def __init__(self, window, buff): global STATUSLINE_IDX, g_trace_dir, g_my_codec # #self.txt = SBStrList(['Edit this string\n', 'This is line2\n'])# single line of text self.txt = SBStrList(buff) oldmouse = curses.mousemask(curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) (max_y, max_x) = window.getmaxyx() self.framewin = window.subwin(max_y - MENU_LINES - 1 , max_x, MENU_LINES + 1, 0) self.scrn = window.subwin(max_y - MENU_LINES - 3, max_x - 2, MENU_LINES + 2, 1) self.line_ptr = 0 # THIS SHOULD BE IN txt.l self.scrn.keypad(1) curses.flushinp() self.framewin.border() self.framewin.refresh() self.scrn.refresh() # pointasdf has a crazy name so that end-users don't # access it by mistake. Users should use the porcelain # commands. self.pointasdf = 0 # This is the main point. Don't change this directly # the main point is now in self.txt.get_point and set_point self.width = self.scrn.getmaxyx()[1] self.height = self.scrn.getmaxyx()[0] - YFUDGE STATUSLINE_IDX = self.height - 1 + YFUDGE self.menuscrn = window.derwin(MENU_LINES, max_x, 0, 0) self.menuscrn.addstr(0,0, 'This program can be used to test the ' + 'SBString object. It is a one-line text editor.') self.menuscrn.refresh() # self.statusscrn = window.subwin(1, max_x, max_y - 1, 0) # setup required for curses to use unicode locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # use 'code' with str.encode() for curses display? g_my_codec = locale.getpreferredencoding() # # Initialize the display buffer that will hold # text according to lrecl # cursor location, based on physical window, not logical window self.winrow_idx = 0 #self.winmintxtrow_idx self.wincol_idx = 0 #self.winmintxtcol_idx # #self.displayscreen(self.startbuffrow_idx) #w_vp = self.get_wintxt_vp() (max_y, max_x) = self.scrn.getmaxyx() max_y -= YFUDGE self.scrn.clear() self.winrow_idx = 0 self.wincol_idx = 0 self.scrn.move(TOPROW , self.wincol_idx) self.display_line() ##self.vbuff.display_screen(0, self.scrn) if g_trace_dir != '': self.trace_init()
from SBStrList import * # validate some parts of SBStrList #################### # 1) test get_string() and repr() q = SBStrList(['hello there\n', 'line 2\n', 'this is line 3\n']) assert(len(q[0]) == 12) assert(q[0].str_len() == 12) assert(q[0].get_string() == 'hello there\n') assert(q[2].get_string() == 'this is line 3\n') q.insert(6, 'ABC ') len(q[0]) #for j in range(q.str_len()): # print('j ' + str(j) + ' line ' + str(q.pt_to_line(j)) + ' ' + q.get_char(j)) assert(q.pt_to_line(0) == 0) assert(q.pt_to_line(15) == 0) assert(q.pt_to_line(16) == 1) assert(q.pt_to_line(22) == 1) assert(q.pt_to_line(23) == 2) assert(q.pt_to_line(37) == 2) q.insert(18, ' TEST') assert(repr(q) == 'hello ABC there\nli TESTne 2\nthis is line 3\n') assert(q[0].get_string() == 'hello ABC there\n') assert(q[2].get_string() == 'this is line 3\n') q.delete(4, 3) assert(repr(q) == 'hellBC there\nli TESTne 2\nthis is line 3\n') print('q 0 len = ' + str(len(q[0])) + ' ' + repr(q[0])) assert(q[0].str_len() == 13)
from SBStrList import * q = SBStrList(['abcdefg\n']) q.insert(2, 'AAA\nBBBB') repr(q[0]) assert(q[0].get_string() == 'abAAA\n') q.insert(5, 'Z') assert(q[0].get_string() == 'abAAAZ\n') q = SBStrList(['abcdefg']) q.insert(2, 'AAA\nBBBB') repr(q[0]) q = SBStrList(['Edit this string\n', 'This is line2\n']) q.show_line_pts() q.insert(6, '\n') q.show_line_pts() repr(q[2])
class MainWindow(): ''' a global window class The parm for window should be the entire screen. This will then make a subwindow for the text display ''' def __init__(self, window, buff): global STATUSLINE_IDX, g_trace_dir, g_my_codec # #self.txt = SBStrList(['Edit this string\n', 'This is line2\n'])# single line of text self.txt = SBStrList(buff) oldmouse = curses.mousemask(curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) (max_y, max_x) = window.getmaxyx() self.framewin = window.subwin(max_y - MENU_LINES - 1 , max_x, MENU_LINES + 1, 0) self.scrn = window.subwin(max_y - MENU_LINES - 3, max_x - 2, MENU_LINES + 2, 1) self.line_ptr = 0 # THIS SHOULD BE IN txt.l self.scrn.keypad(1) curses.flushinp() self.framewin.border() self.framewin.refresh() self.scrn.refresh() # pointasdf