예제 #1
def calculateResearchPriority():
    "calculates the AI empire's demand for research"

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    industryPriority = foAI.foAIstate.getPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION)
    gotAlgo = empire.getTechStatus("LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE") == fo.techStatus.complete
    researchQueueList = ResearchAI.getResearchQueueTechs()
    orbGenTech = "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"
    totalPP = empire.productionPoints
    totalRP = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    industrySurge=   (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and  ( totalPP <(30*(foAI.foAIstate.aggression))  )  and (orbGenTech  in researchQueueList[:3]  or  empire.getTechStatus(orbGenTech) == fo.techStatus.complete)
    # get current industry production & Target
    ownedPlanetIDs = PlanetUtilsAI.getOwnedPlanetsByEmpire(universe.planetIDs, empireID)
    planets = map(universe.getPlanet,  ownedPlanetIDs)
    targetRP = sum( map( lambda x: x.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch),  planets) )

    styleIndex = empireID%2
    cutoffSets =  [ [25, 45, 70  ],  [35,  50,  70  ]   ]
    cutoffs = cutoffSets[styleIndex  ] 
    settings = [ [2, .6, .4, .35  ],  [1.4,  .7,  .4, .35   ]   ][styleIndex  ] 
    if industrySurge and True:
        researchPriority =  0.2 * industryPriority
        if  (fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[0]) or not gotAlgo:
            researchPriority = settings[0] * industryPriority # high research at beginning of game to get easy gro tech and to get research booster Algotrithmic Elegance
        elif fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[1]:
            researchPriority = settings[1] * industryPriority# med-high research 
        elif fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[2]:
            researchPriority = settings[2] * industryPriority # med-high  industry 
            researchQueue = list(empire.researchQueue)
            researchPriority = settings[3] * industryPriority # high  industry , low research 
            if len(researchQueue) == 0 :
                researchPriority = 0 # done with research
            elif len(researchQueue) <5 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority =  len(researchQueue) # barely not done with research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <10 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 4+ len(researchQueue) # almost done with research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <20 and researchQueue[int(len(researchQueue)/2)].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 0.5 * researchPriority # closing in on end of research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <20:
                researchPriority = 0.7*researchPriority # high  industry , low research 

    print  ""
    print  "Research Production (current/target) : ( %.1f / %.1f )"%(totalRP,  targetRP)
    print  "Priority for Research: " + str(researchPriority)

    return researchPriority
예제 #2
def calculateResearchPriority():
    "calculates the AI empire's demand for research"

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    gotAlgo = empire.getTechStatus("LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE") == fo.techStatus.complete
    researchQueueList = ResearchAI.getResearchQueueTechs()
    orbGenTech = "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"
    totalPP = empire.productionPoints
    totalRP = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    industrySurge=   (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and  ( totalPP <(30*(foAI.foAIstate.aggression))  )  and (orbGenTech  in researchQueueList[:3]  or  empire.getTechStatus(orbGenTech) == fo.techStatus.complete)
    # get current industry production & Target
    ownedPlanetIDs = PlanetUtilsAI.getOwnedPlanetsByEmpire(universe.planetIDs, empireID)
    planets = map(universe.getPlanet,  ownedPlanetIDs)
    targetRP = sum( map( lambda x: x.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch),  planets) )

    styleIndex = empireID%2
    styleAdjustmentMap = {0:0,  1:0}#TODO: decide if I want to do anything with this
    styleAdjustment = styleAdjustmentMap.get( styleIndex,  0 )
    cutoffSets =  [ [25, 45, 70  ],  [35,  50,  70  ]   ]
    cutoffs = cutoffSets[styleIndex  ] 
    settings = [ [100, 40, 35, 30  ],  [70,  40,  30,  25  ]   ][styleIndex  ] 
    if industrySurge and True:
        researchPriority =  15+styleAdjustment
        if  (fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[0]) or not gotAlgo:
            researchPriority = settings[0] # mid industry , high research at beginning of game to get easy gro tech and to get research booster Algotrithmic Elegance
        elif fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[1]:
            researchPriority = settings[1] +styleAdjustment# mid industry , mid research 
        elif fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[2]:
            researchPriority = settings[2]+styleAdjustment # high  industry , low research 
            researchQueue = list(empire.researchQueue)
            researchPriority = settings[3]+styleAdjustment # high  industry , low research 
            if len(researchQueue) == 0 :
                researchPriority = 0 # done with research
            elif len(researchQueue) <5 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority =  len(researchQueue) # barely not done with research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <10 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 2 # almost done with research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <20 and researchQueue[int(len(researchQueue)/2)].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 5 # closing in on end of research 
            elif len(researchQueue) <20:
                researchPriority = 10 # high  industry , low research 

    print  ""
    print  "Research Production (current/target) : ( %.1f / %.1f )"%(totalRP,  targetRP)
    print  "Priority for Research: " + str(researchPriority)

    return researchPriority
예제 #3
def calculateResearchPriority():
    "calculates the AI empire's demand for research"

