예제 #1
def getSitkGradient(im):

    gradient = sitk.Gradient(im)
    gradientn = sitk.gafi(gradient)
    gradients = [sitk.Cast(sitk.gifa(gradientn[:,:,:,i]),6) for i in range(gradient.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel())]
    #gradients = imaging.sortAxes(gradient,[3,0,1,2])
    return gradients
예제 #2
def getSmoothGradient(im,sigma=2):
    shape = im.shape
    im = sitk.gifa(im)
    gradient = sitk.GradientRecursiveGaussian(im,sigma)
    gradient = sitk.gafi(gradient)
    gradients = imaging.sortAxes(gradient,[len(shape)]+range(len(shape)))
    return gradients
예제 #3
    def step(self):
        """Perform a single step of the morphological snake evolution."""
        # Assign attributes to local variables for convenience.
        u = self._u
        gI = self._data
        dgI = self._ddata
        theta = self._theta
        v = self._v

        if u is None:
            raise ValueError, "the levelset is not set (use set_levelset)"

        # res = np.copy(u)
        res = u*1

        # Balloon.
        if v > 0:
            aux = sitk.Cast(sitk.BinaryDilate(sitk.Cast(u,3)),self.dtype)
            # aux = binary_dilation(u, self.structure)
        elif v < 0:
            aux = sitk.Cast(sitk.BinaryErode(sitk.Cast(u,3)),self.dtype)
            # aux = binary_erosion(u, self.structure)
        if v!= 0:
            res = sitk.Cast(self._threshold_mask_v==0,self.dtype)*res+\
            # res[self._threshold_mask_v] = aux[self._threshold_mask_v]

        # Image attachment.
        # aux = np.zeros_like(res)
        aux = sitk.gifa(np.zeros(res.GetSize()[::-1],dtype=self.dtype))
        dres = getSitkGradient(res)
        for el1, el2 in zip(dgI, dres):
            aux += el1*el2
        res[aux > 0] = 1
        res[aux < 0] = 0
        res = sitk.Cast(aux>0,self.dtype)

        # Smoothing.
        # Smoothing.
        res = sitk.gafi(res)
        for i in xrange(self.smoothing):
            res = curvop(res)
        res = sitk.gifa(res)

        self._u = res
예제 #4
    def step(self):
        """Perform a single step of the morphological Chan-Vese evolution."""
        # Assign attributes to local variables for convenience.
        u = self._u

        if u is None:
            raise ValueError, "the levelset function is not set (use set_levelset)"

        data = self.data

        # Determine c0 and c1.
        inside = sitk.Cast(u>0,self.dtype)
        outside = sitk.Cast(u<=0,self.dtype)

        c0 = sitkSum(data*outside)/float(sitkSum(outside))
        c1 = sitkSum(data*inside)/float(sitkSum(inside))
        # c0 = data[outside].sum() / float(outside.sum())
        # c1 = data[inside].sum() / float(inside.sum())

        # Image attachment.
        dres = getSitkGradient(u)
        # abs_dres = sitk.GradientMagnitude(u)
        # dres = np.array(np.gradient(u))
        # abs_dres = np.abs(dres).sum(0)
        abs_dres = sitk.Cast(sitk.Add(sitk.Add(dres[0],dres[1]),dres[2]),self.dtype)
        #aux = abs_dres * (c0 - c1) * (c0 + c1 - 2*data)
        aux = abs_dres * (self.lambda1*(data - c1)**2 - self.lambda2*(data - c0)**2)

        # res = np.copy(u)
        res = u*1.
        res = sitk.Cast(aux<0,self.dtype)+res*sitk.Cast(aux==0,self.dtype)
        # res[aux < 0] = 1
        # res[aux > 0] = 0

        # Smoothing.
        res = sitk.gafi(res)
        for i in xrange(self.smoothing):
            res = curvop(res)
        res = sitk.Cast(sitk.gifa(res),self.dtype)
        self._u = res
예제 #5
def getSmoothGradientMagnitude(im,sigma=2):
    im = sitk.gifa(im)
    gm = sitk.GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian(im,sigma)
    gm = sitk.gafi(gm)
    return gm