예제 #1
def price_call_discount_iter(no_of_steps, r0, k, ravg, step_size, sigma, time,
                             expiry, fv, no_of_sim, strike, is_explicit):
    randoms = np.random.normal(0, 1, no_of_steps)
    r_path = build_r_path(r0, no_of_steps, k, ravg, step_size, sigma, randoms)

    if is_explicit:
        price = Question1.price_discount_bond_explicit(r_path[no_of_steps - 1],
                                                       sigma, k, ravg, expiry,
                                                       time, fv)
        price = Question1.price_discount_bond(
            r_path[no_of_steps - 1], sigma, k, ravg, fv, time - expiry,
            2 * (time - expiry) / no_of_steps, no_of_sim)

    return math.exp(-sum(r_path) * step_size) * max(price - strike, 0.0)
예제 #2
def main():

    tTotal = 350
    repeat = 25

    # Run the two given simulations
    print 'Running simulation 1/2'
    sim1 = runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.01, 5.0)
    print 'Running simulation 2/2'
    sim2 = Erdos.runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.01, 5.0)


    printGraph(sim1, tTotal, repeat, "Scale-free network", stepsize=1)
    printGraph(sim2, tTotal, repeat, "Erdos-Renyi network", stepsize=1)


    plt.title("Question 4a with 2 simulations")

    print """ The figure shows the Erdos-Renyi and scale-free network simulation for <k>=5, i=0.1 and N=10^5. Every simulation is simulated with """ + str(
        tTotal) + """ steps and this is repeated
    """ + str(repeat) + """ times. """

예제 #3
def calculate_price_implicit(sigma, dx, step_size, r0, time, strike, k, ravg,
                             fv, expiry):

    no_of_paths = int(r0 / dx)

    # Generate rates and calculate terminal prices
    rate_path = [
        r0 + dx * count for count in range(no_of_paths, -no_of_paths - 1, -1)

    prices_ter = [
            Question1.price_discount_bond(rate, sigma, k, ravg, fv,
                                          (time - expiry), 1 / 252, 1000) -
            strike, 0.0) for rate in rate_path

    # Generate call Prices
    max_time_steps = int(expiry / step_size)
    call_prices = np.full([2 * no_of_paths + 1, max_time_steps], np.nan)
    call_prices[:, (max_time_steps - 1)] = prices_ter

    # Calculate price at every time
    for count in range(max_time_steps - 2, -1, -1):
                    count] = calculate_IFD(no_of_paths, call_prices[:,
                                                                    count + 1],
                                           rate_path, step_size, sigma, dx,
                                           ravg, k)

    return call_prices[no_of_paths, 0]
def linear_regression_with_single_attribute(
        training_set, testing_set,
        k):  # k is the index of that attribute in data array, 0<=k<13
    x = np.ones((len(training_set), 2))  # 2d matrix with 2 columns
    array_y = []
    row = 0
    for d in training_set:
        x[row][0] = d[k]
        row += 1
    y = np.array(array_y)
    w = np.around(Question1.calculate_regression_coefficient(x, y), 5)
    training_mse = calculate_MSE(w, x, y)

    # Using the testing set to calculate mse
    test_x = np.ones((len(testing_set), 2))
    test_array_y = []
    row = 0
    for t in testing_set:
        test_x[row][0] = t[k]
        row += 1
    test_y = np.array(test_array_y)
    testing_mse = calculate_MSE(w, test_x, test_y)
    result = []
    result.append(np.around(training_mse, 5))
    result.append(np.around(testing_mse, 5))
    return result
예제 #5
def _main():
    fileName = 'Subject005Trial08.txt'
    forcePlateNames = ['FP1']
    footMarkerNames = ['RHEE', 'RMT5']
    forceData = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, forcePlateNames, suffix='ForX')
    momentData = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, forcePlateNames, suffix='MomX')
    copData = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, forcePlateNames, suffix='CopX')
    markerData = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, footMarkerNames)

    xCoords = np.zeros(400)
    zCoords = np.zeros_like(xCoords)
    yTorques = np.zeros_like(xCoords)

    for i, frame in enumerate(range(600,1000)):
        xCoords[i], zCoords[i], yTorques[i] = calcualteCop(forceData['FP1'][frame], momentData['FP1'][frame])
        # print xCoord, copData['FP1'][i,0], zCoord, copData['FP1'][i,2], yTorque

