sb.append(0) sb.append(1) sb.append(2) sb.append(3) assert(sb == [0,1,2,3]) sb.insert(4, 4) assert(sb == [0,1,2,3,4]) sb.insert(4, 3.5) assert(sb == [0,1,2,3,3.5,4]) sb.insert(0, 0.5) assert(sb == [0.5, 0,1,2,3,3.5,4]) # Test a simple undo and some insertions sl = SBList([1,2,6,3,12,7]) sl.insert(2, 90) sl.undo() sl.insert(2, 90) sl.insert(4, 50) sl.insert(5, 9999999) sl.insert(3, 20) sl.delete(6) sl.insert(3, 30) sl sl.sort() sl sl.delete(3) assert(sl.get_list() == [1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 20, 30, 50, 90]) #### ####################################################################### # Test insert, sort, delete:
class SBStrList(object): '''class SBStrList() This is a list of strings that is built on state-based objects that facilitate undo(). ''' class StorageRef(object): storage_start = None storage_end = None logical_start = None logical_end = None def __init__(self):#, storage_range, logical_range): object.__init__(self) class LogEntry(): '''class SBStrList.LogEntry This holds information about one edit action. The properties are populated according to what makes sense for the given action. t_pt is a pointer into the text of the current line, not a global text pointer. sbstr will be an SBString object for line-deletion transaction or line cut/paste. Action codes: 'i' for insert text, 'd' for delete text, 'il' = insertline, 'dl' = delete line. Possible future codes would be 'm' for move-a-line, or 'u' for updated. Update is currently processed by a deletion and an insert. ''' action = None time = None old_lstate = None new_lstate = None old_str_state = None new_str_state = None row_idx = None t_pt = None txt = None sbstr = None def __init__(self, action, time, old_lstate, new_lstate, old_str_state, \ new_str_state, row_idx, del_count=None, t_pt=None, txt=None, sbstr=None): '''UndoChanges.__init__ ''' self.action = action self.time = time self.old_lstate = old_lstate self.new_lstate = new_lstate self.old_str_state = old_str_state self.new_str_state = new_str_state self.row_idx = row_idx # for text edits only (not line insertion or deletion: self.t_pt = t_pt self.txt = txt # for line deletion, cut and paste self.sbstr # a SBString object def __repr__(self): '''log.__repr__ ''' return('[' + self.action + ', ' + self.time.strftime("%Y %h %d %H:%M:%S.") \ + str(self.time.time().microsecond) + ', ' \ + str(self.old_lstate) + ', ' + str(self.new_lstate) + ', ' \ + str(self.old_str_state) + ', ' + str(self.new_str_state) + ', ' \ + str(self.row_idx) + ', ' + repr(self.t_pt) + ', ' + repr(self.txt) + ']\n') def __init__(self, ListOfStrings): '''SBStrList.__init__() ''' # MAYBE I SHOULD CODE ATTRIBUTES WITH THE VALUE OF THE # CURRENT INSTANCE SO EVERYTHING CAN GRAB THE CURRENT # STATE_ID WITHOUT REQUIRING INPUT FROM THE USER -- is that needed? object.__init__(self) # Cast the strings as SBSTring objects and load into a new list. # I tried embedding this into SBList, but it caused a loop in the # definitions of SBList and SBString. self.buff_len = SBList([0]) temp_l = [] for j in range(len(ListOfStrings)): #if ListOfStrings[j][-1] not in ['\n', '\r'] \ #and j != (len(ListOfStrings) - 1): # temp_l.append(SBString(ListOfStrings[j]) + '\n') #else: if ListOfStrings[j][0:-1].count('\n') > 0: raise Exception('Your test string contains an embedded EOL in mid-line.') temp_l.append(SBString(ListOfStrings[j])) self.buff_len[0] += len(ListOfStrings[j]) self.l = SBList(temp_l) # self.state_id = 0 self.point = SBList([0]) # The main state_id for SBStrList will be the state_id for # self.log? To show the undo list of self.log, display # only values in the range self.log[0:self.log.get_state_id]. # I might have to review how transactions # are chunked (such as 'replace' or 'update' transactions). self.log = SBList([]) # Maybe use a list or function that lists all the # objects that contain range-based lists so that users # can create one and have it automatically updated. self.range_lists = [] self.range_funcs = [] self.bookmarks = SBList([]) # The *statements* field might be used to store the start and # end points of comment blocks or full statements in a # programming language. It might help the logic for applying # the syntax highligher by telling it to start on a prior line. self.statements = SBList([]) self.range_lists.append(self.bookmarks) self.range_lists.append(self.statements) self.line_pts = None self.rebuild_line_pts() tmp_lp = None self.range_lists.append(self.line_pts) def __getitem__(self, x): # This returns an item from the main list based # on the virtual row index, *x*. That index # can be a slice(), which is a range() specifed # in python format (i.e., the last index is one # greater than what you want returned). if x > len(self): raise IndexError if type(x) == type(slice(1,2)): temp = [] if x.step is None: step = 1 else: step = x.step for j in range(x.start, x.stop, step): temp.append(self.l[self.get_lrow_idx(j)]) return(temp) else: # The requested item is not a slice: return(self.l[x]) #return(self.l[self.get_lrow_idx(x)]) def __iter__ (self): # Maybe add a flag that will lock the objects from # being altered when iter is active? self.iterindex = len(self.l) return(self) def __len__(self): '''SBStrList.__len__() Returns the length of the virtual list object. ''' return(len(self.l)) def __next__ (self): '''SBStrList.__next__() Return a list entry with each call. ''' self.iterindex -= 1 if self.iterindex < 0: raise StopIteration # # the countdown starts at the maximum value, but I want # to reverse the index to start at zero: new_idx = len(self.l) - self.iterindex - 1 return(self.l[new_idx]) def __repr__(self): #s = '' tmp_l = [] for j in range(self.line_count()): #s += self.l[j].get_string() tmp_l.append(self.l[j].get_string()) return(''.join(tmp_l)) def __len__(self): return(len(self.l)) def _dump(self, msg): '''SBStrList._dump() Dump many important objects to sys.stderr Run this program from the command line like this: env python -f infile.txt 2> debug.log where 2> is the redirection for stderr. ''' dprint('---------------------------------------DUMP START') dprint(msg) dprint('') dprint('state_id= ' + str(self.state_id)) dprint('point state id=' + str(self.point.get_state_id()) +' contents = ' + repr(self.point)) dprint('log state id =' + str(self.log.get_state_id()) + ' contents=\n' + repr(self.log)) dprint('line_pts state id= ' + str(self.line_pts.get_state_id()) + ', contents:\n' + repr(self.line_pts)) dprint('self.l:\n' + repr(self.l)) return(0) def add_bookmark(self, range): pass def add_statement(self, range): pass def add_range_list(self, lst): '''SBStrList.add_range_list( Add a list object that contains [start, end] pointers into the text using python slice() format. Lists entered here need corresponding entries loaded via add_range_updater() that are run via update_range_lists() ''' self.rangelist.append(lst) return(0) def delete(self, pt, count, batch=False): # 1) Find the affected line # 2) determine if the full line is being deleted # 3) delete as needed # 4) update line_pts # 5) update bookmarks # 6) update statements idx = self.pt_to_line(pt) # Get the pointer within the appropriate text chunk: t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt) # save_lstate = self.l.get_state_id() save_str_state = self.l[idx].get_state_id() save_t_pt = t_pt dprint('del a ' + str(self.l[idx].get_point())) self.l[idx].delete(t_pt, count, batch=batch) dprint('del b ' + str(self.l[idx].get_point())) self.update_line_pts(pt, -1 * count, batch=batch) self.log.append(self.LogEntry('d',, save_lstate, \ self.l.get_state_id(), save_str_state, \ self.l[idx].get_state_id(), idx, t_pt=t_pt, del_count=count)) return(0) def get_char(self, pt): idx = self.pt_to_line(pt) t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt) return(self.l[idx].get_char(t_pt)) def get_lines(self, idx, count=1): pass def get_line_pts(self, idx): '''SBStrList.get_line_pts() return a range that contains the starting and ending points for the specified line in [star, end] slice() format. ''' if idx > len(self.line_pts) or idx < 0: raise IndexError return(self.line_pts[idx]) def get_point(self, state_id=-1): pass def get_str_list(self): '''StrList.get_str_list() Return a list object that contains the regular text stored in this object. ''' tmp_l = [] for j in range(len(self.l)): l.append(self.l[j].get_string()) return(''.join(tmp_l)) def goto_bookmark(self, bmark): # maybe use a dictionary to handle bookmarks, # so this arg would be the string name of the # bookmark. pass def insert(self, pt, txt, batch=False): # make