def primeSet(primes, n): #print(primes, n) if n < 1: print("n must be greater than 1") return if n == 1: returnSet = [[primes[i]] for i in range(len(primes))] return returnSet else: print(n, "start") returnSet = [] pSets = primeSet(primes, n - 1) Timer.startTimer() for i in range(len(pSets)): for j in range(i, len(pSets)): if pSets[i][1:] == pSets[j][:-1]: if Primes.isPrime(concat( pSets[i][0], pSets[j][-1])) and Primes.isPrime( concat(pSets[j][-1], pSets[i][0])): temp = list(pSets[i]) temp.append(pSets[j][-1]) returnSet.append(temp) Timer.endTimer() Timer.printTime() print("Sets of", n, ":", len(returnSet)) return returnSet return
def Program(nMax=100, GRAPHICS=False): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(nMax) primeGraph = Networks.UndirectedGraph() for p in primes: primeGraph.AddNode(p) for p2 in primeGraph.GetNodes(): if Primes.isPrime(concatenateIntegers(p, p2), primes): if Primes.isPrime(concatenateIntegers(p2, p), primes): primeGraph.AddEdge(p, p2) for p1 in primes: possibles = primeGraph.GetNeighbors(p1) for p2 in possibles: possibles2 = listIntersection(possibles, primeGraph.GetNeighbors(p2)) for p3 in possibles2: possibles3 = listIntersection(possibles2, primeGraph.GetNeighbors(p3)) for p4 in possibles3: possibles4 = listIntersection(possibles3, primeGraph.GetNeighbors(p4)) for p5 in possibles4: print(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5), p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 if GRAPHICS: NetGraphics.DisplayCircleGraph(primeGraph) return primeGraph
def eightDivisorCount(n): ps = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(n**0.5)+2) primePi = Primes.Prime_Pi() f = 0 for p in ps: if p**7 > n: break #print p f += 1 for p in ps: if 2*p**3 > n: break f += primePi(n//(p**3), ps) print p,f,len(primePi.restricted_memo) if (n//(p**3)) >= p: f -= 1 #print p, primePi(n//(p**3), ps) for n1,p1 in enumerate(ps): if p1**3 >= n: break for p2 in ps[n1+1:]: if p1*p2*p2 >= n: break f += primePi(n//(p1*p2),ps) - primePi(p2,ps) #print p1,p2,primePi(n//(p1*p2),ps),primePi(p2,ps) if p2 < 10000: print p1,p2,f,len(primePi.restricted_memo) print p1,f,len(primePi.restricted_memo) return f
def new_432(m): #primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(1.2*m**(1./2))+100) primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(1.2 * m**(1. / 2)) + 120) prime_pi = Primes.Prime_Pi() ans = sum_range(1, 18) + func(m, 7, primes, prime_pi) ans *= 510510 for ix in range(7): ans *= (primes[ix] - 1) ans /= primes[ix] return ans
def Euler131(N): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(sp.sqrt(N))+4) x = 1 p = 3*x*x+3*x+1 count = 0 while p <= N: if Primes.isPrime(p, primes): count += 1 x += 1 p = 3*x*x + 3*x + 1 return count
def highly_divisible(n): numfactors = 0 i = n ti = triangle_num (i) while numfactors <= n: if not Primes.isPrime(ti): numfactors = Primes.get_num_factors(ti) if numfactors <= n: i += 1 ti = triangle_num (i) #print (ti) else: return ti
def main(): truncPrimes = getTruncPrimes(Primes.getPrimes(1000000)); truncSum = 0; for p in truncPrimes: truncSum += p print truncSum
def primeFrogProbability(N, croak_string): ps = Primes.MakePrimeList(N) ans = Fraction(0) memo = {} for position in range(1, N + 1): ans += calcCroakProbability(N, position, croak_string, ps, memo) return ans / N
def calcCroakProbability(N, position, croak_string, ps, memo): if len(croak_string) == 0: return 1 key = (N, position, croak_string) try: return memo[key] except KeyError: pass prob_croak_correct = Fraction(1, 3) is_prime = Primes.isPrime(position, ps) if ((is_prime and croak_string[0] == 'P') or (not is_prime and croak_string[0] == 'N')): prob_croak_correct *= 2 if position == 1: memo[key] = calcCroakProbability(N, 2, croak_string[1:], ps, memo) elif position == N: memo[key] = calcCroakProbability(N, N - 1, croak_string[1:], ps, memo) else: memo[key] = ( calcCroakProbability(N, position - 1, croak_string[1:], ps, memo) + calcCroakProbability(N, position + 1, croak_string[1:], ps, memo)) memo[key] /= 2 memo[key] *= prob_croak_correct return memo[key]
