epoch+1, self.n_epochs, i, N, cost))
                    print("output (min,max): (%f, %f)" %
                          (np.min(out), np.max(out)))
                    print("weights (min,max): (%f, %f)" %
                          (np.min(self.Ws[0].get_value()), np.max(self.Ws[0].get_value())))
                    print("grads (min,max): (%f, %f)" %
                          (np.min(g), np.max(g)))
                    print("outputshape:", out.shape)
                    print("outbefore:", np.max(outbefore))

                    f = open('costs.txt', 'a')
                    f.write("\n(%d/%d) %d/%d cost: %f \n" %
                            (epoch+1, self.n_epochs, i, N, cost))
                    f.write("output (min,max): (%f, %f) \n" %
                            (np.min(out), np.max(out)))
                    f.write("weights (min,max): (%f, %f) \n" %
                            (np.min(self.Ws[0].get_value()), np.max(self.Ws[0].get_value())))
                    f.write("grads (min,max): (%f, %f) \n" %
                            (np.min(g), np.max(g)))
            print("cost: ", cost)
            f = open('costs.txt', 'a')
            f.write('epoch %d) cost: %f \n' % (epoch, cost))

        # do some predictions:
        perm = np.random.permutation(N)
        rowindexes = perm[:self.batch_size]
        minibatch_x = X[rowindexes, :, :, :]
        predictions = self.predict(minibatch_x)
        self.samples = minibatch_x
        self.preds = predictions
        self.W1 = self.Ws[0].get_value()
        if len(self.Ws) > 1:
            self.W2 = self.Ws[1].get_value()

        pickle.dump(self.Ws, open("weights.p", "wb"))
        return self
예제 #41
        # TFT.fireup_tensorboard(logdir='probeview')

        # Plots.line([errors, self.validation_error_history])
        print("\nFinished Training")
        print("Training Cost: " + str(self.training_error_history[-1][1]))
        print("Training Error %: " + str(self.training_error_history[-1][1] * 100) + " %")
        print("Validation Error: " + str(self.validation_error_history[-1][1]))
        print("Validation Error %: " + str(self.validation_error_history[-1][1] * 100) + "%")
        # Plots.scatter([self.training_error_history, self.validation_error_history],
        #            ["Training Error", "Validation Error"])

        # Plots.plotWeights([self.grabbed_weigths_history])

        Plots.line([self.training_error_history, self.validation_error_history], ["Training Cost", "Validation Error"])

        print("\nResults for Training Set")
        print("\nResults for Testing Set")

        if self.config.mbsize > 0:  # Should run map test
            print("\nRunning Map Tests")
            map_batch_size = self.config.mbsize
            np.random.shuffle(case_list)  # Select random cases for this minibatch
            cases = case_list[:map_batch_size]
            self.do_testing(cases, grabvars=self.grabvars, scenario="mapping")

    def should_run_validation_test(self, step):
예제 #42
    for it in range(NX):
        coeff = np.polyfit(z[-2000:], data[-2000:, it], 1)
        pol = np.poly1d(coeff)
        data[:, it] = (data[:, it] - pol(z)) * z**2
    # data[:,it] = (data[:,it] - np.mean(data[-100:,it])) *z**2
elif varname == 'ch2':
    for it in range(NX):
        coeff = np.polyfit(z[-1000:], data[-1000:, it], 1)
        pol = np.poly1d(coeff)
        data[:, it] = (data[:, it] - pol(z)) * z**2
    for it in range(NX):
        coeff = np.polyfit(z[-1000:], data[-1000:, it], 1)
        pol = np.poly1d(coeff)
        data[:, it] = (data[:, it] - pol(z)) * z**2

### Smoothing
if Smooth:
    print "Performing smoothing with parameter wsmooth:{}".format(wsmooth)
    for it in range(NX):
        data[:, it] = np.convolve(data[:, it],
                                  np.ones(wsmooth) / wsmooth,

if Plot: Plots.show_raw(x, data, z, zmax=18.0, vmax=2)

axarr[1].plot(data[:, n1:n2], z, '-')
dr = SelectPoint(data[:, n1:n2], z)

예제 #43
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IO import *
import Plots
import Solver

result = Solver.solve()

# Plotting
save = 0  # ENTER: 0 for plotting on screen, 1 for saving frames as png

M, a, D, T, u0, v0, zeta0, Ntheta, Nphi, dt, Nt, m1, R1, zhat1, omega1, psi1 = read_data(
Phi, Theta = get_grid()
M = Plots.Mollweide(Theta, Phi)
if save: plt.close()
for i in range(Nt):

    data = result['z'][i]  # which data to plot

    # Mask data? suggested to do this for 'z' as currently diverging at poles
    data[:4][:] = np.zeros((1, Nphi))
    data[-4:][:] = np.zeros((1, Nphi))

    M.set_time(dt * i)

