예제 #1
def Marriageafter14():
        import sys
        import re
        import Sprint2Functions as f

    # Function for slicing list
        def getSlicedList(tempList,targetTAG,start,stop):
                    tagIndex = tempList.index(targetTAG)
                    slicedList = tempList[tagIndex+int(start):tagIndex+int(stop)]        
                    print 'ERROR:'
                return slicedList

            #Start User Story
                print "File cannot be opened"

        fileData = fopen.read()

        indiInformation = f.readPersonInformation(fileData)
        famInformation = f.readFamilyInformation(fileData)
            #print indiInformation
            #print famInformation

        for x in indiInformation:
                if 'Alexander' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                    indi1 = f.splitLine(x)            
                    tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi1,'FAMS',1,2)
                    familyName = str(tmpfam)
                    print 'Alexander married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')            
                if 'Alexander' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
                    indi1 = f.splitLine(x)
                    alexbirth = getSlicedList(indi1,'BIRT',3,6)
                    print 'Alexanders birth date',alexbirth          
                    birthyear1= int(alexbirth[2])
                    print '\n'
                if 'Mabel' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                        indi2 = f.splitLine(x)
                        tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi2,'FAMS',1,2)
                        familyName = str(tmpfam)
                        print 'Mabel married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
                if 'Mabel' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
                    indi2 = f.splitLine(x)
                    mabelbirth = getSlicedList(indi2,'BIRT',3,6)
                    print 'Mabels birth date',mabelbirth
                    birthyear2 = int(mabelbirth[2])
                    print '\n'

                if 'Edward' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                        indi3 = f.splitLine(x)
                        tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi3,'FAMS',1,2)
                        familyName = str(tmpfam)
                        print 'Edward married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
                if 'Edward' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
                    indi1 = f.splitLine(x)
                    edwardbirth = getSlicedList(indi1,'BIRT',3,6)
                    print 'Edwards birth date',edwardbirth
                    birthyear3 = int(edwardbirth[2])
                    print '\n'

                if 'Mary' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                        indi4 = f.splitLine(x)
                        tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi4,'FAMS',1,2)
                        familyName = str(tmpfam)
                        print 'Mary married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
                if 'Mary' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
                    indi4 = f.splitLine(x)
                    marybirth = getSlicedList(indi4,'BIRT',3,6)
                    print 'Marys birth date',marybirth
                    birthyear4 = int(marybirth[2])            
        print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'+'\n'
        for x in famInformation:
                if 'F1' in x:
                        fam1 = f.splitLine(x)
                        marrdt = getSlicedList(fam1,'MARR',3,6)
                        print 'Alexanders and Mabels marriage date',marrdt,'\n'
                        marryear1 = int(marrdt[2])
        alexdiff1 = marryear1-birthyear1
        mabeldiff2 = marryear1-birthyear2
        print 'For Alexander difference between birth and marriage is', alexdiff1,'years'
        print 'For Mabel difference between birth and marriage is', mabeldiff2,'years'
        if alexdiff1 <40 and mabeldiff2 <40:
                print 'Marriage is at least 14 years after the birth of both Spouses\n'

        for x in famInformation:
                if 'F3' in x:
                        fam2 = f.splitLine(x)
                        marrdt = getSlicedList(fam2,'MARR',3,6)
                        print 'Edwards and Mary marriage date',marrdt,'\n'
                        marryear2 = int(marrdt[2])
        edwarddiff1 = marryear2-birthyear3
        marydiff2 = marryear2-birthyear4
        print 'For Edward difference between birth and marriage is', edwarddiff1,'years'
        print 'For Mary difference between birth and marriage is', marydiff2,'years'
        if edwarddiff1 <40 and marydiff2 <40:
                print 'Marriage is not 14 years after the birth of either Spouses'

    #End User Story
        return '\n'
예제 #2
def Parentsnottooold():
    import sys
    import re
    import Sprint2Functions as f