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3)
    xVals = np.arange(600, 1000)*0.01
    ax[0].plot(xVals, xCoords, color='g', linewidth=2)
    ax[1].plot(xVals, zCoords, color='r', linewidth=2)
    ax[2].plot(xVals, yTorques, color='b', linewidth=2)

    ax[2].set_xlabel('Time (s)')

    for i in range(3):

    fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(nrows=1)
    copx = ax2.plot(xVals, xCoords, color='g', linewidth=2)
    rhee = ax2.plot(xVals, markerData['RHEE'][600:1000,0], color='c', linewidth=2.5)
    rmt = ax2.plot(xVals, markerData['RMT5'][600:1000,0], color='m', linewidth=2.5)

    ax2.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'$COP_x, Marker_x$')
    fig2.legend([copx[0], rhee[0], rmt[0]], (r'$COP_x$', 'RHEE', 'RMT5'),
               loc='upper center', ncol=3, borderpad=0.4, numpoints=2, columnspacing=0.5)

예제 #6
def question4(market_price, oas):
    y = 0.0005
    wac = 0.08
    loan = 100000
    r0 = 0.078
    k = 0.6
    ravg = 0.08
    sigma = 0.12
    time = 30
    no_of_sim = 1000

    price_plus = Question1.price_mbs(wac, loan, r0, k, ravg, sigma, time, "NUMERIX", no_of_sim, oas + y)

    price_minus = Question1.price_mbs(wac, loan, r0, k, ravg, sigma, time, "NUMERIX", no_of_sim, oas - y)

    duration = (price_minus - price_plus)/(2*y*market_price)
    convexity = (price_plus + price_minus - 2*market_price)/(2* market_price * (y**2))

    print("OAS Duration is {0:.4f}".format(duration))
    print("OAS Convexity is {0:.4f}".format(convexity))
예제 #7
def main():
    coupled = euler()
    tTotal = 15

    # Run the coupled ODE functions
    coupled.calc(f=coupled.coupledODE, N=10**5, averageK=5.0, initial=0.001, risk=0.01, steps=tTotal, name='Question 1 <k>=5.0 & i=0.01')
    coupled.calc(f=coupled.coupledODE, N=10**5, averageK=.8, initial=0.001, risk=0.1, steps=tTotal, name='Question 1 <k>=0.8 & i=0.1')
    # Run the erdos simulation
    repeat = 30
    print 'Running simulation 1/2'
    sim1 = Erdos.runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.01, 5.0)
    print 'Running simulation 2/2'
    sim2 = Erdos.runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.1, 0.8)
    Erdos.printGraph(sim1, tTotal, repeat, "N=10^5, i = 0.01, <k> = 5.0", stepsize=1)
    Erdos.printGraph(sim2, tTotal, repeat, "N=10^5, i = 0.1, <k> = 0.8", stepsize=1)
    print """ Alle methoden zijn uitgevoerd met de gegeven waarden uit de opgaves. De Erdos methodes is 
    """ + str(repeat) + """ keer uitgevoerd voor een beter gemiddeld resultaat. Verder zijn nu voor alle methodes 
    """ + str(tTotal) + """ stappen berekend. """

예제 #8
def _main():
    # Define the file that contains the data, the desired range of frames, and the marker names that will be used.
    fileName = 'Subject005Trial08.txt'
    frames = range(600, 1000)
    desiredPointNames3 = ['RGTRO', 'RHEE', 'RMT5']
    desiredPointNames5 = ['RGTRO', 'RLEK', 'RLM', 'RHEE', 'RMT5']

    # Parse the marker data, and define the number of frames and number of markers
    marker3Data = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, desiredPointNames3)
    marker5Data = Question1.parsePointFile(fileName, desiredPointNames5)
    frameNumber = len(frames)

