def _ReadCarisma1Hz(fname): ''' This will read the extracted 1 Hz Carisma data files with the file name format 'yyyymmddSSSS.F01'. ''' dtype = [ ('Date','int32'), ('ut','float64'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64')] dtype0 = [ ('dt','object'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64'), ('nothing','object')] try: data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname,Header=True,dtype=dtype0) n = data.size except: lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)[1:] n = lines.size data = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype0) data.dt = np.array([l[:14] for l in lines]) for i in range(0,n): try: data.Bx[i] = np.float64(l[14:24]) data.By[i] = np.float64(l[24:34]) data.Bz[i] = np.float64(l[34:44]) except: data.Bx[i] = np.nan data.By[i] = np.nan data.Bz[i] = np.nan out = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype) out.Bx = data.Bx out.By = data.By out.Bz = data.Bz out.Date = np.array([np.int32(s[:8]) for s in data.dt]) for i in range(0,n): h = np.int32(data.dt[i][8:10]) m = np.int32(data.dt[i][10:12]) s = np.int32(data.dt[i][12:14]) out.ut[i] = h + m/60 + s/3600.0 badx = out.Bx > 90000.0 bady = out.By > 90000.0 badz = out.Bz > 90000.0 bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0] out.Bx[bad] = np.nan out.By[bad] = np.nan out.Bz[bad] = np.nan return out
def _ReadCanopus(fname): ''' This will read the extracted 0.2 Hz Canopus data files with the file name format 'yyyymmddSSSS.MAG'. ''' dtype = [ ('Date','int32'), ('ut','float64'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64')] dtype0 = [ ('dt','object'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64'), ('nothing','object')] lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname) n = lines.size for i in range(0,n): if lines[i][0] != '#': break lines = lines[i+1:] try: data = pf.ReadASCIIData(lines.tolist(),Header=False,dtype=dtype0) except: return np.recarray(0,dtype=dtype) n = data.size out = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype) out.Bx = data.Bx out.By = data.By out.Bz = data.Bz out.Date = np.array([np.int32(s[:8]) for s in data.dt]) for i in range(0,n): h = np.int32(data.dt[i][8:10]) m = np.int32(data.dt[i][10:12]) s = np.int32(data.dt[i][12:14]) out.ut[i] = h + m/60 + s/3600.0 badx = out.Bx > 90000.0 bady = out.By > 90000.0 badz = out.Bz > 90000.0 bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0] out.Bx[bad] = np.nan out.By[bad] = np.nan out.Bz[bad] = np.nan return out
def _ReadIAGA2002(fname): ''' This function will read the IAGA 2002 data format used by INTERMAGNET. ''' dtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('ut', 'float64'), ('Bx', 'float64'), ('By', 'float64'), ('Bz', 'float64')] dtype0 = [('Date', 'object'), ('ut', 'object'), ('doy', 'int32'), ('Bx', 'float64'), ('By', 'float64'), ('Bz', 'float64'), ('Bm', 'float64')] lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname) n = lines.size for i in range(0, n): if lines[i][0:4] == 'DATE': break lines = lines[i + 1:] try: data = pf.ReadASCIIData(lines.tolist(), Header=False, dtype=dtype0) except: return np.recarray(0, dtype=dtype) n = data.size out = np.recarray(n, dtype=dtype) out.Bx = data.Bx out.By = data.By out.Bz = data.Bz out.Date = np.array([np.int32(D.replace('-', '')) for D in data.Date]) for i in range(0, n): h = np.int32(data.ut[i][0:2]) m = np.int32(data.ut[i][3:5]) s = np.float32(data.ut[i][6:]) out.ut[i] = h + m / 60 + s / 3600.0 badx = out.Bx > 90000.0 bady = out.By > 90000.0 badz = out.Bz > 90000.0 bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0] out.Bx[bad] = np.nan out.By[bad] = np.nan out.Bz[bad] = np.nan return out
