예제 #1
def CreateScanDataFileList(wdname,sf,scannumber):
    Create the list of localized file from specfile scan number specified
    @param     wdname: main working path directory containing DATA/, PROCESS/ and REPORT/ folders afterward
    @type      wdname: string
    @param         sf: specfile informations
    @type          sf: specfile object
    @param scannumber: number of the scan data to find out
    @type  scannumber: string
    # Original ESRF directory name of files
    odname   = SpecTools.get_ScanValueInSpecHeaderComment(sf,scannumber,'#C qq.adet.dname')
    # Equivalent directory name in the path
    edname   = odname.split('/')
    # Set the last directory specified in wdname as the key to set the equivalency
    keydname = wdname.split('/')[-2]
    # Position of experiment directory name (edname) in the original directory name (odname) field :
        poskey   = int([pos for pos in range(len(odname.split('/'))) if odname.split('/')[pos] == keydname][0])
    except IndexError:# Case of keydname is not identical between original directory and actual directory
        poskey   = int([pos for pos in range(len(odname.split('/'))) if odname.split('/')[pos] == 'DATA'][0]) - 1
    fdname   = wdname + '/'.join(odname.split('/')[poskey+1::]) + '/'#Directory of the files
    nbmeas   = sf.select(str(scannumber)).data().shape[1]#Number of measurements recorded (can be different from expected in the command if user stop the scan)
    fprefix  = SpecTools.get_ScanValueInSpecHeaderComment(sf,scannumber,'#C qq.adet.prefix')
    filelist = [fdname + fprefix + str(val).zfill(4) + '.edf' for val in range(0,nbmeas)]
    return filelist
예제 #2
def CreateScanDataFileList(wdname, sf, scannumber):
	Create the list of localized file from specfile scan number specified
	@param     wdname: main working path directory containing DATA/, PROCESS/ and REPORT/ folders afterward
	@type      wdname: string
	@param         sf: specfile informations
	@type          sf: specfile object
	@param scannumber: number of the scan data to find out
	@type  scannumber: string
    # Original ESRF directory name of files
    odname = SpecTools.get_ScanValueInSpecHeaderComment(
        sf, scannumber, '#C qq.adet.dname')
    # Equivalent directory name in the path
    edname = odname.split('/')
    # Set the last directory specified in wdname as the key to set the equivalency
    keydname = wdname.split('/')[-2]
    # Position of edname in the odname field
    poskey = int([
        pos for pos in range(len(odname.split('/')))
        if odname.split('/')[pos] == keydname
    fdname = wdname + '/'.join(
        odname.split('/')[poskey + 1::]) + '/'  #Directory of the files
    nbmeas = sf.select(str(scannumber)).data().shape[
        1]  #Number of measurements recorded (can be different from expected in the command if user stop the scan)
    fprefix = SpecTools.get_ScanValueInSpecHeaderComment(
        sf, scannumber, '#C qq.adet.prefix')
    filelist = [
        fdname + fprefix + str(val).zfill(4) + '.edf'
        for val in range(0, nbmeas)
    return filelist