    # Define the leg model
    femurLength = 0.46  # m
    shankLength = 0.41  # m
    footLength = 0.20  # m

    femurAxis = np.array([0.0, -1])
    shankAxis = np.array([0.0, -1])
    footAxis = np.array([1, 0.0])

    femurBody = BodySegment(femurLength, femurAxis)
    shankBody = BodySegment(shankLength, shankAxis)
    footBody = BodySegment(footLength, footAxis)

    bodySegments = [femurBody, shankBody, footBody]

    initialGuess = np.array([0.38, 0.84, 40.0, -60.0, 0.0])#np.zeros(5)
    marker3Results = run3MarkerForwardKinematics(marker3Data, bodySegments, frameNumber, frames, initialGuess)
    marker5Results = run5MarkerForwardKinematics(marker5Data, bodySegments, frameNumber, frames, initialGuess)
    print 'Tx = ', min(marker3Results[:,0]), max(marker3Results[:,0])
    print 'Ty = ', min(marker3Results[:,1]), max(marker3Results[:,1])
    print 'hip = ', min(marker3Results[:,2]), max(marker3Results[:,2])
    print 'knee = ', min(marker3Results[:,3]), max(marker3Results[:,3])
    print 'foot = ', min(marker3Results[:,4]), max(marker3Results[:,4])
    plotGeneralizedCoordinates([marker3Results, marker5Results])
def linear_regression_with_all_attributes(training_set, testing_set):
    x = np.ones((len(training_set), 14))  # 2d matrix with 14 columns
    array_y = []
    row = 0
    for t in training_set:
        # put the elements of t into the row
        column = 0
        while column < 13:
            x[row][column] = t[column]
            column += 1
        row += 1
    y = np.array(array_y)
    w = np.around(Question1.calculate_regression_coefficient(x, y), 7)
    # print w

    error = []

    # calculate mse on training set
    training_error = calculate_MSE(w, x, y)

    # calculate mse on testing set
    test_x = np.ones((len(testing_set), 14))
    test_array_y = []
    row = 0
    for t in testing_set:
        column = 0
        while column < 13:
            test_x[row][column] = t[column]
            column += 1
        row += 1
    test_y = np.array(test_array_y)
    testing_error = calculate_MSE(w, test_x, test_y)

    return error
예제 #10
def main():

    tTotal = 350
    repeat = 25

    # Run the two given simulations
    print 'Running simulation 1/2'
    sim1 = runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.01, 5.0)
    print 'Running simulation 2/2'
    sim2 = Erdos.runSim(tTotal, repeat, 10**5, 0.01, 5.0)


    printGraph(sim1, tTotal, repeat, "Scale-free network", stepsize=1)
    printGraph(sim2, tTotal, repeat, "Erdos-Renyi network", stepsize=1)


    plt.title("Question 4a with 2 simulations")

    print """ The figure shows the Erdos-Renyi and scale-free network simulation for <k>=5, i=0.1 and N=10^5. Every simulation is simulated with """ + str(tTotal) + """ steps and this is repeated
    """ + str(repeat) + """ times. """

예제 #11
    def main():

예제 #12
 def test_both_spaces(self):
         Question1.remove_white_espace("  hi there what's up  "),
         "hi there what's up")
예제 #13
    if not (pain in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]):
        raise ValueError('Pain level can only take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5')

    score = dictCoefficients['Vision'][vision - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Hearing'][hearing - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Speech'][speech - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Ambulation'][ambulation - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Dexterity'][dexterity - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Emotion'][emotion - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Cognition'][cognition - 1]
    score *= dictCoefficients['Pain'][pain - 1]
    score *= MultConstant
    score -= Constant

    return score

## TESTING using the values online

import Question1 as eq

# should equal ~0.70
print("Score for 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3")
print(eq.get_score(2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3))

# should equal 1
print(eq.get_score(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

# enter score that isn't valid - ValueError message should pop up for hearing level
print(eq.get_score(1, 7, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1))
예제 #14
    def main():