def ReadMirrorAlt(Date, path): ''' Read a PAD file ''' #get the file name fname = path + '{:08d}/'.format(Date) + 'Mirror.bin' #check it exists if not os.path.isfile(fname): print('File not found') return None #read the data f = open(fname, 'rb') out = {} keys = [ 'Date', 'ut', 'utc', 'Alt', 'AltMid', 'Bm', 'BmMid', 'B0', 'AlphaN', 'AlphaS', 'BaltN', 'BaltS', 'LCAlt' ] for k in keys: if k == 'utc': dtype = 'float64' else: dtype = 'float32' out[k] = pf.ArrayFromFile(dtype, f) f.close() return out
def _ReadResList(): ''' This function will return a numpy.recarray which lists the approximate time resolutions of the MAG data between Date0,ut0 and Date1,ut1. ''' fname = Globals.ModulePath + '/__data/MagRes/res_list.dat' tmp = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, False, dtype=[('Date0', 'int32'), ('hhmm', 'int32'), ('Res', 'int32')]) n = tmp.size dtype = [('Date0', 'int32'), ('ut0', 'float32'), ('Date1', 'int32'), ('ut1', 'int32'), ('Res', 'int32')] data = np.recarray(n, dtype=dtype) ut = TT.HHMMteDec(tmp.hhmm, True, True) data.Date0 = tmp.Date0 data.ut0 = ut data.Date1[:-1] = tmp.Date0[1:] data.Date1[-1] = 99999999 data.ut1[:-1] = ut[1:] data.ut1[-1] = 24.0 data.Res = tmp.res return data
def _ReadIMAGEiaga(fname): ''' Read the mess of a format that is iaga. Name format: 'image_yyyymmdd.iaga' (10s data) ''' #read the data lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname) s = lines[0] #output dict out = {} #split into records rlen = np.int32(s[:4]) ss = np.array([s[i*rlen:(i+1)*rlen] for i in range(0,len(s)//rlen)]) nr = len(ss) #get ID ID = np.array([ss[i][12:15] for i in range(0,nr)]) IDu = np.unique(ID) for I in IDu: use = np.where(ID == I)[0] out[I] = _iaga_station(ss[use]) return out
def _ReadStations(Network): ''' Read the list of stations for a magnetometer network. ''' fname = Globals.StationPath + Network + '.list' dtype = [('Code', 'U4'), ('Station', 'object'), ('Network', 'object'), ('glat', 'float32'), ('glon', 'float32'), ('mlat', 'float32'), ('mlon', 'float32'), ('L', 'float32')] data = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname) n = data.size out = np.recarray(n, dtype=dtype) for i in range(0, n): s = data[i].split() #the number of bits which are the name ln = len(s) - 6 out[i].Code = s[0] out[i].Station = ' '.join(s[1:ln + 1]) out[i].glat = np.float32(s[1 + ln]) out[i].glon = np.float32(s[2 + ln]) out[i].mlat = np.float32(s[3 + ln]) out[i].mlon = np.float32(s[4 + ln]) out[i].L = np.float32(s[5 + ln]) out.Network[:] = Network return out
def SaveMirrorAlt(Date, path, Mirror, Overwrite=False): ''' Save mirror altitudes and fields to go with the pitch angle distribution data ''' #create the output path outpath = path + '{:08d}/'.format(Date) if not os.path.isdir(outpath): os.system('mkdir -pv ' + outpath) os.system('chmod 777 ' + outpath) #loop through and save each one fname = outpath + 'Mirror.bin' if os.path.isfile(fname) and not Overwrite: return print('saving file: {:s}'.format(fname)) f = open(fname, 'wb') keys = [ 'Date', 'ut', 'utc', 'Alt', 'AltMid', 'Bm', 'BmMid', 'B0', 'AlphaN', 'AlphaS', 'BaltN', 'BaltS', 'LCAlt' ] for k in keys: if k == 'utc': dtype = 'float64' else: dtype = 'float32' pf.ArrayToFile(Mirror[k], dtype, f) f.close() #change permissions os.system('chmod 666 ' + fname)
def ReadData(): ''' Read in the downloaded ASCII file ''' fname = Globals.MessPath + 'FIPS/ANN/FIPSProtonClass.dat' return pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, Header=True)
