예제 #1
def npart(iterations):
    # Initial conditions; dependent on you system

    T = 0.5
    mu = -5.751  # I found this by plotting. It is good for T=0.5; i=0
    nmid = 0.0439651327587  # I found this from running the code with the above mu
    mu = -RG.df_dn(T, nmid, iterations)

    Tc = 1.3295  # Rough estimate based on previous plots
    Tlow = T

    # Bounds of minimization.
    # Use range that works for many temperatures
    # Outside bounds
    a_vap = 1e-10 / (RG.sigma ** 3 * np.pi / 6)
    c_liq = 0.75 / (RG.sigma ** 3 * np.pi / 6)
    # Use the central max as the inside bound
    nmid = 0.2 / (RG.sigma ** 3 * np.pi / 6)  # ad-hoc for now
    # nmid = minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi,T,a_vap,c_liq,mu,iterations)


    # Open file for output
    fout = open("figs/coexistence_RG-i%d-out.dat" % iterations, "w")

    # label the columns of the output
    fout.write("#T     nvapor    nmid     nliquid       phi(nvap)       phi(nmid)         phi(nliq)         mu\n")

    # Do first temperature before the loop
    nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
    nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
    print "  initial nvap,phi_vap", nvapor, phi_vapor
    print "  initial nmid,phi_mid", nmid, RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations)
    print "  initial nliq,phi_liq", nliquid, phi_liquid
    print "  initial mu", mu

    # while T < 1.4:
    for j in xrange(0, N + 1):
        # Temp points get closer as we near the critical point
        T = (Tc - Tlow) * (1 - ((N - j) / N) ** 4) + Tlow
        print "  T =", T


        # I'm looking at the minima of RG.phi
        # Use the local max between vapor and liquid to set the boundary for each minimization
        # nmid = minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi,T,nvapor, nliquid, mu,iterations)
        mu = -RG.df_dn(T, nmid, iterations)
        # a_vap = max(nmid - 2.0*(nmid - nvapor), a_vap)
        # c_liq = nmid + 2.0*(nliquid - nmid)

        nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
        nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
        phi_mid = RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations)

        tol = 1e-9

        # Compare the two minima in RG.phi
        # print '    entering while loop'
        while np.fabs(phi_vapor - phi_liquid) / np.fabs(phi_mid) > tol:  # np.fabs casts output as float
            # print '    whilecond =',np.fabs(phi_vapor - phi_liquid)/np.fabs(phi_mid)

            delta_mu = (phi_liquid - phi_vapor) / (nliquid - nvapor)
            # print '      delta_mu=',delta_mu

            # Change mu
            mu += delta_mu

            # find new values for nvap, nmid, nliq and phi_vap, phi_mid, phi_liq
            nmid, phi_mid = (
                minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi, T, nvapor, nliquid, mu, iterations),
                RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations),
            nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
            nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
            # print '      nvap,phi(nvap)',nvapor,phi_vapor
            # print '        etavap',nvapor*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '      nmid,phi(nmid)',nmid,phi_mid
            # print '        etamid',nmid*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '      nliq,phi(nliq)',nliquid,phi_liquid
            # print '        etaliq',nliquid*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '\n'

        # if j > N - 20:
        #   plt.figure()
        #   delta_n = nliquid - nvapor
        #   nvals = np.arange(max(nvapor - delta_n, a_vap), min(nliquid + delta_n, c_liq), 0.01*delta_n)
        #   phivals = np.zeros_like(nvals)
        #   for i in range(len(nvals)):
        #     phivals[i] = RG.phi(T,nvals[i],mu,iterations)
        #   plt.plot(nvals*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, phivals, 'b-')
        #   plt.plot(nliquid*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nliquid,mu,iterations), 'o')
        #   plt.plot(nvapor*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nvapor,mu,iterations), 'o')
        #   plt.plot(nmid*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nmid,mu,iterations), '+')
        #   plt.title('T = %.14g' % T)

        if nmid == nvapor or nmid == nliquid:
            print "I have achieved silliness!"
            print "This occurred at T =", T
            # break
        # print '    left while loop'
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        fout.write("  ")
        # print '   T, etaVap, etaLiq, mu',T,nvapor/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6),nliquid/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6),mu
        # print '\n'
예제 #2
def npart(iterations):
    # Initial conditions; dependent on you system