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empireID = empire.empireID

    industryPriority = foAI.foAIstate.getPriority(EnumsAI.AIPriorityType.PRIORITY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION)

    gotAlgo = empire.getTechStatus("LRN_ALGO_ELEGANCE") == fo.techStatus.complete
    got_quant = empire.getTechStatus("LRN_QUANT_NET") == fo.techStatus.complete
    researchQueueList = ResearchAI.getResearchQueueTechs()
    orbGenTech = "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"
    got_orb_gen = (empire.getTechStatus("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN") == fo.techStatus.complete)
    got_solar_gen = (empire.getTechStatus("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN") == fo.techStatus.complete)

    totalPP = empire.productionPoints
    totalRP = empire.resourceProduction(fo.resourceType.research)
    industrySurge=   (foAI.foAIstate.aggression > fo.aggression.cautious) and  ( totalPP <(30*(foAI.foAIstate.aggression))  )  and (orbGenTech  in researchQueueList[:3]  or  empire.getTechStatus(orbGenTech) == fo.techStatus.complete)
    # get current industry production & Target
    ownedPlanetIDs = PlanetUtilsAI.getOwnedPlanetsByEmpire(universe.planetIDs, empireID)
    planets = map(universe.getPlanet,  ownedPlanetIDs)
    targetRP = sum( map( lambda x: x.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch),  planets) )

    styleIndex =  (empireID%3)%2
    cutoffSets =  [ [25, 45, 70  ],  [35,  50,  70  ]   ]
    cutoffs = cutoffSets[styleIndex  ]
    settings = [ [1.4, .7, .4, .35  ],  [2.0,  1.0,  .6, .35   ]   ][styleIndex  ]

    if industrySurge and True:
        researchPriority =  0.2 * industryPriority
        if  (fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[0]) or (not gotAlgo) or ((styleIndex ==0) and not got_orb_gen):
            researchPriority = settings[0] * industryPriority # high research at beginning of game to get easy gro tech and to get research booster Algotrithmic Elegance
        elif (not got_orb_gen) or (fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[1]) :
            researchPriority = settings[1] * industryPriority# med-high research
        elif (fo.currentTurn() < cutoffs[2]):
            researchPriority = settings[2] * industryPriority # med-high  industry
            researchQueue = list(empire.researchQueue)
            researchPriority = settings[3] * industryPriority # high  industry , low research
            if len(researchQueue) == 0 :
                researchPriority = 0 # done with research
            elif len(researchQueue) <5 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority =  len(researchQueue) # barely not done with research
            elif len(researchQueue) <10 and researchQueue[-1].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 4+ len(researchQueue) # almost done with research
            elif len(researchQueue) <20 and researchQueue[int(len(researchQueue)/2)].allocation > 0 :
                researchPriority = 0.5 * researchPriority # closing in on end of research
            elif len(researchQueue) <20:
                researchPriority = 0.7*researchPriority # high  industry , low research
    if (  ((empire.getTechStatus("SHP_WEAPON_2_4") == fo.techStatus.complete) or
            (empire.getTechStatus("SHP_WEAPON_4_1") == fo.techStatus.complete)) and
            (empire.getTechStatus("PRO_SENTIENT_AUTOMATION") == fo.techStatus.complete) ):
        industry_factor = [ [0.25,  0.2],  [0.3,  0.25] ][styleIndex ]
        researchPriority = min(researchPriority,  industry_factor[got_solar_gen]*industryPriority) 
    if got_quant:
        researchPriority = min(researchPriority + 0.1*industryPriority,  researchPriority * 1.3) 
    researchPriority = int(researchPriority)
    print  ""
    print  "Research Production (current/target) : ( %.1f / %.1f )"%(totalRP,  targetRP)
    print  "Priority for Research: %d (new target ~ %d RP)"%(researchPriority,  totalPP * researchPriority/industryPriority)

    return researchPriority