def ReadPAD(Date,path,SpecType): ''' Read a PAD file ''' #get the file name fname = path + '{:08d}/'.format(Date) + SpecType + '.bin' #check it exists if not os.path.isfile(fname): print('File not found') return None #read the data f = open(fname,'rb') out = {} out['Date'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('int32',f) out['ut'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32',f) out['utc'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float64',f) out['Emin'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32',f) out['Emax'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32',f) out['Alpha'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32',f) out['Flux'] = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32',f) f.close() return out
def SavePAD(Date, path, spec, Overwrite=False): ''' Save pitch angle distribution data ''' #create the output path outpath = path + '{:08d}/'.format(Date) if not os.path.isdir(outpath): os.system('mkdir -pv ' + outpath) os.system('chmod 777 ' + outpath) #create a list of spectra keys = list(spec.keys()) #loop through and save each one for k in keys: tmp = spec[k] fname = outpath + k + '.bin' if os.path.isfile(fname) and not Overwrite: continue print('saving file: {:s}'.format(fname)) f = open(fname, 'wb') pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['Date'], 'int32', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['ut'], 'float32', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['utc'], 'float64', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['Emin'], 'float32', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['Emax'], 'float32', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['Alpha'], 'float32', f) pf.ArrayToFile(tmp['Flux'], 'float32', f) f.close() #change permissions os.system('chmod 666 ' + fname)
def _UpdateDataIndex(idx, fname): ''' Updates the data index file. Input: idx: numpy.recarray containing the file names. ''' pf.WriteASCIIData(fname, idx)
def _UpdateDataIndex(idx, L): ''' Updates the data index file. Input: idx: numpy.recarray containing the file names. ''' fname = Globals.DataPath + 'Pos/PosIndex-L{:01d}.dat'.format(L) pf.WriteASCIIData(fname, idx)
def _UpdateDataIndex(idx,sc='a',Inst='hope',L='l3.moments'): ''' Updates the data index file. Input: idx: numpy.recarray containing the file names. ''' fname = Globals.DataPath+'ECT/{:s}.{:s}.{:s}.dat'.format(Inst,L,sc) pf.WriteASCIIData(fname,idx)
def ReadSolarRotations(): ''' Read the file containing the solar rotations. ''' path = Globals.OutputPath + 'Sun/' fname = path + '/SunRotations.dat' return pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, dtype=dtype)
def _UpdateDataIndex(idx,sc='a'): ''' Updates the data index file. Input: idx: numpy.recarray containing the file names. ''' fname = Globals.DataPath+'MagEph/{:s}.dat'.format(sc) pf.WriteASCIIData(fname,idx)
def ReadMatrix(Name='P-3-m-2'): ''' Read one of the test matrices. ''' fname = Globals.MatrixPath + '{:s}.bin'.format(Name) f = open(fname, 'rb') P = pf.ArrayFromFile('float32', f) f.close() return P
def _UpdateDataIndex(idx): ''' Updates the data index file. Input: idx: numpy.recarray containing the file names, time resolution and dates for all data files ''' fname = Globals.DataPath + 'DataIndex.dat' pf.WriteASCIIData(fname, idx)
def _ReadMSHCrossings(): ''' Reads the file contining the list of crossings of MESSENGER through the magnetosheath. Returns: numpy.recarray ''' fname = Globals.ModulePath + '__data/MSHCrossings.dat' dtype = [('Date0', 'int32'), ('ut0', 'float32'), ('Date1', 'int32'), ('ut1', 'float32'), ('dir', 'U1')] return pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, Header=False, dtype=dtype)
def _ReadMercurySpeed(): ''' Reads the file which stored Mercury's orbital speed from 20080101 to 20150431. ''' fname = Globals.ModulePath + '/__data/MercurySpeed.dat' data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, Header=True, dtype=[('Date', 'int32'), ('utc', 'float64'), ('v', 'float32')]) return data