all these methods so that they operate on # the current state (no state_id override) # Note: pt is the global point. t_point is the point # into the current text object. # # Function: # 1) Find the affected line # 2) determine if new lines are being created (embedded EOL) # 3) insert as needed # 4) update the log # 5) update line_pts # 6) update bookmarks # 7) update statements # TODO: consider keeping the EOL marker as the indicator of # where existing SBString object will be copied. In other # words, If I insert a block of text with embedded EOL, # the first part of the insertion would generate a new SBString # as if the existing EOL is fixed in concrete thereby forcing # the inserted lines to be inserted above. This will help to # keep undo history predictable. If an EOL marker is deleted, # then that SBString object will be deleted from the virtual view. idx = self.pt_to_line(pt) # Get the pointer within the appropriate text chunk: t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt) # save_lstate = self.l.get_state_id() save_str_state = self.l[idx].get_state_id() dprint('in SBStrList.insert a: str sid = ' + str(self.l[idx].get_state_id()) \ + ' lstateid = ' + str(self.l.get_state_id()) + ' batch is ' + repr(batch)) save_t_pt = t_pt # DO I NEED EXTRA LOGIC FOR NON-STANDARD EOL? lines = txt.split(os.linesep) end_txt = '' for j in range(len(lines)): if j == 0: # Insert the first part of the new text: self.l[idx].insert(t_pt, lines[j], batch=batch) dprint('in SBStrList.insert B: str sid = ' + str(self.l[idx].get_state_id()) \ + ' lstateid = ' + str(self.l.get_state_id())) self.update_line_pts(pt, len(lines[j])) pt += len(lines[j]) if len(lines) > 1: # The insertion contains embedded EOL, so # delete the end of the line that was displaced by # inserting the EOL (but leave the existing EOL) t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt)#pointer within this text chunck end_txt = self.l[idx].get_string()[t_pt:] #print("multi-line insert, pt=" + str(pt) + ' deleting from tpt=' \ # + str(t_pt) + ' endtxt= ' + end_txt) self.l[idx].delete(t_pt, len(end_txt), batch=True) self.update_line_pts(pt, -1 * len(end_txt)) # Insert an EOL after the first insertion # (note that the last line in the file might not have had one) self.l[idx].insert(t_pt, '\n', batch=True) self.update_line_pts(pt, 1) pt += 1 # Push the end of the insertion line to a new line. self.l.insert(idx + 1, SBString(end_txt ), batch=True) self.rebuild_line_pts() #self.update_line_pts(pt, len(end_txt) + 1) #pt += 1 #eol else: # Insert the second (or higher) line of new text. if len(lines[j]) != 0: if j == (len(lines) - 1): # The last portion of the split text in 'lines' # If it is empty, don't do anything, others insert # the text into an existing SBText object t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt)#pointer within this text chunck self.l[idx + j].insert(t_pt, lines[j], batch=True) dprint('in SBStrList.insert B: str sid = ' + str(self.l[idx].get_state_id()) \ + ' lstateid = ' + str(self.l.get_state_id())) self.update_line_pts(pt, len(lines[j])) pt += len(lines[j]) else: # This is a new, full line with EOL. # Insert a new line into the file. self.l.insert(idx + j, SBString(lines[j]), batch=True) # RUN REBUILD_LINE_PTS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! self.update_line_pts(pt, len(lines[j])) pt += len(lines[j]) # Now insert that end text at the end #if end_txt != '': # t_pt = self.pt_to_t_pt(pt)#pointer within this text chunck # print('Appending end, pt=' + str(pt) + ', tpt= ' + str(t_pt)) # print('chcking line nb ' + str(self.pt_to_line(pt))) # self.l[idx].insert(t_pt, end_txt, batch=False) # self.update_line_pts(pt, len(end_txt)) # print('line pts= ' + repr(self.line_pts)) # Construct the log entry: self.log.append(self.LogEntry('i',, save_lstate, \ self.l.get_state_id(), save_str_state, \ self.l[idx].get_state_id(), idx, t_pt=t_pt, txt=txt)) self.buff_len[0] += len(txt) return(0) def insert_line(self, before_line, txt): pass def line_count(self): return(len(self.l)) def list_bookmarks(self): pass def list_statements(self): pass def pt_to_line(self, pt): '''SBStrList.pt_to_line() Return the index number of the line that contains the specified point in the current state. ''' #print(repr(self.line_pts)) found = False j = 0 while not found and j < len(self.line_pts): if self.line_pts[j][0] <= pt and (self.line_pts[j][1] - 1) >= pt: found = True j += 1 return(j - 1) def pt_to_t_pt(self, pt): '''SBStrList.pt_to_t_pt() Convert a global point into the buffer to a t_pt, which is a zero-based index into the text at the current line ''' line = self.pt_to_line(pt) assert( line >= 0) return(pt - self.line_pts[line][0]) def rebuild_line_pts(self): tmp_lp = [] tmp_pt = 0 for j in range(len(self.l)): # Record the starting and ending point on each line. # This is NOT in slice() format. tmp_lp.append([tmp_pt, tmp_pt + len(self.l[j])]) tmp_pt += len(self.l[j]) self.line_pts = SBList(tmp_lp) return(0) def redo(self): pass def set_bookmark(self, pt_start, len): pass def show_line_pts(self): '''SBStrList.show_line_pts() This is for debugging purposes to show the saved list of starting and ending points (slice() format) for each buffer line. ''' return(repr(self.line_pts)) def show_undo_list(self): return(repr(self.log)) def set_point(self, pt): pass def str_len(self): '''SbStrList.str_len() Return the full length of the buffer in characters. ''' #ln = 0 #for sbs in self.l: # ln += len(sbs) #return(ln) reuturn(self.buff_len[0]) def list_len(self): return(len(self.l)) def undo(self): if len(self.log) == 0: return(0) top_state_id = self.log.get_state_id() #top_log_entry = self.log[-1] #self.log[0:self.log.get_state_id] top_log_entry = self.log[top_state_id] top_action_code = top_log_entry.action top_idx = top_log_entry.row_idx # The undo() below undoes the record of the transaction # and thereby leaves the top entry with the l_state and # v_state IDs that are desired. # ONE UNDO ON THE LOG ENTRY WILL NOT UNDO MANY BATCH ENTRIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!! self.log.undo() #this undoes only the transaction if top_action_code in ['i', 'd']: #print('UNDO TEXT EDIT for line idx ' + str(top_idx)) self.l[top_idx].undo(count=1) self.buff_len.undo() else: raise Exception ("not ready to undo line-oriented actions") pass def update_line_pts(self, pt, incr, batch=False): '''SBStrList.update_line_pts() Update self.line_pts to reflect inserted or deleted text. Do NOT call this if there are new or delete lines. self.line_pts is a list of the starting points and ending points for each line. see also: rebuild_line_pts ''' idx = self.pt_to_line(pt) # I will delete all the existing range entries and then append # new ones old_lp_state = self.line_pts.get_state_id() b_code = batch len_pts = len(self.line_pts) save_line_pts = [] for j in range(len_pts): # Save the current state of line_pts because if actions # are taken in batch mode, I'll need this to get the # prior state. save_line_pts.append(self.line_pts[j]) for j in range(len_pts -1, idx - 1 , -1): self.line_pts.delete(j, batch=b_code) b_code = True # Now insert the updated entries (there might be new or delete rows) for j in range(idx, len(save_line_pts)): # The current state of self.line_pts should contain one entry # for each record in self.l. Get that entry to find the starting and # ending point for each line: low = save_line_pts[j][0] high = save_line_pts[j][1] if low <= pt: self.line_pts.append([low , high+ incr], batch=True) else: self.line_pts.append([low + incr, high+ incr], batch=True) return(0) def update_range_lists(self, pt, incr): '''SBStrList.update_ranges() Update all the list objects that contain ranges of start/end points. This processes anything that was registered with add_range_list() see also: rebuild_line_pts ''' # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV # MODIFY THIS TO MAKE IT GENERIC FOR THE REGISTERED LISTSV idx = self.pt_to_line(pt) # I will delete all the existing range entries and then append # new ones old_lp_state = self.line_pts.get_state_id() b_code = False for j in range(idx, len(self.line_pts)): self.line_pts.delete(idx, batch=b_code) b_code = True # Now insert the updated entries (there might be new or delete rows) for j in range(idx, len(self.l)): low = self.line_pts.get_item(j, state_id=old_lp_state)[0] high = self.line_pts.get_item(j, state_id=old_lp_state)[1] if low < pt: self.line_pts.append([low , high+ incr], batch=True) else: self.line_pts.append([low + incr, high+ incr], batch=True) return(0)