예제 #1
    def __init__(self, fn_in, time_begin, time_end):
        #self.overloaded = overloaded

        # Unzip when the file is not there
        if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
            fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_in
            if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_in)
                "cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" %
                (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
        if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

        mo_list = []
        line_params = None
        line_run = None
        with open(fn_in) as fo:
            for line in fo:
                # 2017-10-13 20:41:01:258 2 sec: 34 operations; 34 current ops/sec; est completion in 68 days 1 hours [READ: Count=28, Max=46943, Min=33,
                # Avg=32239.54, 90=45343, 99=46943, 99.9=46943, 99.99=46943] [INSERT: Count=8, Max=9343, Min=221, Avg=4660.88, 90=8695, 99=9343, 99.9=9343,
                # 99.99=9343]
                mo = re.match(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d (?P<rel_time>\d+) sec: \d+ operations; " \
                    "(?P<db_iops>(\d|\.)+) current ops\/sec; .*" \
                    "\[READ: Count=(?P<r_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<r_max>\d+), Min=(?P<r_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<r_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
                    " 90=(?P<r_90>\d+), 99=(?P<r_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<r_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<r_9999>\d+)\] " \
                    "\[INSERT: Count=(?P<w_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<w_max>\d+), Min=(?P<w_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<w_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
                    " 90=(?P<w_90>\d+), 99=(?P<w_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<w_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<w_9999>\d+)\] " \
                    , line)
                if mo is None:

                total_seconds = int(mo.group("rel_time"))
                s = total_seconds % 60
                total_seconds -= s
                total_mins = total_seconds / 60
                m = total_mins % 60
                total_mins -= m
                h = total_mins / 60
                rel_time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
                if (time_begin <= rel_time) and (rel_time <= time_end):
                    mo_list.append((rel_time, mo))
        if len(mo_list) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected. Check file [%s]" % fn_in)

        cnt = 0
        db_iops = []
        r_cnt = 0
        r_avg = 0.0
        r_min = 0
        r_max = 0
        r_90 = 0
        r_99 = 0
        r_999 = 0
        r_9999 = 0
        w_cnt = 0
        w_avg = 0.0
        w_min = 0
        w_max = 0
        w_90 = 0
        w_99 = 0
        w_999 = 0
        w_9999 = 0
        for e in mo_list:
            rel_time = e[0]
            mo = e[1]
            r_cnt += int(mo.group("r_cnt"))
            r_avg += float(mo.group("r_avg"))
            r_min += int(mo.group("r_min"))
            r_max += int(mo.group("r_max"))
            r_90 += int(mo.group("r_90"))
            r_99 += int(mo.group("r_99"))
            r_999 += int(mo.group("r_999"))
            r_9999 += int(mo.group("r_9999"))
            w_cnt += int(mo.group("w_cnt"))
            w_avg += float(mo.group("w_avg"))
            w_min += int(mo.group("w_min"))
            w_max += int(mo.group("w_max"))
            w_90 += int(mo.group("w_90"))
            w_99 += int(mo.group("w_99"))
            w_999 += int(mo.group("w_999"))
            w_9999 += int(mo.group("w_9999"))
            cnt += 1

        self.db_iops_stat = Stat.Gen(db_iops)

        self.r_cnt = r_cnt
        self.r_avg = (float(r_avg) / cnt)
        self.r_min = (float(r_min) / cnt)
        self.r_max = (float(r_max) / cnt)
        self.r_90 = (float(r_90) / cnt)
        self.r_99 = (float(r_99) / cnt)
        self.r_999 = (float(r_999) / cnt)
        self.r_9999 = (float(r_9999) / cnt)
        self.w_cnt = (float(w_cnt) / cnt)
        self.w_avg = (float(w_avg) / cnt)
        self.w_min = (float(w_min) / cnt)
        self.w_max = (float(w_max) / cnt)
        self.w_90 = (float(w_90) / cnt)
        self.w_99 = (float(w_99) / cnt)
        self.w_999 = (float(w_999) / cnt)
        self.w_9999 = (float(w_9999) / cnt)
예제 #2
 def WriteLat(self):
     if self.w_stat is not None:
         return self.w_stat
     with Cons.MT("Generating write latency stat ..."):
         self.w_stat = Stat.Gen(self.w_raw)
         return self.w_stat
예제 #3
  def __init__(self, fn_in, exp_dt):
    self.fn_out = "%s/ycsb-by-time-%s" % (Conf.GetOutDir(), exp_dt)
    if os.path.isfile(self.fn_out):

    with Cons.MT("Generating ycsb time-vs-metrics file for plot ..."):
      # Unzip when the file is not there
      if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
        fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_in
        if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
          raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_in)
        Util.RunSubp("cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" % (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
      if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

