예제 #1
    def save_as_xls(self,filen):
        """Output the workbook contents to an Excel-format file

          filen: name of the file to write the workbook to.

        xls = Spreadsheet.Workbook()
        for name in self.worksheet:
            worksheet = self.worksheet[name]
            ws = xls.addSheet(worksheet.title)
예제 #2
chr\tChromosome location of binding region
start\tStart coordinate of binding region
end\tEnd coordinate of binding region
summit-100\tSummit - 100bp
summit+100\tSummit + 100bp
summit-1\tSummit of binding region - 1
summit\tSummit of binding region
length\tLength of binding region
summit\tPeak of summit region from the start position of the binding region
tags\tNumber of non-degenerate and position corrected reads in the binding region
-10*LOG10(pvalue)\tTransformed Pvalue -10*log10(Pvalue) for the binding region (e.g. if Pvalue=1e-10, then this value should be 100)
fold_enrichment\tFold enrichment for this region against random Poisson distribution with local lambda
FDR(%)\tFalse discovery rate (FDR) as a percentage
    # Create a new spreadsheet
    wb = Spreadsheet.Workbook()

    # Create the sheets
    # data = the actual data from MACS
    ws_data = wb.addSheet(
        os.path.basename(macs_in)[:min(30, len(os.path.basename(macs_in)))])
    # note = the header data
    ws_notes = wb.addSheet("notes")
    ws_notes.addText("<style font=bold>MACS RUN NOTES:</style>")
        "\n<style font=bold>ADDITIONAL NOTES:</style>\nBy default regions are sorted by Pvalue and fold enrichment (in descending order)"