def compute_jamcoins(digits, n): b2_max = int("1"*digits,2) b2_min = int("1" + (digits-2)*"0" + "1", 2) primes = Primes.primes jamcoins = {} i = b2_min while len(jamcoins) < n: potential = bin(i)[2:] value = 0 factors = [potential] for j in range(2, 11): value = 0 value = Primes.isPrime(int(potential,j)) if not value: break factors.append(str(value)) if value: jamcoins[potential] = factors print(' '.join(factors)) i += 2 return jamcoins
def Euler118_2(): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(100000000) print 'Primes Calculated' primes = [p for p in primes if not repeats_digits(p)] print 'Primes with repeated digits eliminated' num_sets = build_sets(0,[], primes) print 'Number of Pandigital Prime Sets: '+str(num_sets) return num_sets
def PossiblePrimesList(N): # Get all the candidates for primes changing 3 digits ps = Primes.PrimeList(N) possList = [] for p in ps: if Has3sameDigits(p): possList.append(p) return possList
def Euler484a(N): start = time.clock() p_max = int(sp.sqrt(N) + 1000) primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(p_max) print 'Primes up to %d calculated. %d primes' % (p_max, len(primes)) ans = F(N, 0, primes) end = time.clock() print '%f seconds' % (end - start, ) return ans
def Euler118_1(): permutes = itertools.permutations([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(10000) prime_sets = set() for digit_list in permutes: find_prime_sets(digit_list, set(), prime_sets, primes) print 'Number of Pandigital Prime Sets: '+str(len(prime_sets)) return prime_sets
def make_dfact(n, primes): dfact = {} r = 1 while r <= len(primes) and[:r]) <= n: for c in Primes.combProdLessThan(primes, r, n): d = int(round( + 0.01) dfact[d] = c r += 1 return dfact
def Euler77(numWays): """ Finds the first number that can be partitioned into primes in numWays. """ primeList = Primes.MakePrimeList(max(numWays, 100)) partialPrimeMemo = {} n = 2 while primePartition(n, primeList, partialPrimeMemo) < numWays: n += 1 return n
def old_432(m): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(m * 2)) ans = sum_range(1, 18) ans += weird_sum_tot(m, 7, primes) ans *= 510510 for ix in range(7): ans *= (primes[ix] - 1) ans /= primes[ix] return ans
def Euler231(n, m): """ n choose m """ pList = Primes.MakePrimeList(n + 1) summ = 0 for p in pList: summ += p * (Number_Ps_in_N_factorial(n, p) - Number_Ps_in_N_factorial( m, p) - Number_Ps_in_N_factorial(n - m, p)) return summ
def main(): try: os.remove('output.txt') print('removed output file!') except Exception as e: print(f'Error: {e}') if sys.argv[1] == "--sequence": start = time.time() processes = [] video = cv2.VideoCapture('video_sample.mp4') w, h = int(video.get(3)), int(video.get(4)) for i in range(int(sys.argv[4])): video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, time.time() * 1000 % video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) res, frame = p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=( frame, w, h, int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4]), )) processes.append(p) p.start() for process in processes: process.join() end = time.time() with open('output.txt') as f: print( f'{sys.argv[2]} random numbers sequence generated in {end - start}\nentropy: {entropy_handler([int(line.strip()) for line in f if line.strip()], base=2)}' ) f.close() elif sys.argv[1] == "--single": primes = Primes.Primes() rng = RNGutils.RNGutils() print("Single mode\n") video = cv2.VideoCapture('video_sample.mp4') seed = get_seed_from_pixel() video.release() with open("output.txt", "w+") as file: string = f'{rng.single(primes=primes, pixel_seed=seed, rnd_range=int(sys.argv[2]))}\n' if "-" not in string: file.write(string) print(string) file.close()
def find_prime_sets(digit_list, current_set, prime_sets, primes): ''' Recursively finds the prime sets. digit_list: The digits to make primes of current_set: The set of primes found so far prime_sets: The set of all the pandigital prime_sets found so far primes: A list of primes ''' if len(digit_list) != 9: # Nine digit lists are composite. Don't check. num = make_num_from_list(digit_list) if Primes.isPrime(num): current_set.add(num) prime_sets.add(frozenset(current_set)) for ix in range(1,len(digit_list)): num = make_num_from_list(digit_list[:ix]) if Primes.isPrime(num): next_set = current_set.copy() next_set.add(num) find_prime_sets(digit_list[ix:], next_set, prime_sets, primes) return