has a crazy name so that end-users don't # access it by mistake. Users should use the porcelain # commands. self.pointasdf = 0 # This is the main point. Don't change this directly # the main point is now in self.txt.get_point and set_point self.width = self.scrn.getmaxyx()[1] self.height = self.scrn.getmaxyx()[0] - YFUDGE STATUSLINE_IDX = self.height - 1 + YFUDGE self.menuscrn = window.derwin(MENU_LINES, max_x, 0, 0) self.menuscrn.addstr(0,0, 'This program can be used to test the ' + 'SBString object. It is a one-line text editor.') self.menuscrn.refresh() # self.statusscrn = window.subwin(1, max_x, max_y - 1, 0) # setup required for curses to use unicode locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # use 'code' with str.encode() for curses display? g_my_codec = locale.getpreferredencoding() # # Initialize the display buffer that will hold # text according to lrecl # cursor location, based on physical window, not logical window self.winrow_idx = 0 #self.winmintxtrow_idx self.wincol_idx = 0 #self.winmintxtcol_idx # #self.displayscreen(self.startbuffrow_idx) #w_vp = self.get_wintxt_vp() (max_y, max_x) = self.scrn.getmaxyx() max_y -= YFUDGE self.scrn.clear() self.winrow_idx = 0 self.wincol_idx = 0 self.scrn.move(TOPROW , self.wincol_idx) self.display_line() ##self.vbuff.display_screen(0, self.scrn) if g_trace_dir != '': self.trace_init() #self.unicode_test() def key_loop(self): '''MainWindow.key_loop After the calling routine instantiates this class it should call this function to capture input from the user and edit the input buffer. ''' global g_my_codec savedigit = '' # numeric prefix for vim commands i = 0 while True: self.trace('key ' + chr(i), key_nbr=i) i = self.scrn.getch() if 0<i<256: c = chr(i) if i == 127: # deletekey self.delete(-1) elif i == 27: # ESC key pass ######else: elif c == 'k': if savedigit == '': pass self.updown(-1) else: pass self.updown(int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif c == 'j': if savedigit == '': self.updown (1) pass else: self.updown(int(savedigit)) pass savedigit = '' elif c == 'J': if savedigit == '': pass #self.join(self.ibuff.bidx.get_row_idx()) else: pass #self.join(int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif c == 'h': if savedigit == '': self.leftright (-1) else: self.leftright(int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif c == 'l': if savedigit == '': self.leftright (1) else: self.leftright(int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif c == 'i': savedigit = '' self.insert_txt('i') elif c == 'a': savedigit = '' self.insert_txt('a') elif c == '$': savedigit = '' self.end_of_line() elif c == '0': if savedigit == '': self.beginning_of_line() else: # if somebody already started entering a numeric # prefix, keep accumulating it: savedigit += '0' elif c == 'w': if savedigit == '': self.word_forward('s', 1) else: self.word_forward('s', int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif c == 'b': if savedigit == '': self.word_forward('s', -1) else: self.word_forward('s', int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif c == 'e': if savedigit == '': self.word_forward('e', 1) else: self.word_forward('e', int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif c == 'E': if savedigit == '': self.word_forward('e', -1) else: self.word_forward('e', int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif c == 't': # move this logic into the window class # and higlight the current line savedigit = '' #self.top_of_screen() elif c == '?': pass elif c == 'b': # move this into the window class savedigit = '' #self.bottom_of_screen() elif c == 'k': savedigit = '' #self.kill() elif c == 'u': self.undo() elif c == 'x': if savedigit == '': # deletekey self.delete(1) else: self.delete(int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif c == 'q': # Exit (quit) the program break elif c == ':': (saverow, savecol) = self.scrn.getyx() #self.statusscrn.leaveok(1) self.statusscrn.addstr(0, 0, ':', curses.color_pair(3)) self.statusscrn.refresh() #self.menuscrn.leaveok(0) self.scrn.refresh()# set focus to main window ##self.scrn.move(TOPROW, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) swincol = 0 i = 0 cmd = '' while chr(i) not in ['\n', '\r']: # Collect the text of the : command: # i = self.statusscrn.getch() c = chr(i) if c not in ['\n', '\r']: # Display the entered character on the screen: self.statusscrn.addstr(0, swincol, c, curses.color_pair(3)) # Adjust the cursor position swincol += 1 # process backspace...!!!!! ADD CODE HERE!!!!! # # Accumulate the full command to be used later cmd += chr(i) if cmd[0] == 'w': # This is the 'write' command, look for the destination file name. swincol = 2 # The command needs to separate the 'w' from the filename, # so this grabs the filename after the space: file = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(cmd.split()[1])) if os.access(file, os.F_OK): # file exists prompt = 'Do you want to OVERWRITE: ' + file + '?' else: prompt = 'Do you want to write to: ' + file + '?' yn = '' self.file_save(file) #self.statusscrn.addstr(0, 1, prompt, curses.color_pair(3)) #while yn.upper() not in ['Y', 'N']: # yn = chr(self.scrn.getch()) #if yn.upper() == 'Y': # fdo =, 'w', g_my_codec) # for s in self.ibuff: # fdo.write(s) # fdo.close() else: pass # Dump other commands for now # Clear the satus area. Note that I avoid writing to the # last cell in the bottom-right corner due to a problem # setting the 'filter()' function to deal with EOL # and because of a random error writing there. self.scrn.addstr(STATUSLINE_IDX, 0, ' ' * (self.width - 2)) # self.scrn.leaveok(0) self.wincol_idx = savecol self.winrow_idx = saverow self.scrn.move(saverow, savecol) #self.scrn.move(TOPROW, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) elif c.isdigit(): # the vim code of zero to move to the start of the line # can ruin this, so i'll fix the BOL code savedigit += c else: savedigit = '' else: # control keys or special characters? if i == curses.KEY_LEFT: if savedigit == '': self.leftright (-1) else: self.leftright(int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif i == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if savedigit == '': self.leftright (1) else: self.leftright(int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif i == curses.KEY_UP: if savedigit == '': self.updown(-1) else: self.updown(int(savedigit) * -1) savedigit = '' elif i == curses.KEY_DOWN: if savedigit == '': self.updown (1) else: self.updown(int(savedigit)) savedigit = '' elif i == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # NEXT PAGE/ PAGE DOWN self.updown(self.height) elif i == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # PRIOR PAGE/ PAGE UP self.updown(-1 * self.height) return(0) def delete(self, incr): '''Delete characters. A negative number means delete to the left. A positive number means delete to the right ''' # consider these curses functions clrtoeol (delete to eol) # clrtobot (clear to bottom of window) # delch (delete char at y,x) # deleteln() if incr < 0: direction = -1 adj = -1 else: direction = 1 adj = 0 dprint('del a ' + str(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point())) # how many chars remain after the deletion is made: remaining_chars = len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) - self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() if remaining_chars < 0: curses.beep() incr += remaining_chars self.txt[self.line_ptr].delete(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() \ + incr, incr)# self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) else: self.txt[self.line_ptr].delete(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point(), \ incr)#self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() + incr) dprint('del b ' + str(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point())) # self.pointasdf does not change for delete. # #self.display_line() for j in range(incr * direction): self.win_del_char(self.scrn, self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() + adj) if direction < 0: adj -= 1 return(0) def beginning_of_line(self): save_pt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(0) self.display_line() self.pointasdf += self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() - save_pt