예제 #1
 def removeRestrictionSites(self, sourceSeq, optimizedSeq, restrictionSites):
     get the best sequence that does not contain any restriction sites
     by re-randomizing until no restriction site remains
     codons = re.findall('...', optimizedSeq)
     remainder = SeqUtils.getRemainderSuffix(optimizedSeq)
     restrictionSites = SeqUtils.expandAmbiguousMult(restrictionSites)
     restrictionLocations = SeqUtils.searchSubseqs(optimizedSeq, restrictionSites)
     restrictionCodons = SeqUtils.getCodonsForRanges(restrictionLocations)
     # try to re-randomize a finite amount of times
     ITERMAX = 10000
     iteration = 0
     while iteration < ITERMAX:
         for i in restrictionCodons:
             codons[i] = self.getRandomOptimizedCodon(codons[i])
         tSeq = "".join(codons) + remainder
         tRL = SeqUtils.searchSubseqs(tSeq, restrictionSites)
         tRC = SeqUtils.getCodonsForRanges(tRL)
         if not tRC:
             return tSeq
         iteration += 1
     return None
예제 #2
 def getBestSequence(self, sourceSequence):
     sourceCodons = re.findall('...', sourceSequence)
     remainder = SeqUtils.getRemainderSuffix(sourceSequence)
     result = ""
     for co in sourceCodons:
         result += self.getBestCodon(co)
     result += remainder
     return result
예제 #3
 def SequenceToPrint(self, seq, restrictionSites, source=True):
     return tuples of the form (codon, usage, isRestrictionSite) for the sequence
     codons = re.findall('...', seq)
     remainder = SeqUtils.getRemainderSuffix(seq)
     result = list()
     restrictionSites = SeqUtils.expandAmbiguousMult(restrictionSites)
     restrictionLocations = SeqUtils.searchSubseqs(seq, restrictionSites)
     restrictionCodons = SeqUtils.getCodonsForRanges(restrictionLocations)
     for i in range(len(codons)):
         usage = self.sourceCU.getCodonRelativeUsage(codons[i]) if source else self.targetCU.getCodonRelativeUsage(codons[i])
         result.append((codons[i], usage, i in restrictionCodons))
     if remainder:
         result.append((remainder, None, None))
     return result
예제 #4
 def getPossibleOneStepChanges(self, sourceSeq, optimizedSeq, codonsToConsider):
     get all possible sequences resulting from substituting the codons to consider
     in the optimized Seq with the next best codons
     sourceCodons = re.findall('...', sourceSeq) # list of codons
     optCodons = re.findall("...", optimizedSeq)
     remainder = SeqUtils.getRemainderSuffix(optimizedSeq)
     res = list()
     for i in range(len(optCodons)):
         if i in codonsToConsider:
             nextBestCodon = self.getNextBestCodon(sourceCodons[i], optCodons[i])
             if nextBestCodon:
                 tCodons = optCodons
                 tCodons[i] = nextBestCodon
                 tSeq = "".join(tCodons)
                 tSeq += remainder
     return res