예제 #1
def predictMain(modelName,sc):
    timeSteps= 30                                                                   # No of past values that has to be used for Training purpose
    print "Going to Initialize the LSTM model"
    print("The following are the SMART parameters:",SMARTparameters)
    lstm = ls.cloudLSTM(timeSteps=timeSteps,parms=SMARTparameters)                  # Initializing the DiskPrediction Model(LSTM Model)
    print "Initialized the Model"
    lstmModel = lstm.get_LSTM_Model()                   			    # Obtaining the LSTM model for initializing SparkModel Class
    trainSize= 0.2                                                                  # Fraction of input used for Training purpose
    acc = 0.0                                                                       # Model accuracy
    inputFilePath = os.environ.get('DATA_FILE_PATH')                                # Get the Input CSV filepath from environment
    year=sys.argv[1]                                                                # get the year from the Command Line arguments
    month=sys.argv[2]                                                               # get the month from the Command Line arguments
    inputFilePath=inputFilePath+str(year)+"/"+str(year)+"-"+str(month)+"*.csv"  # For E.g "/home/user/Desktop/Cloud/Test/2014/2014-11*.csv"
    inputCSVFilePath = os.environ.get('MODEL_CSV_FILEPATH')+str(modelName)+".csv"    # For E.g "/hadoop/elephas/Output/ST4000DM000.csv"

    modelFeatures = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=inputCSVFilePath,usecols=SMARTparameters)
    modelLabel = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=inputCSVFilePath,usecols=['failure'])   #"/hadoop/elephas/Output/ST4000DM000.csv"

    # Removing Not A Number values from the Input Dataframe
    modelFeatures = modelFeatures.fillna(0)
    modelLabel = modelLabel.fillna(0)

    # Obtaining 3D training and testing vectors
    (feature_train, label_train), (feature_test, label_test) = lstm.train_test_split(modelFeatures,modelLabel,trainSize,timeSteps)

    # Condition to check whether the failure cases exists in the data
    if len(feature_train)==0:
        print("DiskModel has no failure eleements. Training of the model cannot proceed!!")
    # Initializing the Adam Optimizer for Elephas
    adam = elephas_optimizers.Adam()
    print "Adam Optimizer initialized"
    #Converting Dataframe to Spark RDD
    rddataset = to_simple_rdd(sc, feature_train, label_train)
    print "Training data converted into Resilient Distributed Dataset"
    #Initializing the SparkModel with Optimizer,Master-Worker Mode and Number of Workers
    spark_model = SparkModel(sc,lstmModel,optimizer=adam ,frequency='epoch', mode='asynchronous', num_workers=2)
    print "Spark Model Initialized"
    #Initial training run of the model
    spark_model.train(rddataset, nb_epoch=10, batch_size=200, verbose=1, validation_split=0)
    # Saving the model
    score = spark_model.evaluate(feature_test, label_test,show_accuracy=True)

    while(score <= 0.5):
        # Training the Input Data set
        spark_model.train(rddataset, nb_epoch=10, batch_size=200, verbose=1, validation_split=0)
        print "LSTM model training done !!"
        score = spark_model.evaluate(feature_test, label_test,show_accuracy=True)
    print "Saving weights!!"
    print "LSTM model testing commencing !!"
    df_confusion = pd.crosstab(label_test.flatten(), predicted1.flatten(), rownames=['Actual'], colnames=['Predicted'], margins=True)
    print df_confusion
def main():
    SMARTparms= getSMARTParameters()
    testLSTM = cloudLSTM(SMARTparms,30)
    diskModelFilePath= "/home/user/Desktop/Cloud/Output/"+modelName+".csv"
    testFeature = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=diskModelFilePath,usecols=SMARTparms)
    testLabel = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=diskModelFilePath,usecols=['failure'])