return(0) def end_of_line(self): save_pt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) - 1) if self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() > self.width: self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(self.width - 1) self.pointasdf += self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() - save_pt self.display_line() return(0) def insert_txt(self, mode): '''MainWindow.insert_txt() Insert text at the current cursor location. If mode = 'i', then insert text starting at the cursor location. If mode = 'a' then insert after the current character. ''' global g_my_codec (max_y, max_x) = self.scrn.getmaxyx() max_y -= YFUDGE vline_len = len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) if mode == 'a': # 'a' means insert text after the current character, # so increment the column if there is room to do so. self.incr_point(1)# Also adjusts cursor i = self.scrn.getch() b_mode = False #while i not in [27, 10, 13] and self.wincol_idx < max_x : while i not in [27] and self.wincol_idx < (max_x - 1) : # while ESC not pressed #if i > 126 or i < 20: # c = chr(i).encode(g_my_codec) #else: c = chr(i) self.status_message(ch=c)#show for debugging if i > 127: curses.beep() if i >> 6 == 3: # This is a two-byte unicode character i2 = self.scrn.getch() b = bytes([i, i2]) c = b.decode(g_my_codec) if i >> 6 == 7: # three byte unicode character i2 = self.scrn.getch() i3 = self.scrn.getch() b = bytes([i, i2, i3]) c = b.decode(g_my_codec) if (len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) < (max_x - 1) \ and len(self.txt) < (max_x - 1) and i >= 32) \ or c == os.linesep: # Exclude control characters below 0x20 = 32decimal #self.txt[self.line_ptr].insert(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point(), c) self.txt.insert(self.pointasdf, c, batch=b_mode) b_mode = True self.incr_point(1)# also adjusts cursor #self.display_line() self.win_ins_char(self.scrn, self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() - 1, c) else: # FOR THIS CRIPPLED VERSION, DON'T PROCESS EXTRA CHARACTERS self.menuscrn.leaveok(1) #set flag to leave cursor alone self.menuscrn.addstr(MENU_LINES - 1, 0, 'ERROR. LINES MUST FIT ON THE SCREEN.') self.menuscrn.refresh() self.menuscrn.leaveok(0) i = self.scrn.getch() return(0) def display_line(self): # Assume single-screen display in which each line is less than the # screen width # ##self.scrn.addstr(0, 0, 'pt is ' + str(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point())) ##junkjunkjunk = self.scrn.getch() list_len = len(self.txt) (max_y, max_x) = self.scrn.getmaxyx() for j in range(list_len): assert(j < (max_y - YFUDGE)) # display blanks to clear prior line # IS THERE A CLEAR-WINDOW() COMMAND? self.scrn.hline(j, 0, '-', self.width) self.scrn.addstr(j, 0, self.txt[j].get_string(), curses.A_NORMAL) # self.update_status() #self.framewin.border() self.scrn.move(self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) self.scrn.refresh() return(0) def file_save(self, fname): '''sbed02.file_save() Save the current buffer. ''' global g_my_codec fname_clean = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(fname)) fbase_dir = os.path.dirname(fname_clean) if not os.access(fbase_dir, os.W_OK): # Display error message for the user: #raise Exception('Write access to output directory denied: ' \ self.status_message(msg='ERROR, CANNOT WRITE TO OUTPUT FILE: ' + str(fname_clean)) return(-1) fdo =, 'w', g_my_codec) for sb in self.txt: fdo.write(sb.get_string()) fdo.close return(0) def word_forward(self, mode, incr): '''word_forward() the mode flag is 'e' to move to the end of words or 's' to move to the start of words ''' save_pt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() if incr < 0: direction = -1 else: direction = 1 mytxt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_string() j = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() max = len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) for wcount in range(abs(incr)): if j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: # I am starting on a space, so skip forward # to the start of the next