    # With quiver plot
    M.quiver(result['v'][i], result['u'][i])
예제 #44
    return hratio, hQvsQT, hQvscls, hrvscls

import Plots
import time
print 'running'
t0 = time.time()

hratio, hQvsQT, hQvscls, hrvscls = ChargeStudies( 10000 )
hQvscls.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Distance to closest SiPM (mm)');hQvscls.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Q_{SiPMs}')
hrvscls.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Distance to closest SiPM (mm)');hrvscls.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Q_{SiPMs}/Q_{Total}')

histos = [ hratio, hrvscls, hQvsQT, hQvscls.ProfileX() ]
c = Plots.PutInCanvas( histos, ['','','zcol',''] )

#sim = Simulator( UniformCircle( 4., 5., 5.), 1e7, 0. )
#xy  = sim.GetXYDistribution( FullInformation = True )
#xy  = Tools.Arrays.FromHistogram( xy )
#xy  = NEXT.TrackingPlane.Discretize( xy )
#psf = Tools.Arrays.MakePSF( xy )
#fun = ROOT.TF1('fit','[0]/( 1 + [1]*x^2 )^1.5')
#fun.SetParameters( 1,1e-3 )
#psf.Fit( fun )
예제 #45
import pandas as pd
import Functions
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn import cross_validation
import Plots

data = pd.read_csv('housing_data.csv')
feature_cols = ['CRIM', 'ZN', 'INDUS', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'RAD', 'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT']
X = data[feature_cols]
y = data.MEDV
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=3)
lm = LinearRegression()
predicted=Functions.callClassifierFeatures(lm, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, feature_cols, 'Linear Regression')
# Plotting
Plots.scatterPlot(predicted, y_test, 'Fitted', 'Actual', 'Fitted VS Actual LR', 'green', 'HousingLRScatterPlot')
Plots.residualPlot(predicted, (predicted - y_test), 'Fitted', 'Residual', 'Fitted VS Residual LR', 'blue', 'HousingLRResidualPlot')
# LR - cross val
predicted=Functions.callCrossVal(lm, X, y, 10, 'Linear Regression')
Plots.scatterPlot(predicted, y, 'Fitted', 'Actual', 'Fitted VS Actual LR-CV', 'green', 'HousingLRScatterPlotCV')
Plots.residualPlot(predicted, (predicted - y), 'Fitted', 'Residual', 'Fitted VS Residual LR-CV', 'blue', 'HousingLRResidualPlotCV')
# Polynomial Regression
Functions.polynomialRegression(lm, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, 6,'Linear Regression')
Functions.polynomialRegressionCV(lm, X, y, 10, 6, 'Linear Regression')
# Ridge
ridge = linear_model.RidgeCV(alphas=[0.1, 0.01, 0.001])
Functions.callClassifierFeatures(ridge, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test,feature_cols, 'Ridge')
print("The tuned alpha value selected for Ridge is: %.4f" %ridge.alpha_)
Functions.callCrossVal(ridge, X, y, 10, 'Ridge')
# Lasso
lasso = linear_model.LassoCV(alphas=[0.1, 0.01, 0.001])
예제 #46
path = ncpath_out + block + '/'
ncfile_out = "06_2017.nc"

if Debug: print "Opening file: ", path + ncfile_out
### Read Time, Data (mV), Heigth (km)
ds = Dataset(path + ncfile_out)
bsc532 = ds.variables["bsc532"][:]
bsc1064 = ds.variables["bsc1064"][:]
dep = ds.variables["dep"][:]
ext_d = ds.variables["ext_d"][:]
ext_s = ds.variables["ext_s"][:]
zb = ds.variables["zb"][:]
zt = ds.variables["zt"][:]
zinv = ds.variables["zinv"][:]
z1 = ds.variables["alt1"][:]
z2 = ds.variables["alt2"][:]
times = ds.variables["time"]
x = num2date(times[:], units=times.units)

### Number of profiles and vertical levels
NX = len(x)
NZ1 = len(z1)
NZ2 = len(z2)

Plots.show_alpha(x, ext_s.T, z2, zb, zt, zinv, zmax=9.)
예제 #47
		Eground += mode.groundEnergy

	energies = [E_el - Eground]*len(states)
	for i in range(len(states)):
		state = states[i]
		for j in range(len(state)):
			energies[i] += Modes[j].excitedEnergy(state[j])
	return energies

m1 = M.Mode(501, 499, 1)
m2 = M.Mode(500.1, 300, 0.1)
m3 = M.Mode(5000.01, 5000, 0.1)

# m1 = M.Mode(500, 450, 1)
# m2 = M.Mode(300, 200, 20)
# m3 = M.Mode(600, 500, 0.5)

Modes = [m1, m2, m3]
E_electronic = 0.005
[intensities, states] = genMultiModeIntensities(Modes)
energies = genMultiModeEnergies(E_electronic, Modes, states)

wide = [0.01]*11
med = [0.005]*11
skinny = [0.001]*11

points = Plots.genSpectrum(energies, intensities, med)
Plots.plotSpectrum(points[0], points[1], "3 Modes")
raw_input("Press ENTER to exit ")