def _GetDateFiles(date): #split date yr = date // 10000 mn = (date % 10000) // 100 dy = date % 100 #get the url to search url = url0.format(yr, mn, dy) #download it os.system('wget --no-verbose ' + url + ' -O tmp.html') #read it in files = [] lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile('tmp.html') for l in lines: s = l.split("'") for ss in s: if ".F01.gz" in ss and not '<' in ss: files.append(ss) files = np.array(files) #delete tmp file os.system('rm tmp.html') #get the fnames fnames = [] for f in files: s = f.split('/') fnames.append(s[-1]) fnames = np.array(fnames) #output files ofiles = [] opath = datapath.format(yr) if not os.path.isdir(opath): os.system('mkdir -pv ' + opath) for f in fnames: o = opath + f ofiles.append(o) ofiles = np.array(ofiles) n = ofiles.size #download them for i in range(0, n): os.system('wget --no-verbose ' + '' + files[i] + ' -O ' + ofiles[i])
def _ReadMET(): ''' Reads a data file containing the mission elapsed times (METs) at the start of every date from 20080101 - 20150430. Returns: numpy.recarray ''' fname = Globals.ModulePath + '__data/MessengerMET.dat' dtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('ut', 'float32'), ('MET', 'float64')] data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, dtype=dtype) return data
def SaveSpeed(Date0=19500101, Date1=20500101): Dates = ListDates(Date0, Date1) ut = np.zeros(Dates.size, dtype='float32') s = Speed(Dates) sdtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('utc', 'float64'), ('v', 'float32')] data = np.recarray(Dates.size, dtype=sdtype) data.Date = Dates data.utc = ContUT(data.Date, np.zeros(data.size)) data.v = s fname = Globals.OutputPath + 'Mercury/MercurySpeed.dat' pf.WriteASCIIData(fname, data)
def _ReadIndexFile(fname): ''' This will be reading the index file for a single magnetometer station. ''' dtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('Station', 'object'), ('Res', 'float32'), ('File', 'object'), ('SubDir', 'object')] if os.path.isfile(fname): data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, Header=True, dtype=dtype) else: data = np.recarray(0, dtype=dtype) return data
def _ReadIMAGE1s(fname): ''' this is for reading the files with the name 'SSS_yyyymmdd.txt' ''' dtype0 = [ ('yr','int32'), ('mn','int32'), ('dy','int32'), ('hh','int32'), ('mm','int32'), ('ss','int32'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64')] dtype = [ ('Date','int32'), ('ut','float64'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64')] try: data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname,Header=False,dtype=dtype0) except: return np.recarray(0,dtype=dtype) badx = data.Bx > 90000.0 bady = data.By > 90000.0 badz = data.Bz > 90000.0 bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0] data.Bx[bad] = np.nan data.By[bad] = np.nan data.Bz[bad] = np.nan n = data.size out = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype) out.Date = TT.DateJoin(data.yr,,data.dy) out.ut = TT.HHMMtoDec(data.hh,, out.Bx = data.Bx out.By = data.By out.Bz = data.Bz return out
def _ReadCarisma8Hz(fname): ''' This format is different to the others ''' dtype = [ ('Date','int32'), ('ut','float64'), ('Bx','float64'), ('By','float64'), ('Bz','float64')] lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)[1:] nrec = lines.size//9 n = 8*nrec data = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype) dt = np.arange(8)*0.125/3600.0 for i in range(0,nrec): i0 = i*8 i1 = (i+1)*8 l0 = i*9 s = lines[l0].split() data.Date[i0:i1] = np.int32(s[0]) hh = np.int32(s[1][0:2]) mm = np.int32(s[1][2:4]) ss = np.int32(s[1][4:6]) data.ut[i0:i1] = (hh + mm/60.0 + ss/3600.0) + dt for j in range(0,8): s = np.float64(lines[l0 + 1 + j].split()) data.Bx[i0 + j] = s[0] data.By[i0 + j] = s[1] data.Bz[i0 + j] = s[2] badx = data.Bx > 90000.0 bady = data.By > 90000.0 badz = data.Bz > 90000.0 bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0] data.Bx[bad] = np.nan data.By[bad] = np.nan data.Bz[bad] = np.nan return data