def main(): maxN = 0; nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] nums.reverse(); print nums for perm in itertools.permutations(nums): #print perm num = getListNumber(perm) #print num if(num > maxN and Primes.isPrime(num)): maxN = num print maxN print maxN
def prepareGrid(self, page): exportGrid = ExportGrid() try: with UnstartedRaceWrapper(): if self.pageInfo[page][0] == 'Primes': exportGrid = ExportGrid(**Primes.GetGrid()) else: exportGrid.setResultsOneList(self.pageInfo[page][0], True, showLapTimes=False) except KeyError: return ExportGrid() exportGrid.title = u'\n'.join( [_('Podium Results'), u'', exportGrid.title]) return exportGrid
def prepareGrid(self, page): showLapTimes = (not Model.race) or getattr( Model.race, 'includeLapTimesInPrintout', True) try: with UnstartedRaceWrapper(): if self.pageInfo[page][0] == 'Primes': exportGrid = ExportGrid(**Primes.GetGrid()) else: exportGrid = ExportGrid() exportGrid.setResultsOneList(self.pageInfo[page][0], True, showLapTimes=showLapTimes) except KeyError: return ExportGrid() return exportGrid
def worker(seed, length, threads, rnd_range): primes = Primes.Primes() rng = RNGutils.RNGutils() with open("output.txt", "a+") as file: [ file.write(f'{number}\n') for number in rng.sequence(primes=primes, pixel_seed=seed, length=int(length / threads), rnd_range=rnd_range) ] file.close() return
def calc_mobius(n): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(n) mu = [1]*(n+1) mu[0] = 0 mu[1] = 1 for p in primes: mu[p] = -1 i = 2 while p * i <= n: mu[p*i] *= -1 i += 1 i = 1 while p*p*i <= n: mu[p*p*i] = 0 i += 1 return mu
def generate_keys(k): p, g1, g2 = Primes.prime_and_generators(k) rand = SystemRandom() x1 = rand.randint(2, p) x2 = rand.randint(2, p) y1 = rand.randint(2, p) y2 = rand.randint(2, p) w = rand.randint(2, p) X = (pow(g1, x1, p) * pow(g2, x2, p)) % p Y = (pow(g1, y1, p) * pow(g2, y2, p)) % p W = pow(g1, w, p) private_key = [p, x1, x2, y1, y2, w, k] public_key = [p, g1, g2, X, Y, W, k] return private_key, public_key
def worker(frame, w, h, length, rnd_range, threads): primes = Primes.Primes() rng = RNGutils.RNGutils() with open("output.txt", "a+") as file: seed = get_seed_from_pixel(frame=frame, w=w, h=h) [ file.write(f'{number}\n') for number in rng.sequence(primes=primes, pixel_seed=seed, length=int(length / threads), rnd_range=rnd_range) ] file.close() return
def Euler268(N, M=100): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(M) #return f(primes, 4, N) added = [0] * (len(primes) + 1) ans = 0 for r in range(4, len(primes) + 1): print N, r, ans if prod(primes[:r]) > N: break multiplier = 1 - added[r] # Update how many times we have added numbers divisible by # exactly x primes in the list. for x in range(r, len(primes) + 1): added[x] += multiplier * comb(x, r, True) # Actually add them ans += multiplier * sum(N // prod(c) for c in combinations(primes, r)) return ans
def Euler351(N): M = N / 2 primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(M) ans = 0 r = 1 while r < len(primes) and prod(primes[:r]) <= M: sign = int((-1)**(r + 1)) count = 0 for c in combProdLessThan(primes, r, M): count += 1 x = prod(c) p = int(N // x) q = int(N // (2 * x)) ans += sign * (p * q - q * (q + 1)) print '%d from list of len %d: %d times; \ttotal %d' % (r, len(primes), count, ans) r += 1 return 6 * (2 * ans + M + N - 2)
def Euler122(): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(200) m = {} m[1] = 0 for x in range(2, 201): if x in primes: m[x] = m[x - 1] + 1 else: m[x] = 0 y = x for p in primes: while y % p == 0 and y > 0: m[x] += m[p] ans = 0 for x in range(1, 201): ans += m[x] print 'Sum: ', ans return ans