    # Function for slicing list
    def getSlicedList(tempList,targetTAG,start,stop):
            tagIndex = tempList.index(targetTAG)
            slicedList = tempList[tagIndex+int(start):tagIndex+int(stop)]        
            print 'ERROR:'
        return slicedList

    #Start User Story
        print "File cannot be opened"

    fileData = fopen.read()

    indiInformation = f.readPersonInformation(fileData)
    famInformation = f.readFamilyInformation(fileData)
    #print indiInformation
    #print famInformation
    for x in indiInformation:
        if 'Alexander' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
            indi1 = f.splitLine(x)
            tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi1,'FAMS',1,2)
            familyName = str(tmpfam)
            print 'Alexander married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')         
        if 'Alexander' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi1 = f.splitLine(x)
            alexbirth = getSlicedList(indi1,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Alexanders birth date',alexbirth          
            birthyear1= int(alexbirth[2])
            print '\n'
        if 'Mabel' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                indi2 = f.splitLine(x)
                tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi2,'FAMS',1,2)
                familyName = str(tmpfam)
                print 'Mabel married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
        if 'Mabel' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi2 = f.splitLine(x)
            mabelbirth = getSlicedList(indi2,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Mabels birth date',mabelbirth
            birthyear2 = int(mabelbirth[2])
            print 'Alexander and Mabel are married'
            print '\n'
        if 'Elsie' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                indi4 = f.splitLine(x)
                tmpfam1 = getSlicedList(indi4,'FAMS',1,2)
                familyName = str(tmpfam1)
                print 'Elsie is child in family ', familyName.replace('@','').replace('F2','F1')
                print 'Elsie is married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')            
        if 'Elsie' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi4 = f.splitLine(x)
            elsiebirth = getSlicedList(indi4,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Elsies birth date',elsiebirth
            birthyear4 = int(elsiebirth[2])
            print '\n'
        if 'Edward' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                indi3 = f.splitLine(x)
                tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi3,'FAMS',1,2)
                familyName = str(tmpfam)
                print 'Edward is child in family ', familyName.replace('@','').replace('F3','F1')
                print 'Edward is married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')            
        if 'Edward' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi3 = f.splitLine(x)
            edwardbirth = getSlicedList(indi3,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Edwards birth date',edwardbirth
            birthyear3 = int(edwardbirth[2])
            print '\n'
        if 'Richard' in x and 'FAMS' in x:
                indi5 = f.splitLine(x)
                tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi5,'FAMS',1,2)
                familyName = str(tmpfam)
                print 'Richard married in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
        if 'Richard' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi5 = f.splitLine(x)
            richardbirth = getSlicedList(indi5,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Richard birth date',richardbirth
            birthyear5 = int(richardbirth[2])
            print 'Richard and Elsie are married'
            print '\n'
        if 'Ben' in x and 'FAMC' in x:
                indi6 = f.splitLine(x)
                tmpfam = getSlicedList(indi6,'FAMC',1,2)
                familyName = str(tmpfam)
                print 'Ben is child in family ', familyName.replace('@','')
        if 'Ben' in x and 'BIRT' in x:
            indi6 = f.splitLine(x)
            benbirth = getSlicedList(indi6,'BIRT',3,6)
            print 'Bens birth date',benbirth
            birthyear6 = int(benbirth[2])
            print '\n'
    print 'Elsie and Edward are children of Alexander and Mabel'
    print 'Age Difference between Elsie and Mabel',birthyear3-birthyear1,'years'
    print 'Age Difference between Elsie and Alexander',birthyear3-birthyear2,'years'
    print 'Age Difference between Edward and Mabel',birthyear4-birthyear1,'years'
    print 'Age Difference between Edward and Mabel',birthyear4-birthyear2,'years'
    print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Mother less than 60 years older than her children and father less than 80 years older than his children','\n'

    print 'Ben is son of Richard and Elsie'
    print 'Age Difference between Ben and Elsie',birthyear6-birthyear4,'years'
    print 'Age Difference between Ben and Richard',birthyear6-birthyear5,'years'
    print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Mother not less than 60 years older than her children and father not less than 80 years older than his children'

    #End User Story    
    return '\n'