    T = 0.5
    mu = -5.751 # I found this by plotting. It is good for T=0.5; i=0
    nmid = 0.0439651327587 # I found this from running the code with the above mu
    mu = -RG.df_dn(T, nmid, iterations)

    Tc = 1.3295 # Rough estimate based on previous plots
    Tlow = T

    # Bounds of minimization.
    # Use range that works for many temperatures
    # Outside bounds
    a_vap = 1e-10/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6)
    c_liq = 0.75/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6)
    # Use the central max as the inside bound
    nmid = 0.2/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6) # ad-hoc for now
    # nmid = minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi,T,a_vap,c_liq,mu,iterations)


    # Open file for output
    fout = open('figs/coexistence_RG-i%d-out.dat'%iterations, 'w')

    # label the columns of the output
    fout.write('#T     nvapor    nmid     nliquid       phi(nvap)       phi(nmid)         phi(nliq)         mu\n')

    # Do first temperature before the loop
    nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
    nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
    print('  initial nvap,phi_vap', nvapor, phi_vapor)
    print('  initial nmid,phi_mid', nmid, RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations))
    print('  initial nliq,phi_liq', nliquid, phi_liquid)
    print('  initial mu', mu)

    #while T < 1.4:
    for j in range(0, N+1):
        # Temp points get closer as we near the critical point
        T = (Tc - Tlow)*(1 - ((N-j)/N)**4) + Tlow
        print('  T =', T)


        # I'm looking at the minima of RG.phi
        # Use the local max between vapor and liquid to set the boundary for each minimization
        #nmid = minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi,T,nvapor, nliquid, mu,iterations)
        mu = -RG.df_dn(T, nmid, iterations)
        #a_vap = max(nmid - 2.0*(nmid - nvapor), a_vap)
        #c_liq = nmid + 2.0*(nliquid - nmid)

        nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
        nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
        phi_mid = RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations)

        tol = 1e-9

        # Compare the two minima in RG.phi
        # print '    entering while loop'
        while np.fabs(phi_vapor - phi_liquid)/np.fabs(phi_mid) > tol: # np.fabs casts output as float
            # print '    whilecond =',np.fabs(phi_vapor - phi_liquid)/np.fabs(phi_mid)

            delta_mu = (phi_liquid - phi_vapor)/(nliquid - nvapor)
            # print '      delta_mu=',delta_mu

            # Change mu
            mu += delta_mu

            # find new values for nvap, nmid, nliq and phi_vap, phi_mid, phi_liq
            nmid, phi_mid = minmax_RG.maximize(RG.phi, T, nvapor, nliquid, mu, iterations), RG.phi(T, nmid, mu, iterations)
            nvapor, phi_vapor = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, a_vap, nmid, mu, iterations)
            nliquid, phi_liquid = minmax_RG.minimize(RG.phi, T, nmid, c_liq, mu, iterations)
            # print '      nvap,phi(nvap)',nvapor,phi_vapor
            # print '        etavap',nvapor*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '      nmid,phi(nmid)',nmid,phi_mid
            # print '        etamid',nmid*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '      nliq,phi(nliq)',nliquid,phi_liquid
            # print '        etaliq',nliquid*RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6
            # print '\n'

        # if j > N - 20:
        #   plt.figure()
        #   delta_n = nliquid - nvapor
        #   nvals = np.arange(max(nvapor - delta_n, a_vap), min(nliquid + delta_n, c_liq), 0.01*delta_n)
        #   phivals = np.zeros_like(nvals)
        #   for i in range(len(nvals)):
        #     phivals[i] = RG.phi(T,nvals[i],mu,iterations)
        #   plt.plot(nvals*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, phivals, 'b-')
        #   plt.plot(nliquid*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nliquid,mu,iterations), 'o')
        #   plt.plot(nvapor*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nvapor,mu,iterations), 'o')
        #   plt.plot(nmid*np.pi*RG.sigma**3/6, RG.phi(T,nmid,mu,iterations), '+')
        #   plt.title('T = %.14g' % T)

        if nmid == nvapor or nmid == nliquid:
          print('I have achieved silliness!')
          print('This occurred at T =', T)
        # print '    left while loop'
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        fout.write('  ')
        # print '   T, etaVap, etaLiq, mu',T,nvapor/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6),nliquid/(RG.sigma**3*np.pi/6),mu
        # print '\n'