word while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: j += direction if direction < 0 and mode == 's': while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] not in [' ', '\t']: j += direction j += 1 break # I am not starting on a space if direction < 0: # Peak backward to see if the previous char is a space if j > 0 and mytxt[j - 1] in [' ', '\t']: j -= 1 while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: j += direction else: if mode == 'e': # Peak forward to see if the previous char is a space if j < (max - 1) and mytxt[j + 1] in [' ', '\t']: j += 1 while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: # move to the start of the next word so 'e' moves # can continue below j += direction # Move until I find whitespace while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] not in [' ', '\t']: j += direction if direction > 0: if mode == 's': # now go past the whitespace to find the start of # nonwhitespace while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: j += direction else: j -= 1 else: if mode == 's': j += 1 else: # Bacward 'e' move: while j < max and j >= 0 and mytxt[j] in [' ', '\t']: j += direction self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(j) self.pointasdf += j - save_pt self.display_line() return(0) def leftright(self, incr): save_pt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.txt[self.line_ptr].incr_point(incr) if self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() >= self.width: self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(self.width - 1) self.pointasdf += self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() - save_pt self.scrn.move(self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) self.update_status() #self.display_line() return(0) def incr_point(self, incr): save_point = self.pointasdf save_line_ptr = self.line_ptr # self.pointasdf += incr if self.pointasdf < 0: self.pointasdf = 0 # ADD THE TEST FOR MAX BUFFER LEN #if self.pointasdf >= self.txt.buffer_len(): buffer_len = self.txt.get_line_pts(len(self.txt) - 1)[1] if self.pointasdf >= buffer_len: self.pointasdf = buffer_len - 1 self.line_ptr = self.txt.pt_to_line(self.pointasdf) if self.line_ptr > save_line_ptr: t_incr = self.pointasdf - self.txt.get_line_pts(self.line_ptr)[0] self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(t_incr) elif self.line_ptr < save_line_ptr: t_incr = self.pointasdf - self.txt.get_line_pts(self.line_ptr)[1] line_len = len(self.txt[self.line_ptr]) self.txt[self.line_ptr].set_point(line_len + t_incr) else: self.txt[self.line_ptr].incr_point(incr) self.wincol_idx = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.scrn.move(self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) #raise Exception('For testing, line width cannot exceed screen width') return(0) def undo(self): save_t_pt = self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.txt[self.line_ptr].undo(1) self.pointasdf = self.pointasdf - save_t_pt + self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.display_line() #i = self.scrn.getch() #self.scrn.move(self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) #self.scrn.refresh() return(0) def updown(self, count): (max_y, max_x) = self.scrn.getmaxyx() self.line_ptr += count if self.line_ptr < 0: self.line_ptr = 0 if self.line_ptr >= (max_y - YFUDGE): self.line_ptr = max_y - YFUDGE - 1 if self.line_ptr >= len(self.txt): self.line_ptr = len(self.txt) - 1 self.pointasdf = 0 for j in range(self.line_ptr): self.pointasdf += len(self.txt[j]) self.pointasdf += self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point() self.update_status() self.scrn.move(self.line_ptr, self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) self.scrn.refresh() return(0) def status_message(self, ch='', msg=''): global g_my_codec (save_y, save_x) = self.scrn.getyx() self.menuscrn.leaveok(1) #set flag to leave cursor alone if ch != '': self.menuscrn.addstr(1, 50, str(ord(ch)) + ' ') elif msg != '': self.menuscrn.addstr(3, 0, msg) self.menuscrn.refresh() self.menuscrn.leaveok(0) self.scrn.move(save_y, save_x) return(0) def update_status(self): global g_my_codec (save_y, save_x) = self.scrn.getyx() self.menuscrn.leaveok(1) #set flag to leave cursor alone self.menuscrn.addstr(1, 0, \ 'sbpt:' + str(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_point()) \ + ', ptasdf ' + str(self.pointasdf) \ + ', line: ' + str(self.line_ptr) \ + ', state: ' + str(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_state_id()) \ + ', sbstr state: ' + repr(self.txt[self.line_ptr].get_state_id()) + ' ') self.menuscrn.addstr(2, 0, 'codec: ' + g_my_codec) self.menuscrn.refresh() self.menuscrn.leaveok(0) self.scrn.move(save_y, save_x) return(0) def unicode_test(self): global g_my_codec self.scrn.refresh() for j in range(230, 250): #self.txt.insert(self.pointasdf, '\u2016') # this character works self.txt.insert(self.pointasdf, chr(j)) #chr(j)) #.encode(g_my_codec)) self.incr_point(1) self.display_line() self.scrn.refresh() time.sleep(.1) if j % 40 == 0: # insert ocassional line breaks self.txt.insert(self.pointasdf, os.linesep) self.incr_point(1) self.display_line() self.scrn.refresh() return(0) def trace_init(self): global g_my_codec, g_trace_dir, TRACE_FNAME print_hdr = False g_trace_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(g_trace_dir)) log_fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(g_trace_dir \ + '/' + TRACE_FNAME)) if os.access(g_trace_dir, os.F_OK): # The target directory exists if not os.access(g_trace_dir, os.W_OK): # Display error message for the user: raise Exception('Write access to trace directory denied: ' \ + g_trace_dir) else: # Target directory does not exist, so create it print_hdr = True os.mkdir(g_trace_dir) if os.access(log_fname + '2', os.F_OK): # the backup log file exists, kill it os.remove(log_fname + '2') if os.access(log_fname, os.F_OK): # rename the previouw log file print_hdr = True os.rename(log_fname, log_fname + '2') header_rec = 'key_nbr|code|win_row|win_col|ibuff_row|ibuff_col|vrow|vcol' \ + '|ibuff_len|vbuff_len|iline_pt_start|iline_len|vline_pt_start' \ + '|vline_leni\n' fdt =, 'w', g_my_codec) if print_hdr: fdt.write(header_rec) fdt.close return(0) def trace(self, txt_code, key_nbr=0, a_list=[]): '''MainWindow.trace() This will send a bunch of debug info to a file. key_nbr = the numeric value of the key that was most recently pressed. txt_code = a character code reminding you of what the trace information represents (10 character max). a_list = a list object that you can pass to display additional stuff. The entire list must be capable of being displayed with the repr() function (maybe I'll do fancier formatting in the future. ''' global g_my_codec, g_trace_dir g_trace_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(g_trace_dir)) log_fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(g_trace_dir \ + '/' + TRACE_FNAME)) if os.access(g_trace_dir, os.F_OK): # The target directory exists if not os.access(g_trace_dir, os.W_OK): raise Exception('Write access to trace directory denied: ' \ + g_trace_dir) else: raise Exception('The trace directory disappeared: ' + g_trace_dir) format_string = '{0:8d}|{1:10}|{2:4d}|{3:4d}|{4:4d}|{5:4d}' \ + '|{6:4d}|{7:4d}|{8:8d}' \ + '|{9:6d}|{10:8d}|{11:6d}|{12:8d}|{13:6d}|' #out_rec = format_string.format('put debug info here') out_rec = 'put debug info here' fdt =, 'a', g_my_codec) fdt.write(out_rec) fdt.close return(0) def win_del_char(self, win, y, x): # The win.delch(y, x) function appears to be broken: after the first delete # it deletes only from that spot, not the new location #win.delch(y, x) win.delch() self.update_status() win.refresh() return(0) def win_del_line(self, win, y): pass def win_ins_char(self, win, y, x, ch, attr=curses.A_BOLD): # insch(y, x, ch, attr) win.insch(y, x, ch, attr) win.move(y, x+1) self.update_status() return(0)
# test if the state_id stays put when batch=true from SBStrList import * st = SBString('adf') st.insert(1, 'Z', batch=True) st.insert(1, 'Z', batch=True) assert(st.get_state_id() == 0) s = SBStrList(['a\n', 'bbb\n', 'cccc\n']) s.insert(1, 'qq', batch=False) s.insert(1, 'Z', batch=True) s.insert(1, '9', batch=True) assert(s[0].get_state_id() == 1) s[0].get_string(state_id=2) s[0].get_string(state_id=1)