예제 #1
    vz = vz[cut]
    M = M[cut]
    Mstar = Mstar[cut]
    Mgas = Mgas[cut]
    host = host[cut]
    fhires = fhires[cut]
    ngas = ngas[cut]
    nstar = nstar[cut]
    npart = npart[cut]
    Rvir = Rvir[cut]
    Vsig = Vsig[cut]
    Zs = Zs[cut]

Ns = []
for theZ in Zs:
    N = SF.N_for_z(theZ)

count = 0
jump_use = []

iSinX = []
iSinY = []
iSinZ = []

ShalX = []
ShalY = []
ShalZ = []
TheLen = len(Zs)

DinX = []
예제 #2
print ID
print 'all host'
print host

print 'at first, this halo is the following: '
print ID[0], Zs[0], nDM[0], nstar[0], ngas[0], host[0], fhires[0]
print 'at the end, this halo becomes: '
print ID[-1], Zs[-1], nDM[-1], nstar[-1], ngas[-1], host[-1], fhires[-1]

count = 0

type = -1
while (count < len(ID)):
    if (host[count] != -1):
        print 'this halo stopped being a main halo at ', count, Zs[
            count], ' N = ', SF.N_for_z(Zs[count])
        override = raw_input('do you agree?')
        if (override != 'n'):
            type = 0
            print 'terminating'

    count += 1

if (host[-1] != -1):
    type = 0

if (count > 0):
    count -= 1

good = True