def check_and_activate(self): # print self.mac.get() # Message(root,text = 'hello Message',width = 60).pack() # v = StringVar(root) # OptionMenu(root,v,'Python','PHP','CPP','C','Java','JavaScript','VBScript') alert_msg = '' if not self.qq.get() and not self.act_code.get(): alert_msg = u'QQ号和激活码不能为空!' elif not self.qq.get(): alert_msg = u'QQ号不能为空!' elif not self.act_code.get(): alert_msg = u'激活码不能为空!', if alert_msg: dlg = SimpleDialog(self.master, text = alert_msg, buttons = [u'确定'], default = 0, ) # 执行对话框 dlg.go() else: if self.act_code_is_ok(): self.write_encryption() self.master.destroy() else:#激活码无效 alert_msg2 = u'激活码无效, 请重新输入...' dlg2 = SimpleDialog(self.master, text = alert_msg2, buttons = [u'确定'], default = 0, ) # 执行对话框 dlg2.go()
def showDia(): dlg = SimpleDialog(root, text = 'hello SimpleDialog', buttons = ['Yes','No','cancel'], default = 0, ) # 执行对话框 print dlg.go()
def submit(self): if 0 in self.result: # 创建一个SimpleDialog # buttons:显示的按钮 # default:默认选中的按钮 dlg = SimpleDialog(self.root, text='你有未选择的题目!', buttons=['确定'], default=0, ) # 执行对话框 dlg.go() else: self.label.destroy() self.itema.destroy() self.itemb.destroy() self.itemc.destroy() self.itemd.destroy() self.iteme.destroy() self.preBt.destroy() self.submitBt.destroy() score = sum(self.result) if score >180: label = Message(self.root,text="心理测试结果 :"),y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="意志力强,头脑冷静,有较强的领导欲,事业心强,不达目的不罢休。外表和善,内心自傲,对有利于自己的人际关系比较看重,有时显得性格急噪,咄咄逼人,得理不饶人,不利于自己时顽强抗争,不轻易认输。思维理性,对爱情和婚姻的看法很现实,对金钱的欲望一般。 ") message.pack() elif score >140: label = Message(self.root, text="心理测试结果 :"), y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="聪明,性格活泼,人缘好,善于交朋友,心机较深。事业心强,渴望成功。思维较理性,崇尚爱情,但当爱情与婚姻发生冲突时会选择有利于自己的婚姻。金钱欲望强烈。") message.pack() elif score > 100: label = Message(self.root, text="心理测试结果 :"), y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="爱幻想,思维较感性,以是否与自己投缘为标准来选择朋友。性格显得较孤傲,有时较急噪,有时优柔寡断。事业心较强,喜欢有创造性的工作,不喜欢按常规办事。性格倔强,言语犀利,不善于妥协。崇尚浪漫的爱情,但想法往往不切合实际。金钱欲望一般") message.pack() elif score > 70 : label = Message(self.root, text="心理测试结果 :"), y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="好奇心强,喜欢冒险,人缘较好。事业心一般,对待工作,随遇而安,善于妥协。善于发现有趣的事情,但耐心较差,敢于冒险,但有时较胆小。渴望浪漫的爱情,但对婚姻的要求比较现实。不善理财。") message.pack() elif score >40: label = Message(self.root, text="心理测试结果 :"), y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="性情温良,重友谊,性格塌实稳重,但有时也比较狡黠。事业心一般,对本职工作能认真对待,但对自己专业以外事物没有太大兴趣,喜欢有规律的工作和生活,不喜欢冒险,家庭观念强,比较善于理财。") message.pack() else: label = Message(self.root, text="心理测试结果 :"), y=40) message = Message(self.root, text="散漫,爱玩,富于幻想。聪明机灵,待人热情,爱交朋友,但对朋友没有严格的选择标准。事业心较差,更善于享受生活,意志力和耐心都较差,我行我素。有较好的异性缘,但对爱情不够坚持认真,容易妥协。没有财产观念。") message.pack()
def showDia(): dlg = SimpleDialog( root, text='hello SimpleDialog', buttons=['Yes', 'No', 'cancel'], default=0, ) # 执行对话框 print dlg.go()
def new(self): from SimpleDialog import * import tkSimpleDialog self.selection_clear() dialog = SimpleDialog(self.root,text="Select data type", buttons=["int","dbl","logical","char","cancel"]) status = dialog.go() if (status == 0): ma_type = INT elif (status == 1): ma_type = DBL elif (status == 2): ma_type = LOGICAL elif (status == 3): ma_type = 1000 else: self.set_text("") return # end if name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("xrtdb","Enter name") if (not name): self.set_text("") return # end if self.set_text("Edit %s of type %s" % (name,self.ma_type_name(ma_type))) self.delete_tmpfile() self.write_tmpfile("Replace this file with your data of type %s" % self.ma_type_name(ma_type), 1000) self.process_tmpfile(name, ma_type, 1)