      mo_list = []
      line_params = None
      line_run = None
      with open(fn_in) as fo:
        for line in fo:
          # 2017-10-13 20:41:01:258 2 sec: 34 operations; 34 current ops/sec; est completion in 68 days 1 hours [READ: Count=28, Max=46943, Min=33,
          # Avg=32239.54, 90=45343, 99=46943, 99.9=46943, 99.99=46943] [INSERT: Count=8, Max=9343, Min=221, Avg=4660.88, 90=8695, 99=9343, 99.9=9343,
          # 99.99=9343]
          mo = re.match(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d (?P<rel_time>\d+) sec: \d+ operations; " \
              "(?P<db_iops>(\d|\.)+) current ops\/sec; .*" \
              "\[READ: Count=(?P<r_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<r_max>\d+), Min=(?P<r_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<r_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
              " 90=(?P<r_90>\d+), 99=(?P<r_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<r_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<r_9999>\d+)\] " \
              "\[INSERT: Count=(?P<w_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<w_max>\d+), Min=(?P<w_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<w_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
              " 90=(?P<w_90>\d+), 99=(?P<w_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<w_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<w_9999>\d+)\] " \
              , line)

          if mo is not None:
            total_seconds = int(mo.group("rel_time"))
            s = total_seconds % 60
            total_seconds -= s
            total_mins = total_seconds / 60
            m = total_mins % 60
            total_mins -= m
            h = total_mins / 60
            rel_time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
            mo_list.append((rel_time, mo))

          if line.startswith("params = {"):
            line_params = line

          if line.startswith("run = {"):
            line_run = line
      if len(mo_list) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected. Check file [%s]" % fn_in)

      cnt = 0
      db_iops = []
      r_cnt = 0
      r_avg = 0.0
      r_min = 0
      r_max = 0
      r_90  = 0
      r_99  = 0
      r_999 = 0
      r_9999 = 0
      w_cnt = 0
      w_avg = 0.0
      w_min = 0
      w_max = 0
      w_90  = 0
      w_99  = 0
      w_999 = 0
      w_9999 = 0
      for e in mo_list:
        rel_time = e[0]
        mo = e[1]
        r_cnt   += int(mo.group("r_cnt"))
        r_avg   += float(mo.group("r_avg"))
        r_min   += int(mo.group("r_min"))
        r_max   += int(mo.group("r_max"))
        r_90    += int(mo.group("r_90"))
        r_99    += int(mo.group("r_99"))
        r_999   += int(mo.group("r_999"))
        r_9999  += int(mo.group("r_9999"))
        w_cnt   += int(mo.group("w_cnt"))
        w_avg   += float(mo.group("w_avg"))
        w_min   += int(mo.group("w_min"))
        w_max   += int(mo.group("w_max"))
        w_90    += int(mo.group("w_90"))
        w_99    += int(mo.group("w_99"))
        w_999   += int(mo.group("w_999"))
        w_9999  += int(mo.group("w_9999"))
        cnt += 1

      db_iops_stat = Stat.Gen(db_iops)

      with open(self.fn_out, "w") as fo_out:
        fo_out.write("# %s" % line_params)
        fo_out.write("# %s" % line_run)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.avg= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.avg)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.min= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.min)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.max= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.max)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._25= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._25)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._50= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._50)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._75= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._75)
        fo_out.write("#   r_cnt  = %14f\n" % (float(r_cnt ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_avg  = %14f\n" % (float(r_avg ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_min  = %14f\n" % (float(r_min ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_max  = %14f\n" % (float(r_max ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_90   = %14f\n" % (float(r_90  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_99   = %14f\n" % (float(r_99  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_999  = %14f\n" % (float(r_999 ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_9999 = %14f\n" % (float(r_9999) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_cnt  = %14f\n" % (float(w_cnt ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_avg  = %14f\n" % (float(w_avg ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_min  = %14f\n" % (float(w_min ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_max  = %14f\n" % (float(w_max ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_90   = %14f\n" % (float(w_90  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_99   = %14f\n" % (float(w_99  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_999  = %14f\n" % (float(w_999 ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_9999 = %14f\n" % (float(w_9999) / cnt))

        fmt = "%8s" \
            " %9.2f" \
            " %6d %8.2f %3d %6d" \
            " %6d %6d %6d %6d" \
            " %6d %8.2f %3d %6d" \
            " %6d %6d %6d %6d"
        header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "rel_time" \
              " db_iops" \
              " read_cnt read_lat_avg read_lat_min read_lat_max" \
              " read_lat_90p read_lat_99p read_lat_99.9p read_lat_99.99p" \
              " write_cnt write_lat_avg write_lat_min write_lat_max" \
              " write_lat_90p write_lat_99p write_lat_99.9p write_lat_99.99p" \

        i = 0
        for e in mo_list:
          rel_time = e[0]
          mo = e[1]
          if i % 40 == 0:
            fo_out.write(header + "\n")
          fo_out.write((fmt + "\n") % (
            , float(mo.group("db_iops"))
            , int(mo.group("r_cnt")) , float(mo.group("r_avg")) , int(mo.group("r_min")) , int(mo.group("r_max"))
            , int(mo.group("r_90")) , int(mo.group("r_99")) , int(mo.group("r_999")) , int(mo.group("r_9999"))
            , int(mo.group("w_cnt")) , float(mo.group("w_avg")) , int(mo.group("w_min")) , int(mo.group("w_max"))
            , int(mo.group("w_90")) , int(mo.group("w_99")) , int(mo.group("w_999")) , int(mo.group("w_9999"))
          i += 1
      Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (self.fn_out, os.path.getsize(self.fn_out)))
예제 #4
 def ReadLat(self):
     if self.r_stat is not None:
         return self.r_stat
     with Cons.MT("Generating read latency stat ..."):
         self.r_stat = Stat.Gen(self.r_raw)
         return self.r_stat