def _ReadDataIndex(): ''' Reads an index file containing the file names, update dates and resolutions. ''' #define the datatype dtype = [('FileName', 'object'), ('OldFileName', 'object'), ('UpdateDate', 'object'), ('Res', 'int32')] #check if the index file exists fname = Globals.DataPath + 'DataIndex.dat' if not os.path.isfile(fname): return np.recarray(0, dtype=dtype) #if it does exist, then read it data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, Header=True, dtype=dtype) return data
def _ParseFTP(): ''' This routine will read the FTP index file looking for file names and their associated update dates. ''' #read the file in fname = Globals.DataPath + 'tmp/index.html' lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname) nl = np.size(lines) #firstly, search for the lines which contain 'omni_min' or 'omni_5min' use = np.zeros(nl, dtype='int') for i in range(0, nl): if 'omni_min' in lines[i]: use[i] = 1 elif 'omni_5min' in lines[i]: use[i] = 5 keep = np.where(use > 0)[0] Res = use[keep] lines = lines[keep] nl = lines.size #now to extract the FTP address, file name and update dates UpdateDates = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object') Addresses = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object') FileNames = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object') for i in range(0, nl): #deal with date first s = lines[i].split() UpdateDates[i] = s[1] #now let's get the ftp address #s = lines[i].split('"') Addresses[ i] = '' + s[ 0] #now the file name #s = s[1].split('/') FileNames[i] = s[0] return FileNames, Addresses, UpdateDates, Res
def ReadPDSMAG(fname): ''' This will read in the .TAB datafile and output a numpy.recarray Inputs: fname: file name and path ''' pdsdtype = [ ('Year','int32'), ('DOY','int32'), ('Hour','int32'), ('Min','int32'), ('Sec','float32'), ('MET','float32'), ('Xmso','float32'), ('Ymso','float32'), ('Zmso','float32'), ('Bx','float32'), ('By','float32'), ('Bz','float32'), ('Loc','U2')] data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname,False,dtype=pdsdtype) dtype = MagGlobals.dtypes['MSM'] n = data.size out = np.recarray(n,dtype) out.Date = np.array([TT.DayNotoDate(data.Year[i],data.DOY[i])[0] for i in range(0,n)]) out.ut = np.float32(data.Hour) + np.float32(data.Min)/60.0 + np.float32(data.Sec)/3600.0 out.utc = ContUT(out.Date,out.ut) out.Xmso = data.Xmso/2440.0 out.Ymso = data.Ymso/2440.0 out.Zmso = data.Zmso/2440.0 out.Xmsm = data.Xmso/2440.0 out.Ymsm = data.Ymso/2440.0 out.Zmsm = data.Zmso/2440.0 - 0.196 out.Bx = data.Bx out.By = data.By out.Bz = data.Bz out.Loc = GetRegion(out.Date,out.ut,out.utc,Verbose=False) return out
def _ReadDataIndex(sc='a'): ''' Reads index file containing a list of all of the dates with their associated data file name (so that we can pick the version automatically). ''' #define the dtype dtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('FileName', 'object'), ('Version', 'int16')] #find the file fname = Globals.DataPath + 'MagEph/{:s}.dat'.format(sc) #check it exists if not os.path.isfile(fname): return np.recarray(0, dtype=dtype) #read the index file data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname, True, dtype=dtype) return data