def new(self): self.selection_clear() dialog = SimpleDialog( self.root, text="Select data type", buttons=["int", "dbl", "logical", "char", "cancel"]) status = dialog.go() if (status == 0): ma_type = INT elif (status == 1): ma_type = DBL elif (status == 2): ma_type = LOGICAL elif (status == 3): ma_type = 1000 else: self.set_text("") return # end if name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("xrtdb", "Enter name") if (not name): self.set_text("") return # end if self.set_text("Edit %s of type %s" % (name, self.ma_type_name(ma_type))) self.delete_tmpfile() self.write_tmpfile( "Replace this file with your data of type %s" % self.ma_type_name(ma_type), 1000) self.process_tmpfile(name, ma_type, 1)
def getullimits(self, z): # print '%s, %s'%(type(z), z.keycode) # print 'get upper low limits' ul = self.http_util('ullimits') tt = 'upper&lower limits' sdl_text = 'Success to get upper&lower, which one you want to copy to clipboard?' sdl_bn = ['upper', 'lower', 'cancel'] if ul=='' or len(ul.split('\n'))!=2: tt = 'upper&lower limits::Fail to get' sdl_text= 'Maybe server is NOT online.\nMaybe parse fail.' dlg_ac = SimpleDialog(, title = tt, text = sdl_text, buttons = sdl_bn, default = 0, ) choose_index = dlg_ac.go() # print ul # print choose_index if sdl_bn[choose_index] in ['upper', 'lower']: # # temp_str = ul.split('\n')[choose_index] # print 'choose text, %s'%temp_str'\n')[choose_index])
def help(self): from SimpleDialog import * dialog = SimpleDialog(self.root, text="Quit \t- immediately exits.\n" "Delete \t- deletes selected entry.\n" "Edit \t- edits selected entry, optional save.\n" "New \t- makes new entry, prompts for type+name.\n" "Help \t- this is all that there is.\n" "\n" "Single click on item to select it.\n" "Double click on item to edit it.\n" "\n" "When editing\n" "\t- enter one value per line.\n" "\t- use true/false for logicals.\n" "\t- use 'e' in floating point exponents.\n" "\t- character strings are terminated at EOL.", buttons=["Done"]) dialog.go()
def help(self): from SimpleDialog import * dialog = SimpleDialog( self.root, text="Quit \t- immediately exits.\n" "Delete \t- deletes selected entry.\n" "Edit \t- edits selected entry, optional save.\n" "New \t- makes new entry, prompts for type+name.\n" "Help \t- this is all that there is.\n" "\n" "Single click on item to select it.\n" "Double click on item to edit it.\n" "\n" "When editing\n" "\t- enter one value per line.\n" "\t- use true/false for logicals.\n" "\t- use 'e' in floating point exponents.\n" "\t- character strings are terminated at EOL.", buttons=["Done"]) dialog.go()
def openBlackList(root): prefix = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\' fileIn = open(prefix+'hosts') fileOut = open(prefix+'','w') for line in fileIn.readlines(): fileOut.write(line) fileIn = open('blackList.txt') fileOut.write('#my black list\n') for line in fileIn.readlines(): fileOut.write('\t\t'+line) fileIn.close() fileOut.close() os.remove(prefix+'hosts') os.rename(prefix+'',prefix+'hosts') dlg = SimpleDialog(root, text = 'the blacklist is now open', buttons = ['ok,i know'], default = 0, ) print dlg.go()
def confirm(root): prefix = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\' fileIn = open(prefix+'hosts') fileOut = open(prefix+'','w') for line in fileIn.readlines(): if '#my black list' in line : break fileOut.write(line) fileIn.close() fileOut.close() os.remove(prefix+'hosts') os.rename(prefix+'',prefix+'hosts') dlg = SimpleDialog(root, text = 'the blacklist is now closed', buttons = ['ok,i know'], default = 0, ) print dlg.go()