def lcm(integerlist): """ lcm stands for least common multiple. this function calculate the lcm of some integers. """ lcmdict = {} for i in integerlist: factorslist = Primes.factors(i) factorsdict = {} for k in factorslist: factorsdict.setdefault(k, 0) factorsdict[k] += 1 for afactor in factorsdict: lcmdict.setdefault(afactor, 0) if lcmdict[afactor] < factorsdict[afactor]: lcmdict[afactor] = factorsdict[afactor] mylcm = 1 for afactor in lcmdict: mylcm *= afactor ** lcmdict[afactor] return mylcm, lcmdict
def Euler193(N): ''' Calculates the number of squarefree numbers less than N ''' root = round(sp.sqrt(N)) primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(root) num = 0 n = 1 min_prod = 2 #---------------------------------------# # Loop over the number of primes to use # # in the inclusion-exclusion principle. # #---------------------------------------# while min_prod <= root: #-----------------------------------------# # Iterate over all the combinations of n # # primes, adding or subtracting according # # to the inclusion-exclusion principle. # #-----------------------------------------# ix_list = range(n) done = False while not done: # Calculate the number of square including numbers p = sp.product([primes[ix]*primes[ix] for ix in ix_list]) #print [primes[i] for i in ix_list] if n % 2 == 0: num -= (N-1) / p #print '-'+str(N / p) else: num += (N-1) / p #print '+'+str(N/p) done = not ix_combo(ix_list, primes, root) n += 1 min_prod = sp.product(primes[:n]) num = N - num - 1 #print 'Number of squarefree numbers below '+str(N)+': '+str(num) return num
def Euler122(N): primes = Primes.MakePrimeList(N+2) m = {} m[1] = 0 for x in range(2, N+1): if x in primes: #print x, m[x-1] m[x] = m[x-1] + 1 else: m[x] = 0 y = x+0 for p in primes: while y%p == 0 and y > 0: m[x] += m[p] y /= p ans = 0 for x in range(1, N+1): ans += m[x] print 'Sum: ', ans print m return ans
def Euler87(n): ps = Primes.MakePrimeList(int(scipy.sqrt(n))*2) nF = 0 nums = [] count = 0 while ps[nF]**4 <= n: nC = 0 while ps[nF]**4 + ps[nC]**3 <= n: nS = 0 while ps[nF]**4 + ps[nC]**3 + ps[nS]**2 <= n: a = ps[nF]**4 + ps[nC]**3 + ps[nS]**2 count += 1 nums.append(a) nS += 1 nC += 1 nF += 1 nums.sort() for x in range(1,len(nums)): if nums[x]==nums[x-1]: count -= 1 return count
import itertools import Primes # awesome. # 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 # 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36 for aper in itertools.permutations(range(7, 0, -1)): candidate = int(''.join([str(x) for x in list(aper)])) if Primes.isPrime(candidate): print(candidate) break
# booltemp = False # break # if booltemp == True: # print(ap) # break for ap in Primes.primes: print(ap) mylist = [[ap]] found = False while True: templist = [] for a in mylist: for b in Primes.primes[Primes.primes.index(a[-1]) + 1:]: booltemp = True for i in a: if Primes.isPrime(int(str(i) + str(b))) == False or Primes.isPrime(int(str(b) + str(i))) == False: booltemp = False break if booltemp == True: templist.append(a + [b]) mylist = templist if mylist == []: break print(len(mylist[0])) if len(mylist[0]) == 5: print(mylist) found = True break if found == True: break
def getListNumber(listN): num = listN[0]; for part in range(1,len(listN)): num = Pandigital.appendNums(num, listN[part]); return num def main(): maxN = 0; nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] nums.reverse(); print nums for perm in itertools.permutations(nums): #print perm num = getListNumber(perm) #print num if(num > maxN and Primes.isPrime(num)): maxN = num print maxN print maxN if __name__ == "__main__": if(len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "test"): assert True print Primes.getPrimes(1000000000)[1000] else: main()
import Primes print(Primes.factors(600851475143))
def find_sum_primes(n): #getPrimes gets all primes up to, but not including the passed in value #primeslist = Primes.getPrimes(n + 1) primeslist = Primes.prime_sieve(n) return sum(primeslist)
import Primes n = 1 while True: found = True if n % 100 == 0: print(n) print(Primes.factors(n + 1)) step = 0 for i in range(n, n + 4): tempset = set(Primes.factors(i)) if len(tempset) != 4: found = False step = i - n break if found == True: print(n) break n += step + 1
import Primes Primes.extendTo(2000000) print(sum([int(line.strip()) for line in open('Primes.txt').readlines()]))