예제 #1
파일: parser_xml.py 프로젝트: Jul1a/wms-bot
def gather_capabilities(Nset, nameSet, cur, set_layers, list_WMSservers, server_URL):
  # Generated file name 
  name_file = nameSet + ".xml"
  # Product of an object class Document - dom
  dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
  # DTD schema takes one of the servers
  Nwms_dtd = list_WMSservers[0]

  # create service tag with need information (see Service.py).Return subtree dom
  tag_service = Service.get_tag(dom, server_URL, nameSet, Nwms_dtd)

  # create tag Capability.
  capability = dom.createElement("Capability")
  # create tag in Capability: Request
  request_dom = dom.createElement("Request")
  # Formated a tag Request with the intersection of all formats by all used servers
  request_dom = Service.get_tagRequest(dom, "GetCapabilities", request_dom,\
                                       server_URL, cur, list_WMSservers, nameSet, 0)
  request_dom = Service.get_tagRequest(dom, "GetMap", request_dom, server_URL,\
                                       cur, list_WMSservers, nameSet, 0)  
  request_dom = Service.get_tagRequest(dom, "GetFeatureInfo", request_dom, \
                                       server_URL, cur, list_WMSservers, nameSet, 0)  
  request_dom = Service.get_tagRequest(dom, "DescribeLayer", request_dom, \
                                       server_URL, cur, list_WMSservers, nameSet, 0)  
  request_dom = Service.get_tagRequest(dom, "GetLegendGraphic", request_dom, \
                                       server_URL, cur, list_WMSservers, nameSet, 0)  

  Nwms_used = -1
  count_servers = 0
  oldlist_formats = []
  for server_id in list_WMSservers:
  # Enumerates all used servers
    # Check their recurrence
    if Nwms_used == server_id:
    Nwms_used = server_id
    # Requested format of the tag with the name "Exception" of the server server_id
    # SELECT xpath_nodeset(Capabilites, '"//Capability/Exception/Format"') 
    # FROM WMSresources
    # WHERE Nwms = server_id;
    res = BD.interset_request(cur, "WMSresources", "Capabilites",\
                              "//Capability/Exception/Format", "Nwms", server_id)
    # Stores intersection list formats
    result = []
    if res:
    # If there is a format
      for tagFormat in res:
        strformat = tagFormat.replace("</Format>", "</Format>\n")
        if count_servers:
        # This is not the first list of formats
          oldlist_formats = list_formats
          # The string format is divided into a list
          list_formats = strformat.split("\n")
          # Created by the intersection of the lists of formats belonging to two servers
          for m in oldlist_formats:
            for j in list_formats:
              if m == j:
          # The result of suppresion of record in the list of formats
          list_formats = result
        # This is the first list of formats
          # The string format is divided into a list
          list_formats = strformat.split("\n")
          count_servers += 1
  # Formed a string from the list of formats
  strformat = " "
  for k in list_formats:
    strformat = strformat + "%s\n\t"%k

  # Create tag "Exception"
  exception = dom.createElement("Exception")
  except_format = dom.createTextNode("%s" % strformat)

  count_servers = 0
  Nwms_used = -1
  oldlist_formats = " "
  for server_id in list_WMSservers:
  # Enumerates all used servers
    result = " "
    # Check their recurrence
    if Nwms_used == server_id:
    Nwms_used = server_id
    # Requested format of the tag with the name "Exception" of the server server_id
    # SELECT xpath_nodeset(Capabilites, '"//Capability/UserDefinedSymbolization"') 
    # FROM WMSresources
    # WHERE Nwms = server_id;
    res = BD.interset_request(cur, "WMSresources", "Capabilites",\
                              "Nwms", server_id)
    if res:
    # If there is a UserDefinedSymbolization
      for tagSymbolization in res:
        if count_servers:
        # This is not the first string UserDefinedSymbolization
          oldlist_formats = list_formats
          list_formats = tagSymbolization
          if oldlist_formats == list_formats:
            result = list_formats
          list_formats = tagSymbolization
          count_servers += 1
    list_formats = result
  # Create tag UserDefinedSymbolization
  symb = dom.createTextNode("%s" % list_formats)
  # External layer - layer containing all the layers set
  external_Layer = dom.createElement("Layer")
  Name_exLayer = dom.createElement("Name")
  Title_exLayer = dom.createElement("Title")
  Title_exLayer.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("WMS Resource Manager of SB RAS"))
  # Requested a list of layers which don't display in "Capabilities"
  tables = []
  keywords = {}
  keywords["AuthorsSets.Nset"] = Nset
  res = BD.ifsome_tables(cur, tables, keywords, "AuthorsSets")
  if res:
    list_layernoset = res[0][0]
    list_layernoset = ""

  # For all layers of the set 
  for Nlayer, Nwms in set_layers.items():
    # Checking whether to display the layer in "Capabilities"
    place_instr = list_layernoset.find("%d"%Nlayer + ";")
    if (place_instr != -1):
      if ((place_instr != 0 and (list_layernoset[place_instr-1:place_instr])!='_') or (place_instr == 0)):
        # If the layer is not necessary to display, then its inner layers too

    # Requested by the parent layer, a list of internal layers and Capabilities.
    tables = []
    keywords = {}
    keywords["KnownLayers.Nwms"] = Nwms
    keywords["SetLayer.Nlayer"] = Nlayer
    keywords["KnownLayers.Nlayer"] = "SetLayer.Nlayer"
    keywords["SetLayer.Nset"] = Nset
    res = BD.ifsome_tables(cur, tables, keywords, "KnownLayers", "SetLayer")
    for parent_id, capabilities, subgroup_layers in res:
      if not subgroup_layers:
      # If there is no internal layers 
        capabilities = form_layer(capabilities, Nlayer, server_URL)
        if parent_id != -1:
        # If the layer has a parent
          capabilities = form_layerInfo(cur, parent_id, capabilities)
      # Another group is formed from layer
        capabilities = form_layerGroup(cur, Nlayer)
      # Is the formation of sublayers
      capabilities = form_sublayers(cur, Nwms, subgroup_layers, capabilities,\
                                      server_URL, list_layernoset, Nlayer)
      capabilities = capabilities + "</Layer>\t"
      # Create new node "Layer"
      text = dom.createTextNode("%s" % capabilities) 
  # transform tree in string
  texts = tag_service.toprettyxml(indent='  ', newl='\n')
  # transform psevdo codes in symbols
  texts = texts.replace("&lt;", "<")
  texts = texts.replace("&gt;", ">")
  texts = texts.replace("&quot;", "\"")
  texts = texts.replace("&amp;amp;", "&amp;")
  print texts