def process_tmpfile(self, name, ma_type, isnew): from SimpleDialog import * # Edit tmpfile # Prompt for saving changes # Try to read the results # Store in the database # If it is a new entry update the listbox try: self.edit_tmpfile() except "Edit failed": self.set_text("Edit failed") self.selection_clear() # end try dialog = SimpleDialog(self.root, text="Save edits?", buttons=["Yes", "No"]) status = dialog.go() if (status == 0): try: result = self.read_tmpfile(ma_type) except "Invalid type": return # msg set in read_tmpfile # end try try: rtdb_put(name, result, ma_type) self.set_text("%s edits saved" % name) except NWChemError: self.set_text("%s save failed!" % name) # end try if (isnew): # end if # end if # end def process_tmpfile n = 0 try: while (name > self.listbox.get(n)): n = n + 1 # end while except: pass # end try self.listbox.insert(n, name) self.listbox.see(n) else: self.set_text("%s nothing saved" % name) self.selection_clear()
def process_tmpfile(self, name, ma_type, isnew): from SimpleDialog import * # Edit tmpfile # Prompt for saving changes # Try to read the results # Store in the database # If it is a new entry update the listbox try: self.edit_tmpfile() except "Edit failed": self.set_text("Edit failed") self.selection_clear() # end try dialog = SimpleDialog(self.root,text="Save edits?",buttons=["Yes","No"]) status = dialog.go() if (status == 0): try: result = self.read_tmpfile(ma_type) except "Invalid type": return # msg set in read_tmpfile # end try try: rtdb_put(name,result,ma_type) self.set_text("%s edits saved" % name) except NWChemError: self.set_text("%s save failed!" % name) # end try if (isnew): # end if # end if # end def process_tmpfile n = 0 try: while (name > self.listbox.get(n)): n = n + 1 # end while except: pass # end try self.listbox.insert(n,name) self.listbox.see(n) else: self.set_text("%s nothing saved" % name) self.selection_clear()
def load(): global new_name,difficult,level,user_score,user_level,user_index canvas.delete(ALL) draw_wall() try: f = open('rank.txt','r') except: f = open('rank.txt','a') f.close() canvas.create_text(300,150,text='empty',font='Courier 25 bold') else: user_lst = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] f.close() if len(user_lst) == 0: canvas.create_text(300,150,text='empty',font='Courier 25 bold') canvas.create_text(480,350,text='Press b to back',font='Courier 15 bold') else: user_lst.sort(key = lambda x:int(x.split()[1]),reverse=True) canvas.create_text(300,40,text='Name\tScore\tLevel\tDifficulty',font='Courier 15 bold') lst_y = 80 for i in user_lst: canvas.create_text(300,lst_y,text=i,font='Courier 15 bold') lst_y += 30 f = open('rank.txt','r') user_lst = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] f.close() user_lst.sort(key = lambda x:int(x.split()[1]),reverse=True) if len(user_lst) == 0: canvas.create_text(300,150,text='empty',font='Courier 25 bold') canvas.create_text(480,350,text='Press b to back',font='Courier 15 bold') canvas.focus_set() canvas.bind('<Key>',rank_key_event) else: name_lst = [] for item in user_lst: name_lst.append(item.split()[0]) dlg = SimpleDialog(canvas,text='which one to choose',buttons=name_lst,default=0,) user_index = dlg.go() new_name = user_lst[user_index].split()[0] user_score = int(user_lst[user_index].split()[1]) user_level = int(user_lst[user_index].split()[2]) difficult = user_lst[user_index].split()[3] draw_score() show_words()
def rank_del(): f = open('rank.txt','r') user_lst = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] f.close() user_lst.sort(key = lambda x:int(x.split()[1]),reverse=True) name_lst = [] for item in user_lst: name_lst.append(item.split()[0]) dlg = SimpleDialog(canvas,text='which one to del',buttons=name_lst,default=0,) del_index = dlg.go() del user_lst[del_index] user_lst.sort(key = lambda x:int(x.split()[1]),reverse=True) for i in range(0,len(user_lst)-1): user_lst[i] += '\n' f = open('rank.txt','w') f.writelines(user_lst) f.close() canvas.delete(ALL) rank()
# -*- coding=utf8 -*- from Tkinter import * # 引入SimpleDialog模态对话框 from SimpleDialog import * root = Tk() # 创建一个SimpleDialog # buttons:显示的按钮 # default:默认选中的按钮 dlg = SimpleDialog( root, text='你有未选择的题目!', buttons=['确定'], default=0, ) # 执行对话框 dlg.go() root.mainloop()