def TSP(stops, Alg, steps, param, seed=None, coordfile='xycoords.txt'):
    '''A wrapper function that attempts to optimize the traveling
    salesperson problem using a specified algorithm. If coordfile
    exists, a preexisting set of coordinates will be used. Otherwise,
    a new set of "stops" coordinates will be generated for the person to
    traverse, and will be written to the specified file.'''

    # Create the distance matrix, which will be used to calculate
    # the fitness of a given path
    if os.path.isfile(coordfile):
        coords = scipy.genfromtxt(coordfile)
        distMat = DistanceMatrix(coords)
        distMat = GenerateMap(stops, fname=coordfile, seed=seed)

    if Alg == 'HC':
        # param is the number of solutions to try per step
        bestSol, fitHistory = hc.HillClimber(steps, param, distMat, seed)
    elif Alg == 'SA':
        # param is a placeholder
        bestSol, fitHistory = sa.SimulatedAnnealing(steps, param, distMat,
    elif Alg == 'MC3':
        # param is the number of chains
        bestSol, fitHistory = mc3.MCMCMC(steps, param, distMat, seed)
    elif Alg == 'GA':
        # param is the population size
        bestSol, fitHistory = ga.GeneticAlgorithm(steps, param, distMat, seed)
        raise ValueError('Algorithm must be "HC", "SA", "MC3", or "GA".')

    outfname = coordfile + '-' + Alg + '-' + \
        str(steps) + '-' + str(param) + '.txt'
    scipy.savetxt(outfname, scipy.array(bestSol), fmt='%i')
    return bestSol, fitHistory
예제 #2
# Quality: Overall shortest tour found
# Route: Array of node_ids in order of travel [node_1,node_2,...]

if options.method == "BnB":
    branch = BranchAndBound.BranchAndBound(cities, options.cutoff)
    quality = branch.minimum
    route = branch.bestSolution
    trace = branch.trace

elif options.method == "Approx":
    trace, quality, route = construction_heuristic.nearest_neighbor(
        params, cities, options.cutoff)
elif options.method == "LS1":
    s = SA.SimulatedAnnealing(
        0.00001)  # the second argument is the cooling rate, default is 0.001.
    quality = s.best_distance
    route = s.best_route
    trace = s.trace
elif options.method == "LS2":
    g = genetic.genetic(params, cities, options.cutoff)
    trace, quality, route = g.evolve()

#### ########## ####

for id in route:
    print(id, end=" ")