def install(macid): print('Enter admin pendrive to continue') try: driveletter = drive() os.chdir('{}:\\bankadmin'.format(driveletter)) except: print('Access denied') try: with open('Password.txt') as passw: passwhash = passw.close() passinput = getpass('Enter password: '******'mkdir "Cashvault"') os.chdir('Cashvault') os.system('type nul > cash.txt') with open('cash.txt', 'w') as vault: vault.write('0') vault.close() os.chdir(cwd) os.system('type nul >') with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(macid) f.close() os.system('attrib +s +h') os.system('attrib +s +h Cashvault') print('$AdminShell> Machine Installation was successful') sys.exit() except: pass
def vaultrefill(OTP): while True: OTPpass = input('Enter OTP to refill: ') if str.encode(SHA.sha_encode(OTPpass)) == OTP: with open('Cashvault\\cash.txt') as vault: cash = int( cash += 5000000 vault.close() with open('Cashvault\\cash.txt', 'w') as vault: vault.write(str(cash)) vault.close() break
def adminaccess(self): print('Enter admin pendrive to continue') cwd = os.getcwd() while True: try: driveletter = os.chdir('{}:\\bankadmin'.format(driveletter)) with open('Password.txt') as passw: passwhash = passw.close() passinput = getpass('Enter password: ') if SHA.sha_encode(passinput) == passwhash: self.access = True else: pass if self.access: os.chdir(cwd) break except: pass
def login(): username = input('Enter your Username: '******'loginreq {}'.format(username).encode()) permission = s.recv(100).decode('utf-8') if permission == '#a': print('(Entered characters will not be printed!!)') password = getpass('Enter your Password: '******'utf-8') if permission == '#a': s.send(' '.encode()) userdetails = [] x = s.recv(65536).decode('utf-8').replace("Decimal('", '') x = x[:-3] + ']' userdetails = eval(x) while True: usercash = int(userdetails[3]) print('Your Cash: {}'.format(str(usercash))) print('Enter your choice: ') print('1. Withdraw') print('2. Deposit') print('3. User Profile') print('4. Log Out') opt = input('> ') if opt == '1': while True: try: cashw = int( input( 'Enter the money you want to withdraw: ')) except: print('Enter an integer only') if cashw <= usercash and cashw <= cash(): s.send('withdrawal {} {} {}'.format( userdetails[0], userdetails[2], str(cashw)).encode()) if s.recv(100).decode('utf-8') == '#d': print('{} rupees has been withdrawn'.format( str(cashw))) cashwd(int('-{}'.format(cashw))) break else: print( 'Entered amount is more than your balance or ATM vault has not enough money' ) elif opt == '2': try: cashd = int( input('Enter the money you want to deposit: ')) except: print('Enter an integer only') s.send('depositreq {} {} {}'.format( userdetails[0], userdetails[2], str(cashd)).encode()) if s.recv(100).decode('utf-8') == '#d': print('{} rupees has been deposited'.format( str(cashd))) cashwd(int(cashd)) elif opt == '3': s.send('profreq {}'.format(userdetails[1]).encode()) print(s.recv(65535).decode('utf-8')) elif opt == '4': break else: continue x = s.recv(65536).decode('utf-8').replace("Decimal('", '') x = x[:-3] + ']' userdetails = eval(x) else: print('Wrong Password') else: print('Wrong Username')